MetaTrader 4 Build 600 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - page 30

After upgrading to MetaTrader 4 Build 600 with Updated MQL4 wanted to know the "exact method" in order to use all of the indicators on this page . Prima upgrade now if you worked all install a new Meta Trader does not work even one, or at least not be loaded after you see between the new indicators.
Appearance response and many thanks

Can you please be a little serious. I can agree that some things could be done a little better, everyone can make error and have to learn from that. This big changes in MT4/mql4 are announced 7 months ago : Upcoming MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 Upgrades - Big Changes Are Underway. This is to the brokers to inform seriously theirs customers. If broker's customers weren't well informed, then ask your broker why and envisage to change your broker. If broker's customer were well informed and no action were taken by the traders then assume your responsibilities. It's always more easy to reject our own faults to others. Of course, everyone is free to use the software he wants.

You're missing the point. MQL released software that was not ready for public use.

The last I heard they were up to build 604. In a week's time, they've released at least three builds that were not ready. If this were a computer game, it would matter less. People risk real money with their software and have lost real money as a result.

It should never have been released with so many bugs. Since they knew the new version would break existing code they should have added the option for users to upgrade when they were ready. It's not that difficult; just add a dialog box saying, "There is a new version available. There is a possibility that your existing indicators, EAs and scripts may experience erratic behavior. Would you like to upgrade now or be reminded later?"

They should never have allowed auto upgrades on software in this condition. Stop try to blame MQL's mistakes on everyone else. "If broker's customer were well informed..." Was anybody told in advance that the new version could cause loss of funds? How many people were warned right before the potentially dangerous upgrade was installed?

Change is constant. We programmer's don't always like it, but we deal with it. The real problem is MQL's decision to foist an unreliable release on an unsuspecting user population.

Unde ai copiați EA pentru a? ce dosar? Ce dosar vedeți atunci când faceți clic pe File> Open Folder de date ?

ok, it seems that no copy right place! ...

make copies directly in the folder Experts

Now I see

I will say first that I love the new editor features like debugging, quick function and variable searching, and autolist on variables however I have one big complaint and I have seen it elsewhere. The editor autolist should not be case sensitive. Yes mql4 and mql5 are both case sensitive languages but I should be able to type "order" and should see all of the order functions appear but I don't unless I type order. I have developed in many environments and I have never seen this feature be case sensitive.

You're missing the point. MQL released software that was not ready for public use.

The last I heard they were up to build 604. In a week's time, they've released at least three builds that were not ready. If this were a computer game, it would matter less. People risk real money with their software and have lost real money as a result.

It should never have been released with so many bugs. Since they knew the new version would break existing code they should have added the option for users to upgrade when they were ready. It's not that difficult; just add a dialog box saying, "There is a new version available. There is a possibility that your existing indicators, EAs and scripts may experience erratic behavior. Would you like to upgrade now or be reminded later?"

They should never have allowed auto upgrades on software in this condition. Stop try to blame MQL's mistakes on everyone else. "If broker's customer were well informed..." Was anybody told in advance that the new version could cause loss of funds? How many people were warned right before the potentially dangerous upgrade was installed?

Change is constant. We programmer's don't always like it, but we deal with it. The real problem is MQL's decision to foist an unreliable release on an unsuspecting user population.

According to metaquotes all ex4 files will continue to work but that source code files may not compile and I myself have found this to be the case. Did you not? That is to say, if your compiled version was working before the upgrade then it should continue to work. What will happen is that when you start mt4, you will see the experts and indicators appear like they would with no source code which in my opinion should give plenty of time to adjust.

According to metaquotes all ex4 files will continue to work but that source code files may not compile and I myself have found this to be the case. Did you not? That is to say, if your compiled version was working before the upgrade then it should continue to work. What will happen is that when you start mt4, you will see the experts and indicators appear like they would with no source code which in my opinion should give plenty of time to adjust.
This is NOT the case. Some .ex4 files will not work as intended . . . but many, maybe even most, will.

My MT version is 4 Built 604 (7 febr 2014).

I would like use trading signal subscribes.

I read the help... On the TOOLS / OPTIONS, i do'n t find the SIGNALS Tab.

In the the Terminal window I have not SIGNALS Tab.

What must to do to be those buttons?

rwbta: 1) You're missing the point. MQL released software that was not ready for public use.

The last I heard they were up to build 604. In a week's time, they've released at least three builds that were not ready. If this were a computer game, it would matter less. People risk real money with their software and have lost real money as a result.

It should never have been released with so many bugs. 2) Since they knew the new version would break existing code ... 3) they should have added the option for users to upgrade when they were ready. It's not that difficult; just add a dialog box saying, "There is a new version available. 4)There is a possibility that your existing indicators, EAs and scripts may experience Erratic behavior. Would you like to upgrade now or be reminded later?"

They should never have allowed auto upgrades on software in this condition. 5) Stop try to blame MQL's mistakes on everyone else. "If broker's customer were well informed..." Was anybody told in advance that the new version could cause loss of funds? How many people were warned right before the potentially dangerous upgrade was installed?

6)Change is constant. We programmer's don't always like it, but we deal with it. 7) The real problem is MQL's decision to foist an unreliable release on an unsuspecting user population.

1) Then let the public NOT use it. That's what I would do. When a new version of Windows comes out, my historical experience is that allot of people say "I'll wait till Microsoft work-out the bugs before I upgrade".

2) False ... 99% of mql4 compiled under 509 works. The other stuff isn't for typical users like .DLL support and Historical-Data Structures. No ... Meta-Quotes didn't keep her promise 100% but some of these changes were needed and from a Programmers POV I don't see how they could built modern-functionality upon old technology.

3) Lol ... They would be the dumbest company in the world ... if they didn't learn their lesson from the woes of Meta-Trader5. If they give users this option, allot of user would choose NOT-TO update because they like something within their current version which might be taken away in a new built. Example: Ability to Import-Tick Data (easily) || Ability to Decompile || Ability to use 3rd party .Dll which enhances the platform || Ability to hack the platform || Just waiting for Bugs to work-out.

Not only that, allot of people would have different version of mt4 on their systems having different capabilities and trying to talk to the most up-to-date Broker-Server. Mt4 isn't a stand-along game (just like you said) it must be synced up with a Server-Side through the Internet. Using mt4 on real-money account implies that someone has an active internet connection.

4) Haha .. very funny .. which software company does that.

5) Stop trying to blame Meta-Quotes, they make software for the Brokers. They should be an Invincible-Company working in the background. All brokers I know offer multiple platforms. There's usually also 1-Properitary Platform designed specifically by the Broker. What I've noticed is that allot of brokers much rather YOU use their proprietary platform. But as you can imagine, any broker who doesn't offer Meta-Trader would certainly receive mounting questions about why they don't. The brokers take the stance of ... if you want Meta-Trader ... here's Meta-Trader. Now you guys deal with them.

If someone is looking for someone to sue .. then sue the brokers. They have your contact info like email-address they should be the ones contacting you telling you about updates. Which they do a good job doing while at the same time saying deal with Meta-Quotes if something goes wrong. Where I live, we call that passing the buck.

6) Yeah lets deal with it by trying to solve these bugs and understand the changes instead of trying to start a movement of public out-cry.

7) Traders should stay on-top of the trading platform they're using. 7-months || Over 50 different Built || Suggestions + Testing || Developers on this Forum Commenting || Brokers emails about up-coming updates. But I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion. When meta-Quotes announced the pre-alpha 7+ months ago, I taught to myself ... well this is different ... usually we just get a new built with One-Click-Trading or something ... I guess they really don't want anyone saying they didn't see this coming.


When trying to compile include file I'm getting errors like "MarketInfo - function not defined", yet when creating new expert it works fine.

Having reference for both mql4 and mql5 is very confusing. Is there nowhere to be found what actually have been changed, added and removed. In full detail?

Edit: Let me just add that i did not move files to the new directories...


1) Then let the public NOT use it. That's what I would do. When a new version of Windows comes out, my historical experience is that allot of people say "I'll wait till Microsoft work-out the bugs before I upgrade".

2) False ... 99% of mql4 compiled under 509 works. The other stuff isn't for typical users like .DLL support and Historical-Data Structures. No ... Meta-Quotes didn't keep her promise 100% but some of these changes were needed and from a Programmers POV I don't see how they could built modern-functionality upon old technology.

3) Lol ... They would be the dumbest company in the world ... if they didn't learn their lesson from the woes of Meta-Trader5. If they give users this option, allot of user would choose to NOT-TO update because they like something within their current version which might be taken away in a new built. Example: Ability to Import-Tick Data (easily) || Ability to Decompile || Ability to use 3rd party .Dll which enhances the platform || Ability to hack the platform.

Not only that, allot of people would have different version of mt4 on their systems having different capabilities and trying to talk to the most up-to-date Broker-Server. Mt4 isn't a stand-along game (just like you said) it must be synced up with a Server-Side through the Internet. Using mt4 on real-money account implies that someone has an active internet connection.

4) Haha .. very funny .. which software company does that.

5) Stop trying to blame Meta-Quotes, they make software for the Brokers. They should be an Invincible-Company working in the background. All brokers I know offer multiple platforms. There's usually also 1-Properitary Platform designed specifically by the Broker. What I've noticed is that allot of brokers much rather YOU use their proprietary platform. But as you can imagine, any broker who doesn't offer Meta-Trader would certainly receive mounting questions about why they don't. The brokers take the stance of ... if you want Meta-Trader ... here's Meta-Trader. Now you guys deal with them.

If someone is looking for someone to sue .. then sue the brokers. They have your contact info like email-address they should be the ones contacting you telling you about updates. Which they do a good job doing while at the same time saying deal with Meta-Quotes if something goes wrong. Where I live, we call that passing the buck.

6) Yeah lets deal with it by trying to solve these bugs and understand the changes instead of trying to start a movement of public out-cry.

7) Traders should stay on-top of the trading platform they're using. 7-months || Over 50 different Built || Suggestions + Testing || Developers on this Forum Commenting || Brokers emails about up-coming updates. But I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion. When meta-Quotes announced the pre-alpha 7+ months ago, I taught to myself ... well this is different ... usually we just get a new built with One-Click-Trading or something ... I guess they really don't want anyone saying they didn't see this coming.

I get that you really, really like the folks at MQL; in general I have nothing against them. I repeat, the problem is they released buggy software before it was ready.

1) I agree let the public not use it; let them wait until the bugs are fixed before forcing an upgrade. Let's not get into the semantics of forcing; they are not forcing anyone to use their upgrade, they merely forced the upgrades on users' systems. Many users have accounts tied to MT, so they may have to stop trading and apply for new accounts using a different platform. It is a complication few users would enjoy. I'm sure many are hoping MQL fixes the problems in the very near future.

2) I don't know where you got the 99% number. Who was it that tested every compiled mq4 in the world (or at least a statistically significant number of them)? Don't make up numbers in the hopes of proving a point. It's nice that you are trying so hard to defend MQL; but sometimes it's better for a company to admit they made a mistake and just fix it without trying to blame everyone else.

3) The update option doesn't have to be for an eternity, just a month or so until they fix the bugs. No company should release financial software without sufficiently testing. You ask, what companies allow people to upgrade when they are ready? Microsoft, Adobe, and Apple for starters.

4) Do you really think it is so bad for a company to admit there are risks involved in using their untested software? It may be embarrassing but it's better than getting sued. We are not talking about Notepad; MT handles accounts with tens of thousands of dollars in them. Do you really believe MQL has no responsibility to release reliable software. If you lost hundreds or thousands of dollars because of excessive timeouts that caused your stop loss to be passed (or other issues), would you feel the same way?

5) We are talking about problems on MQL's platform. Why shouldn't they be held responsible for their mistakes. Again, I applaud your fervent support of MQL; they will undoubtedly get through this crisis. Your insistence that they are not responsible for the quality of their software is not reasonable. Brokers may end up getting sued, but it was MQL that developed and released unreliable software; it is ultimately MQL's responsibility.

6) Yes; lets deal with this problem that MQL dumped in our laps. In the meantime, they should get moving and fix the bugs they released. If there was not a public outcry, do really think MT4 would already be up to build 604? Also, they need to get these new builds to the brokers as soon as they can because some brokers are still stuck with earlier buggy 60x versions.

7) I seriously doubt that anyone saw all this coming. There are too many problems to justify blaming the users. Who really expects a trusted financial software development company to release buggy software?

If you want to take the time continuing your quest to defend the indefensible, go ahead. I know they made bad mistakes over the past week. I know blaming everyone else and not taking responsibility for the mistakes is wrong. I don't need to continue defending my point of view and am quite tired of this whole mess.