MetaTrader 4 Build 600 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - page 26


how you did know, which document is old and which document is new?

did you see any document, comparing old and new precedence rules?

are you running real money with your code?

not polite answer..

1) I read the forum.

2) I give you the old rules. Would you like me to tell you how to find the new rules as well?

3) Yes, been doing so for years now.

4) Sorry you feel that way.


Who are these people who are blaming MQ for stealth updates of third-party products via DLLs? Where are the posts about it on this forum?

This forum is full of people blaming MQ for a forced but non-stealth update of their own product, and investigating the issues. To use another phrase of your own, you seem to be going "off topic"

My point was that your post was materially inaccurate: you said DLLs but you meant "Allow DLL imports". This kind of inaccuracy - presumably deliberate - seems to be what you yourself call "scare tactics"

  • Why would you capitalize upon my post without reading the history?
  • I was responding to Ovo statement about stealth-updates from Developers.
  • I taught it was Scary (you cannot tell me how to feel)
  • I ask him to clarify if this could happen through mql4 vs .dll
  • What does "Allow DLL Imports" matter if someone could do this through mql4?
  • If the updates are Non-Stealth, they aren't Forced ... Just say No.

out of a lot of the old MT4 EA that worked after the update, does not work anything right!

I believe lack of communication is part of the problem. My broker was under the impression this update would only affect MQL4 developers and that all previously compiled ex4 applications would be totally compatable with the upgrade.

For this reason they did not make a big deal about it. I received only a single communication from them, it appeared in the mail tab of MT4. I did not recieve any regular email.

I am very surprised by this kind of talk coming from a broker. For my part I see only two possibilities, they telling fibs to cover, or they are incompetent. It will also often together.
  • Brokers staff are usually dumb. Ever tried chatting with one of them ... they're the last ones to know (or pretend not to know).
  • If my company used Meta-Trader and Meta-Quotes left me in the dark like that, I'd stop offering Meta-Trader to my Clients ... Period.
  • I do-not buy their excuses one bit. They're covering their a** as usual. They're MQ's Clients for God's sake ... Threaten them.
  • Exactly what are they trying to display here .... Ignorance || Incompetence ?
  • From the responses on this form ... some of them knew as early as 6-months ago ... if some knew ALL knew.
  • Its not that difficult to have a milling list of Brokers ... Or do people also believe that Mq tailors their Announcements to individual Brokers?

Good insight.
out of a lot of the old MT4 EA that worked after the update, does not work anything right!
Can you give concrete example ?
  • I think MT need to make this Beta stable ... and they need to accomplish this fast.

This is not a beta. This is production software being pushed to users via silent/forced updates for trading on live accounts with real money.
xaphod: This is not a beta. This is production software being pushed to users via silent/forced updates for trading on live accounts with real money.
  • Agreed. They should get this thing* stable to the level of mt5 Asap.
  • Dis-agree about it being Silent || Forced.
  • No one's being Forced to trade Real Money with it.

I am very surprised by this kind of talk coming from a broker. For my part I see only two possibilities, they telling fibs to cover, or they are incompetent. It will also often together.

Here is the communication minus the brokers name:

  • Dis-agree about it being Silent || Forced.
  • No one's being Forced to trade Real Money with it.

Who said anything about anyone being forced to trade real money with it?
"production software being pushed to users via silent/forced updates"

My live account was updated without any interaction on my part. If that is not a silent/forced update then we are clearly not speaking the same language.

What exaclty is the purpose of the software if it is not for trading real money and why do brokers offer it for trading on live accounts?