11 January 2024, 17:43
Raimund Bauer

20240101: DOWNLOAD 28 result videos for this system

20240101: README Documentation (updated often):

20240102: System Download for Demo accounts:

20240103: Account Setup: 

20240104: Trading System Import: 

20240105: First Account Profit:

20240106: Setup MX Linux server in 5 minutes:

20240107: Setup Metatrader on Linux in 3 minutes:

20240109: Live Updates & Live Profit:

20240110: Live Online Statistics:

20240111: How to analyze your results:

20240112: Watch a forex quake live:

In the last video we had connected our robot trading system with Metatrader and I had already connected an account with Roboforex. That's the broker that I usually prefer. But we had a problem with the recognition of the demo account. Therefore we are now using an original metaquotes demo account here and this already was active. We have seen the first few trades here. Now I would like to adjust a few settings. The first thing is when you right click on the chart you can pick a time frame. In my case we are using 1 hour and that is what I prefer to do with real accounts. But you could pick any other time frame. Personally I think the 1 hour time frame is the one that most people see on their charts. But as this is a demo account and we want to do an experiment, I will pick the 1 minute time frame and that should lead to new open positions within a minute or two in case we are getting a signal here. So let's change that to 1 minute and there we are. You can enable or disable the trading panel here. We don't really need it, so I disable it and I would like to adjust a few other things. For example, I don't like the grid, so now that is out of the way. If you want to adjust the colors of the chart you can press the f eight key and here are some settings that you might want to change. For example, here is a chart shift that will move the candles to the left in case you are going to use indicators that are shifted into the future. I don't want to see the quick trading buttons and I'm fine with the colors. So I click on ok and once you are satisfied with the chart settings you can right click select templates and save it as a default template. Here are some example templates. I will name this one default and save it and that's basically it. If you click on the history tab you can see that we made a few trades. Today is January the fourth and now that we have changed the settings to 1 minute, we should see a few more trades today. So basically the proof of concept that the system is working is enough for now. In the next few videos we make a few more adjustments, but so far I'm satisfied with the results. That's it for this video. I say thank you for watching and will see you in the next one.