Vacation Ethiopia Travel

Vacation Ethiopia Travel

8 August 2017, 17:01
Vacation Ethiopia Travel

Ethiopia Land of Origin

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Ethiopia Invites you to discover why it is the Origin of so much History and Culture, Vibrantly Alive in a landscape of dramatic Beauty.

1.Meskel festival

The festival of Maskel is celebrated across Ethiopia on the 26th of September to commemorate the unearthing of the True Holy Cross of Christ.

UNESCO selected the Meskel festival from among the 31 heritages presented to its 8th Conference of intangible cultural heritages.

2. Ethiopian Christmas – Genna (7 January)

While the Gregorian calendar celebrates Christmas on the 25th of December, Ethiopia still retains the ancient Julian calendar in which Christmas falls on January 7th (of the Gregorian calendar.) Its typically, a hot summer day and people in towns and villages dress up in their finest to celebrate. 

3.Ethiopia Timket (Epiphany) Celebration(January19)

The festival of Timket falls on January19 every year. It is observed in commemoration of Jesus Christ’s baptism in River Jordan. The celebration of Timket starts on the eve of the main festival.  The eve is known as ’Ketera’ and taken from the Amharic word ‘ketere’ meaning to  make a dam; it is usual to make a dam in some places where there is no enough river water for the celebration of Timket.

       Come to Visit Ethiopia and you will discover why Ethiopia is Original in many ways.

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