E-Mini, SPX: Market is Aiming for 2285-2300!

E-Mini, SPX: Market is Aiming for 2285-2300!

4 January 2017, 12:44

Market finally confirmed the end of a micro correction (wave 4) these first days of 2017 and has established a bullish 1-2 setup for the next leg up towards 2285-2300. 

E-Mini 60Min Chart - January 4, 2017
Primary Count

In the above chart, we see that E-Mini is still trading inside a bullish cycle (green iii) that needs at least to hit a new high above 2280. If market follows an impulsive route above the upper-bound of white channel then our main target area for green iii is 2300-2315.

We are long ES 2240 & 2240.50

SPY 4H Chart - January 4, 2017 ... Read More