Riksbank Could Stay ‘On-Hold’ in April – Danske Bank

Riksbank Could Stay ‘On-Hold’ in April – Danske Bank

8 April 2016, 09:00
Roberto Jacobs

Riksbank Could Stay ‘On-Hold’ in April – Danske Bank

According to Senior Analyst at Danske Bank Sverre Holbek, the Riksbank could stay put at its meeting later in the month.

Key Quotes

“In relation to SEK, deputy Skingsley said in a speech today that only if there are significant downward revisions of inflation and economic forecasts would she consider further stimulus”.

“We think more members of the monetary policy committee may share her opinion as Floden and Ohlsson were against the recent interest rate cut”.

“Hence, it is quite likely that the Riksbank will refrain from further QE in April. A relatively less dovish Riksbank would yield support to the undervalued SEK, in our view”.

(Market News Provided by FXstreet)