Market Movers for the Day – Danske Bank

Market Movers for the Day – Danske Bank

8 June 2016, 07:58
Roberto Jacobs

Market Movers for the Day – Danske Bank

Research Team at Danske Bank, suggests that there are no major economic data releases due today in either the US or the euro area.

Key Quotes

“In the UK, production and construction data for April is due to be released. This will give us some information about how the UK economy performed at the beginning of Q2. Also, the NIESR GDP estimate for May will attract some attention. Overall, growth slowed in Q1 and it is likely that Q2 was even weaker.

In Sweden, the Swedish National Debt Office (SNDO) is due to publish May Government net lending numbers. As of now, there has been a strong positive deviation from previous government forecasts due to higher VAT and income tax revenues. Should this continue in May, we fear the SNDO may need to make a revision of its bond auction plans in its upcoming forecast (published a week later, 15 June).”
