The End of Australia

The End of Australia

1 September 2015, 12:09
Matthew Todorovski

The real story behind Australia's economic collapse and what you can do to survive it...

Imagine one day everything is fine…and the next day we’re Greece: your ATM will only give you $80 maximum; your bank refuses to open; and not a single store will take your credit card…

Share investors trapped in a collapsing market, trying to escape out of the equivalent of a cat flap…

Your superannuation fund shedding 30% in a matter of months, like many did in 2008…but then continuing down, down, and further DOWN…

Panic-selling in the property market turning the boom into bust in a matter of months…

The whole Australian lending system seizing up…free-flowing credit reduced to a trickle…

Evaporating jobs and plunging house prices…emergency taxes and disappearing entitlements…shuttered businesses and civil unrest…