September's outlook: brace for more volatility!

September's outlook: brace for more volatility!

31 August 2015, 13:26
Alice F
1 792

The last summer day serves to complete quite a big deal of things. Enjoying the last straw of the summer 2015 would be pleasurable, but a wiser thing to do would be making plans for autumn. For market players, September's economic outlook promises more volatility. Here is what you need to know about the central banks' scheduled meetings and benchmark interest rates in September:

The Reserve Bank of Australia will revise its benchmark interest rate on the 1st of September.

The European Central Bank’s Policy Meeting is due on the 3rd of September. The ECB President and Vice President will explain the decision on interest rates at the press conference following the announcement of the interest rates.

The Bank of Canada Rate Statement on 9th of September will be closely monitored.

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand will publish its interest rate decision accompanied with a press conference on the same day. In the last two policy meetings, the New Zealand’s Central Bank cut interest rates.

On the 10th of September, Monetary Policy Committee at the Bank of England will vote on the bank rate and the asset purchase facility.

On the 14th of September, the Bank of Japan will release its revised decision on its benchmark interest rate which was last changed in February 1999 to 0.0 percent.

On the 17th of September, the Swiss National Bank is expected to revise its interest rate early in the morning. Following a double rate cut at the start of 2015, Switzerland's benchmark interest rate is now at the record low of -0.75%.

Later in the day, the Federal Reserve meeting, perhaps the most closely-watched event of the year – especially due to the questions on China market turmoil, economic contagion and low inflation – will be in to focus of market players' attention. A press conference will follow the publication of the decision to explain the reasons behind it.