The IMF Is Waiting The Approval Of Europe Over Greece

The IMF Is Waiting The Approval Of Europe Over Greece

15 August 2015, 14:39

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Thursday yesterday said they need the decision of other European Union members over Greece aid package, will they contribute or not in the bailout.

Senior IMF officials Delia Velculescu responding after them one team in a meeting in Athens this week along with the Government of Greece and European financial officials to discuss aid plans it.

The European Union Expect Greece's Debt Rises Sharply

The European Union estimates rise sharply in the next two years Greece debt, wrote the daily Die Welt in Germany, they have seen the latest analysis from the European Union, mentioning Greece's debt is getting worse.

According to the newspaper that, Eu research conducted to estimate debt Greece grew 194% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015 and 201% of GDP in 2016.

Greece's debt currently ranges from 320 billion euros, or valued at 170% of national production.

For the future, the research estimated the debt will decline to 175% of GDP in 2020 and to 114% of GDP by 2030, the level was still higher than 120% suggested the IMF as a continuous debt limit, write newspaper it is.

Reports over the value of debt it appears when the Parliament of Greece are conducting a vote on approval for a strict austerity terms in order to disburse aid package totaling 85 billion euros (94.8 billion u.s. dollars), this is the third bailout for that country since 2010.

The bailout agreement that was mutually agreed lender Greece, namely the European Union, the European Central Bank (ECB), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and also must be approved by other EU members and the Parliament of some Member States, particularly Germany.

The Finance Ministers of EU countries meeting in Brussels Friday yesterday in order to decide on the approval of the bailout agreement.