The IMF will not join the Fund.

The IMF will not join the Fund.

1 August 2015, 17:04
New Greece Bailouts

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Wednesday, said it would not join the program bailouts (bailout) new to Greece until requirements for debt sustainability, including debt relief and economic reform, is clearly unconvincing.

"In order to ensure medium-term sustainability, there is a need for tough decisions on both sides ... tough decisions in Greece about reform, and tough decisions between European partners Greece about debt relief," said a senior official of the IMF.

Speaking to reporters, officials said the IMF could only support a financial rescue program "comprehensive".

"We must not be under the illusion that one side can fix the problem," he said.

"The obvious that it will take some time before the parties are ready to take this decision."

The officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymous reiterating the stance of the IMF after the Financial Times reported about the meeting of the Executive Board of the Fund which took place Wednesday.

In the meeting, according to the report, IMF staff FT stressed that Athens needed more progress of the reform, and the creditor countries of the European Union requires a clearer commitment on debt relief, before the IMF could join in the programs of the proposed new bailouts of 86 billion euros (93,8 billion u.s. dollars) to the country.

Senior officials said Thursday that he has learned that the detailed plan for debt relief will not happen in the next few months during the first phase of the development of the new plan.

"They want to see the implementation of the policies before they are willing to discuss debt relief in the details that are needed," he said, referring to the members of the Board of the IMF.

"Everyone understands that the IMF can only start at the time when this decision from both pihakdiambil," he said, adding that "there is not anything new we have decided."!tab=history