Iranian oil will not appear on the market during the quarter more

Iranian oil will not appear on the market during the quarter more

15 July 2015, 13:22
Alexey Mashkovtsev
Iranian oil will not appear on the market during the quarter more

Key news yesterday - an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program. It is reached and all the attention on the conditions for lifting the embargo on the supply of oil. It is in the context of the negative impact on the quotes Brent evaluated data agreement. Increasing the supply of oil on the market by 500 thousand. Bbl. / Day in the long term 6-12 months after the removal of all restrictions taken as the norm. The intrigue of the sale amounted to tens of millions of barrels of oil that are already stored in tankers. In this regard, fearing sell players can breathe easy - in the long run the next 3-4 months, the canopy offers on the market does not spill. Cancel embargo furnished a number of conditions, the implementation of which Iran must be confirmed by the IAEA. The time period for this - October-December. This information is allowed Brent quotations not only win back the morning losses, but also to grow at the end of yesterday's trading session. However, the likelihood of a further reduction of quotations is still higher than the chances of a positive development dynamics.

China's economy in the 2nd quarter. 2015 showed a marked acceleration. In the quarterly comparison the growth rate of China's GDP increased from 1.4% to 1.7%. In annual terms, growth still remains at 7%. The market had expected a slowdown in what had happened. There is a positive surprise, especially since the figures on industrial production, investment and retail sales for June were also better than expected. It would seem that the stock and commodity markets should respond positively to the published statistics. However, copper and oil are in place, and the Chinese stock market, on the contrary, resumed its decline. Shanghai Composite falls to 4%, again giving rise to doubts about the effectiveness of measures taken by the authorities to stabilize the situation.

The good news is that the dynamics of stock indices of China will not be repeated in other Asian markets, which are trading in positive territory. We expect that optimism will be supported and overseas - corporate reporting season has started very well. Has reported yesterday JPMorganChase and WellsFargo not only the overgrowth presented financial results, but also strengthened the optimism of market participants in relation to other members of the financial sector. Today will report US Bancorp and Bank of America, tomorrow - Goldman Sachs and Citigroup.

All the attention is now on the dividend gap of "preferred shares" Surgtuneftegaza. I do not think it's worth catching "falling knife." Moreover, that dividends for 2015 are expected to be almost an order of magnitude lower. We should expect recovery in price parity "obychek" and "preferred shares" of the company.

Main News:

- China's GDP growth in Q2. 2015 accelerated to 1.7% q / q (+ 7% y / y) - better than expected

- Oil Bashneft 1 floor. 2015 increased by 12% to 9.5 million tonnes

- The net profit of KAMAZ in the 1st half. 2015 under RAS grew 15 times to 161.6 million rubles.

- GAZ Group restructured its debt of 33.3 billion rubles. to Sberbank and VTB

- A.Tsipras does not believe in the success of the agreements signed; The IMF said the agreement is unrealistic without a deep debt write-off