Trading is just a business !!!

1 October 2014, 13:20
Tomas Valko
Trading is just a business !!! ,...


   As we are trading , we develop and this is another step or thing which you have to realize ! I will give you an example for better understanding what i have written .

How do you feel when you buy a milk ?
How do you feel when you buy a apple ?

   Let me guess ! You feel nothing . And it is the same with trading or it should be ! Everything has its pros and cons and also this one need some mental trayining ,... Lets talk about it little bit ,...

"Trading is like tennis"

   I have been thinking about it and understand it later - one day you are milionaire and second one are going to have margin call

1 . Concentration

   It is very important aspect of trading . To be concentrated means to see one step in the future before you make it without you will be nervous. That mean you will just stay calm . This stage of concentration coud be done only by trayining. When you concentrate you see details and you see the things in more realistic way! But now there is a question HOW to improve our concentration ! You must do it regularly ,... when you feel nervous try to find what makes you unconfortable and try to control this aspect.

2.  Recovery

   After each trade which cause us the loose we feel little bit bad. In this case we should use the recovery stages .At first we should relax and relax and relax ... between each trade we should clear our mind ! Just make things you like. After the relaxation stage we should prepare again ! In the case your system is without problem just make you obvious preparation but if your system is not profitable just think little bit about it and prepare - but ! try to find the mistake.The last stage of recovery should involves the surrendering to the immediate action.

3 Breath control

Just sit down and breath slowly and deeply. Just monitor your breathing and stay calm . After you breath slowly and deeply concentrate on place or thing which you would like to achieve. All this sound crazy i know but just try it ,...make it regularly and after each relaxation slowly open your eyes and prepare.

4.The power of positive visualization

   Try to learn think in positive way. When you will sit to your computer with bad mood and with plenty of problems dont wait that your trading will be beautifull and without problems .

Remenber ,... Trading is just a business !!!!

There are many methods how to stay calm and make our trade more comfortable ,....

Wish you all luck