As for the 6 months to make a million dollars in the forex market!

As for the 6 months to make a million dollars in the forex market!

5 August 2014, 21:58
Roman Smirnov
5 848
Make a million dollars in about half a year in forex is quite real, it needs a bit of math, and most importantly - no zhadnosti.Kak and many other traders at first I tried to take on each transaction to the maximum, which often resulted in subsidence, loss and slivam..Posle another drain deposit I realized that I needed to come up with some kind of a clear plan on which I will move increasing its depo.Odin trader said it was enough to make 10-20% a day to have a good income, but I decided to calculate how much you need to do % at least a day to half a year to get a million bucks. 

It turned out it's simple: 

Take an initial deposit of $ 1,000. 

If every day to increase it to 4% of that in half a year you'll have $ 000 in 1000! (assuming reinvestment - ie you will not withdraw profit) 

Count yourself on the calculator 

Day 1: 1000 + 4 = 1040% 

Day 2: 1040 + 4% = 1081.6 

And so on (assuming 25 working days per month), we obtain: 

1 month - $ 2265 

2 month - $ 7104 

3 month - $ 19695 

4 month - $ 54603 

5 month - $ 145,564 

6 month - $ 388,051 

7 month - $ 1,034,482 

Ie, we have an increase in the deposit more than exponentially - about 2.7 times per month. 

And so it is left to decide how to make the 4% per day. There have each their own preferences. I like to play a lot in the 50% of depozita.Srazu foresee surprised looks and ridicule, because it is a big risk and td..Pochemu such a big item? It's simple - playing this lot to get the dates we need to take 4% of the transaction + spread 8-9 points 3 points - just 12 points !! 

I believe that to guess the direction of the trend 1 per day by 12 points is not too difficult. You can limit the losses stop orders .. If you find this a lot you can not play 50% and 25% for example then you will need to get to 21 points per day, which is consistent harder .. 

So what we need: 

- $ 1,000 initial deposit 
- Daily deal with a profit of 12 points (4% of the depot) 
- Nerves of steel for the next half a year =) 

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