10 Thursday Reads

10 Thursday Reads

30 October 2014, 14:58
Sergey Golubev
  • Fed’s Axis of Opposition Shifts From Hawks to Doves (Real Time Economics) but see Why the Fed Is Giving Up Too Soon on the Economy (Wonkblog)
  • Buybacks Can Juice Per-Share Profit, Pad Executive Pay (CFO Report)
  • GLD’s Fall From Grace (A Wealth of Common Sense) see also Gold Equals 15 Barrels of Oil in Bearish Sign for Bullion (Bloomberg)
  • Everything You Think You Know About the News Is Probably Wrong (Quartz)
  • The Timeless Allure of Stock-Market Timers (Barron’s)
  • Goldman Sachs Spooked the Market by Dethroning OPEC and Declaring the U.S. King (Quartz) see also Why the Drop in Oil Prices Caught So Many by Surprise (WSJ)
  • Germany’s Car Elite to Go After Tesla (Epoch Times)
  • Apple Pay Registered One Million Credit Cards in First 72 Hours (Re/Code) see also Retailers Like Wal-Mart Have Started a War Against Apple That They Have No Chance of Winning (Business Insider)
  • U.S. Suspends Risky Disease Research: The government will cease funding “gain-of-function” studies that make viruses more dangerous (Scientific American)
  • For $100,000, You Can Clone Your Dog (Businessweek) see also Cloning Cows From Steaks (and Other Ways of Building Better Cattle) (National Geographic)

What are you reading?