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On Tuesday German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said he did not think member states of the European Union should contribute to the EU's planned 315 billion euro investment fund...
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News, 27 January 2015, 13:59
Basically, they are telling us that, in spite of the impressive growth of the US dollar in 2014, the dollar is still valid. BMO Capital: The outlook on currencies for 2015: PS: indicators that you can use in your trading system. Good Luck...
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Vasilii Apostolidi, 27 January 2015, 13:54
After the EURUSD collapsed to yet another 11-year low at 1.1097 following the outcome of the general election in Greece, the Euro bulls managed to recover lost ground against the USD on Monday with the pair advancing as high as 1.1290...
Analytics & Forecasts
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ForexTime, 27 January 2015, 13:17
The Brown Brothers Harriman Team comments on the intra-EU political scenario arising from Tsipras victory, and view that the possibility of Grexit is next to none...
Market News
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Andrius Kulvinskas, 27 January 2015, 13:16
Good morning! Here's what you need to know in markets today. Winter Storm Downgrade. The northeast U.S. was pounded by snow overnight. Just before 6:00 a.m. ET, the blizzard warning for New York City was downgraded to a winter storm warning. The New York Stock Exchange Will Be Open...
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Andrius Kulvinskas, 27 January 2015, 13:06
On Tuesday the pound sterling slid lower against the greenback after official data indicated that economic growth slowed in the fourth quarter of 2014, although grew at the fastest annual rate since 2007...
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News, 27 January 2015, 12:50 #Bank of England, eur/gbp
The euro continues to post gains on Tuesday, as EUR/USD trades just above the 1.13 line in the European session. On the release front, there are no Eurozone economic reports. EU finance ministers will meet in Brussels later in the day...
Market News
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Andrius Kulvinskas, 27 January 2015, 12:27 #EUR/USD
British Petroleum has frozen the pay of its 84,000 staff globally in response to the sharp drop in the oil price, which has more than halved in the past six months...
Company News
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News, 27 January 2015, 12:26 #FTSE 100, Brent
European traders turned decently bid at market open amid Russian credit rating has been revised down to junk by the S&P. Although the decision was partially priced in, renewed pressures on the ruble keep traders alert on potential CBR intervention...
Market News
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Andrius Kulvinskas, 27 January 2015, 12:22
The Swiss currency fell to its lowest level against the euro since the Swiss National Bank abandoned its exchange-rate cap as the SNB’s vice president Jean-Pierre Danthine reiterated it is to intervene in markets...
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News, 27 January 2015, 10:57 #Swiss National Bank
On Monday, market talk focused on the victory of left-wing Syriza in the Greek parliamentary elections. However, the result had absolutely no negative impact on the euro. EUR/USD even rebounded well off the correction low (1.1098) to trade in the higher half of the 1...
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Andrius Kulvinskas, 27 January 2015, 10:37
The EUR/USD pair made another attempt at 1.13 levels, although the momentum faded away around 1.1290 levels amid lack of fresh fundamental triggers. The pair currently trades at 1.1278, after having hit a high of 1.1291 levels...
Analytics & Forecasts
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Andrius Kulvinskas, 27 January 2015, 10:26
On Tuesday gold fluctuated near a one-week low, as market players anticipated the start of a Federal Reserve meeting later in the day for further clarification on when interest rates might start to grow...
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News, 27 January 2015, 10:03 #comex, copper, silver
THE EURO closed higher due to short covering on Monday as it consolidated some of the decline off December's high. The highrange close sets the stage for a steady to higher opening when Tuesday's night session begins trading...
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Andrius Kulvinskas, 27 January 2015, 09:41
The far-left Syriza party won Greece's general election by a larger-than-expected margin. Securing 149 of 300 seats, Syriza defeated the incumbent New Democracy Party but still fell short of an absolute majority...
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Andrius Kulvinskas, 27 January 2015, 09:38
For the 24 hours to 23:00 GMT, the USD rose 0.27% against the CAD to close at 1.2476. In the Asian session, at GMT0400, the pair is trading at 1.2488, with the USD trading 0.1% higher from yesterday’s close. The pair is expected to find support at 1...
Analytics & Forecasts
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Andrius Kulvinskas, 27 January 2015, 09:36
The Netherlands added to its gold holdings for the first time since 1998 as the ninth-biggest holder boosted assets to the highest in seven years, while Russia bought for a ninth month, International Monetary Fund data showed...
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News, 27 January 2015, 09:27
1. The price/book ratio is a way of measuring the price of the company relative to its net assets...
Trading Systems
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Sergey Golubev, 27 January 2015, 09:11 #stock market, stocks
On Tuesday the euro steadied as markets digested Syriza's pledge to renegotiate the terms of Greece's €240 billion international bailout. The Australian dollar traded weaker in Asia on a mixed business confidence and conditions outlook by National Australia Bank (NAB...
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News, 27 January 2015, 08:48 #Bank of Japan, ECB, usd/jpy
Abdullah al-Badri, OPEC Secretary-General, said oil prices may have bottomed out, also warning there exists a risk of a future jump to $US200 a barrel if investment in new supplies was too low. After his comments, Brent crude oil prices traded above $US48 on Tuesday...
Crude Oil
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News, 27 January 2015, 08:05 #OPEC, WTI, Brent