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همه عوامل را باید در نمودارها دید و بر روی عرضه و تقاضا تمرکز کرد جای روانشناسیهای بدون پشتوانه علمی باید کار کردن با ابزارهاییکه بر همین اساس و دیگر عوامل تاثیرگذار با صرف ملیونها ساعت کار و تجربه بوجود آمده اند را بیاموزیم و بارها و بارها آموخته ها را خود تجربه کنیم تا بتوانیم در این دنیای وسیع...
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Amoo Akbar, 16 September 2017, 09:29
یکی رو میشناسم که چند ساله در یکی از سهم های پر معامله منتظره تا از بغل سهمش داراییش به اوج برسه . تا 5 درصد میره بالا چراغونی میکنه و تا 5 درصد میاد پائین فحاشی میکنه به فروشنده ها...
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Amoo Akbar, 16 September 2017, 09:20
دوستان گلم چطورید؟ من خوبم ولی اگر شما هم خوب باشید بهتر هستم! مطلبی داشتم که عرض می کنم. بعضی هم وطنان عزیز و معامله گر همیشه اول حرف هایشان چنین است: ای کاش، خدا کند، چه می شد اگر، الهی و ..... خوب دوست محترم اگر قرار است اینطور حرف بزنی برو مسجد محله تون تا می تونی دعا کن...
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Amoo Akbar, 16 September 2017, 09:16
وقتی نقدینگی در بورس نیست باید توجه کرد که نقدینگی به کدام سمت هدایت شده و چرا ؟ بیتوجهی و یا کم توجهی به همین موضوع یکی از دلایل زیان سنگین من یا بهتر است بنویسم عدم کسب درآمد و آب شدن سرمایه من در طول چهار سال گذشته بوده است (و البته هزاران نفر دیگر...
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Amoo Akbar, 16 September 2017, 09:13
دوستان معامله گر سلام. وقت تان بخیرو شادی. امروز می خواهم در مورد یک حیوان با شما صحبت کنم! نخندید جدی می گویم. من این حیوان را خیلی دوست دارم. از سبک زندگیش خوشم می آید! خیلی باکلاس است. با آنکه قدرت زیادی دارد خیلی باوقار و آرام است. راه رفتنش با ابهت است. سرو صدا نمی کند...
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Amoo Akbar, 16 September 2017, 09:10
Hey! I'm terribly sorry for being quiet for so long again -.- If anyone reads this blog from time to time, please subscribe, so I could know somebody reads this and I would feel more obligated to write here more often :) Thank you! Read more here...
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Ernestas Kvedaras, 15 September 2017, 11:10 #forex
Trading is no ordinary profession that can be easily mastered, as it is showed statistically that only a few succeeds in this market. Today I would like to discuss the skills needed in order to have better chances of success in this very tough arena...
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Angelito Cartagena, 12 September 2017, 05:32 #Trading, forex
Hello guys. Can u please assist in how to get the bought indicator coz I can't find it on parchase section...
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Thailor, 7 September 2017, 12:06
[Published as a blog entry because submission to the Codebase stalled on the fact that this socket library works with both MT4 and MT5, whereas the Codebase is divided into separate sections for MT4 and MT5. The support desk couldn't work out how to handle this...] [Updated 2019-07-16...
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JC, 6 September 2017, 08:59
In real life more is better, for example if a factory increase its work hours will probably also increase it output that can also translate to more profits, but in trading this is not likely the case because the more you trade in the market the more you are are exposed to risk, of course it can a...
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Angelito Cartagena, 4 September 2017, 12:41 #forex
This is the first time for me to write an EA program of MQL5(2017_0829). I use a strategy with randomization. Forex is said to depend on random walking,thus demanding randomization when programing in my opinion. This is a hard time,but also a very interesting time to challenge...
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lucifer1220, 30 August 2017, 07:41
The performance splits large Split PST Files, as comfortably as further storages, mailboxes, and Outlook/Exchange Computer open7 folders into smaller parts. As a termination, it creates new PST files and seed mail files, and storages stay idempotent...
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merrysmithh, 29 August 2017, 15:02
Three Options to Outlook PST Merge The Outlook PST Merge Software permit uncovering every one of the PST files instant within interchange Computer machines. Software finds PST files in organisation as intimately as in all machines cataloged low one champaign...
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merrysmithh, 29 August 2017, 14:39
Follicle RX Reviews : It includes positive minerals known as silica and selenium which regulates the growth of sturdy, thick and healthy hair...
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qynestivin, 22 August 2017, 14:51
Hello MQL5...
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Mohammad Azad Mohammad Islam Shaikh, 18 August 2017, 10:25 gives all Recent Government Jobs in Gujarat. Get Complete details like Jobs In Ahmedabad, No of Vacancies, Educational Qualification, Selection Process about Gujarat Jobs. Maru Gujarat Jobs latest updates Provided here...
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recruitmentt201, 14 August 2017, 09:55
Kejayaan yg sebenar benarnya adalah apabila kita dapat menjunjung titah perintah allah serta meninggalkan segala larangannya...
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sasad, 9 August 2017, 05:11
There is an extraordinary specimen was found in the top! He unexpectedly appeared in the top by growth a couple of weeks ago. I was obvious for me that the history is a fake. No one! Never! Can show so stable trading history! But if somehow someone can - he will lies to you...
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Georgy Pankrashkin, 8 August 2017, 21:01
That was a terrible day for many traders. For this one it was the last day as for 20 his subscribers. As usually, you can find many promises of low drawdowns and limitations of them: But the results do not show this. Just promises and nothing else: Not a big deal. The situation is obvious...
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Georgy Pankrashkin, 4 August 2017, 17:40
I give my signals for free, because I want us to profit from it, and I want us to have more time to spend for other thing in our life without worried so much about our trading...
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Hazly Harun, 27 July 2017, 18:26