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Financial markets are encountering turbulence on the last trading day of the week amid allegation that Trump has fired his national security adviser H.R. McMaster...
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Jiming Huang, 16 March 2018, 12:45
Following recent reforms in Chinese Government and growing regulatory power of People’s Bank of China with the aim of improving stability either from a political and financial standpoint, today’s economic data release of February Retail Sales and February Industrial Production are given at 9...
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Jiming Huang, 14 March 2018, 13:02
This morning, the US dollar erased partially yesterday losses caused by another disruption in the Trump administration. Indeed, on Tuesday, the greenback fell sharply as Donald Trump fired his Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, and named CIA director Mike Pompeo for the job...
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Jiming Huang, 14 March 2018, 12:57
5.80%, a level that was not seen since the 1970s. February Net change in employment is estimated at 15’400 following January decline at -88’000, mainly boosted by an increase in part-time jobs and decline in full-time positions while Canadian hourly earnings remained solid, valued at 3...
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Jiming Huang, 13 March 2018, 12:59
The CPI surprised to the upside in January as the headline gauge printed at 2.1%y/y versus 1.9% expected, while the core measure, which excludes the most volatile components came in at 1.8%y/y versus 1.7% median forecast...
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Jiming Huang, 13 March 2018, 12:57
Threatening Europe, China and Japan aluminum (10%) and steel industries (25%) after implementing heavy tariffs, Donald Trump is now focusing on one of Europe’s flagship industry following infructuous discussions of both European and US negotiators in Brussels, aiming at exempting European industr...
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Jiming Huang, 12 March 2018, 12:52
The crypto market recovers slowly after last week correction, which wiped off $132 billion in valuation. The price of Bitcoin bounce back 14%, from $8,368 last Friday to around $9,550 on Monday morning...
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Jiming Huang, 12 March 2018, 12:51
European stocks closed higher yesterday, as political tensions start rising in the US, now that Trump’s economic adviser Gary Cohn publicly confirmed his resignation with immediate effect, an event that does not augur well for US – EU trade agreements...
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Jiming Huang, 8 March 2018, 12:42
The emerging market complex has been caught in cross fire since yesterday after Donald Trump said Canada and Mexico would be excluded from the tariffs, provided that the three countries succeed in reaching a new NAFTA agreement, while other countries will still be subject to it...
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Jiming Huang, 8 March 2018, 12:41
In the context of growing tensions with its first commercial partner, fighting on the front of NAFTA’s new terms and conditions and recently adding up tariffs on aluminum (10%) and steel (25%), Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz faces the unique choice of maintaining monetary policy unchanged...
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Jiming Huang, 7 March 2018, 12:44
Global equities remain under pressure on Wednesday despite positive developments in the Korean peninsula, which suggests that market participants are more focus on the formalisation of Trump new trade tariffs. The Nikkei ended the session down 0.77%, Hong Kong Hang Seng was off 1...
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Jiming Huang, 7 March 2018, 12:43
The Reserve Bank of Australia held interest rates this morning at 1.50%, unchanged since August 2016, and the 17th meeting at this level. Weak economic data suggest no interest hikes in 2018. Unemployment is approaching a full-employment minimum of 5...
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Jiming Huang, 6 March 2018, 14:16
Markets have settled after Monday’s excitement about Germany’s coalition, Italian populists’ victory and US President Trump’s presumed trade war. The VIX volatility index fell to 18 from 26...
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Jiming Huang, 6 March 2018, 14:15
Some of the risk that has boosted the Swiss Franc is deflating. Germany’s grand coalition is now firmly on track, and US President Trump’s trade war is more likely a threat than a reality...
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Jiming Huang, 5 March 2018, 13:22
Euromarkets were soothed by German socialists’ decision to join the country’s conservatives in a coalition government that will be headed by current Chancellor Angela Merkel. The DAX moved in line with other EU equity indices, while 2-year, 10-year and 30-year Bund yields fell to -0.572%, 0...
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Jiming Huang, 5 March 2018, 13:21
South Korea’s decreasing export growth slowed in February to 4% (average: 8.70%), its weakest rate since November 2016 due to decreasing overseas demand and New year holidays that reduced the amount of working days and shipment for the automotive industry...
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Jiming Huang, 2 March 2018, 13:14
This weekend is event risk heavy with German SPD vote and Italian general elections. The market, judging from short-term vol, has shrugged of any significant impact. Yet in the back of everyone mind is the “what if”...
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Jiming Huang, 2 March 2018, 13:12
European markets closed in red territory on Tuesday following a decrease in early trading session and moving in different directions after Powell’s testimony in the afternoon, reinforced by weaker Consumer Confidence and Consumer Price Index data published the same day...
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Jiming Huang, 28 February 2018, 13:11
The US dollar rose across the board yesterday afternoon as the new chair of the Federal Reserve made some hawkish comments during a congressional testimony...
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Jiming Huang, 28 February 2018, 13:09
Indian economy 4Q Gross Domestic Product is about to be released in February 28th 2018. Estimates anticipate a September – December growth of 6.90% (previous: 6.30%), its fastest pace since December 2016...
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Jiming Huang, 26 February 2018, 13:08