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According to official data released Tuesday, German economy grew even faster than previously thought in 2014, boosted by a surge in consumer spending and investment, says Deutsche Welle. Employment in Germany is at a post-reunification high, with more than 43 million people working...
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News, 24 February 2015, 13:13 #economy news
The Digital Evolution Index, created by the Fletcher School at Tufts University, has portrayed a grim outlook of the state of technological innovation in the old continent...
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News, 24 February 2015, 09:05
The Greek authorities have revealed an outline summary of measures demanded by eurozone leaders in order to secure a bailout extension...
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News, 24 February 2015, 08:15 #Troika
According to JP Morgan estimates, deposit outflows from Greece's banks rose last week to around 3 billion euros before Friday's last-minute aid extension agreement with the country's euro zone creditors...
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News, 23 February 2015, 12:08 #Troika
On Monday the financial world is expecting Greece's list of reforms to lenders in order to secure a bailout extension. The list must be approved by international creditors to secure the four-month loan extension, according to the Friday's deal...
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News, 23 February 2015, 09:51
On Monday Greece is preparing to present the list of reforms to the country's lenders. Let us observe the current economy situation in Greece...
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News, 23 February 2015, 09:03 #Troika, IMF, ECB
Eurozone business activity has hit a seven-month high, prompting companies to hire more staff, according to a new survey...
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News, 22 February 2015, 11:01 #economy news
As the Office for National Statistics (ONS), UK government finances had a surplus of £8.8bn in January - the highest figure for seven years and higher than the revised £6.5bn reported for January 2014...
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News, 22 February 2015, 08:11 #economy news
In the times when the gold standard was being used, the US dollar was associated with gold. During that time, the value of a unit of currency was linked with a specific amount of gold...
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Alice F, 21 February 2015, 15:03 #gold
There have always been worries that the Chinese government could use its power to force homegrown technology companies like ZTE, Huawei, Qihoo 360 and Lenovo to spy on user communications, but now a bombshell has landed that shows Lenovo is forcing adware onto users' computers on the company's ow...
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Sergey Golubev, 21 February 2015, 06:11
Germany has turned down Greece's application to extend its loan agreement and renegotiate the terms of its bailout, spurring the very real threat of Athens running out of money in the coming weeks, says CNBC...
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News, 19 February 2015, 14:04
Minutes from the European Central Bank's January policy meeting issued Thursday indicated that most members of the Governing Council consider introducing a quantitative easing program to repulse deflation and boost economic activity as the only available option...
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News, 19 February 2015, 13:45 #QE, dax, FTSE 100
Ratings agency Standard & Poor (S&P) estimated that during 2015 the operative net profit of Spanish banks will rise by 25 percent, allowing entities to progressively increase their dividends without affecting their capital ratio...
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News, 19 February 2015, 12:26 #economy news
After weeks of wrangling over its international bailout, Greek authorities have asked the eurozone for a loan extension...
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News, 19 February 2015, 11:56 #IMF, economy news, ECB
Today, you can not only buy MetaTrader Market applications but also rent them. Renting a product is clearly much cheaper than purchasing a full license. Do you have any doubts about buying a trading robot? Do you want to test an indicator without the demo version limitations...
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MetaQuotes, 19 February 2015, 08:03 #metatrader 4, metatrader 5
Taiwanese fabless semiconductor company MediaTek published its financial report for the fourth quarter and the entire year of 2014. According to the report, the company achieved operating revenue of NTD213.063 billion, which was about CNY42.3 billion, in 2014, a year-on-year increase of 56...
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BlondieNews, 19 February 2015, 03:11
A new report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, has unveiled that most people establish their lifetime earning power within the first 10 years of their career. After age 35, income growth dips, so if you haven't gained your wealth by then, it's probably never going to happen...
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Anton Voropaev, 18 February 2015, 15:37
The number of unemployed people in Britain dropped by 97,000 to 1.86 million for the October to December period, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Employment increased by 103,000 to close to 31 million - the highest since records began in 1971...
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News, 18 February 2015, 13:13
Russia is ready to discuss alternative options to South Stream project with its EU partners but will not turn down gas cooperation with Turkey, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday after talks with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban...
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News, 18 February 2015, 12:53
ForexTime is excited to announce the launch of one of the most ground-breaking trading promotions this industry has ever seen - the Cost-Free Trading promotion! What do we mean by cost-free...
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ForexTime, 18 February 2015, 09:28