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10+ Jahre

Dieser Expert Advisor als Algorithmus-Engine hat eine erfolgreiche Strategie für das Paar EURUSD M15, das 5 Jahre Echtzeittests bestanden hat: . Diese Strategie eignet sich für flache Paare, die lange Zeit keinen Trend zeigen und Amplitudenschwankungen aufweisen. Um Trendpaare zu unterstützen, verfügt der EA über einen integrierten TrendStrategy-Parameter, der den Algorithmus in einen Trendmodus schaltet. Die Strategie wird mit

What's new:
1) Added buttons B, S. They switch the trading mode only to buy, or only to sell.
2) Added the One Strat Mode parameter. If the parameter = True, then the Expert Advisor operates in a single strategy mode, the parameters for strategies are taken from the first lines of the parameter range. This is convenient if you need to analyze one virtual strategy, or run optimization in the terminal strategy tester.
3) The Normalize parameter function has been fixed. If you have used it in your strategies, then make a copy of the old version and use it. Or update your strategy files to the new version.
4) Added Create_mode_from_file to the TradeMode parameter. With this parameter, you can continue to create a strategy from an existing strategy file.
5) The Use Ignore File function is excluded, the parameters are removed. These parameters are no longer required, because the Create_mode_from_file option has appeared.
6) Fixed notification about DynamicExcludeMode. Now it will not appear.
Что нового:
1) Добавлены кнопки B, S. Они переводят режим торговли только в бай, либо только в селл.
2) Добавлен параметр OneStratMode. Если параметр = True, то советник работает в режиме одной стратегии, параметры для стратегий берутся из первых строк диапазона параметров. Это удобно, если необходимо проанализировать одну виртуальную стратегию, либо запустить оптимизацию в тестере стратегий терминала.
3) Исправлена функция параметра Normalize. Если вы использовали её в своих стратегиях, то сделайте копию старой версии, и используйте её. Либо обновите ваши файлы стратегий под новую версию.
4) Добавлен Create_mode_from_file в параметр TradeMode. С данным параметром можно продолжить создавать стратегию из уже имеющегося файла стратегий.
5) Исключена функция UseIgnorFile, удалены параметры. Данный параметры больше не требуются, т.к. появилась опция Create_mode_from_file.
6) Исправлено уведомление о DynamicExcludeMode. Теперь оно не будет появляться.

Dieser Expert Advisor als Algorithmus-Engine hat eine erfolgreiche Strategie für das Paar EURUSD M15, das 5 Jahre Echtzeittests bestanden hat: . Diese Strategie eignet sich für flache Paare, die lange Zeit keinen Trend zeigen und Amplitudenschwankungen aufweisen. Um Trendpaare zu unterstützen, verfügt der EA über einen integrierten TrendStrategy-Parameter, der den Algorithmus in einen Trendmodus schaltet. Die Strategie wird mit

1) Auto_Restart
2) Forced Restart (work if Auto Restart True)
3) Auto Restart From Days (work if Auto Restart True)
4) Added these parameters to display on the chart. The "Mem AccountEquity for Restart" parameter is also displayed. Notes:
a) if Auto_Restart = true, then after" Auto Restart From Days " days and under the condition AccountEquity > "Mem AccountEquity For Restart", the procedure for regenerating virtual strategies will be started.
b) if Auto_Restart = true and Forced Restart = true, the procedure for regenerating virtual strategies will be started regardless of the current AccountEquity.
c) if you need to reset "Mem AccountEquity For Restart" to the AccountEquity value, you will need to click the Restart - Confirm button. Добавлено:
1) Auto_Restart
2) Forced Restart (work if Auto Restart True)
3) Auto Restart From Days (work if Auto Restart True)
4) Добавлены эти параметры для отображения на графике. Также отображается параметр "Mem AccountEquity For Restart". Примечание:
a) Если Auto_Restart = true, то через "Auto Restart From Days" дней и при условии AccountEquity > "Mem AccountEquity For Restart" будет запущена процедура регенерации виртуальных стратегий.
b) Если Auto_Restart = true и Forced Restart = true, то будет запущена процедура регенерации виртуальных стратегий не зависимо от текущего AccountEquity.
c) Если потребуется сброс "Mem AccountEquity For Restart" до значения AccountEquity, то потребуется нажать кнопку Restart - Confirm.
The decision to open buy or sell orders is determined by an intelligent system that analyzes the latest bars and calculates the correlation with the bars in the past. The system has been trained on all available history for many popular pairs that you can choose from in settings. It has 100 sets of the most profitable options using averaging that work as separate strategies, forming average lots in two directions that will be opened. Each virtual strategy is protected by a virtual Deposit

1) Auto_Restart
2) Forced Restart (work if Auto Restart True)
3) Auto Restart From Days (work if Auto Restart True)
4) Added these parameters to display on the chart. The "Mem AccountEquity for Restart" parameter is also displayed. Notes:
a) if Auto_Restart = true, then after" Auto Restart From Days " days and under the condition AccountEquity > "Mem AccountEquity For Restart", the procedure for regenerating virtual strategies will be started.
b) if Auto_Restart = true and Forced Restart = true, the procedure for regenerating virtual strategies will be started regardless of the current AccountEquity.
c) if you need to reset "Mem AccountEquity For Restart" to the AccountEquity value, you will need to click the Restart - Confirm button.
Что нового:
1) Auto_Restart
2) Forced Restart (work if Auto Restart True)
3) Auto Restart From Days (work if Auto Restart True)
4) Добавлены эти параметры для отображения на графике. Также отображается параметр "Mem AccountEquity For Restart". Примечание:
a) Если Auto_Restart = true, то через "Auto Restart From Days" дней и при условии AccountEquity > "Mem AccountEquity For Restart" будет запущена процедура регенерации виртуальных стратегий.
b) Если Auto_Restart = true и Forced Restart = true, то будет запущена процедура регенерации виртуальных стратегий не зависимо от текущего AccountEquity.
c) Если потребуется сброс "Mem AccountEquity For Restart" до значения AccountEquity, то потребуется нажать кнопку Restart - Confirm.
The EA consists of 100 virtual Prototype-4 EAs with different settings. The outcome of calculations is the resulting lot. The idea behind the virtual strategies is that in case any of the virtual strategies is "wiped", the entire deposit is not, it is only decreased by 1/100, i.e. 1% (when using Risk=5000, VirtualBalance=5000). It is possible to set the lot size to start opening positions, the step and the maximum number of opened lots and positions using the settings of the EA. The Expert

1) Auto_Restart
2) Forced Restart (work if Auto Restart True)
3) Auto Restart From Days (work if Auto Restart True)
4) Added these parameters to display on the chart. The "Mem AccountEquity for Restart" parameter is also displayed. Notes:
a) if Auto_Restart = true, then after" Auto Restart From Days " days and under the condition AccountEquity > "Mem AccountEquity For Restart", the procedure for regenerating virtual strategies will be started.
b) if Auto_Restart = true and Forced Restart = true, the procedure for regenerating virtual strategies will be started regardless of the current AccountEquity.
c) if you need to reset "Mem AccountEquity For Restart" to the AccountEquity value, you will need to click the Restart - Confirm button. Что нового:
1) Auto_Restart
2) Forced Restart (work if Auto Restart True)
3) Auto Restart From Days (work if Auto Restart True)
4) Добавлены эти параметры для отображения на графике. Также отображается параметр "Mem AccountEquity For Restart". Notes:
a) Если Auto_Restart = true, то через "Auto Restart From Days" дней и при условии AccountEquity > "Mem AccountEquity For Restart" будет запущена процедура регенерации виртуальных стратегий.
b) Если Auto_Restart = true и Forced Restart = true, то будет запущена процедура регенерации виртуальных стратегий не зависимо от текущего AccountEquity.
c) Если потребуется сброс "Mem AccountEquity For Restart" до значения AccountEquity, то потребуется нажать кнопку Restart - Confirm.
The EA contains a combination of several trend and anti-trend virtual strategies with averaging with different parameters. The EA is easy to use. It is enough to choose a suitable strategy for the trading pair, set the Risk parameter and you can start trading. Open the M15 chart with the pair being traded and move the EA to it. Lots will be calculated automatically based on the balance, Deposit currency and Risk parameter. Recommendations: Trading EURUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, USDJPY;

All ready strategies here: Detailed description -
Generator Pro ermöglicht die Erstellung von Strategien, die aus mehreren virtuellen Strategien (von einer bis zu Hunderttausenden) auf der Grundlage der Mittelwertbildung bestehen. Jede virtuelle Strategie hat ihren eigenen Strategietyp (Trend, AntiTrend), virtuelle Einzahlung, virtuelle Positionen, Los. Der EA kontrolliert die Arbeit aller virtuellen Strategien, fasst alle Vorgänge zusammen und führt entsprechende Vorgänge auf dem Handelskonto durch. Betriebsmodi des

Ein visueller Indikator für den Trend und die Stärke von Währungen in Form eines Histogramms und einer Tabelle im Hauptdiagramm, eines Diagramms der Änderungen der Währungstrends und eines Analyseblocks in einem zusätzlichen Diagrammfenster. Analysiert 28 Währungspaare aus 8 Hauptwährungen (EUR, USD, GBP, JPY, AUD, CAD, CHF, NZD). Indikatorfunktionen Ermittelt die Richtung und Stärke des Trends von Währungen und Symbolen und erstellt auf dieser Grundlage mehrfarbige Histogramme, Tabellen

The EA consists of multiple virtual Prototype-1 robots (up to 100 strategies depending on the currency pair). Each strategy has different settings. Once the lot sizes for all strategies are calculated, the EA obtains the resulting trading lot. The operation principle is trading within a corridor. When leaving the corridor, the EA closes the positions and saves them for opening in the future. The best condition for trading is a flat, the worst condition is a long trend without rollbacks
The decision to open buy or sell orders is determined by an intelligent system that analyzes the latest bars and calculates the correlation with the bars in the past. The system has been trained on all available history for many popular pairs that you can choose from in settings. It has 100 sets of the most profitable options using averaging that work as separate strategies, forming average lots in two directions that will be opened. Each virtual strategy is protected by a virtual Deposit
The EA contains a combination of several trend and anti-trend virtual strategies with averaging with different parameters. The EA is easy to use. It is enough to choose a suitable strategy for the trading pair, set the Risk parameter and you can start trading. Open the M15 chart with the pair being traded and move the EA to it. Lots will be calculated automatically based on the balance, Deposit currency and Risk parameter. Recommendations: Trading EURUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, USDJPY;
Generator Pro ermöglicht die Erstellung von Strategien, die aus mehreren virtuellen Strategien (von einer bis zu Hunderttausenden) auf der Grundlage der Mittelwertbildung bestehen. Jede virtuelle Strategie hat ihren eigenen Strategietyp (Trend, AntiTrend), virtuelle Einzahlung, virtuelle Positionen, Los. Der EA kontrolliert die Arbeit aller virtuellen Strategien, fasst alle Vorgänge zusammen und führt entsprechende Vorgänge auf dem Handelskonto durch. Betriebsmodi des
The EA consists of multiple virtual Prototype-1 robots (up to 100 strategies depending on the currency pair). Each strategy has different settings. Once the lot sizes for all strategies are calculated, the EA obtains the resulting trading lot. The operation principle is trading within a corridor. When leaving the corridor, the EA closes the positions and saves them for opening in the future. The best condition for trading is a flat, the worst condition is a long trend without rollbacks

The EA consists of 100 virtual Prototype-4 EAs with different settings. The outcome of calculations is the resulting lot. The idea behind the virtual strategies is that in case any of the virtual strategies is "wiped", the entire deposit is not, it is only decreased by 1/100, i.e. 1% (when using Risk=5000, VirtualBalance=5000). It is possible to set the lot size to start opening positions, the step and the maximum number of opened lots and positions using the settings of the EA. The Expert
Ein visueller Indikator für den Trend und die Stärke von Währungen in Form eines Histogramms und einer Tabelle im Hauptdiagramm, eines Diagramms der Änderungen der Währungstrends und eines Analyseblocks in einem zusätzlichen Diagrammfenster. Analysiert 28 Währungspaare aus 8 Hauptwährungen (EUR, USD, GBP, JPY, AUD, CAD, CHF, NZD). Indikatorfunktionen Ermittelt die Richtung und Stärke des Trends von Währungen und Symbolen und erstellt auf dieser Grundlage mehrfarbige Histogramme, Tabellen
Prototype 2 is a no-martingale automated system, well testable in a 15-year history period and showing good results in real trading. The default settings are suitable for EURUSD M15, however the EA is well adaptable for any currency pairs and timeframes through its input parameters. The Expert Advisor is suitable both for beginners, because you need only to attach it to a chart, and experienced traders, because in addition to the automatic mode, the EA has options for manual settings of the lot