Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
  • Information
10+ Jahre
Good Day Everyone,

We have been working in the financial field of Forex for over 16 years. During our tenure, we have deployed various types of Trading styles to include the principals of manually executed positions based on fundamental and technical analysis, Expert Advisor (EA) software for automated trading, and the use of complex algorithms all with results as vastly different as the vehicles themselves. As the needs and wants of the individuals involved are assessed, we help each find their way into the appropriate and exclusively curtailed portfolio set-up that best befits their financial goals.

In the beginning, we were a small Group of like minded individuals with common financial aspirations teaming together for the betterment of the collective individuals themselves. This concept of sharing our experiences with one another has worked very well and, since then, we have grown exponentially in membership and continue to grow even now. As no one stays in investment concepts that do not work, this speaks volumes about what and how we are doing what we do and we couldn't be happier about this.

We have chosen large Brokerages that offers our Group the most benefits possible with the least cost. We have tested and used several Brokers throughout the years and have found our current selection to be the most lucrative, reliable and easiest for everyone to use as most of their systems are online and work with a click of the mouse. They are all regulated and licensed and have proven themselves to be an asset in what we do here so our recommendations to use them are only that, a simple recommendation. If you already have an FX Broker, you are certainly able to continue utilizing them while working with us. To match our gain percentages, your current Broker should be commission free and low spread based or your overall results can not match that of our own.

We train individuals in the field of Forex from the beginning stages of Novice and collaborate with others closer to the Expert level with this overall concept. For our members that want to learn to Trade for themselves, we currently embrace a four-tier system of training that has proven time and time again to be financially lucrative.

We appreciate that there are vast community members that task themselves with the Development of new and innovative high-tech solutions to the Forex challenges that we all face. We do so enjoy working with these Developers to further their work and bring more exposure to their final products. Introducing working EA models that are both cost prohibitive and very financially productive for our audience members is key. If you are a Developer and would like more information, please feel free to contact us anytime.

In our forward progression, as it was for all of us, we need only to make a choice as to what is wanted and we can help you find the vehicle in order to get you there expeditiously.

How to get started:

The first choice to make is whether you want to be the one making the trades, Day Trader, or if you want to attach to a pre-existing system and have the trades made on your behalf as an Investor.

If you want to learn to become a Day Trader, we have developed a four-tier training system for which to hone your learned skills and practice without financial liability utilizing Demo accounts until you are ready to start Trading real money. The training moves as fast as you are comfortable and will only require your time and commitment to mastering a few strategies and concepts in order to meet your financial goals.

If you are more inclined to work as an Investor, then finding the most lucrative and productive System is key and so we walk you through the entire set-up process from start to finish. The proper set-up is essential and understanding how to use the very basic Investor tools is assured. We have had the pleasure of helping many people do this very thing so don't worry about anything. Transparency is the essential key element to good investment and it is the only way for long-term success, therefore, it is the only way we work here. As an Investor, you'll have your own personal Live Account and will be displayed with the Broker and also through multiple access points on your own personal devices. Each of these Systems maintains 100% transparency so you can see every trade made since the origination of the Master Account.

As being an Investor is the simplest and easiest avenue for most looking for a financial investment vehicle, this has become the most popular variable in most recent years.

To get started, it is best that we chat via email or IM to assess what your goals are and discuss the vehicle that is best for you. As there are many variables to choose from no matter where you are getting started, having someone you know to walk you through the initial part tends to alleviate the anxiety of being new.

You will inevitably have many questions regarding how, what and when to do what will come naturally to you later so we have our Group on Skype that you may choose to join if you are so inclined. Our Group is an invite only arrangement as we are discussing the relative financials as it applies to all of us working as Traders or Investors. If you do join our Group, you are not obligated to chat but we do ask that you share your experiences with our members whether they be gains or losses in that we might all learn from your experiences. This premise has been a work in progress since the beginning and we are all very supportive and happy to answer questions as they arise. Our Group consists of various professionals with backgrounds in airline aviation, military, engineering, finance, investment, photography, journalism, medical field practitioners as well as much more.

If you are ready to get started today, go to our website, BVLFX.com, and have a look around. You will find many options for your perusal in our Menus.

We are always looking for new and talented individuals to join us to share in what we do, so whether you are a veteran professional in Forex or just an enthusiast like we once were, you need only apply and someone will contact you directly.

Kind regards,

Lord Robert
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - Progress Statement

The strength and security of our algorithms continues to gain ground as we progress. The evidence is not in our words but in our publicly traded accounts posted at MQL5 and hosted at SignalStart.

If you are interested in learning more about any of them, feel free to follow the link below to assess for yourself.


For those already using our systems, thank you for your continued patronage and congratulations on your financial successes to-date.

Please feel free to contact us with questions or concerns in getting set-up so you may also join in on the fun.

We wish you all a very nice weekend and see you for Opening Bell.

Vladimir Shorohov
Vladimir Shorohov 2018.05.25
Сигналов много в основном демки, а на реале везде проспадки от 40% и более
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III 2018.06.04
Yes that is true that we show many Demo's reflecting a multitude of options. We can not afford to demonstrate the requests of everyone with real money and this is why we host it for them in Demo first. We engage some that we want to use with Live Accounts and some of those are reflected there too.

But, more to the point of your comment, if you notice the Live Accounts are equal in performance to the Demo's and we don't have a 40% variance like many other EA's.

Thank you for your comments Vladimir.
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - Progress Statement

Our numbers continue to grow in membership here but also in our gains across our various system models. This is a great time to get started with your own investments.

If you already have a Broker you trust, you can use your existing Broker through SignalStart or MQL5 using the trade mirroring options if you would like.

If you would like to use the same recommended Broker we use, you can go to our Group's main website and select a recommended Broker link or simply follow this link directly:


Fill out the simple application and submit your supporting documents for approval. It's just showing a government identification and residential proof. Then you are ready to start with your new trading account.

Together, we will discuss all of your available options based on your initial investment and risk profile that you want. There is an option for everyone so don't worry about anything.

After your account is attached to the trading algorithm, you sit back and watch as it does all of the work. It really is that simple.

You decide how often you pay yourself and how many accounts you want to operate. Our recommendation is to either start with, or build up to, at least 5 base accounts. If you would like to manage more than that, you will have a greater amount of diversity in doing so.

We've been working with individual Investors just like you for many, many years now. No matter your background or education in Investments, you're going to like this. It's simple, easy to use, productive and most importantly...transparent. It is exactly what it looks like and it's the same for everyone.

We hope to hear from you soon so you can begin your next venture with us.

Happy Trading

Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - Progress Statement

We are very happy to announce that we have crossed the 100% ROI on our Infinity Spider EA in only 3 weeks.

This, of course, means that we started with a balance of $1000 and have now withdrawn our initial principal of $1000 and the account continues to trade in a Profits Only (PO) format. Our hopes are that it will continue to flourish as it has but we have now ensured a 0% risk to our investment.

Who's next ?
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

Option Solutions

We've been contacted regarding our premise here and how things work several times and many of the same questions are brought up so I'll try to address one at a time now.

One question is pertaining to the use of existing brokerage accounts and our systems. Yes, you can use your existing brokerage accounts and sync into our algorithms. In order to do so, we have to refer you to a Signals website that, unfortunately, has a subscription fee charged monthly. As we have no control over these 3rd party services, their fees are something we can not cover for you. The fees are minor at $50/month but still, it's a fee. These websites are SignalStart and MQL5 as seen in the links below. This allows anyone to subscribe and get the trade results of our accounts.

The reason we can not host your existing broker on our server is that we don't have the infrastructure yet to enable multiple brokers. We have to do a lot of testing to ensure that our EA works without complication on each new broker's platform. I assure you, it's a lot of work for us.

So, in short, if you want to use our systems for free, just follow our set-up guidelines and you're done. If you want to use our stuff but you only want to use it on your current platforms, you are welcome to, but you have to subscribe at the service websites.

Have fun trading and we wish you every success!!!

Hope this helps

Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

I hope you are all having a nice start to your weekend.

For many, it's time to catch up on sleep and relax a bit before we start it all over again.

Yet for others, we reel through our accounts checking performance stats versus return projections and various strategies based on our analysis. The latter is certainly the one we seem to find ourselves doing more often than not.

Whichever side of the coin seems to be yours, we have to reflect each week on what we have done. The good things and the bad so we can reinforce the positive one's and discard the negative.

BVL FX crossed a MILESTONE on Friday (as seen at the bottom of the image) whereby we profited over $100,000USD so far for this year. That's roughly 2.5 months into this year and our systems have taken from the Market this amount of profit already. It's astounding and wonderful and so we celebrate this among other things this weekend.

We can also see herein, the gains of our 2 accompanied Investors that are doing swimmingly well. Chris's Infinity Spider account has taken the lead with 18.85% gains in less than 3 days. Mikael is on his heels at 17.35% gains so it is a close race to see which one will reach 100% first.

So, a pat on the back to us for crossing our first threshold for the year and a huge Congratulations once more to Chris and Mikael on their continued successes.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and see you at Opening Bell.
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

Look at the difference a single week of trades can make with EA systems that never rests.

Find us on FaceBook:


Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

This morning we wake up to see that the algorithms have continued to work all night long across all accounts.

Our congratulations to Chris Hepher on the continued success of both of his accounts. Chris chose to diversify right out of the gate and went with two $1,000 accounts on two different models.... Infinity Spider and YellowJacket.

Both are doing well with Infinity Spider reaching over 11% ROI within 48 hours of starting and only having a DD of 5.91% which is very good.

Our other friend, Mikael, has his account still cranking away with over 14% now and 5.64% DD.

Who will be next ???


Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

Off of our Poll, only yesterday, we had 2 members join our growing ranks in utilizing our automated algorithms. They are already gaining nicely and it's been less than 24 hours.

This could have been your new account with us. These could have been your gains.

Don't let another day go by without giving it serious considerations.

Hope this helps...
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

Look at the difference a week of trades can make with EA systems that never rest.

Our systems are running with even better optimization than originally configured which has created an unparalleled approach to our Signals.

Still FREE and still available to you if you'd like to give it a try.

Hope this helps...


Find us on FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BVLFX/ or https://www.facebook.com/BVLFXcom/
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

Look at the difference a week of trades can make with EA systems that never rest.

Our systems are running with even better optimization than originally configured which has created an unparalleled approach to our Signals.

Still FREE and still available to you if you'd like to give it a try.

Hope this helps...


Find us on FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BVLFX/ or https://www.facebook.com/BVLFXcom/
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

Good Day Everyone,

As we continue working on multiple options for Investors and Signal recipients alike, we would like to remind you that you may try any of our advertised strategies absolutely free. The risk is dictated by the design of each and the DD will reflect more of how the model works as opposed to the actual risk profile...so don't let that fool you.

The algorithms shown here are for short and long-term investment strategies with 100% automation.

Have fun and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us anytime.

For more information, training and automated trading systems, find our Financial Group at BVLFX.com or write to us here and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Cheers !!!
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

Good Day Everyone,

We are working on multiple options for Investors and Signal recipients alike.

The algorithms shown here are for long-term investment strategies with 100% automation. We refer to these as Pensioner Accounts as they have a lower yield than many other Forex strategies but they are pretty consistent and low risk. The variation in balance dictates the profit size though the gain percentage remains relatively equal. So, if you want more profits per month, either increase your balance or sit patiently and let your profits grow.

For more information, training and automated trading systems, find our Financial Group at BVLFX.com or write to us here and we'll get back to you as soon as practicable.

Kind regards,

Lord Robert
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

Good Day Everyone,

Technical Analysis is harder sometimes than others. Understanding how a pair is going to progress will dictate your success while an understanding of why is unnecessary but usually the first thing we go to. The "Experts" will share their points of view but seldom do we see a firm commitment from them as their reputations are on the line for every time they are incorrect. We have a greater luxury here but the results we seek can not be too vague or they quickly become useless.

Many times we want to see something based on our current positions that can not be realized. This is where many get hung up. Try to keep the objective viewpoint and run your analysis often for the best guidance to the Market's resulting direction.

For more information, training and automated trading systems, find our Financial Group at BVLFX.com or write to us here and we'll get back to you as soon as practicable.

Happy Trading !!!
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

Good Day Everyone,

We are still welcoming new joiners to our Group for Investment in our MAM Accounts. The investments are very safe and are controlled by the Investors themselves. We operate a Skype chat room for each MAM Account so all of the Investors involved have a voice in the direction we move.

Don't miss your chance to join us and make some serious money in the safest manner for Forex.

The MAM Accounts are all real accounts with real money...no Cent Account silliness.

Our Demo's are free to use for as long as we host them but that's not the way to go to make the big bucks.

Every month we are making more and more because we are working and collaborating together which no one else here does like we do.

We'll look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,

Lord Robert
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

Good Day Everyone,

This is our latest EA about to take off with our launch of the next MAM Account. This EA does not Hedge like the others do and will run a SL with every trade. It is simple yet effective and very safe.

As we are still gathering our Investors together for this launch, we do not yet know the opening balance but the bigger it is, the stronger this system will be and the larger the sums of profit.

If you are interested in joining us on this venture, please contact us as soon as possible to secure your Investor's seat before we launch. We have a Skype chat room for each MAM so you can discuss the details with the other Investors as we go.

Wish us luck and good luck to all of you.

Kind regards,

Lord Robert
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

In addition to our other genetic algorithms, we have now introduced a BVL FX Scalpers Chat Room on Skype for like-minded Investors that want to do what we are doing. We share our ideas and our trading information so even the most novice Trader can start making money in a safe way.

For more information, feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience.

The bigger we are, the stronger we are....

Good luck to you no matter what path you choose in Forex.

Kind regards,

Lord Robert
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

Good Day Everyone,

Today we celebrate a financial victory that yet another of our MAM Accounts has crossed the highly anticipated 100% ROI threshold..... and in record time too. Only 13 weeks for more than double for every Investor of their initial balance.

We thank you again for your faith in our systems and hope that the proof you are witnessing will entice others to join us in our endeavors as we continue to expand.

For those interested in joining us on our MAM Accounts, please contact us at your earliest convenience for the details of joining and to meet the rest of the Group.

In our MAM Accounts, we decide collectively how and what we like which is unique among MM styled accounts. We lead with diverse system models that are assuring us a strong start into whatever Market conditions we face. We have various models from which to choose so please, have a look around and let us know what interests you.

We wish you all tremendous luck in your trading endeavors.

Kind regards,

Lord Robert
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

Good Day Everyone,

Normally we are here sharing what we have built or designed or to update one another on what we are working on. Today, for us at least, this is a little different.

We host Scalping parties on Skype and we frequently discuss our favorite pairs to trade. XTIUSD is a popular one as it requires no more than a small balance to equate large lot usage and large returns over a short course; a very fun one to trade. But this was no ordinary issue today and we discussed it on our chat but I think it's worth sharing here with you as well.

This pair, in a matter of seconds, had a massive and violent spread condition occur whereby the Market line, shown in the image in the white box, rocketed down and stayed there for around 30 seconds or so while the spread line, shown in yellow, remained in place where it is now. I could not see what the spread was to say but it was pretty big and abnormal to this pair. To any onlooker after this recovery, it may appear that this spike down was simply a fast movement in the Market assuming the spread moved with the Market accordingly. In this case, no matter short or long in this, you would likely have found failure. With a spread opening up as much as this did on such a potent pair as this, all open trades would be so negative it would likely have caused a MC for any account.

The other point for those that say a SL would have saved the trade, this is the case where a SL can not always protect your account. During this movement, even if you were long and the spread line does not move with the Market, your account becomes compromised by the negative effects of the spread condition and the SL would not trigger.

This is a good example of why we can NEVER keep more in our trading accounts than we are willing to lose. In the blink of an eye, it can be compromised by unforeseeable circumstances that are impossible to react to manually and, in some cases, even with automation.

Hope this helps some of you.

Best of luck in your trading.

Kind regards,

Lord Robert
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

You don't have to buy anything here. No cost to join us. Put your money to work for you today !

Why spend money on an EA that still can't produce what we offer.

Your money in your subaccount and we do all of the work.
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

And now, introducing.... Winner Winner Chicken Dinner (WWCD)

First week running and already a very lucrative MAM.

Come and join us on any of our MAM's.

We are launching our 5th MAM soon so secure your seat today.