Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
  • Informazioni
10+ anni
versioni demo
Good Day Everyone,

We have been working in the financial field of Forex for over 16 years. During our tenure, we have deployed various types of Trading styles to include the principals of manually executed positions based on fundamental and technical analysis, Expert Advisor (EA) software for automated trading, and the use of complex algorithms all with results as vastly different as the vehicles themselves. As the needs and wants of the individuals involved are assessed, we help each find their way into the appropriate and exclusively curtailed portfolio set-up that best befits their financial goals.

In the beginning, we were a small Group of like minded individuals with common financial aspirations teaming together for the betterment of the collective individuals themselves. This concept of sharing our experiences with one another has worked very well and, since then, we have grown exponentially in membership and continue to grow even now. As no one stays in investment concepts that do not work, this speaks volumes about what and how we are doing what we do and we couldn't be happier about this.

We have chosen large Brokerages that offers our Group the most benefits possible with the least cost. We have tested and used several Brokers throughout the years and have found our current selection to be the most lucrative, reliable and easiest for everyone to use as most of their systems are online and work with a click of the mouse. They are all regulated and licensed and have proven themselves to be an asset in what we do here so our recommendations to use them are only that, a simple recommendation. If you already have an FX Broker, you are certainly able to continue utilizing them while working with us. To match our gain percentages, your current Broker should be commission free and low spread based or your overall results can not match that of our own.

We train individuals in the field of Forex from the beginning stages of Novice and collaborate with others closer to the Expert level with this overall concept. For our members that want to learn to Trade for themselves, we currently embrace a four-tier system of training that has proven time and time again to be financially lucrative.

We appreciate that there are vast community members that task themselves with the Development of new and innovative high-tech solutions to the Forex challenges that we all face. We do so enjoy working with these Developers to further their work and bring more exposure to their final products. Introducing working EA models that are both cost prohibitive and very financially productive for our audience members is key. If you are a Developer and would like more information, please feel free to contact us anytime.

In our forward progression, as it was for all of us, we need only to make a choice as to what is wanted and we can help you find the vehicle in order to get you there expeditiously.

How to get started:

The first choice to make is whether you want to be the one making the trades, Day Trader, or if you want to attach to a pre-existing system and have the trades made on your behalf as an Investor.

If you want to learn to become a Day Trader, we have developed a four-tier training system for which to hone your learned skills and practice without financial liability utilizing Demo accounts until you are ready to start Trading real money. The training moves as fast as you are comfortable and will only require your time and commitment to mastering a few strategies and concepts in order to meet your financial goals.

If you are more inclined to work as an Investor, then finding the most lucrative and productive System is key and so we walk you through the entire set-up process from start to finish. The proper set-up is essential and understanding how to use the very basic Investor tools is assured. We have had the pleasure of helping many people do this very thing so don't worry about anything. Transparency is the essential key element to good investment and it is the only way for long-term success, therefore, it is the only way we work here. As an Investor, you'll have your own personal Live Account and will be displayed with the Broker and also through multiple access points on your own personal devices. Each of these Systems maintains 100% transparency so you can see every trade made since the origination of the Master Account.

As being an Investor is the simplest and easiest avenue for most looking for a financial investment vehicle, this has become the most popular variable in most recent years.

To get started, it is best that we chat via email or IM to assess what your goals are and discuss the vehicle that is best for you. As there are many variables to choose from no matter where you are getting started, having someone you know to walk you through the initial part tends to alleviate the anxiety of being new.

You will inevitably have many questions regarding how, what and when to do what will come naturally to you later so we have our Group on Skype that you may choose to join if you are so inclined. Our Group is an invite only arrangement as we are discussing the relative financials as it applies to all of us working as Traders or Investors. If you do join our Group, you are not obligated to chat but we do ask that you share your experiences with our members whether they be gains or losses in that we might all learn from your experiences. This premise has been a work in progress since the beginning and we are all very supportive and happy to answer questions as they arise. Our Group consists of various professionals with backgrounds in airline aviation, military, engineering, finance, investment, photography, journalism, medical field practitioners as well as much more.

If you are ready to get started today, go to our website, BVLFX.com, and have a look around. You will find many options for your perusal in our Menus.

We are always looking for new and talented individuals to join us to share in what we do, so whether you are a veteran professional in Forex or just an enthusiast like we once were, you need only apply and someone will contact you directly.

Kind regards,

Lord Robert
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Good Day Everyone,

It's been a little while since our last update here.

During this time, we have been revamping and testing vigorously. With such volatile financial times, we really need a robust EA that can handle all of these movements. Thus, the creations we present to you today.

We have been working with two familiar algorithms and have created a few variants that really seem to be productive as well as safe which is a great combination. We organized them into the groups seen in the image herein and have made them available to all of you absolutely FREE.

We hope this will enable those that use this type of service to find a secure place to begin or restart their financial ventures. In addition, we are currently working on many new algorithms and testing is underway. As they mature, we will present them to the BVL FX Group for continued use.

We thank you once again for your interest and patronage. We will look forward to chatting with you as we progress.

Have a wonderful day.
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Good Day Everyone,

Has anyone ever done any business with Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum ?

This is his profile: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/shehzadhussain2011

He advertises an EA for which he licenses for $399 via BTC. I would like to chat with anyone that has purchased his system or knows anything about it.

Thank you for your help and hopefully chat soon.

Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - Intelligent Design

Now available for subscription exclusively at MQL5.

It's inexpensive, productive and it's solid.

What more do you need?


Have a look and see if it's right for your investment portfolio.

If that is something you like, we have MAM's as well.

Hope this helps.
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - Signal Usage

This is more of an example of what not to do as a Trader and what to look for as a Subscriber.
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Good Day Everyone,

We wanted to update you all on a few new developments for us so this will be posted in multiple areas.

We have been working tirelessly to create new options for our Financial Group. As many of you have already experienced, our MAM programs have been working well and each has a bright future as we progress. In addition to these, we have a new program that some of you may find very intriguing.

The latest addition to our arsenal of financial vehicles is the Closed-End Fund (CEF) which will be starting in about two months. This is unique and works differently than our current systems. This one has a fixed rate of return and runs for a 6-month period.

The CEF works like this:

Each Investor receives a prospectus outlining the details of the CEF. Once each Investor agrees to the terms and conditions of the prospectus and funds the account, Registered Share Certificates are issued to the Investor for the respective amount contributed.

For example, if the CEF is for a total amount of $25,000USD and each of 5 Investors place $5000USD into the fund, each Investor receives Registered Share Certificates for 5000 shares.

There are no limits on how many Investors can join in on the same CEF nor a restriction on how much each contribution may be. This is expected to be a mixed variable. The CEF will close once the total amount is received and then will be placed for trading.

The time period required for the CEF is 6 months. All trading will take place during this time and it will be across a multitude of devices. The CEF has an annual fixed rate of return of 10% which is very attractive and rare. This is a guaranteed amount and guarantees like this are not commonly found in our field so enjoy it while you can.

After the 6-month period has concluded, each Investor surrenders their Registered Share Certificates back to BVL Corp. and redeems their funds. If thing’s prosper greatly during the term, bonuses may be awarded in addition to the fixed rate of return which makes this program unique and potentially more lucrative than other financial systems.

In addition to the CEF, our focus is also to organize an Open-Ended Fund (OEF) after we are approved for it.

Thanks again for your time and please do give this great consideration for any of your next financial ventures.

Thank you again for your continued patronage and we look forward to hearing from you.

Have a read here for more information:

Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - Services Update

As many of you have noted, we have transitioned our Menu of algorithmic options to MyFxBook.com as shown in the link below. We have done so following the mishandling of statistical data across several accounts here and no response from MQL5 Administration personnel. No matter.

Onto bigger and better things for lot of us.

We want to thank so many of you here for your support over the years. Our journey here on MQL5 wouldn't have been the same without you. We will not be reporting so much here anymore with our transitions to come as we are going to be privatizing our operations again in the near future.

We wish you all well and the best in your trades.

Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - MQL5 Update

Many statistics provided by MQL5 here are incorrect. Many Trader's sponsoring Signals are losing their placement, ranking and therefore potential income because of this reason.

We've raised this issue to "Admin" with little or no interest in their response. Amazing that this could happen but what's more amazing is that they seem not to care to make the rectifying adjustments.

We know that if this is happening to a few of our accounts, it must also be happening to some of yours.

Hopefully this is resolved quickly.
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - Critical News Data

Today promises to be a volatile day once more. The High Impact data releases in the upcoming news will certainly shake things up for us all. The interest rate for the USD being a big one in there even if it does not fluctuate.

To our Investor friends, please remember that though these are lucrative opportunities for many, they are also a higher risk in doing so. The volatility can easily open Spread conditions and will likely drive the Market in both directions as the announcements commence.

We wish you all a very good trading day ahead and the best fortunes yet to come.
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

Things with this EA have been progressing nicely. We see steady progression in weekly gains and we are still operating in a safe manner reflected by our designed DD range.
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - Account Recovery

So, we find a system for trading that agrees with us. We put our hard earned money into the account and off we go. We did our homework. We were diligent not to be greedy. We remain conservative in our choices and have reasonable expectations. We do everything correctly and still....failure.

Why? And now what do we do?

Failure, is not the end. Failure in trading means that your configuration, manual or automated, reached the critical mass and was at the weakest point of how the system logic plays through the Market conditions. The failure can mean that you needed just one more Hedge trade or that you needed just a little more balance to float or perhaps it was not conservative enough, etc. Understanding the reason for failure is important so we do not duplicate a failed attempt without first changing our set-up. The bottom line is that you got started and it failed despite your best intentions and best efforts in doing so.

So now what?

Now you have to make a choice. You stop and walk away or you remain resilient and do it again a different way. There are many ways to profit and many ways to lose. You have simply found one way that did not work this one time.

If you are like many of us, you will regroup and organize your recovery. It will take more investment capital to do so but, properly done, it can be very safe and lucrative. Finding just the right strategy for this is essential and key to your success.

If you are already established with multiple accounts, you can simply take your profits from those accounts and add to the trading balance of your failed account until such time as it is trading in full capacity once more. This is the normal routine and is the easiest and fastest way to rebuild an account.

If you have just begun and have only a single account, then your option here is to reinvest more capital. This process is a hard concept to get your head around. Putting more good money where failure once occurred may seem like a bad idea but it's the only way forward. You must have some working capital in which to trade in order to resurface and fully recover.

Use what you have and use what you can. It doesn't have to be a great amount to get the process going. Just don't stop. Don't lose your momentum. A little here and there makes all the difference. Remain resilient and your desired results will find you.

This image is that of an account that has such a back story. The original deposit of $500 failed shortly after launching. Using the profits from other accounts, we fed this account and let it begin to blossom once more. The EOC EA was instrumental in our success and slowly but surely brought a failed account back into the light with a little profit showing today. And all of this happened within 3 weeks.

So, we see, it doesn't take long to repair and recoup that which was once lost. We just have to remain strong minded and show a willingness to adapt to whatever the Markets throw at us.

If you need help recovering one of your accounts, feel free to contact us and we'll see how we can help you.

Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - Progress Update

EOC WEEK 4 results are in and looking good. Every single Investor that has chosen to use this EA model has been met with nothing but PROFITS, PROFITS, PROFITS !!!!

We hope to continue this trend for as long as possible. The back test results were so very close to our actual forward account results that we are ecstatic to see where this goes.

As our current available server space is quickly being utilized by our core group of Investors, we will work hard to get our next server established and operational to allow for additional growth.

We wish you all a wonderful and peaceful weekend.

Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - Critical News Data

Just as a reminder to everyone, please keep a watchful eye on your account positions today. We have some High Impact data releases coming our way and this should surely upset whatever trends we had previously.

While these times are some of the best for Scalping and making some quick bucks, it is also a time for us to step cautiously as we do so. Greed is the killer of all things good.

We wish you all a fantastic day of trading and all the success you can stand.

Happy Trading
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - Progress Update

Week 3 results continue to be very good with our latest release.

Have a look for yourselves and let us know if we can help you.

Wishing you all a great weekend.

Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - Progress Update

Week 2 results and the new EOC is running nicely. We do expect a higher DD eventually but it's nice being this low for as long as it will last. The gains are universally good and the reliability of the system is showing the same kind of results we experienced in our other test accounts.

If anyone is looking for a new design to consider, this one may be of interest to monitor for a little while and see how it does.

Hope this helps and we wish you all a very nice weekend.

Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III

This is an amazing Forex story I’m about to share with you. What makes this story so fascinating is that it’s a true story without exaggeration or fabrication. So, if you are in the mood for a good story here you go.

This story begins at the end of the month of June 2015. I was contacted by a new acquaintance named Thomas regarding his trading strategies that he had developed and was currently running. We work with many EA Developers and so this type of interaction was not uncommon. Thomas invited us to see what he had built. He hosted it on a third-party website for trade mirroring called SignalStart. We followed his invitation to view his algorithm in full force and already running for a few months. He started two different variations of the same EA with one being much more conservative than the other. Both started with $10,000USD and both were performing in a way that was unique and unfamiliar to me at least.

The account more important to this story was called “Materpeace” though I never learned why he named it that. The name is of no consequence, but his strategy certainly was.

By the time we came to see his account operational, it had already gained from the starting balance of $10,000 to a lofty $280,000 in only a few months’ time. This, in of itself, is fantastic and would be an amazing tale of success if only it ended here.

Upon seeing this and chatting with Thomas a bit more, I brought over our Financial Group (BVL FX) to partake as each Investor found suitable. Many jumped right in as the cost was very inexpensive for this service and the production was through the roof. We each received massive gains. In addition, I started a progress reporting blog to journal our experiences, so we could promote our colleague’s amazing results and allow others to receive these gains as well.

The months that were to follow were the craziest I’ve seen to-date. It was often referenced as the “white knuckle roller coaster ride” as this strategy utilized a Martingale logic with an exponential growth factor. For anyone not familiar with these terms, it means the trades all went in the same direction, despite Market trends, until concluded and the amount that was traded was increased with each continued success. We watched in awe of this terrifying yet provocative money machine as it grew larger and larger and, with every gain, a little riskier.

This kind of growth is not sustainable long-term and what came next was not a surprise but more of an inevitable end to an amazing run. Thomas ran Materpeace from $10,000 to $1.4 Million in 6 months. Then, as anyone would have expected, the Materpeace account met failure. It over extended its’ ability to carry so many negative floating trades and a Margin Call ran through all the open positions. The account was wrecked and brought the balance back down to $78,000. With a maximized drawdown and a failure so great, we knew this was the end of the ride. Still though, a gain overall of $68,000 in 6 months isn’t bad either by a common measure.

The overall strategy for any Investor partaking in such endeavors is simply to remove the initial investment capital as fast and safely as possible then ride the remaining time in a ‘profits only’ status. This allows an Investor the ability to reap the full benefits of their given strategy with zero risk at that point. In our Group, many of us had already removed our initial principal some time back and some had not despite the hounding of our Group’s senior administrators chatter to do so.

In this failure, we collectively began pulling the remaining funds from the failed accounts in order to facilitate the generation of the next system. After a failure such as this, it is the end of the line typically and no further trading will occur. With the exception being for our friend Thomas.

Apparently, no one told him of this well-known theme for failed accounts and so he pressed on accordingly. Only now, he dialed it up. He changed the algorithm to a much more aggressive stance. It was already pretty aggressive before but now it was a beast off the leash.

Materpeace would make a full recovery back to the $1.4 Million mark by mid-February 2016; within approximately 3 weeks. The newly modified system was scary to watch but you couldn’t turn away. Some Investors jumped back in again and some could not.

Thomas would take Materpeace all the way to $6.7 Million before the end of April 2016.

Investors from all walks of life were in awe of this system. No one had seen anything like this before. The progress….the production… the gains…. it was truly amazing and this all taking place over the course of mere months. It was stunning.

And then…

Of course it did. The same thing as before. As I stated, it is not possible for any system to gain exponentially forever. In one fail swoop, the account came crashing down from nearly $7 Million back to the original $10,000 it started with just over half a year ago.

Thomas never removed any of the funds as he progressed. He never made a withdrawal from the account. We don’t know why. Was he waiting to reach some psychological goal of $10 Million or $100 Million? We will likely never know the answer. What we do know is that he fell off the radar soon after that and we lost track of him. I do truly hope that he ran his program once more and, this time, was able to reap the full potential of it.

Though this story does not seem to have a typical happy ending, it has had many profound influences on me ever since. I witnessed, first hand, the power of the Forex Markets and I learned that, truly, anything is possible here. Any one of us could be sitting on a Materpeace balance in only 6 months from now. The potential of Forex is unlike anything else out there and has the power to alter the life of an Investor. It’s not a ‘get rich quick’ type of scenario though one certainly can make massive gains quickly. It is more calculable than that. And, while we saw the demise of poor Thomas’s Materpeace, we learned a great deal from it. We now always remove our principal investment capital as soon as possible. We pay ourselves often from our gains. We spread our risk across multiple accounts utilizing multiple automated systems. We take our profits often and are grateful to have so many of them.

Bearing witness to this experience, along with countless others that did as well, it made me better overall, I think. I hope a better Mentor to those we train. A better Day Trader and Investor for my own accounts. A more objective and mindful Investor. This whole crazy ride touched the lives of all that witnessed it but also now yours and those that have heard this story already. Honestly, I am humbled by the experience and I think of it often when working here in Forex. While I am sorry for the financial mishap that was Thomas’s Materpeace, I think we all grew from the experience and so, where ever you are Thomas, I thank you for that.

I hope you enjoyed this little Forex experience of ours and I hope it makes you think hard about how you will manage your own financial outcome as you perceiver through the tumultuous Markets we face every day.

Be safe, be smart and stay resilient.

As always, feel free to contact us if we may be of service.

Kind regards,

Lord Robert
Founder - BVL FX
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - Investor's Resilience

We launched the SuperScalper system a while back now and the results using it have been meeting our expectations. In offering the use of it to our Investor Group here, we have had a mixed review of Investor's comments that we have addressed individually but we would now like to address to the rest of the Group.

Our systems are always tested in their origination and are not released to the Group until we are satisfied with the results. The testing we do is both back testing, using relevant historical data, and then forward testing which entails live Market condition stresses.

As Investors, it is very important to assess the risk profile of any system for which we are considering. In this case, we have the SS which has been released with several models being the RXT1, RXT3 and RXT5 with each of these corresponding to the balance intended to be traded. Upon using the chosen model for the account, we have recently received a large amount of inquiries and even complaints about the performance received. Understanding the profile for this algorithm is therefore quintessential to the overall success for each Investor.

The attached images are that of the back and forward test results for JAN2018 to present. The manner in which the EA moves is choppy to say the least and we see the same across all of accounts running this system. This is normal. As many of you have been told, the system will take more gains than losses....but there will be losses so get used to it. There is no perfect system that can break the Market. Losses are normal and healthy for the longevity of any investment account. The logic of this system will close the trades if the criteria after opening is not being met. It really is as plain as that. As you can see in the image, the results after less than 8 months of trading with an opening balance of $10,000USD is nearly $200,000 with a DD relative to what we have experienced. The SL feature dictates the DD and so we don't expect to see it much different than it is now.

If you pull out of any investment when the first stress comes along, you will not make it very long as an Investor. These types of investments require resilience, fortitude and a patient mind. None of this will come easily. We will have to fight for every profit we take and then fight again to keep it. That's the way it is in Forex. The benefit here is that you, as the Investor, don't have to do anything but sit back and be patient. And, being patient is one of the hardest things to do in this arena.

If you want the rewards this system can generate, then you have to hold the rails with white knuckles sometimes in order to achieve it.

I hope this helps some of you and I truly hope that, even with losses that are normal and expected, you will continue to have faith in the system of your choice whether it be one of ours or that of someone else. Forex trading is not for the faint of heart so buckle up, smile and enjoy the crazy ride.

Have a great weekend.
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Chris Mukengeshayi
Chris Mukengeshayi 2018.07.17
Out of all your public signal, there is not even a single real signal, they are all demo. We all know Demo and live account are totally two different thing. Plus all the account had a starting capital of above $ 10K
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III 2018.07.20
Good Day Chris and thank you for your comments.

You are correct in what you state that we do not post Live Accounts here on MQL5. We use this source to showcase to our Investors the options of which we offer for use. We do not post results of our Investors. And, we do offer our services here for Trader Mirroring (though some have used it for that).

As to the results of the trades, they are almost the same in our case between Demo and Live. When you see a Demo account take profits or losses, it is very likely that the Investor's accounts have done the same. The amounts of will vary based on the balance carried by each Investor but that is to be expected as well.

If you notice carefully, we offer a variation in opening balances with not all starting at $10k. While the Standard account balance is pretty normal, we do have $5k and even $1k options. Have another look and see what you think.

We do thank you for the opportunity to discuss our options with you. If you would like to learn more about what we can offer you, please feel free to follow the links provided to see our Group's website and join us on Facebook to get the updates as they are promoted.

Happy Trading
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - Progress Update

Yes, we know we just got done patting ourselves on the back about this EA and all that.

But this is pretty amazing.

228.68% growth in 2 weeks with $114,340 in profit !!!!

100% accuracy....so far....that will change for sure but, nice while it lasts (just being honest)

Get started while we still have MT4 Platforms available. Those work on 'first come, first served' basis. That is the fairest way to do it.

Come and get it everyone....

Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
Lord John Robert Berendt Von Leviathan III
BVL FX - Progress Report

We are very happy to announce that our growth has resulted in our usage and patronage of our newest friend's MT4 Platforms at USGFX. They offer an assortment of options and seem to be a good fit for our Financial Group.

We are currently running tests on their system and will have even more conclusive results soon to share with you. All of the results are positive thus far and we will offer use of these new platforms with our systems in the upcoming weeks.

If you are already a USGFX account holder, this will allow you additional assets with no additional fees as you will be able to utilize your current accounts with our Group's systems.

If you would like to join us in further evaluations, feel free to get your accounts set-up by following the link below:


This is one of many new Signal options with USGFX:


The more intuitive solutions we can utilize, the stronger we become and the more dynamic our results.

Thank you USGFX for your continued support and thank you on behalf of our Group's Members for the additional options.

