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VR CyberBot MT4 Panel Expert 8Pairs 8Shadows Pivot


[ The “Last Call” promotion offers a 45% discount, before it returns to $128 after the 10th buyer ] 

Motto: "PORTFOLIO target > 95% Blue" every trader becomes the instant winner 

> Dedicated to serious traders, who need a genuine, state-of-the-art product

> Promise, can be proven, find the proof in the real akun statement click here

Diese Produkte sind einzigartig aufgrund der Entwicklung komplexer Algorithmen, die aus Multiindikatorfunktionen für acht Paare, acht Zeitrahmen und acht Schatten abgeleitet wurden. Darüber hinaus gibt es eine robuste und praktische Handelspanel-Assistentenfunktion, die Dutzende von Transaktionen gleichzeitig ermöglicht und aktuelle Anleitungen zu Pivot, Sup123 und Res123 bietet. Darüber hinaus ist ein zusätzlicher EA-Roboter für das Training variabler Einstellungen zwischen MA und RSI enthalten.

All dies ist in einer einzigen Datei zusammengefasst und es wurde nachgewiesen, dass es auf keinem Markt, einschließlich MQL5.com, vergleichbare komplexe Produkte zu so erschwinglichen Preisen gibt wie die für Studenten. Wir präsentieren Produkte, die ihren Beschreibungen zufolge authentisch sind und keines davon ist irreführend. Wir verstehen, dass Sie möglicherweise zuvor durch Präsentationen und Bilder von vielversprechenden Backtests, die auf den ersten Blick nicht sichtbar sind, in die Irre geführt wurden.

VR CyberBot MT4 Panel Expert 8 Pairs + 8 Shadows + Pivot [ This product is more practical & economical prices, a series of  PRO products ] |>  MT5 platform is also available, click here !

Unsere Kompetenz als Berater und Coaches beruht auf jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung. Wir erstellen und entwickeln innovative Produkte, die „out of the box“ sind, um einzelne Trader, vom Anfänger bis zum Profi, ohne verwirrende Theorien zu unterstützen. Alles wird visuell in einem anspruchsvollen WYSIWYG-Format dargestellt, wodurch das Unterbewusstsein trainiert und geschärft wird, um effizienter und verantwortungsvoller zu erkennen und zu handeln. Vertrauenswürdige Produkte vermitteln das Gefühl, direkt von erfahrenen Mastermind-Assistenten gecoacht zu werden.

To address this, we guarantee the authenticity of our offerings by providing free products that are similar to the originals before you make a purchase or rental decision.  All "CyberBot Project" products use ReviewPass for unique buyer/renter identification recognition in the review column. Tips for using free products: Download the free demo in the left column of this content, then go through the "Strategy Tester" process, find the latest ReviewPass there. Good luck!

FREE Download
  [ MT4 ] Al Pivot Assistant TEST 4 [ TESTER the best variable + pair ] 
[ MT5 ] Al Pivot Assistant TEST 5 [ TESTER the best variable + pair ]
FREE Download
 [ MT4 ] CyberBot Panel Training [ Indicators + TRIAL Panel Pad EA ] 
[ MT5 ] CyberBot Panel Training [ Indicators + TRIAL Panel Pad EA ]

Free add-on: For all Metatrader 4 platform products, equipped with the \Indicators\"TIMING oscillator.ex4" [free download]. Just activate it for the first time, then it will be activated automatically when the main product is running!


ABOUT "CyberBot Project" 


> Die Plattform „CYBERBOT PROJECT“ wurde für Händler geschaffen, die mit außergewöhnlicher Professionalität und Fachkompetenz agieren und sich durch die folgenden Attribute auszeichnen:

    • - Kann den richtigen Impuls zur richtigen Zeit und am richtigen Ort massiv und effektiv erkennen.
    • - Jede Aktion ihrer Handelsaktivitäten wird durch solide Daten und verantwortungsvolle Analysen unterstützt.
    • - Werden Sie ein Experte mit kontinuierlich verfeinerten persönlichen Fähigkeiten und Kompetenz auf Ihrem Gebiet.
    • - Verstehen Sie die allgemeine Analyse von EA-Robotern, einschließlich der Algorithmen ihrer Ersteller.
    • - Werden Sie ein erfahrener Analyst und erfahrener Ausführender und erstellen Sie einen EA-Roboter 2MA cross RSI.

> Die Plattform „CYBERBOT PROJECT“ fungiert als 100% Experten-Mastermind in Echtzeit, 24 Stunden am Tag. Ohne Theorie kann vom Anfänger bis zum Senior alles visuell in die Welt des Derivatehandels gemeistert werden.

> Der Vorteil besteht darin, dass hier alle Vorteile für Händler zu beobachten sind. Für diejenigen, die zuvor Enttäuschungen oder finanzielle Verluste mit passiven EAs erlebt haben, empfehlen wir, diese Plattform in Betracht zu ziehen.



Don't trade like a gambler, Winner's Secret is here [CyberBot Project] The platform shown is transparent and sophisticated. Even beginners can become more expert instantly in a week | Valuable and unforgettable successful experience | Professionally structured products to prepare you to become a great analyst and expert trader to achieve financial freedom success | The best choice is here ‼ 

Introducing : EA CyberBot PRO [MT4| MT5] Forex Crypto Trading with 8 Pairs, 8 Timeframes, and 8 Shadows in one chart. This is a sophisticatedly designed Expert Advisor [EA] program with “out of the box” capacity. It has created a complete platform containing Robot EA, Trade Panel Pad, and Multi-Indicators seamlessly integrated into one file. Combining these functions in one platform makes it a powerful tool for the savvy trader, serving serious trading endeavors while also acting as an educational tool to establish higher-quality trading practices. It is designed as a valuable asset that is essential for experienced traders, Introducing Brokers (IB), and futures companies as a promotional tool by embedding the brand in the product while increasing turnover and empowering clients to become more confident and actively involved in transactions independently.

Our program has proven effective in significantly enhancing skills, backed by years of research and development in consulting and education. Through intensive MQL4 and MQL5 programming, we address the fundamental needs of capital market traders. Our approach focuses on 100% practical training, eliminating tedious theory, and training the subconscious mind for reflexive proficiency. This transforms previously ambiguous perceptions into a clear, analyzable, and secure reality in business activities.

Adviser : Improve your trading efficiency and efficacy with visual guidance and live functional analysis, “What You See Is What You Get” (wysiwyg), enabling real-time trade execution with unwavering confidence and trust in every decision made. The easy-to-use nature of this tool has facilitated a quick transition to becoming a skilled analyst, empowering individual traders to operate with the finesse of a seasoned professional trader. From the analysis stage, dozens of active signals have been available for 8 pairs, 8 timeframes, and 8 shadows simultaneously, including Pivot-Resistance-Support lines that are actively involved in the chart for each pair automatically every day. The execution stage continues with the ease of quickly moving order values, stop loss, and take profit on 8 pairs at once by simply moving the line on the chart, allowing you to focus more on placing it in the desired location. For EA makers, variable setting testing and backtest functions have been provided for cross MA & RSI.

This product offers powerful functionality that meets the requirements of both junior traders and those advancing to a more expert level. Users have achieved significant skill improvements quickly; in just a week, individuals can enhance their abilities considerably. How is this possible? Rest assured, this has been proven and tested through the positive results of its users. It is very easy to operate and relies 100% on the subconscious mind's ability to process it into a reflex action at every jackpot opportunity. It can be used as a scalping strategy when reversal momentum occurs, as well as a long-term strategy when trend conditions are present. In the chapters below this description, we also present accurate scenarios and strategies to achieve the best momentum for safer and more certain trading activities. The good news is that you have found this unique complete product; we guarantee that there is no other product as powerful as this, even though the price is much higher.



Produktspezifikationen sind für die Plattformen MT4 und MT5 verfügbar, indem Sie sie in die Verzeichnisse platzieren: //Indicators/FX CyberBot PRO und :://Experts/EA CyberBot PRO oder :://Experts/VR CyberBot LITE [Im Video erklärt]

. . . . . . . . . .

Ausgehend vom Hintergrund des Hauptbildschirms werden über vertikale Linien tägliche, wöchentliche und monatliche Zeitinformationen sowie über horizontale Linien jederzeit automatische Berechnungen von Pivot-, Widerstands- und Unterstützungsfunktionen angezeigt.

Auf dem Hauptsymbolpaardiagramm gibt es einen blau/roten Schal zur Unterstützung des Trendcodes. Zusätzlich gibt es eine Funktion zur gleichzeitigen Anzeige von 8 Symbolpaaren im Zeitbereich gemäß der Hauptgrafik, die zur harmonisierten Analyse der globalen Märkte dient.

Oben links auf dem Bildschirm gibt es eine Funktion zum Ersetzen durch ein anderes Paar als die zuvor registrierten 8 Symbolpaare. Es gibt auch eine Funktion zum Umschalten zwischen den Zeitrahmen M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4. Diese beiden Funktionen können alle 18 Sekunden automatisch wiederholt werden.

Auf der rechten Seite des Bildschirms finden Sie zahlreiche Informationen, die bei Bedarf verwendet werden können, um die Endergebnisse der Gesamtanalyse zu unterstützen und die beste Empfehlung abzuleiten. Sehr zu empfehlen, wenn Sie über ausreichend Erfahrung verfügen.

    • 8 Symbolpaare zusammen auf einem Bildschirm
    • 8 Zeitrahmenanalyse beliebter Indikatoren
    • 8 Symbolanalyse in den Zeitbereichen der Hauptdiagramme
    • Automatischer horizontaler Linien-Zeitraumhintergrund
    • Pivot, Widerstand und Unterstützung werden täglich aktualisiert
    • Schalförmige Trendsignale begleiten die Charts
    • „Mastermind Advicer“-Experte in der rechten Ecke
    • Auswahl aus 5 Oszillatoren entsprechend den Anforderungen des Händlers
      • Trading Panel Pad Assistant für den manuellen Handel
      • EA Robot Trading-Algorithmus EMA gegenüber RSI
    • [ Oszillatoren ] Stochastic, CCI, RSI, MACD & Momentum. Am unteren Bildschirmrand. [MT4 mit „TIMING.ex4“]
    • [ Reversal Code ] Unterstützung für den Signalabschnitt „Scalping Trigger“ [ nur FX|EA CyberBot MT4 ]
    • [ EA Trade Panel ] Eingebettet in das Produkt vereinfacht Funktionen für Händler, es praktisch auch für Anfänger
    • [ EA Robot Trading ] .. ändern Sie Variablen wie EMA und RSI und führen Sie häufige Backtests ihrer Auswirkungen
    • [ Telegram-Alarm ] Ergänzung zu Telegram in Form von Screenshots+Daten. [Nur EA CyberBot MT4]
    Vorschlag : Dieses Produkt ist sorgfältig auf praktische Anwendbarkeit ausgelegt, verzichtet auf theoretische Komplexität und verlässt sich ausschließlich auf das Unterbewusstsein als Beobachtungsreflex. Folglich wird das Gehirn Informationen von Natur aus auf anspruchsvolle Weise erfassen und eine Kultur der persönlichen Verantwortung fördern, die erfolgreiches Handeln fördert. Selbst Anfänger können innerhalb einer Woche konsequenter Anwendung Ergebnisse erzielen, eine Tatsache, die durch eine Demonstration eines Prototyps bestätigt werden kann. Wir empfehlen Ihnen dringend, uns unverzüglich zu kontaktieren. Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, dieses außergewöhnliche Produkt zu erwerben, das sich als das beste und einzigartigste seiner Kategorie herausstellt. Ein solches Produkt ist auf dem Markt beispiellos, selbst zu einem Premiumpreis, der überwiegend theoretischer Natur ist. Dieses Produkt hat in den Büros professioneller Händler und angesehener Bildungseinrichtungen Empfehlungen erhalten. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass Sie es zu einem äußerst günstigen Preis erhalten können, derzeit mit einem Aktionsrabatt von 45 %. Handeln Sie so schnell wie möglich (ASAP).


    How to use the strategy on the "CyberBot Project" products 


    method #1: Pivot Points Method, Support and Resistance Strategy with Buy Limit and Sell Limit Orders


    The product has been rigorously tested for application with the Pivot Points Method and the Support and Resistance Strategy. By placing limit orders at level three and a take profit (TP) at a minimum of level two, this tool proves invaluable for managing multiple orders daily. However, it is essential to possess additional skills, including a foundational understanding of the market, when determining stop loss (SL) settings and placing supplementary orders at a distance greater than level three to achieve consistent substantial gains.

    • Step 1: [BACKTEST] Coaching for observation of Pivot Sup123 Res123 position using the "Strategy Tester" facility displayed every day according to the target pair to be traded, better pattern consistency.
    • Step 2: [INSTRUMENT] Practice on the panel in Trade Assistant, drag & drop on the pair chart at level 3 for limit orders and TP positions at level 2 for conservative, if aggressive to a smaller level.
    • Step 3: Master the world's fundamental information that is currently hot such as war etc.; In order to get greater profits with multi limit orders, further positions. It takes skill and experience.
    • Step 4: Can place many limit orders on several pairs; but don't forget to adjust its position according to the conditions of the next day following the pivot point, the latest Sup123 Res123.
    • Step 5: This strategy is like spreading a position of hope that has a smaller risk than directly executing an open position. If luck comes, this hook tool can profit more certainly & safely.

    Basic knowledge and strategies that are important information to understand are here. Also equipped with references from GPT-4o, Google Gemini Ai, for professional trading psychology!

    Here's a detailed description and execution strategy for derivative trading using Pivot Points, Support, and Resistance, based on technical analysis, geared toward advanced traders:

    > Overview
    In advanced derivative trading, using pivot points, support, and resistance levels is essential for identifying high-probability price levels and potential market reversals or continuations. These key levels serve as the basis for developing strategies that maximize risk/reward ratios. Expert traders utilize a combination of these technical indicators alongside other tools to refine entry and exit strategies.

    > Pivot Points: Key Concept

    Pivot points are a series of calculated levels derived from the previous day's high, low, and close prices. These levels act as a reference for potential turning points or areas of price action momentum. Pivot points are widely used in intraday trading to predict market sentiment, momentum, and likely price directions.

    About the basic theory of Pivot points, Support and Resistance can be found in more detail on the blog. Click here!


    method #2:  Advanced level || This material is intended for a comprehensive understanding of "patterns". It also provides the best solution in cases of very strong current pressure


    > Explanation of the sideways corridor/trend image in the slide show below:

    ||Watch visualizations with moving images and explanatory descriptions. ||This material is intended for a comprehensive understanding of "patterns". It also provides the best solution in cases of very strong current pressure. 

    The explanation is in the picture with stable and sideways up and down waves.  [on the attached image "SCALPING | SWING"] You have gone through the BASIC session material, hopefully by following the existing stages with great discipline. You have the opportunity to create a positive portfolio with a 95% "blue" probability. In addition to compliance in following the signal "pattern" in the BASIC session, accuracy is also required in executing IN and discipline in OUT with measurable targets at every opportunity [200 pips/TP=200]. If this is ignored, there is a risk that not only will the target not be achieved, but the amount of equity will also be eroded due to unexpected "swings" in the market.

    The SCALPING strategy in BASIC that we have created focuses on waiting for the "correction" process to occur. This is the safest position to execute trading because it is at the farthest point from the chart movement, which always has a wavy shape. The safest positions are arranged to form a "corridor" formation at the upper and lower boundaries of the wave.

    Some of you might be wondering why we don't aim for a profit of over 500 pips, especially since it seems more profitable than our target of 200 pips. From the picture above, it does look like there’s potential for greater gains. However, CYBERBOT's mission is to ensure that your trading experience is safe and healthy for your peace of mind. We don’t force ourselves to predict market direction because the market is dynamic. Instead, we assume that after a "correction," the market will often try to exceed the initial range by pushing into a broader corridor.

    To illustrate, think of the "sea" as being made up of small, medium, and large waves. Small waves can feel stable while larger waves are on the way. When the time comes, the activity of the small waves will shift to follow the direction set by the larger waves. So, there’s no need to worry. We’ve conducted measurable mapping to provide a more controlled analysis of your predictions. Here’s how it works.
    The explanation is in the picture with waves that rise several corridors and fall into a trend.  [on the attached image "CORRIDORS | TREND"] When the "pattern" [H1] of BASIC is formed, its peak boundary becomes corridor #1. In a "sideways" market condition, movement will remain within this corridor. However, caution is necessary, as the market will eventually shift towards the next corridors under strong pressure. When the next "pattern" [H1] appears, there will be opportunities for "reversal" executions with a profit target of at least 200 pips. The furthest corridor typically reaches level 4, with each level taking one week to one month to complete. [Factor "pattern" of MIDTERM & LONGTERM].

    If you reach the furthest stage, an excellent position will emerge, characterized by strong resilience that leads to a "reversal" direction followed by an extreme "trend" targeting ±1000 pips. In conclusion, the further the corridor, the stronger the resilience [X<Y<Z]. Seek this opportunity for a significant gains. [recommendation]
    Note : It is important to note that certain comments may suggest that the wave image, which serves to illustrate the market, is overly idealistic and does not accurately reflect the complexities of reality. This observation holds true, particularly if one is still in the Basic (BASIC) stage. In fact, CYBERBOT, in its guidance, advises each client to refrain from being unduly influenced by the graphical representation as it appears. Nevertheless, it is essential to succeed in visualizing it as a neat and orderly wave. By doing so, you will become adept at determining the center line (balance) as the analytical reference line.

    [ Insider ] [Informer] For CyberBot members, when using the "CyberBot Project" for real trading, enhance your decisions with experience and pattern recognition of major pairs. The fundamentals and trading psychology from GPT-4 and Google AI Gemini support wise actions. Tips: Increase your winnings by utilizing the trigger signals of eight currency pairs, broadcast live 24/7 on platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and Kick. Search for "CyberBot 8 Pairs" and select the 'live' option; we guarantee precise coaching. With consistency, you can become an expert in just a week. We will send the strategy with "ReviewPass". [ Neural Networks ]

    > Customize your needs and visit the links in the content that match the following products according to the table, as well as the choice of Metatrader4 and Metatrader5 platforms. If you are still confused about the difference between FX CyberBot PRO and EA CyberBot PRO, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the MT4 and MT5 versions, please send a message in the comments column.  Recently, “CyberBot Project,” designed for professional traders in Indonesia, has expanded to serve the global trading community through MQL5.com !

    Message for buyers / renters : The MQL5.com store specifically grants permission to each buyer or tenant who can become a discerning reviewer with positive ratings for this product. For our team, this is invaluable in prioritizing our ability to effectively address the personal information needs of each buyer or tenant, as well as facilitating significant strategic enhancements. Each discerning review will be uniquely able to "ReviewPass," enabling the program system to respond to the highest level of improvement in the future. We strongly recommend that you submit a positive rating promptly, as MQL5.com does not provide this feature, which complicates our ability to differentiate between messages from clients and discerning reviews of our complimentary training products. A.S.A.P.: And get a guarantee of coaching to get consistent profits with the secret of effective strategies that are specifically for CyberBot clients. Preliminary Video Guidance, choose according to product metatrader:  [Setup EA CyberBot MT4] || [Setup EA CyberBot MT5] || [Setup VR CyberBot MT5]

    [PORTFOLIO target > 95% Blue] In 2024, products with the "CyberBot Project" formula have the capacity to achieve a target of over 95% Blue. As proof, we practice trading activities in real execution while coaching and developing the program, following the steps of the method and strategy to demonstrate its capacity to reach the target of over 95% Blue. Please explore the |<myfxbook|statement html>| Click Here ! website on the "CyberBot Project" account in the "History" column of its transactions. [This real account is used by the team in between product development "CyberBot Project" in the MQL5 market. to prove the execution method according to the secret formula of "CyberBot Project"].

    Bewertungen 3
    Chak Fai Chu
    Chak Fai Chu 2024.12.04 02:28 

    SImple Panel to take order, Best EA , Thanks Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi

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    Andrey Kozak
    5 (1)
    Scalpidot ist ein fortschrittlicher algorithmischer Handelsroboter, der für effizientes Scalping auf dem Forex-Markt entwickelt wurde. Mit modernster Technologie und einzigartigen Algorithmen sorgt Scalpidot für automatisierten Handel mit hoher Geschwindigkeit und Genauigkeit, sodass Benutzer die Marktbewegungen optimal nutzen können. Handelsempfehlungen mit Standardeinstellungen: Währungspaar XAUUSD Zeitrahmen M5 Mindestguthaben ab 1000 $ Standardeinstellungen. Hebelwirkung ab 1:50. Verteilen S
    Voorloper MT4
    Pradana Novan Rianto
    4.5 (16)
    Voorloper Expert Advisor: Revolutionizing Trading with DDR System Introducing Voorloper, an innovative Expert Advisor that blends Moving Average (MA) and Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicators to redefine your trading experience. Voorloper stands out from the crowd with its unique feature: the Drawdown Reduction (DDR) System. Key Features: MA and RSI Integration:   Voorloper utilizes a powerful combination of Moving Average and Relative Strength Index indicators to identify optimal entry and
    TSO Price Channel
    Dionisis Nikolopoulos
    TSO Price Channel is complete trading strategy focused on creating profit from market volatility. The system takes advantage of the intrinsic tendency of the market to reach its periodic maximum and minimum levels. By allowing the use of multiple instruments, the exposure of the system to any single instrument is reduced. Complete strategy including fully integrated positive and negative management. Works on any instrument. No pending orders placed. Any account size - $1,000+ is recommended. Ba
    Working Bot
    Dmitry Shutov
    1 (1)
    This Expert Advisor is based on advanced neural networks. Main EA features After training, the EA remembers the patterns of each currency pair . Therefore, re-training the currency pair is not required when changing a currency pair. Fixed Take Profit and Stop Loss levels are set in the inputs. Multi-currency trading . ‌Monitoring of my accounts: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/author/mizrael Preparing for trade and training It is recommended to train the EA. For better understanding, we posted
    Core XAUUSD h1
    Raphael Schwietering
    Embark on an extraordinary trading journey with CORE, an expert advisor that elevates your trading to unprecedented heights. Unleash the power of a comprehensive 1-year backtest, guiding you through the intricate landscapes of the forex market with finesse and precision. Why Choose CORE? - Proven Excellence: CORE's exceptional performance is rooted in a comprehensive 1-year backtest, showcasing its adaptability and resilience across diverse market conditions. - XAUUSD on H1: Trade the dynamic
    Algo Edge MT4
    Niklas Templin
    3.5 (6)
    Algo Edge EA  Self learning EA just set the EA on the Chart and Start no Settings optimization.  EA work with high and low from Last Candle. AUD/USD, EUR/USD, DE40, US30, Tec100 and much more.  Multifunctional Expert Advisor can trade with every Forex Pair or Indize. EA can Trade with every Broker. M1 high, M30 medium, H1 low Risk. Functions: For other Indize example US30: Change the Robot Worktime in Europe to 16:30-21:30. -inp1_ =Robot Worktime inp_2 and inp_4 VolumePercent = The Robot will i
    Al Pivot Assistant PRO 4
    Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi
    [   The “Last Call” promotion offers a 45% discount, before it returns to $688 after the 10th buyer  ] Motto  PORTFOLIO target 95% Blue every trader becomes the instant winner > Dedicated to serious traders, who need a genuine, state-of-the-art product ‼ [ PORTFOLIO target > 95% Blue]  in 2024, products with the "CyberBot Project" formula have the capacity to achieve a target of over 95% Blue. As proof, we practice trading activities in real execution while coaching and developing the prog
    Monopoly EA
    Dmitriq Evgenoeviz Ko
    In the world of financial markets, algorithmic trading is becoming increasingly popular. One of the tools that can significantly simplify the process of trading on the forex market is a trading advisor. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the Monopoly EA trading advisor, its functionality, the strategy for trading majors, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using this tool on the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform. What is Monopoly EA? Monopoly EA is a high-tech trading advi
    According to my 18+ years of trading experience, it is too naive to believe that you will get rich by buying a junk EA and let it run automatically without any fundamental knowledge in investment. For those who want to be serious about investing they should buy this EA and train themselves as professional traders with appropriate minimal intervention to the EA. User friendly Interface. On panel fat finger protection. High speed for sending   manual  orders. Auto follow up for manual orders plac
    EA-Einführung Unser mit Hingabe entwickeltes EA-Tool war einst ein internes, stabiles Strategiewerkzeug. Es ist darauf spezialisiert, marktspezifische Muster in bestimmten Zeitzonen zu erfassen und zeichnet sich durch hochfrequente Orders und eine stabile Gewinnquote aus. Ideal geeignet für flexible Trader mit kleinem Kapital, zeigt es sowohl in Backtests als auch im Live-Handel herausragende Stabilität. Insbesondere für Benutzer, die im Devisenmarkt schrittweise Gewinne erzielen möchten, ist di
    Gold Trader 310
    Davide Martinazzo
    PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION BEFORE BUY OR RENT EA This EA is NOT the result of an optimization of historical data. In fact it is easy to achieve a “super” equity curve (as I call it “go to the space equity curve”) with parameters optimization and overfitting on historical data: it is always possible to find a set of parameters that over-optimize the historical data. But it is the PAST data. The point is to find a strategies that will   work in the future.   For these reasons my strategies have good
    Stable Ex
    Vitalii Zakharuk
    Introduced expert system   Stable Ex works with the EURUSD currency pair and only with it. This system implemented the principle of five orders - that is, a maximum of five orders can be placed in one direction, after which the total position of the series must be closed by stops, either real or virtual. The trading system is designed to work separately with a series of buy orders and separately with a series of sell orders. which makes the trading system versatile enough. The expert passes all
    Käufer dieses Produkts erwarben auch
    CyNera MT4
    Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
    5 (9)
    CyNera: Ihr Trading, Unsere Technologie Signale >400%:   CyNera Signale >500%: CyNera Turbo Handbuch & Set-Files: kontaktieren Sie mich nach dem Kauf, um das Handbuch und die Set-Files zu erhalten Preis: Preis steigt anhand der verkauften Lizenzen Verfügbare Kopien: 4 Der Handel mit Gold, einem der volatilsten Instrumente auf dem Markt, erfordert Präzision, tiefgehende Analysen und ein starkes Risikomanagement. Der CyNera Expert Advisor integriert diese Elemente nahtlos in ein hochentwickeltes
    The Infinity EA MT4
    Abhimanyu Hans
    4.48 (23)
    KI-gesteuerte Technologie mit ChatGPT Turbo Infinity EA ist ein fortschrittlicher Expert Advisor für GBPUSD und XAUUSD. Er konzentriert sich auf Sicherheit, konstante Erträge und unendliche Rentabilität. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen EAs, die auf risikoreichen Strategien wie Martingale oder Grid-Trading basieren, verwendet Infinity EA eine disziplinierte, profitable Scalping-Strategie, die auf einem neuronalen Netzwerk basiert, das über maschinelles Lernen und KI-basierte Datenanalysetechnolog
    TitanGold AI mt4
    Leonid Arkhipov
    5 (5)
    Titan Gold AI Titan Gold AI — Leistungsstarker Expert Advisor für XAU/USD Basierend auf zahlreichen Anfragen unserer Aurum AI-Nutzer haben wir den Titan Gold AI entwickelt, einen innovativen Roboter für den Handel mit Gold (XAU/USD). Titan Gold AI kombiniert bewährte Strategien mit fortschrittlicher künstlicher Intelligenz und ist ein zuverlässiges und effektives Werkzeug für den Handel. Promotion 2 copies available at $370 Hauptmerkmale von Titan Gold AI Trendfolgestrategie mit Rückläufern: De
    Secret Impulse MT4
    Eugen Funk
    4.33 (6)
    Der EA eröffnet eine Position, wenn der Markt während der New Yorker Sitzung (höheres Volumen) in Bewegung kommt. Auf diese Weise wird das Momentum durch das Volumen gestützt, und wir können mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit sofort den Take Profit erreichen. Signal (292%, 10% DD):   https ://www .mql5 .com /en /signals /2274145 Eröffnung bei Momentum während der New Yorker Sitzung Der EA erkennt den versteckten Impuls durch FVGs auf niedrigeren Zeitintervallen. Wird der Impuls kurz vor oder während
    Goldbot One MT4
    Profalgo Limited
    5 (1)
    Einführungsaktion: Nur noch wenige Exemplare zum aktuellen Preis verfügbar! Endpreis: 990 $ JOIN PUBLIC GROUP:   Click here Ultimate Combo Deal   ->   click here Wir stellen Goldbot One   vor   , einen hochentwickelten Handelsroboter, der für den Goldmarkt entwickelt wurde.   Mit seinem Fokus auf Breakout-Trading nutzt Goldbot One sowohl Unterstützungs- als auch Widerstandsniveaus, um erstklassige Handelsmöglichkeiten zu erkennen. Dieser Expert Advisor ist für Händler konzipiert, die auf dem
    Gold One MT4
    Habib Gholamali Heidari
    4.43 (7)
    Gold One  MT4 Hallo an alle Gold-Handelsenthusiasten im Forex, Willkommen bei unserem Roboter, wo Sie sich den Reihen der besten Goldhändler anschließen. Mit über zwei Jahrzehnten präziser Erfahrung auf dem Forex-Markt präsentieren wir stolz die neueste Generation von Handelsrobotern. Merkmale:  Ideal für Prop-Firma-Herausforderungen. Geeignet für alle Kontogrößen, einschließlich kleiner Kapitalbeträge. KEIN   Grid und   KEIN   Martingale 100% Vollautomatisiert Dieser Roboter verwendet die neu
    GbpUsd Robot MT4
    Marzena Maria Szmit
    5 (18)
    The GBPUSD Robot MT4 is an advanced automated trading system meticulously designed for the specific dynamics of the  GBP/USD  currency pair. Utilizing advanced technical analysis, the robot assesses historical and real-time data to  identify potential trends , key support and resistance levels, and other relevant market signals specific to GBP/USD. The Robot opens positions  every day,  from Monday to Friday, and  all positions are secured  with Take Profit, Stop Loss, Trailing Stop, Break-Even
    Aurum AI mt4
    Leonid Arkhipov
    5 (24)
    Aufmerksamkeit! Deaktivieren Sie vom 31. Dezember bis 5. Januar den automatischen Handel mit Aurum AI aufgrund der Neujahrsfeiertage! 6. Januar (Montag): Aktivieren Sie den automatischen Handel! Aurum AI – Die Kraft der künstlichen Intelligenz für den Goldhandel (XAU/USD) Entdecken Sie das volle Potenzial der Technologie im Handel! Aurum AI ist ein bahnbrechender Expert Advisor, der für eine stabile und sichere Performance am Goldmarkt entwickelt wurde. Es kombiniert die Kraft der künstlichen I
    Bitcoin Robot MT4
    Marzena Maria Szmit
    4.77 (35)
    The Bitcoin Robot  MT4 is engineered to execute Bitcoin trades with unparalleled   efficiency and precision . Developed by a team of experienced traders and developers, our   Bitcoin Robot   employs a sophisticated algorithmic approach (price action, trend as well as two personalized indicators) to analyze market and execute trades swiftly with   M5 timeframe , ensuring that you never miss out on lucrative opportunities.   No grid, no martingale, no hedging,   EA only open one position at the sa
    AI Gen XII MT4
    Denis Kurnev
    4.29 (35)
    AI Gen XII EA This is an Expert Advisor with the latest use of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks. The EA runs on the top-of-the-line GPT-4o platform and also uses Advanced Discrete Fourier Imaging in ATFNet aligns the frequency spectrum of the input series, allowing for a more complete analysis of time series data. The EA also boasts trading on different strategies simultaneously and matching backtest trades and real trading, which is very important in its time.  Details about Advisor
    AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX MT4
    Andrei Nazarets
    4.43 (7)
    AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX     MT4 ist ein unkomplizierter und effizienter Expert Advisor (EA) für den Goldhandel auf der Meta Trader 4-Plattform. Dieser EA nutzt neuronale Netzwerke und ist für das Scalping auf dem Goldmarkt (XAU/USD) konzipiert. Die Hauptstrategie von AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX konzentriert sich auf die Identifizierung kleiner Preisschwankungen und das Eröffnen von Positionen, um innerhalb kurzer Zeiträume Gewinne zu erzielen. Der EA analysiert die Marktbedingungen in Echtzeit
    Diamond PRO
    Fanur Galamov
    4.97 (31)
    Holiday sale -40%! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Tomorrow price -- > $299 !  Diamond PRO is enhanced powerful version of Diamond for advanced traders. Pro version includes optimized cores, new impoved entry points filters, new multistage profit closure algorithm and сontains number of external control parameter that allows build and fine tune own tradind decisions and algorithms. The system provides more accurate market entries, analyzes and filters upcoming economic news, contains spread
    Gold Scalping AI
    Ho Tuan Thang
    5 (1)
    ONLY 3 COPIES OUT OF 10 LEFT AT $299! After that, the price will be raised to $399. - REAL SIGNAL: Default Setting:  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2276213 Gold Scalping AI is an EA that uses artificial intelligence technology to analyze data of many indicators. From there, EA will have the best option to enter orders. The biggest difference of Gold Scalping   AI is that the EA can control the Risk:Reward ratio much better than other EAs.That is possible thanks to a set of tools to control ent
    Quantum Emperor MT4
    Bogdan Ion Puscasu
    4.84 (150)
    Wir stellen vor       Quantum Emperor EA   , der bahnbrechende MQL5-Expertenberater, der die Art und Weise, wie Sie mit dem prestigeträchtigen GBPUSD-Paar handeln, verändert! Entwickelt von einem Team erfahrener Händler mit über 13 Jahren Handelserfahrung. IMPORTANT! After the purchase please send me a private message to receive the installation manual and the setup instructions. ***Kaufen Sie Quantum Emperor EA und Sie erhalten Quantum Queen oder Quantum StarMan oder Quantum Gold Emperor kost
    CoreX G MT4
    Arseny Potyekhin
    5 (7)
    Übersicht Der CoreX G EA ist ein fortschrittliches Handelssystem, das speziell entwickelt wurde, um die Komplexität des Forex-Marktes zu bewältigen. Durch den Einsatz modernster neuronaler Netzwerke, fortschrittlicher maschineller Lerntechnologien und einer integrierten Big-Data-Strategie bietet CoreX G außergewöhnliche Genauigkeit und Sicherheit im Handel. Dieser Expert Advisor (EA) zeichnet sich durch seine technologische Exzellenz und erstklassigen Kundensupport aus, der den Nutzern bei alle
    Supply Demand EA ProBot
    Georgios Kalomoiropoulos
    5 (5)
    Vollautomatischer Berater nach dem Prinzip von Angebot und Nachfrage . Zum ersten Mal bieten wir einen vollautomatischen Angebots- und Nachfrageberater an . Trading leicht gemacht und Sie haben jetzt die volle Kontrolle über Ihre Handelsstrategie Verwendet ein praktisches grafisches Bedienfeld. Sie erhalten eine sehr hochwertige algorithmische Handelssoftware mit über 15.000 Codezeilen. EA ProBot Angebots- und Nachfrageleitfaden The Best Way to Trade Prop Firms fordert Sie bei jedem Schritt au
    Bitcoin Scalp Pro
    Profalgo Limited
    5 (3)
    Aktuelle Aktion: Nur noch 1 für 549 $ übrig Endpreis: 999 $ NEW: Choose 1 EA for free! (for 2 trade account numbers) Schauen Sie sich unbedingt unser „   Ultimatives EA-Kombipaket   “ in unserem   Promo-Blog an   !   LIVE SIGNAL Bitcoin Scalp Pro ist ein einzigartiges Handelssystem auf dem Markt.  Es konzentriert sich voll und ganz darauf, die Volatilität des Bitcoin-Marktes auszunutzen, indem es die Ausbrüche von Unterstützungs- und Widerstandsniveaus handelt. Der Fokus des EA liegt auf Sich
    Boring Pips MT4
    Thi Thu Ha Hoang
    4.71 (14)
    Neues Jahr, neue Chancen: Sichern Sie sich 8 Aktivierungen für nur $399 USD. Beeilen Sie sich – die Stückzahl ist begrenzt! 2025 ist da, und es ist an der Zeit, Ihr Trading auf das nächste Level zu bringen. Starten Sie das Jahr mit Boring Pips EA – Ihrer zuverlässigen Trading-Lösung: Bewährte, nachverfolgbare Signale Einfache Installation 100% automatisiert Verpassen Sie nicht die Chance, mit Vertrauen und Präzision zu handeln. Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihren Boring Pips EA. Hast du dich jemals g
    AW Recovery EA
    AW Trading Software Limited
    4.37 (78)
    Der Expert Advisor ist ein System zur Wiederherstellung unrentabler Positionen. Der Algorithmus des Autors sperrt eine Verlustposition, teilt sie in viele separate Teile und schließt jeden von ihnen separat. Einfache Einrichtung, verzögerter Start im Falle eines Drawdowns, Sperren, Deaktivieren anderer Expert Advisors, Mittelwertbildung mit Trendfilterung und teilweises Schließen einer Verlustposition sind in einem Tool integriert Es ist die Verwendung von Schließungsverlusten in Teilen, die es
    Vortex Gold MT4
    Stanislav Tomilov
    Vortex - Ihre Investition in die Zukunft Der Vortex Gold EA Expert Advisor wurde speziell für den Handel mit Gold (XAU/USD) auf der Metatrader-Plattform entwickelt. Dieser EA verwendet proprietäre Indikatoren und geheime Algorithmen des Autors und wendet eine umfassende Handelsstrategie an, die darauf ausgelegt ist, profitable Bewegungen auf dem Goldmarkt zu erfassen. Zu den Schlüsselkomponenten seiner Strategie gehören klassische Indikatoren wie der CCI und der Parabolic Indicator, die zusamme
    Übersicht AITrendBooster   ist unser neuestes intelligentes Handelssystem, das Trendfolgestrategien mit skalierenden Positionen nutzt, um die Rentabilität erheblich zu steigern und Drawdowns in ungünstigen Marktbedingungen effektiv zu reduzieren. Dieses System integriert modernste Deep-Learning-Technologie, um die Genauigkeit der Trenderkennung drastisch zu verbessern. Das Hauptziel des Systems ist es, in Seitwärtsmärkten die Gewinn- und Verlustbilanz auszugleichen und in Trendmärkten durch das
    Reverse Grid MT4
    Connor Michael Woodson
    1.57 (14)
    Reverse Grid eröffnet Positionen in die entgegengesetzte Richtung eines normalen Grids und erhöht die Positionsgröße exponentiell in Richtung des Trends, bevor ein großer Take Profit erreicht wird. WICHTIG! Kontaktieren Sie mich nach dem Kauf für Anweisungen und einen Bonus! Reverse Grid Live-Signal kommt bald! Der aktuelle Preis wird erhöht. Zeitlich begrenzter Preis 75 USD Intelligentes Take-Profit-System, das EA prognostiziert, wann es vor einer Preisumkehr auszusteigen gilt Relativ geringe
    Dark Algo
    Marco Solito
    4.76 (54)
    Last copy at 399$ -> next price 499$ Dark Algo  is a fully automatic Expert Advisor for Scalping Trading on Eurusd . This Expert Advisor is based on the latest generation of algorithm and is highly customizable to suit your trading needs.  If you   Buy this Expert   Advisor you can   write a feedback   at market and   get   a second EA for   Free , for More info contact me The basic strategy of this EA is built on a sophisticated algorithm  that allows it to identify and follow market trends . T
    XG Gold Robot MT4
    Marzena Maria Szmit
    4.52 (27)
    The XG Gold Robot MT4 is specially designed for Gold. We decided to include this EA in our offering after   extensive testing . XG Gold Robot and works perfectly with the   XAUUSD, GOLD, XAUEUR   pairs. XG Gold Robot has been created for all traders who like to   Trade in Gold   and includes additional a function that displays   weekly Gold levels   with the minimum and maximum displayed in the panel as well as on the chart, which will help you in manual trading. It’s a strategy based on  Price
    lizhi fu
    4.54 (50)
    TopBottomEA's advantage: the first support for small capital work EA, real trading for more than 4 years; this EA based on volatility adaptive mechanism, only one single at a time, each single with a stop-loss, an average of about 4 orders per day, holding a single length of 12 hours or so, with a limit of $ 20 principal challenge backtesting ran through more than 10 years. Every interval of three days to increase the price of $ 100, the price process: 998 --> 1098 --> 1198...... Up to the targ
    Big Forex Players MT4
    Marzena Maria Szmit
    4.73 (30)
    We proudly present our cutting-edge robot, the  Big Forex Players EA  designed to maximize your trading potential, minimize emotional trading, and make smarter decisions powered by cutting-edge technology. The whole system in this EA took us many months to build, and then we spent a lot of time testing it. This unique EA includes three distinct strategies that can be used independently or in together. The robot receives the positions of the   biggest Banks   (p ositions are sent from our databa
    AI Meta EA MT4
    Denis Kurnev
    4.43 (7)
    Introducing the AI Meta EA advisor - a remarkable leap in the world of trading! If you've always aspired to something greater and uncharted, then AI Meta EA is what you need. It harnesses cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies, developed using neural networks and hidden algorithms in the deepest corners of the internet. What makes AI Meta EA so uniquely exceptional? Forget about old strategies and mundane indicators! My advisor possesses an intuition that even the most experienced tra
    Recovery Manager Pro MT4
    Ianina Nadirova
    5 (1)
    Recovery Manager Pro ist ein System zur Wiederherstellung von Inanspruchnahmen von anderen Beratern oder von manuell geöffneten Aufträgen. RM Pro verfügt über die Fähigkeit zur automatischen dynamischen Anpassung. Der Händler muss die Risikostufe auswählen und der Berater arbeitet im vollautomatischen Modus. Kann im Drawdown-Wiederherstellungsmodus und im Standby-Modus arbeiten! Wenn ein anderer Berater einen Drawdown generiert, deaktiviert RM Pro diesen, sperrt die Position und startet den Pro
    Ai Major EA MT4
    Indra Maulana
    5 (1)
    43% off, only for the next 10 buyers(5 left) (Original price: $680) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for
    Trend Line PRO EA mt4
    Evgenii Aksenov
    4.66 (44)
    The Expert Advisor trades on the signals of the Trend Line PRO indicator. Orders are managed automatically. The EA has a Recovery function that increases the order size if the previous trade was closed with a loss. You can use from 1 to 3 orders at the same time. The Expert Advisor fully complies with the indicator signals and FIFO rules, does not use the grid function, which allows you to start trading with a minimum deposit of $100 The EA has a mobile trading panel for managing auto-trading f
    Weitere Produkte dieses Autors
    CyberBot Panel MT5 Training for CyberBot Project
    Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi
    4.67 (12)
    [As of Des 18, downloaded by 831 traders]  Motto:  "PORTFOLIO target > 95% Blue" every trader becomes the instant winner >   Promise, can be proven, find the proof in   the last chapter  > Dedicated to serious traders, who need a genuine, state-of-the-art product   ! [   Haftungsausschluss   ]   Dieser Test ist eine Phase des fortschrittlichen Hybridprodukts des KI-Handelsassistenten „out of the box“ auf dem MQL5.com-Markt, eine   Kombination aus mehreren Indikatoren, Assistentenpanels und Hand
    [As of Des 18, downloaded by 324 traders]  Motto:  "PORTFOLIO target > 95% Blue" every trader becomes the instant winner > Promise, can be proven, find the proof in   the last chapter  > Dedicated to serious traders, who need a genuine, state-of-the-art product   ! [   Disclaimer   ] This trading backtest is exclusively designed for members of Cyberbot. This training serves as an initial preparation for testing the   ALGO-VX7 sideways formula   on a virtual account for clients utilizing the "EA
    [ The “Last Call” promotion offers a 45% discount, before it returns to $128 after the 10th buyer ]  Motto: "PORTFOLIO target > 95% Blue" every trader becomes the instant winner  > Dedicated to serious traders, who need a genuine, state-of-the-art product > Promise, can be proven, find the proof in the real akun statement  click here !  Diese Produkte sind einzigartig aufgrund der Entwicklung komplexer Algorithmen, die aus Multiindikatorfunktionen für acht Paare, acht Zeitrahmen und acht Schatte
    Al Pivot Assistant TEST 5
    Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi
    [Stand Des 18, heruntergeladen von 831 Händlern] Motto:  "PORTFOLIO target > 95% Blue" every trader becomes the instant winner > Promise, can be proven, find the proof in   the last chapter  > Dedicated to serious traders, who need a genuine, state-of-the-art product   ! Look for a product that offers real, sophisticated visual proof, not just theoretical promises. If you're serious about trading, find a product made for serious traders, even if it's just a free version for training and presenta
    [As of Des 18, downloaded by 238 traders]  [ Disclaimer ] This trading backtest is exclusively designed for members of Cyberbot. This training serves as an initial preparation for testing the   ALGO-VX7 sideways formula   on a virtual account for clients utilizing the "EA CyberBot MT5" and "VR CyberBot MT5" expert advisors. However, it is accessible for download by anyone wishing to conduct personal analysis. We encourage you to download it promptly, as space is limited. Should you require assi
    Al Pivot Assistant TEST 4
    Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi
    [Stand Des 18, heruntergeladen von 324 Händlern] Motto:  "PORTFOLIO target > 95% Blue" every trader becomes the instant winner > Promise, can be proven, find the proof in   the last chapter  > Dedicated to serious traders, who need a genuine, state-of-the-art product   ! Look for a product that offers real, sophisticated visual proof, not just theoretical promises. If you're serious about trading, find a product made for serious traders, even if it's just a free version for training and presenta
    [As of Des 18, downloaded by 126 traders]  [   Disclaimer   ] This trading backtest is exclusively designed for members of Cyberbot. This training serves as an initial preparation for testing the   ALGO-VX7 sideways formula   on a virtual account for clients utilizing the "EA CyberBot MT4" and "VR CyberBot MT4" expert advisors. However, it is accessible for download by anyone wishing to conduct personal analysis. We encourage you to download it promptly, as space is limited. Should you require
    NEW Timing Ossillator
    Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi
    [As of Des 18, downloaded by 84 traders]  [ Disclaimer ] u can download it for free to help with the analysis using oscillators just for CyberBot customers! cool news: anyone can turn it on without joining the main product [paid or free]. but heads up - a warning might pop up since this is linked to the main product. if u like it and find it helpful, u can upgrade the "ReviewPass" by just writing a few sentences in the review box to be a wise reviewer. hurry up while it's still free, spots are
    [As of Des 18, downloaded by 105 traders]  [   Disclaimer   ] We're letting u download it for free to support the launch of the main products & training for CyberBot Members !  Hurry up download limited quota. The cool part is u can use it on your chart without having to run it with the main product. Just a heads up, though—alerts might pop up since this product isn't linked to the main one. Plus, you can experiment with it by downloading the free trial of the following main products 8 Symbols
    'CyberBot Project" is a cutting-edge product with a hybrid formula of "ALGO~VX7", the first in the MQL5 market > It's got a high-level mastermind algorithm that gives u Multi Indicator + Trade Panel Assistant + EA-Robot features all in one. With the ability to analyze 8 Pairs + 8 Timeframes + 8 Shadows at once, including Pivot, Support, and Resistance functions, it gives individual traders pro-level tools. Super practical + powerful, for everyone from newbies to pros. No theory needed, it's all
    'CyberBot Project" is a cutting-edge product with a hybrid formula of "ALGO~VX7", the first in the MQL5 market > It's got a high-level mastermind algorithm that gives u Multi Indicator + Trade Panel Assistant + EA-Robot features all in one. With the ability to analyze 8 Pairs + 8 Timeframes + 8 Shadows at once, including Pivot, Support, and Resistance functions, it gives individual traders pro-level tools. Super practical + powerful, for everyone from newbies to pros. No theory needed, it's all
    'CyberBot Project" is a cutting-edge product with a hybrid formula of "ALGO~VX7", the first in the MQL5 market > It's got a high-level mastermind algorithm that gives u Multi Indicator + Reversal Code Corridors all in one. With the ability to analyze 8 Pairs + 8 Timeframes + 8 Shadows at once, including Pivot, Support, and Resistance functions, it gives individual traders pro-level tools. Super practical + powerful, for everyone from newbies to pros. No theory needed, it's all real "wysiwyg" --
    'CyberBot Project" is a cutting-edge product with a hybrid formula of "ALGO~VX7", the first in the MQL5 market > It's got a high-level mastermind algorithm that gives u Multi Indicator + 5 Ossillators all in one. With the ability to analyze 8 Pairs + 8 Timeframes + 8 Shadows at once, including Pivot, Support, and Resistance functions, it gives individual traders pro-level tools. Super practical + powerful, for everyone from newbies to pros. No theory needed, it's all real "wysiwyg" -- the subco
    Al Pivot Assistant PRO 4
    Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi
    [   The “Last Call” promotion offers a 45% discount, before it returns to $688 after the 10th buyer  ] Motto  PORTFOLIO target 95% Blue every trader becomes the instant winner > Dedicated to serious traders, who need a genuine, state-of-the-art product ‼ [ PORTFOLIO target > 95% Blue]  in 2024, products with the "CyberBot Project" formula have the capacity to achieve a target of over 95% Blue. As proof, we practice trading activities in real execution while coaching and developing the prog
    Al Pivot Assistant PRO 5
    Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi
    [ The “Last Call” promotion offers a 45% discount, before it returns to $688 after the 10th buyer  ] Motto  PORTFOLIO target 95% Blue every trader becomes the instant winner  > Dedicated to serious traders, who need a genuine, state-of-the-art product ‼ [ PORTFOLIO target > 95% Blue]  in 2024, products with the "CyberBot Project" formula have the capacity to achieve a target of over 95% Blue. As proof, we practice trading activities in real execution while coaching and developing the prog
    Trade Assistants
    Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi
    Wichtig und dringend!   Was Sie jetzt brauchen, ist eine Zeitmaschine, die nachweislich auf den Gewinn selbst von Zielen mit 95 % Blau in ihrem Portfolio ausgerichtet ist [Beispiel eines echten Kontos,   klicken Sie hier!   ]. Nicht auf verwirrende Verfahren und Demopräsentationen, die nur Versprechen und Backtests von Siegen sind, die schwer zu beweisen sind. Wir garantieren, dass Ihre Beständigkeit in nur einer Woche diesen Sieg erreichen kann.   Sogar in der Demoversion kann diese Garantie r
    Chak Fai Chu
    Chak Fai Chu 2024.12.04 02:28 

    SImple Panel to take order, Best EA , Thanks Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi

    Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi
    Antwort vom Entwickler Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi 2024.12.04 08:49
    thx Chak Fai Chu for the 5* rating! we appreciate u buying this product after trying the free one. we’re here to help u use it the best way possible. we got ur questions and will send tips and trading strategies that match this product soon. cheers!
    Marcio Filipe Estrela Vieira
    Marcio Filipe Estrela Vieira 2024.11.04 17:09 

    Der Benutzer hat keinen Kommentar hinterlassen

    Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi
    Antwort vom Entwickler Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi 2024.11.05 07:36
    Olá Marcio Filipe Estrela Vieira, seja bem vindo e obrigado. Nós garantimos que você ficará mais proficiente em pouco tempo; A versão que você comprou é VR [série Lite da EA CyberBot MT4], mas não se preocupe, forneceremos dicas e informações estratégicas que você pode usar agora e no futuro. [enviaremos um link para seu ID em breve].
    Олег Третяк
    Олег Третяк 2024.10.25 10:06 

    Der Benutzer hat keinen Kommentar hinterlassen

    Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi
    Antwort vom Entwickler Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi 2024.10.26 03:27
    Thanks a ton, friend, for the 5 stars + awesome review! We really appreciate it! Even though this is the VR Experts version, no worries—this app will keep getting better, just like the pro version. Soon, we’ll add a TelegramBot feature to your group channel so u can share your screenshots as a bonus!
    Antwort auf eine Rezension
    Version 24.16 2024.11.28
    New Version 24.16 || Download these products [https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/127425] or [https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/127426] to see the strategy tester settings for testing GBPUSD on ALGO-VX8 formula.
    Version 24.15 2024.11.28
    New Version 24.15 || Download these free products [https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/123875] or [https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/123876] to see the strategy tester settings for testing GBPUSD on ALGO-VX7 formula.
    Version 24.12 2024.11.01
    Latest version with fixed some bugs; and longer usage time limit for trading on a real account.