VR CyberBot MT4 Panel Expert 8Pairs 8Shadows Pivot
- Experts
- Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi
- Versione: 24.16
- Aggiornato: 28 novembre 2024
- Attivazioni: 8
[ La promozione “Ultima chiamata” offre uno sconto del 45%, prima di tornare a $ 128 dopo il decimo acquirente ]
Motto: "PORTFOLIO target > 95% Blu" ogni trader diventa il vincitore immediato
> Dedicated to serious traders, who need a genuine, state-of-the-art product
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Questi prodotti sono unici grazie allo sviluppo di algoritmi complessi derivati da funzioni multi-indicatore per otto coppie, otto timeframe e otto shadow. Inoltre, c'è una funzione di assistente del pannello di trading robusta e pratica che facilita decine di transazioni contemporaneamente, fornendo una guida aggiornata su Pivot, Sup123 e Res123. Inoltre, è incluso un EA-Robot aggiuntivo per l'addestramento all'impostazione variabile tra MA e RSI.
Tutto questo è confezionato in un singolo file, ed è stato dimostrato che non esistono prodotti complessi comparabili in nessun mercato, incluso MQL5.com, a prezzi accessibili come quelli offerti agli studenti. Presentiamo prodotti che sono autentici in base alle loro descrizioni, e nessuno è fuorviante. Sappiamo che potresti essere stato tratto in inganno in precedenza da presentazioni e immagini di promettenti backtest che non sono visibili all'inizio.
La nostra competenza come consulenti e coach deriva da decenni di esperienza. Creiamo e sviluppiamo prodotti "out of the box", all'avanguardia per supportare i trader individuali, dai principianti ai professionisti, senza teorie confuse. Tutto è visualizzato visivamente in un sofisticato formato WYSIWYG, allenando e affinando il subconscio a riconoscere e gestire le transazioni in modo più competente e responsabile. I prodotti affidabili danno la sensazione di essere seguiti direttamente da assistenti esperti di mastermind.
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FREE Download T R I A L | \Experts\ | [ MT4 ] CyberBot Panel Training [ Indicators + TRIAL Panel Pad EA ] | [ MT5 ] CyberBot Panel Training [ Indicators + TRIAL Panel Pad EA ] |
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ABOUT "CyberBot Project"
> La piattaforma "CYBERBOT PROJECT" è stata creata per i trader che operano con eccezionale professionalità e competenza, caratterizzati dai seguenti attributi:
- - Riesce a rilevare il momento giusto al momento giusto e a posizionarlo in modo massiccio ed efficace.
- - Ogni azione nelle loro attività di trading è supportata da dati solidi e da analisi responsabili.
- - Diventare un esperto con competenze personali costantemente affinate e competenti nel proprio campo.
- - Comprendere l'analisi generale dei robot EA, compresi gli algoritmi dei loro creatori.
- - Diventa un analista esperto e un esecutore esperto e puoi creare un EA-robot 2MA incrociato con l'RSI.
> La piattaforma "CYBERBOT PROJECT" funziona come un mastermind esperto al 100% in tempo reale, 24 ore al giorno. Senza teoria, tutto può essere padroneggiato visivamente dai principianti agli anziani nel mondo del business dei derivati.
> L'aspetto vantaggioso è che tutti i benefici disponibili per i trader possono essere osservati qui. Per coloro che hanno già sperimentato delusioni o perdite finanziarie con EA passivi, consigliamo di prendere in considerazione questa piattaforma.
C Y B E R B O T P R O J E C T | Don't trade like a gambler, Winner's Secret is here [CyberBot Project] The platform shown is transparent and sophisticated. Even beginners can become more expert instantly in a week | Valuable and unforgettable successful experience | Professionally structured products to prepare you to become a great analyst and expert trader to achieve financial freedom success | The best choice is here ‼ Introducing : EA CyberBot PRO [MT4| MT5] Forex Crypto Trading with 8 Pairs, 8 Timeframes, and 8 Shadows in one chart. This is a sophisticatedly designed Expert Advisor [EA] program with “out of the box” capacity. It has created a complete platform containing Robot EA, Trade Panel Pad, and Multi-Indicators seamlessly integrated into one file. Combining these functions in one platform makes it a powerful tool for the savvy trader, serving serious trading endeavors while also acting as an educational tool to establish higher-quality trading practices. It is designed as a valuable asset that is essential for experienced traders, Introducing Brokers (IB), and futures companies as a promotional tool by embedding the brand in the product while increasing turnover and empowering clients to become more confident and actively involved in transactions independently. Our program has proven effective in significantly enhancing skills, backed by years of research and development in consulting and education. Through intensive MQL4 and MQL5 programming, we address the fundamental needs of capital market traders. Our approach focuses on 100% practical training, eliminating tedious theory, and training the subconscious mind for reflexive proficiency. This transforms previously ambiguous perceptions into a clear, analyzable, and secure reality in business activities. | C Y B E R B O T P R O J E C T |
Le specifiche del prodotto sono disponibili per entrambe le piattaforme MT4 e MT5 inserendole nelle directory: //Indicators/FX CyberBot PRO e :://Experts/EA CyberBot PRO o :://Experts/VR CyberBot LITE [Spiegato nel video]
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How to use the strategy on the "CyberBot Project" products --------------------------------------------------- method #1: Pivot Points Method, Support and Resistance Strategy with Buy Limit and Sell Limit Orders --------------------------------------------------- The product has been rigorously tested for application with the Pivot Points Method and the Support and Resistance Strategy. By placing limit orders at level three and a take profit (TP) at a minimum of level two, this tool proves invaluable for managing multiple orders daily. However, it is essential to possess additional skills, including a foundational understanding of the market, when determining stop loss (SL) settings and placing supplementary orders at a distance greater than level three to achieve consistent substantial gains.
Basic knowledge and strategies that are important information to understand are here. Also equipped with references from GPT-4o, Google Gemini Ai, for professional trading psychology! Here's a detailed description and execution strategy for derivative trading using Pivot Points, Support, and Resistance, based on technical analysis, geared toward advanced traders: > Overview Pivot points are a series of calculated levels derived from the previous day's high, low, and close prices. These levels act as a reference for potential turning points or areas of price action momentum. Pivot points are widely used in intraday trading to predict market sentiment, momentum, and likely price directions. About the basic theory of Pivot points, Support and Resistance can be found in more detail on the blog. Click here! --------------------------------------------------- method #2: Advanced level || This material is intended for a comprehensive understanding of "patterns". It also provides the best solution in cases of very strong current pressure --------------------------------------------------- |
||Watch visualizations with moving images and explanatory descriptions. ||This material is intended for a comprehensive understanding of "patterns". It also provides the best solution in cases of very strong current pressure.
S C A L P I N G | The explanation is in the picture with stable and sideways up and down waves. [on the attached image "SCALPING | SWING"] You have gone through the BASIC session material, hopefully by following the existing stages with great discipline. You have the opportunity to create a positive portfolio with a 95% "blue" probability. In addition to compliance in following the signal "pattern" in the BASIC session, accuracy is also required in executing IN and discipline in OUT with measurable targets at every opportunity [200 pips/TP=200]. If this is ignored, there is a risk that not only will the target not be achieved, but the amount of equity will also be eroded due to unexpected "swings" in the market. The SCALPING strategy in BASIC that we have created focuses on waiting for the "correction" process to occur. This is the safest position to execute trading because it is at the farthest point from the chart movement, which always has a wavy shape. The safest positions are arranged to form a "corridor" formation at the upper and lower boundaries of the wave. Some of you might be wondering why we don't aim for a profit of over 500 pips, especially since it seems more profitable than our target of 200 pips. From the picture above, it does look like there’s potential for greater gains. However, CYBERBOT's mission is to ensure that your trading experience is safe and healthy for your peace of mind. We don’t force ourselves to predict market direction because the market is dynamic. Instead, we assume that after a "correction," the market will often try to exceed the initial range by pushing into a broader corridor. To illustrate, think of the "sea" as being made up of small, medium, and large waves. Small waves can feel stable while larger waves are on the way. When the time comes, the activity of the small waves will shift to follow the direction set by the larger waves. So, there’s no need to worry. We’ve conducted measurable mapping to provide a more controlled analysis of your predictions. Here’s how it works. | S W I N G |
M I D T E R M | The explanation is in the picture with waves that rise several corridors and fall into a trend. [on the attached image "CORRIDORS | TREND"] When the "pattern" [H1] of BASIC is formed, its peak boundary becomes corridor #1. In a "sideways" market condition, movement will remain within this corridor. However, caution is necessary, as the market will eventually shift towards the next corridors under strong pressure. When the next "pattern" [H1] appears, there will be opportunities for "reversal" executions with a profit target of at least 200 pips. The furthest corridor typically reaches level 4, with each level taking one week to one month to complete. [Factor "pattern" of MIDTERM & LONGTERM]. If you reach the furthest stage, an excellent position will emerge, characterized by strong resilience that leads to a "reversal" direction followed by an extreme "trend" targeting ±1000 pips. In conclusion, the further the corridor, the stronger the resilience [X<Y<Z]. Seek this opportunity for a significant gains. [recommendation] | L O N G T E R M |
S u p p o r t | Note : It is important to note that certain comments may suggest that the wave image, which serves to illustrate the market, is overly idealistic and does not accurately reflect the complexities of reality. This observation holds true, particularly if one is still in the Basic (BASIC) stage. In fact, CYBERBOT, in its guidance, advises each client to refrain from being unduly influenced by the graphical representation as it appears. Nevertheless, it is essential to succeed in visualizing it as a neat and orderly wave. By doing so, you will become adept at determining the center line (balance) as the analytical reference line. [ Insider ] [Informer] For CyberBot members, when using the "CyberBot Project" for real trading, enhance your decisions with experience and pattern recognition of major pairs. The fundamentals and trading psychology from GPT-4 and Google AI Gemini support wise actions. Tips: Increase your winnings by utilizing the trigger signals of eight currency pairs, broadcast live 24/7 on platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and Kick. Search for "CyberBot 8 Pairs" and select the 'live' option; we guarantee precise coaching. With consistency, you can become an expert in just a week. We will send the strategy with "ReviewPass". [ Neural Networks ] | S u p p o r t |
> Customize your needs and visit the links in the content that match the following products according to the table, as well as the choice of Metatrader4 and Metatrader5 platforms. If you are still confused about the difference between FX CyberBot PRO and EA CyberBot PRO, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the MT4 and MT5 versions, please send a message in the comments column. Recently, “CyberBot Project,” designed for professional traders in Indonesia, has expanded to serve the global trading community through MQL5.com !
Message for buyers / renters : The MQL5.com store specifically grants permission to each buyer or tenant who can become a discerning reviewer with positive ratings for this product. For our team, this is invaluable in prioritizing our ability to effectively address the personal information needs of each buyer or tenant, as well as facilitating significant strategic enhancements. Each discerning review will be uniquely able to "ReviewPass," enabling the program system to respond to the highest level of improvement in the future. We strongly recommend that you submit a positive rating promptly, as MQL5.com does not provide this feature, which complicates our ability to differentiate between messages from clients and discerning reviews of our complimentary training products. A.S.A.P.: And get a guarantee of coaching to get consistent profits with the secret of effective strategies that are specifically for CyberBot clients. Preliminary Video Guidance, choose according to product metatrader: [Setup EA CyberBot MT4] || [Setup EA CyberBot MT5] || [Setup VR CyberBot MT5]
SImple Panel to take order, Best EA , Thanks Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi