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Kostenpflichtige Trading Utilitys für MetaTrader 4 - 28

icon Unten finden Sie Handelsprogramme, die den Forex-Handel in MetaTrader 4 vereinfachen. Fahren Sie mit der Maus über ein Hilfsprogramm in der Liste unten, um seine Beschreibung und seinen Zweck zu lesen.
Smart Trade Manager for Layering & BE This AI-powered trading tool automates trade management by handling entry positions, Break-Even (BE), and Take Profit (TP) dynamically. It allows traders to layer trades and protect their profits without manual intervention. Key Features: Secure profits automatically by setting BE once a trade reaches profit. Distribute trade volume across multiple entries to average the price. Set multiple TP targets to scale out of positions efficiently. Use tick-based ca
Hallo an alle.  Ich möchte Ihnen ein wenig über dieses Panel für den Handel auf dem Finanzwährungsmarkt erzählen. Das Panel ist in der Programmiersprache MQL4 geschrieben und wurde entwickelt, um bei der Eröffnung von Marktaufträgen an bestimmten Positionen zu helfen. Es funktioniert sowohl mit normalen Orders als auch mit ausstehenden Orders. Das heißt, öffnet Verkaufs- und Kaufaufträge wie Buy, Sell, BuyLimit, SellLimit, BuyStop, SellStop. Und öffnet auch ein Netzwerk von Pending Orders und,
Guillaume Xavier Andre Turlier
MT4 trading tool. Intuitive Dashboard that allows effortless automated trading, saving 99 Strategies , Advanced Money Management , Automatic group orders :  Global Take Profit / Stop Loss, Smart TP (Multi-Level, Position Recovery) and Smart SL (Breakeven, trailing Stop, Multi-Level), Exit Manager , Signals, Strength Indicator , ATR Graph, Price Alert, News Warning…  # If you have any other requirements or are interested in collaboration, please contact (info@styxia.com)   Get more information
Macd Sell EURUSD
Jesus Karim Valdez Beltran
Präsentation von Macd_Sell_EURUSD: Ihr Verbündeter bei der Diversifizierung des Handels Macd_Sell_EURUSD ist ein fortschrittlicher Handelsroboter (nur Verkäufe), der so konzipiert wurde, dass er effizient auf einer breiten Palette von Vermögenswerten im Devisenmarkt operiert und eine beispiellose Vielseitigkeit für Ihre Handelsstrategie bietet. Dieser Bot zeichnet sich nicht nur durch seine Fähigkeit aus, sich an verschiedene Marktbedingungen anzupassen, sondern auch durch eine optimierte Konf
Tendenc Sell EURUSD
Jesus Karim Valdez Beltran
Präsentation von TendencSell_EURUSD: Meisterschaft in Abwärtstrends und zeitliche Präzision TendencSell_EURUSD ist die Spitze der Trading-Roboter, spezialisiert auf die Maximierung des Gewinns aus den Abwärtstrends des Forex-Marktes. Dieser raffinierte Bot zeichnet sich durch die Identifizierung und Ausführung von Verkaufsgeschäften zum optimalen Zeitpunkt aus, insbesondere an den höchsten Punkten vor signifikanten Rückgängen. Er erweitert die Fähigkeiten seines Vorgängers, Macd_Sell_EURUSD, in
Tendenc Buy EURUSD
Jesus Karim Valdez Beltran
Präsentation von TendencBuy_EURUSD: Meisterhaft in rückläufigen Trends und zeitlicher Präzision TendencBuy_EURUSD ist die Spitze der Handelsroboter, spezialisiert auf die Maximierung des Gewinns aus rückläufigen Trends auf dem Forex-Markt. Dieser anspruchsvolle Bot zeichnet sich durch die Identifizierung und Ausführung von Kaufaufträgen zu optimalen Zeitpunkten aus, insbesondere an den höchsten Punkten vor signifikanten Rückgängen. Durch die Vererbung und Verfeinerung der Strategien seines Vorgä
Filter Trader ist ein leistungsstarkes Tool zur Optimierung des Copy-Tradings, das sich durch seinen "strategiebasierten" Ansatz vom Wettbewerb abhebt. Sie können frei wählen, welchen Strategien Sie folgen möchten, und jede Strategie kann individuell mit ihrer eigenen Losgröße und benutzerdefinierten Betriebszeiträumen konfiguriert werden. Das Tool hilft Ihnen außerdem automatisch, potenziell verlustbringende Handelsperioden anhand der historischen Daten der Signalquelle herauszufiltern und so
Macd Sell EURUSD 4
Jesus Karim Valdez Beltran
Präsentation von MACD SELL EURUSD Ver 4.0: Ihr Partner für die Diversifizierung des Handels MACD SELL EURUSD Ver 4.0 ist ein fortschrittlicher Handelsroboter, der speziell für Verkaufsoperationen auf dem Forex-Markt konzipiert wurde. Dieser Bot zeichnet sich durch seine Anpassungsfähigkeit an eine breite Palette von Vermögenswerten aus und bietet eine unvergleichliche Vielseitigkeit für Ihre Handelsstrategie. Er bietet eine optimierte Konfiguration für das Währungspaar EURUSD und beweist außerg
Tomas Bystriansky
The tool is suitable for traders who trade with prop firms, it tracks your daily decline so you don't lose your account and also specifies the money management set by you... The tool works as an Expert Advisior and therefore must be used in combination with a VPS in order to monitor the current status of your positions.. Prop account settings: Challenge 50k,100k,200k -Daily Drawdown - From 0:00 or From max.Equity  - depending on the type of conditions of your company -Daily Drawdown  (8000usd)
Prop Firm Equity Protector safe guard your hard earned prop firm account from balance or equity downdraw. It can be used for live/personal account too. It will close all positions if drawdown hit the preset level or percentage. It can be set to close other EA in the same MT4 terminal too.  This utility is not need to use conjuction with  HFT Prop Firm EA (Green Man),   HFT Prop Firm EA has it build-in equity protector and also it has ultra low drawdown. Setting: Prop Firm Account Size Drawdown
Prop Firm Toolbox contains the important tools for maximising your funded account prop firm accounts. It contains function: - Lot Size Consistency Advisor  (This is the number one reason of prop firm not paying if you soft bleach this rule) - Biggest Profit Size Warning  (This is the number two reason of prop firm not paying if you soft bleach this rule) - Spread Meter
This utility keeps a watchful eye on your trading terminals and ensures that you are notified if any of them are disconnected. Simply attach the utility to a chart and connect to a monitoring service who can notify you. We use UptimeRobot for both VPS and terminal monitoring; however, any service supporting heartbeat monitoring can be employed. Many such services offer free plans and various notification methods, such as Cronitor.io
Pip Collector Equity Protector
Christopher Graham Parish
Collects Your Pips And Protects Your Equity. Run several EA's on several pairs and several timeframes - and monitor them all in one place! Automatically Opens Your Charts (Containing Your EAs Templates) And Starts Trading Each Day At A Time Set By You. You Set The Overall Profit Traget And Maximum Allowed Drawdown. This includes Swap Fees and Commissons. Then This EA Automatically Closes Your Charts and Trades When Target Profit Is Reached. or Automatically Closes Your Charts and Trades Whe
The Position Control is an intuitive yet powerful trading tool that facilitates risk management from entry to exit.  It includes automatic lot sizing, fixed stop loss and take profit features, or determines them using the ATR indicator. After opening a position, you can set automatic break-even points, trailing stops, and choose from three types of partial closures. Moreover, if you open a 0.01 lot position from your phone, the expert will automatically close it and open a risk-managed position
Fibo Swing EA
Aleksei Androsov
Halbautomatischer Trendberater basierend auf dem Fibonacci-Raster. Nach dem Zeichnen des Fibonacci-Rasters erweitert der Berater das Raster automatisch, wenn sich der Preis weiter entlang des Trends bewegt, und eröffnet einen Auftrag für einen Preisrückgang von den in den Einstellungen ausgewählten Niveaus. Stop Loss wird automatisch auf 100 % des Fibo-Rasters gesetzt, Take Profit wird auf 10 % des Fibo-Rasters gesetzt. Sie können die Option zum Schließen einer Order auch auf der nächsten Eben
Telegram alert by Veles is a tool that allows you to send specific signals of any Meta Trader 4 indicator to your Telegram channel in the form of screenshots, turning your Meta Trader 4 account into a signal provider. Main functions Ability to select buffers of the required indicator to receive BUY and SELL signals.  Ability to edit the time of sending screenshots.  Ability to customize screenshot resolution.  Note: * When submitting screenshots, any objects on your charts such as main indicato
Market Viewer
Matimu Romeo Ngoveni
Market Viewer This utility seeks to assist the trader in identifying potential areas of interest on the price chart. Different components integral to decision making have been automated, allowing the user to engage with perfectly calculated levels. Some components include the weeks initial balance, session Min and Max areas and a round number indicator altogether forming templates providing confidence to the trader. Have a look at the screenshots for a sneak peak into the components. The utility
This Utilities Expert Advisor will help traders set News Traps instantly. Usually, news-trapping traders open both SELL and BUY limit orders 10-5 minutes before high-impact news is released. You can wait until it hits Take Profit (TP), or you can also use the close button to close all or several orders in one click. Please note that even though this is an Expert Advisor (EA), it doesn't open orders automatically. Traders need to click the "OPEN TRAP!" button, and the script will execute limit
Tester binary indicators by Veles is a tool that checks the signals of any Meta Trader 4 indicator. Main functions: Ability to select buffers of the required indicator to receive BUY and SELL signals. Ability to select the required expiration time based on indicator signals. Possibility to select the operating time range of the required indicator. Possibility to choose the trading verification scheme that is optimal for you (without martingale, martingale by candles, martingale by signal). Abil
Gann Model Forecast
Kirill Borovskii
5 (1)
I present to your attention a powerful utility for predicting the future movement of an asset based on W.D. Ganna’s law of vibration. This utility analyzes the selected market model and provides codes for future possible market movement patterns. If you enter the selected code into the appropriate box, you will receive a forecast of the potential market movement. The utility has the ability to display several potential forecast models. The forecast is not yet tied to time and price and gives th
Dies ist ein Überprüfungsskript, das den Transaktionsverlauf direkt in einem Diagramm anzeigt. Legen Sie zunächst den Zeitraum für die historischen Transaktionsdaten des Kontos fest. Nachdem das Skript ausgeführt wurde, werden die historischen Transaktionsdaten innerhalb des festgelegten Zeitraums in einem Diagramm angezeigt. Die angezeigten Preise beinhalten Eröffnungskurs, Schlusskurs, Stop Loss Preis, Stop Profit Preis sowie das Handelsvolumen jeder Order. Mehrere Orders haben eine rote Lin
For MT5: TP SL Calculator This tool helps you to automatically calculate profit at Take - Profit price and loss at Stop - Loss price. Feature: - Calculate profit at TP price. Apply to all operators (BUY / BUY LIMIT / BUY STOP / SELL / SELL LIMIT / SELL STOP), with TP price is greater than 0. Profit is expressed in money and points. - Calculate loss at SL price. Apply to all operators (BUY / BUY LIMIT / BUY STOP / SELL / SELL LIMIT / SELL STOP), with SL price is greater than 0. Loss is express
ChartSync MT4
Alfiya Fazylova
Chart Sync – wurde für die Synchronisierung von Grafikobjekten in Terminalfenstern entwickelt. Kann als Ergänzung zu TradePanel verwendet werden. Vor dem Kauf können Sie die Demoversion auf einem Demokonto testen. Demo hier . Um zu funktionieren, installieren Sie den Indikator auf dem Diagramm, aus dem Sie Objekte kopieren möchten. Auf diesem Diagramm erstellte Grafikobjekte werden vom Indikator automatisch in alle Diagramme mit demselben Symbol kopiert. Der Indikator kopiert auch alle Änderunge
UR TradeManager
Krzysztof Jan Debski
UR_TradeManager für MetaTrader 4 Maximieren Sie Ihr Handelspotenzial mit dem UR_TradeManager, dem ultimativen Werkzeug zur Verbesserung des Handels, das speziell für die MetaTrader 4-Plattform entwickelt wurde. Dieses präzise und funktionale, umfassende Werkzeug ist unerlässlich für Händler, die ihre Fähigkeiten in Marktanalyse, Ausführung und Verwaltung verbessern möchten. Hauptmerkmale: Visuelles Handels-Dashboard : Verwalten Sie Ihre Trades direkt von einem ausgeklügelten Dashboard, das in Ih
Are you tired of missing out on profitable opportunities due to cumbersome and slow trade management in MT4? Do complexities in adjusting trades quickly and accurately analyzing market conditions make you hesitant and cost you financially? Understanding and reacting to market dynamics can be challenging, especially without the right tools. Our innovative Trading Panel is specifically engineered to tackle these issues. It provides a streamlined and efficient way to manage your trades and analyze
TFM MULTI CROSS expert MT4 TFM MULTI CROSS expert can receive different signals and send them to the user using 3 moving average indicators . This expert can help the trader to recognize different crosses in any time frame. This expert is a new version of forex signal finder experts, which has high speed, high efficiency and accuracy. By purchasing Expert Multi cross, you can easily find the crosses created in your watch list in the stock market and forex. General features of TFM MULTI CROSS
Ichimoku signal finder expert Expert Ichimoku Analyzer is a very suitable tool for analyzing and checking standard Ichimoku indicator signals. This expert with the name TFI ICHIMOKU is one of the fast series experts that has the ability to send signals to email and mobile phones and due to its special technical features, it can quickly check the symbols in the watch list and check the signals. by buying Ichimoku Expert, you can find Ichimoku signals in the shortest time. TFI ICHIMOKU TFI ICHIMOK
Expert or Super Trend signal finder robot for MT4 The super trend indicator is a trend indicator that is very widely used in technical analysis, this indicator has two main tasks, the first task is to identify and recognize the market trend and the task of identifying buy and sell positions, but in order for us to be able to To check all the shares or currency pairs with which we do our transactions, we must compare each currency pair or share with this indicator one by one, so that we can find
Expert candle finder for forex in MetaTrader 4 Expert candle finder is one of the practical trader assistant experts that is used in the forex financial market, this expert accurately identifies the candlestick patterns on the price chart as a signal, all the found candles. informs you. This expert is run on your Meta trader platform and in a very precise way, it examines all the currency pairs that are in your watch list and every currency pair that had a professional and good candlestick patt
Vitaliy Boltenkov
FxProTrader is a multifunctional half-automatic trading system that allows you to trade both manually and automatically . The algorithm includes 3 automatic trading strategies (1 trend and 2 flat). The trader independently analyzes the trading situation and makes a decision on which trading strategy to include. Attention! Not all buttons work correctly in the strategy tester. Presented in the form of 4 graphic panels: 1 Panel - the main trading panel responsible for manual trading. Allows yo
RF Trailing MT4 trading assistant robot The Risk Free Trailing Stop expert is one of the experts designed by the active intelligence programming team, which is designed using the experience and skill of many years in financial markets programming of this expert. This expert is designed for the Metatrader 4 platform and has many attractive features that have a very positive effect on your trading process. Profit and loss limit management is one of the most effective factors in the success of a t
Capital management trade assistant expert The function of the capital management expert is for positions, this expert helps the user to take Sell and Buy positions without calculating the amount of the lot, it also automatically observes the SL and TP points for the positions and on the price chart It registers, calculates the trading volume according to the balance, automatically considers the reverse position or hedge for the opened positions, of course, optionally, the selection of the SL an
Expert Slider for MetaTrader 4 Expert Slider is one of the most widely used experts in the Forex financial market and Metatrader 4. Using this expert, you can easily design several slides for yourself and save several currency pairs with different templates, and according to the timer used for Each slide you set, view different currency pairs with the desired template and continue your analysis and reviews. In the technical specifications section of this expert, there are many options that can b
Expert trade panel MT4 The Expert Trade Panel consists of two sections, the panel and indicators, which you can see immediately after running the Expert on Metatrader, the Trade Panel is a tool that makes the trading process easy for the trader so that the trader can quickly and do your transactions easily. One of the features of this panel is that it has two parts. According to his needs, the trader can use both the indicator part of this panel and the panel part. Using this panel, the trader c
Expert SL TP USD panel MT4 SL TP USD Panel expert is one of the practical experts in the field of Forex financial market, which is designed for the Metatrader 4 platform, this expert helps the trader to determine the dollar profit and loss limit for himself. The function of the expert is that the trader decides to close the position after, for example, $10 profit, or close the position after, for example, $5 loss. You can use Inexpert easily and control your trading performance.
Candle finder robot MT4 Candle finder robot is one of the trading assistant tools that helps the trader, this tool helps the trader to examine all the currency pairs that are in the Metatrader watch list in detail within a few seconds. Find the desired signals. According to the strategy that is defined for this robot, in your watch list, it carefully looks for trend change candles, there are many trend change candles that traders use in their trading decisions. This robot can simply check all t
The Trend Diamond Analyzer, also known as Trend Advisor Diamond, is a market theory cycle used to analyze both the "buy side" and "sell side" and can identify various market phases. This tool was created by eaforexcenter.com based on the theory developed by Chuck Dukas. It combines technical indicators and market behavior, making it an excellent tool for analyzing market trends and phases.
Welcome, we introduce the Manual Grid Assistant, which can be an excellent complement to your manual grid trading! The Manual Grid Assistant is an efficient and sophisticated trading tool that perfectly complements manual grid trading strategies. This tool allows you to manage manually opened positions on your behalf while ensuring maximum profit and controlling risk. One of its main advantages is that it automatically closes all open positions when a predefined total pip reach or a specified p
Trade with Confidence Using the Trendline Trading ATM (Advanced Trade Management)! Master entries, exits, and risk management with the powerful tools of the MetaTrader Trendline Trading ATM. This expert advisor equips you with a comprehensive suite of tools to trade consistently smarter, not harder.  Take control of your trading risk and drawdown, capture profitable entries, and let your winners run. This innovative Trade Entry/Exit and Risk Management utility empowers you to:   Precision Entry
hint: my basic indicators are used like that KingLevel combind with KingSequence will provides basic insights of the price action of the markets and KingSequenceSgn is just for the convienent for watching. And plus with Forex Trading mentor subsccription I will assist you to win the market at first later if it's great will be upgraded to King Forex trading mentor. Forex trading Guide by a 10-year Forex Trading Expert - Junior:forex[usdjpy,eruusd etc], crypto[btc,eth], gold [*You can check the
Möchten Sie Ihr EA mit echten Tick-Daten backtesten? Dann ist Real Tick Data Creator genau das Richtige für Sie. Die Tick-Daten im Strategietester sind nicht echt und spiegeln nicht wider, wie sich der Preis tatsächlich bewegt hat, sondern sind lediglich eine Simulation. Mit dieser Software können Sie jedoch Ihre Strategien mit echten Tick-Daten backtesten. "Real Tick Data Creator" ist eine innovative Software, die entwickelt wurde, um Händlern, die die Metatrader 4-Plattform nutzen, genaue und
Double Trailing Stop MT4
Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
The Double Trailing Stop is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe Expert Advisor that allows the Stop Loss and Take Profit trailing of positions.  General Description   The Double Trailing Stop’s purpose is to secure profit and minimize losses of the opened positions. The Expert Advisor places stop orders (Stop Loss or Take Profit) at the Trailing Stop distance from the market price when the symbol's quote reaches/overcomes the Trailing Start distance from the position’s opening price (a single-time
Liste der funktionen: Benutzeroberfläche: genusmodus und streifen-modus; Im hinblick auf den umfang der transaktionen gibt es drei unbekannte muster: absolute stärke, umfang und risikoverhältnis; Eine digitale tafel zur hand Oder zur risikosumme Gewinn - und verlustrechnung: Einzelpersonen als einzelpersonen für diese bestellung ausgewählt, Montage der risikoüberprüfung und gesamtrisikokontrolle; Befreiung vom lagerdepot, befreiung vom lagerhaus; Eine alarmierte preisliste; Die preiskontrollen;
Save the Tick Data to CSV file
Abraham Marthinus Boshoff
The MT4 DumpTicksCSV EA is a powerful tool designed for traders who need to capture and analyse market tick data. This EA continuously records all incoming tick data and saves it in a CSV file, making it easy to import the data into Excel or any database for detailed analysis. Each tick entry includes the server and candle timestamps, bid price, ask price, and spread, volume, Open, Close, High and Low; ensuring comprehensive data collection. Ideal for quantitative analysts, developers, and trade
Multiple Position Opening MT4
Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
The Multiple Position Opening is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe script used to open simultaneously various positions.  Risk Management   The volume used to open a position is chosen between a fixed and a variable lot size, available through the Volume and Free Margin % input parameters, respectively. If there isn't enough money in the account for the chosen volume, this is reduced to the highest possible value (corresponding to free margin). If this reduction leads to a correct volume (if the
Pending Order Grid MT4
Francisco Manuel Vicente Berardo
The Pending Order Grid is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe script that enables multi-strategy implementation based on pending order grids.  General Description   The Pending Order Grid allows the performing of a user-defined strategy through the creation of pending order grids. The script places pending orders of a given type (Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, or Sell Stop) at equidistant price levels to form each grid. The beginning and finish of every grid are defined by the Start Price and Sto
Trade Advisor MT4
Agus Santoso
3 (1)
Trade Advisor :   Das Diagramm beherrschen Der ultimative Expert Advisor (EA)-Assistent für professionelle Trader VERSION MT4-Version | MT5-Version | Blogs v.3.0 – Integration von Telegram-Bots Hinweis: Die MT4-Version ist leichter als die MT5-Version Trade Advisor: Das Chart meistern Trade Advisor ist ein fortschrittlicher Handelsassistent, der Handelsstrategien durch die Integration wichtiger Marktanalysetools und nahtloser Funktionalität für Händler verbessern soll. Hier ist ein Überblic
Nikoo Salimi
Many traders in the world trade with moving averages, like me. So I decided to upload the expert that I designed for my own use for those of you who use the same strategy as mine. Now I want to tell you about the features of this expert. First, you can see the moving average in 7 time frames simultaneously in one time frame. (whatever time frame you are) Second, you can receive an alert on your mobile at the moment the price hits any of the moving averages. Third, you can trade on the moving av
Noch 10 Exemplare übrig @ 49,55 Nächster Preis $55,77 Der Big Market Trader ist das ultimative KI-Handelshilfetool, mit dem Sie dem Markt immer einen Schritt voraus sein können. Es wurde mit der besten Technologie entwickelt und verfügt über eine hohe Frequenzreaktionsrate für zeitnahes Handeln. Es ist mit dynamischer KI-Automatisierung ausgestattet, die wir uns gleich ansehen werden. Wir haben ein fortschrittliches Risikomanagementsystem. Equity-Stop-Option, Trailing-Stop-System, Time-Stop- u
Sergey Marchenko
Der Experte öffnet keine Geschäfte, er kontrolliert nur die Gewinne und Verluste des Kontos und schließt alle offenen Geschäfte, wenn er einen Gewinn in Prozent erreicht, der größer ist als der Gewinnwert, und einen Verlust in Prozent, der den Wert des Loss übersteigt.  Um das gesamte Konto zu kontrollieren, genügt es, einen Experten in einem der Diagramme zu öffnen. profit - die Höhe des Gewinns in Prozent, wenn sie erreicht wird, wird beginnen, alle Geschäfte zu schließen. loss- die Anzahl
Using the MetaTrader 4 platform, you can send trading information to Telegram to record each trader's detailed information. This information includes the regular trading account details, balance, equity, etc. It also includes the total number of orders, total trading volume, and maximum profit and loss. Additionally, daily trading information is recorded, including the number of trading orders for the day, trading profit, and maximum profit and loss. Each order record will include both local tim
Panel Trading Reading Custom Indicator for Auto and Manual Trading have Button BUY and SELL , it also has Close All Button and spread to make you easy when trading Manual , for Auto mean Panel Can Reading Custom Indicator what you have , panel also has martyangle with Take profit and Daily target in USD , very usefull , and Best Panel , the indicator must be has arrow buy and sell 
Awesome Trade Manager
Komang Putra Riswanjaya
Overview Awesome Trade Manager is a powerful, intuitive trading panel designed to streamline and enhance your trading experience. Say goodbye to the repetitive and time-consuming tasks of order management—this tool gives you complete control over your trades with just a few clicks. Whether it’s placing new orders, managing lot sizes, or modifying existing positions, Awesome Trade Manager ensures that you can execute all of these actions swiftly and efficiently, injecting fresh energy into your t
Mr Beast Super Signals
Luis Mariano Vazquez Marcos
Nombre del Indicador: Alertas de Entrada Óptima MT4/MT5 SUPER SIGNALSS MR BEAST  para MetaTrader 4/5 ha sido diseñado para proporcionar a los operadores señales precisas de las posibles mejores entradas en el mercado. Utilizando avanzados algoritmos de análisis técnico y patrones de comportamiento del precio, este indicador identifica oportunidades de trading con alta probabilidad de éxito y genera alertas en tiempo real. Características principales: Alertas en tiempo real: Recibe notificaciones
Indicator Beast Entry Points v1
Luis Mariano Vazquez Marcos
MR BEAST ENTRY POINTS SIGNAL INDICADOR El indicador Alertas de Entrada Óptima para MetaTrader 4/5 ha sido diseñado para proporcionar a los operadores señales precisas de las posibles mejores entradas en el mercado. Utilizando avanzados algoritmos de análisis técnico y patrones de comportamiento del precio, este indicador identifica oportunidades de trading con alta probabilidad de éxito y genera alertas en tiempo real. Características principales: Alertas en tiempo real: Recibe notificaciones i
Mr Beast Witcher Zones indicator
Luis Mariano Vazquez Marcos
Mr Beast Witcher Zones MT4/MT5 Descripción: El indicador Mr Beast Witcher Zones para MetaTrader 4/5 está diseñado para identificar y trazar líneas de liquidez clave en el mercado, proporcionando posibles puntos de entrada óptimos para operaciones. Basado en un análisis profundo del comportamiento del precio y las zonas de liquidez, este indicador ayuda a los operadores a tomar decisiones más informadas y precisas en sus estrategias de trading. Características principales: Identificación de Zonas
Mr Beast Foxy indicador
Luis Mariano Vazquez Marcos
Mr Beast Foxy MT4/MT5 Descripción: El indicador Mr Beast Foxy para MetaTrader 4/5 está diseñado para ayudar a los operadores a gestionar el riesgo distribuyendo automáticamente las órdenes dentro de un rango predefinido. Este indicador avanzado permite una gestión eficiente del riesgo, asegurando que las órdenes se coloquen estratégicamente para maximizar el potencial de beneficio y minimizar las pérdidas. Características principales: Gestión de Riesgo Automatizada: Distribuye órdenes de manera
Mr Beast Cristal alerts
Luis Mariano Vazquez Marcos
Mr Beast Cristal Alerts MT4/MT5 Descripción: El indicador Mr Beast Cristal Alerts para MetaTrader 4 está diseñado para proporcionar alertas basadas en la metodología de Parabolic SAR. Este indicador avanzado detecta cambios en la dirección del precio y genera señales precisas para posibles entradas y salidas, ayudando a los operadores a capitalizar las tendencias del mercado de manera efectiva. Características principales: Alertas de Parabolic SAR: Genera notificaciones instantáneas cuando se de
Snake Mr Beast Indicator
Luis Mariano Vazquez Marcos
Snake Mr Beast Indicator MT4 Descripción: El Snake Mr Beast Indicator para MetaTrader 4 combina las señales de las Bandas de Bollinger y el Average True Range (ATR) para identificar oportunidades de trading con alta probabilidad de éxito. Este indicador avanzado ayuda a los operadores a detectar condiciones de sobrecompra y sobreventa, así como a medir la volatilidad del mercado, proporcionando señales claras para posibles entradas y salidas. Características principales: Señales de Bandas de Bol
MR bEAST bOLILNGUER bANDS aLERTS!!! Descripción: El indicador Alerta de Bandas de Bollinger para MetaTrader 4 está diseñado para ayudar a los operadores a identificar oportunidades de trading basadas en las Bandas de Bollinger. Este indicador genera alertas cuando el precio toca o cruza las bandas superior o inferior, señalando posibles puntos de entrada y salida. Características principales: Alertas de Contacto con Bandas: Recibe notificaciones instantáneas cuando el precio toca o cruza las ban
Mr Beas cci indicator alerts
Luis Mariano Vazquez Marcos
CCI Alerts Crosser by Mr. Beast Descripción: El "CCI Alerts Crosser by Mr. Beast" es un avanzado indicador técnico diseñado para MetaTrader 4 (MT4) que utiliza el Commodity Channel Index (CCI) para generar señales de compra y venta. Este indicador es ideal tanto para traders novatos como para traders experimentados que buscan una herramienta confiable para mejorar sus decisiones de trading. Características principales: Señales de Compra/Venta: El indicador genera alertas claras de compra y venta
Rsi Indicator Mr Beast Relative
Luis Mariano Vazquez Marcos
Mrs. Beast RSI Indicator Arrows Alert Descripción: El "Mrs. Beast RSI Indicator Arrows Alert" es un potente indicador técnico diseñado para MetaTrader 4 (MT4) que utiliza el Relative Strength Index (RSI) para generar señales de compra y venta. Este indicador es una herramienta esencial para traders que buscan mejorar su precisión en la identificación de oportunidades de trading en el mercado. Características principales: Señales de Compra/Venta: Genera señales de compra y venta claras mediante f
Mr. Beast King Indicator No Repaint: Un Enfoque Revolucionario para Señales de Compra y Venta ¡Bienvenido al futuro del trading con el indicador Mr. Beast King! Este innovador indicador utiliza algoritmos avanzados para proporcionar señales de compra y venta precisas y sin repintado, permitiéndote tomar decisiones informadas en tus operaciones financieras. Características Principales: Precisión Inigualable : El indicador Mr. Beast King ha sido meticulosamente diseñado para ofrecer señales precis
Fractal Señales No Repaint de Mr. Beast: Captura la Esencia del Mercado con Precisión Sumérgete en el mundo del trading con el indicador Fractal Señales No Repaint de Mr. Beast, una herramienta poderosa diseñada para ayudarte a identificar oportunidades de compra y venta con una precisión sin igual. Características Destacadas: Detección de Patrones Fractales : Este indicador utiliza la teoría de fractales para identificar patrones repetitivos en los mercados financieros. Al aprovechar la estruct
Super trend indicator Mr Beast
Luis Mariano Vazquez Marcos
Mr. Beast Indicator Supertrend para MT4: Potencia y Simplicidad en una Herramienta de Trading Experimenta la combinación perfecta de potencia y simplicidad con el indicador Mr. Beast Indicator Supertrend para MT4. Diseñado específicamente para la plataforma MetaTrader 4, este indicador te proporciona una visión clara y concisa de las tendencias del mercado, ayudándote a tomar decisiones informadas en tus operaciones financieras. Características Destacadas: Supertendencia Definida : Basado en el
General Description Advanced Statements is an innovative script for MetaTrader 4, designed to significantly enhance your portfolio analysis. This tool allows you to examine the complete MT4 history, generating detailed reports HTML for each MagicNumber. Through in-depth analysis, it identifies the best strategies to optimize your trading. Main Features Complete Statement Analysis Allows you to examine the entire statement generated by MetaTrader 4, providing a comprehensive view of portfolio pe
Live trade ideas from mytradingpet.com, derived from comprehensive technical analysis, historical patterns, and advanced AI algorithms. Access daily performance reports, automatically generated and updated for your convenience. Top performer:  +2106.73%   (NZDUSD over one year through 1221 trades)* Happy trading! * As of May 25, 2024, performance statistics are updated daily. Visit mytradingpet.com for the latest reports. Trade ideas available for 8 FOREX pairs  {"EURUSD","USDJPY","GBPUSD","AUDU
Эксперт TerminalConnectionChecker - надежный инструмент для мониторинга соединения торгового терминала MetaTrader 4 с сервером. Он обеспечивает своевременное оповещение трейдера о потере связи или ее восстановлении с помощью настраиваемых звуковых сигналов. Этот э ксперт  незаменим для трейдеров, которые хотят быть всегда в курсе состояния своего подключения. Основная функция этого э ксперта     - отслеживание состояния подключения. Как только связь пропадает, советник активирует звуковой сигн
An RSI (Relative Strength Index) MT4 (MetaTrader 4) scanner is a tool used in forex trading to identify overbought or oversold conditions across multiple currency pairs and timeframes. The RSI is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements, typically used to identify potential reversal points in the market. Key Features and Functions of an RSI MT4 Scanner: Multiple Timeframe Analysis : The scanner can analyze various timeframes (e.g., 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minut
MT4 AI Chat
Thomas Bradley Butler
CHAT WITH AI ON MQL4 AND MT4.  THE PROMPT MUST CONTAIN MQL4 OR MT4, OTHERWISE IT WILL NOT RESPOND.  IT IS TRAINED ON MT4 AND MQL4 ONLY. NOTE THAT IT WILL ONLY WORK IN REAL TIME CHARTS, NOT IN BACKTEST.  In comments Add your API Key in the inputs and  add these to web request in Expert Advisor tab: This chatbot is a tool designed to help users to chat with the Meta Trader 4 (MT4) and MQL4 more efficiently. It's based on a powerful AI model called GPT-3.5, which is capable of understanding and gen

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