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Expert Advisors für den MetaTrader 4 - 83

icon Expert Advisor sind in der Lage, die Kurse von Finanzinstrumenten mit Hilfe spezieller Forex-Strategien zu analysieren. Testen Sie kostenlose und kostenpflichtige Expert Advisor, um Ihren Handel zu automatisieren und profitabler zu machen.
Flow to Success
Uriel Alonso Camargo Bayona
This Robot allows the execution of orders following the trend, whether it is bullish or bearish, it has been tested in the EUR/USD pair in a time range of 8 years from from  2015 to 2022   with a few more than  1000% profit results, it has excellent capital management since it will depend on the The amount entered will also calculate the lottery to reduce the risk of loss. The robot calculates the lottery from 100 dollars but it is recommended in accounts with a minimum of 1000 dollars The rob
Smooth Lift MT4
Aleksandr Khmelevskii
Seven copies left at $99 USD. Next price is 149 USD Smooth Lift is an indicator-based trading system that includes 7 indicators, including trend indicators, volume indicators and indicators of possible price movement strength. They are used to confirm the analysis of the main Smooth Lift trading system. The trading is performed on 24/5. The strategy was developed taking into account the movement of the currency pair USDCHF and the best trading performance is on it. Recommendations: - H1 USDC
Ahmet Metin Yilmaz
ConquerorProEA is an algorithm that I developed according to the basic functions of my simple but reliable strategy based on my experience. Here, I have optimized default version entries that I have made available to you for the M15 Timeframe of EURUSD parity. You can test your own optimization using the Free Demo option with your own data that you believe to be more reliable. This price is for only limited time and will increase over time. more suitable results will be found for other currenc
Willkommen beim Pension Trader EA =============================================================================================== Dieser Roboter basiert auf 5 Indikatoren und generiert langfristige Gewinne. Perfekt für Ihre Pension. =============================================================================================== Dieser Roboter ist voll automatisiert und wurde für jedermann entwickelt. Der Robot funktioniert auch auf Cent-Konten. ===========================================
EA Liuk Trend
Maulana Dihaan Tadiska
EA LIUK TREND The best way to get profit in trading is to follow the Market trend. Good money management is important too to keep your investment save, by minimizing the Draw Down. With this EA LIUK TREND, you will be able to control when should you enter the market and exit with your own risk setting with ONLY SINGLE ENTRY POSITION. NO Multiple Entry, NO Hedging, NO Martingale. EA LIUK TREND will allow you to set 5 most important things in trading 1. Support and Resistance Rule No.1 : "Marke
Octopus MT4
Volodymyr Hrybachov
Multicurrency-Handelsroboter für komfortablen Forex-Handel. Es verfügt über ein Minimum an anpassbaren Parametern und ist daher für Anfänger und erfahrene Händler gleichermaßen geeignet. Installieren Sie den Handelsroboter einfach auf einem Währungspaar, z.B. EURUSD, und beobachten Sie die Ergebnisse, Sie müssen keine weiteren Manipulationen vornehmen. Sie benötigen weder einen VPS-Server noch einen Broker. Zuverlässiger Bot, der nicht ständig optimiert werden muss - einmal installieren, konfig
EA SmartTrade Mini
Mr Kraisit Chompungam
EA SmartTrade is an ideal swing strategy for the market, suitable for time frames 5M or more. The default setting is effective on the EURUSD or other major currency pairs. recommend – Do not use on real accounts without a clear understanding of the risks and consequences. – Before using the EA in real condition, test the demo account for at least 4 working weeks. – Check the news for the EA to work perfectly. Turn it off when news is near to reduce the risk. – It is recommended to use brokers w
Ultimate Scalper EA
Huynh Van Cong Luan
Ultimate Scalper EA  is an automatic trading robot to trade  GBPUSD . Using advanced calculations it opens and manages trading for you automatically. Its a strategy based on a series of indicators that measure the strength of the market to enter trades, when market conditions allow it. No experience is required and it’s easy to set up.  Using Ultimate Scalper  is a way to improve your trading result instantly. With an Expert Advisor like Ultimate Scalper  you can instantly start trading, a wor
Description for EA Magic Choice                                             EA is based on RSI, Support and Resistance indicator.                     Minimum 500 USD Time Frame H1-H4 Pair : XAUUSD, GBPUSD, EURUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD,  (usd pair is best) Note:- XAUUSD (if pair name is GOLD then news filter will not work) 1000usd for XAUUSD Standard Account SETTING Trade Buy :- EA will take trades buy only Trade Sell :- EA will take trades sell only New Series :-After successfully close
Quant Algo
Lungile Mpofu
Quant Algo Trader is fully automated bot for multi-currency pairs trading. This fully automated algo target few TP pips on every pair attached. The bot can trade more than 20 pairs without a challenge. The trades are opened in ONE DIRECTIONAL on every pair, which means that if EURUSD pair open Sell Trades, it will not open any Buy trade on the same EURUSD. The same on the whole entire pairs. This Algo Bot does not use any Indicator. It is based on Quote and Base Currency strategy which works sim
Advance Trend Intellegence EA   is Powefull Expert Advisor base on trend following strategy. This expert using advance dynamical algorithm to cathching the market trend. With this EA orders that are made accurate entry orders in the market in tune with the trend signal. This EA have a good performance that has been tested more than 1 years with real ticks history data. Although this EA can be use on any pairs, but please Use this EA on EURUSD Pair at M15 timeframe. Account type : HEDGE. Advanc
Mehmet Alkan
RobotFxtr2 EA  pariteler üzerinde çalışır. EURUSD(M30) TP & SL değerleri bulunmaktadır. Önce tek işlem açar  ve açtığı işle yönünde belli aralık ile sizin belirlediğiniz (1+1,1+2,1+3,1+4,1+5) diğer işlemleri açar. Risk oranınızı %2-3-4-5 ayarlayarak riski kendinize göre alabilirsiniz. Risk aldığınızda bakiyenize dikkat edelim. Kar için 8 adet indikatör kullanır Bu indikatörlerin (BUY) veya (SELL) aynı sinyal yönünü verdiğin de işleme girer. Çok fazla indikatör kullandığı için her işleme girmez.
EA Gold MA
Mr Sarawut Thajumpa
EA. All trades have fixed Stop Loss. Expert Advisor is designed specifically for XAUUSD. The settings have been optimized and simplified for users. Settings:   OrderBuy  = true                                                                                               OrderSell  = true  Magic  = 1  LotBuy  = 0.01  LotSell  = 0.01  Profit  = 2  SL  = 20000*Point  Step  = 1  Martingale  = 1.5  MA1  = 100  MA2   = 200  MaxOrederBuy  = 50  MaxOrederSell  = 50 If You need help, You can direct mes
... *** Signal :  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1743955 EA Fx Lion Gold Trading is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading Gold (XAUUSD) work process will calculate support and resistance including the highest and lowest price of each candlestick  The EA will calculate pending orders at the highest or lowest price after the support/resistance level. and will close the pending order on the next day if not in use -EA does not martingale  -EA  have Stop Loss and Take Profit to prote
Matrix Hacker MT4
Thomas Bradley Butler
Matrix Hacker ist nur für abgesicherte Konten und verwendet Random Walk, die Vergangenheit spielt keine Rolle. Der EA will sich auf dem Markt stabil behaupten und sowohl Nachfragen als auch Gebote abdecken. Kauft und verkauft Gebote und Nachfragen mit unterschiedlichen Größen und Volumina je nach Händler. Dies wird Anfängern nicht empfohlen, da es immer noch Kenntnisse über die Optimierung und nicht übertriebene Hebelwirkung erfordert. Ich empfehle die Verwendung von Einstellungen zum Scalping
Super MataELang Pro
Agus Wahyu Pratomo
EA SUPER MATAELANG PRO See Live Result : https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2146550 About EA: This EA uses some very sophisticated indicators. Can detect trend direction with high accuracy. It also has a safety system to anticipate if the price direction is not in the same direction as the position. Using security in the form of an averaging or martingale system Best used in the m15 time frame. The recommendation is GBPUSD, but you can try using another pair This has been running for more than 1
Praise Anayo Ugwu
1 (1)
GOLD EAGLE ist eine Scalp-Strategie, die sich ideal für einen Trendmarkt eignet und 50-90 % der Zeit in Anspruch nimmt. Der GOLD EAGLE EA ist für das Paar xauusd (GOLD) optimiert. Dies ist eine Trendstrategie, die den eingebauten Indikator als Eingangssignal verwendet. Der EA öffnet die erste Order beim Signal der Indikatoren und fixiert den Gewinn auf einem bestimmten Niveau. Der EA implementiert kein Marginal, er öffnet einen Trade pro Mal und verwendet enge Stop-Loss-Limits, um das Konto zu
Baby Shark Trader
Thi Tra Mi Duong
EA Baby Shark Trader is a smart trading system developed over the years and continuously improved. The EA uses trend and momentum scalping strategies. When the signal appeared, it quickly entered and then exited the position quickly. The strategy has an exclusive Stop Loss strategy to protect the account and optimize performance. Because the EA's Stop Loss is a complex and flexible market-based strategy, there are no specific parameters for Stop Loss. Stop Loss will be triggered under specific
Gamma-Scalping-Roboter, der auf der Handelsstrategie „Gamma-Scalping“ basiert. Dies ist ein innovatives progressives Scalping-Handelssystem, das auf Gamma-Rhythmen der Preisvolatilität basiert. Der Roboter bestimmt die Rhythmen einer starken Preisbewegung, vergleicht ihre Parameter mit den Parametern von Marktanalyseindikatoren, und wenn die Ergebnisse positiv sind, eröffnet der Roboter ein Geschäft. Gamma-Scalping ist im Gegensatz zu Scalping mit Standardindikatoren weniger empfindlich gegenüb
Hedge EA  will turn your losing trades into winners using a unique hedging strategy. Once the initial trade moves into negative territory a predefined number of pips or change in signal, the recovery mechanism will kick in: it will place a limited amount of opposite trades at the signal, until all of them can be closed with a small gain. It can trade Crypto, Forex pairs, Metals, Indices but need you optimize. Fully automatic adviser, with a system for recovering from losses.  You can choose to
RoboArter1 MT4
Vlastimil Straka
Expert for portfolio of basic set long term strategies.    You can choose for your AOS trading two ways – first way is purchased for EA with grid, martingale and other similar dangerous strategies.     This EAs work great and have very profitable results – days, weeks, maybe months, years?.. Until they didn’t blow up your account. The second way is to use EAs based on real trading strategies and logical patterns. On MQL Market are very few of these strategies. The risk of trading with these EA
RoboArter2 MT4
Vlastimil Straka
Expert for portfolio of basic set long term strategies.    You can choose for your AOS trading two ways – first way is purchased for EA with grid, martingale and other similar dangerous strategies.     This EAs work great and have very profitable results – days, weeks, maybe months, years?.. Until they didn’t blow up your account. The second way is to use EAs based on real trading strategies and logical patterns. On MQL Market are very few of these strategies. The risk of trading with these EAs
Black Max
Samsul Anwar
Black Capal The Expert Advisor strategy is based on the breakthrough of the current support/resistance levels (traders all over the world pay attention to these data; the levels are built solely using the terminal technical indicators). This is one of the few robots that works using the indicators only. Developing such a system can be quite a challenge but you do not have to understand all these complexities. Simply launch the robot on a chart. It will do the rest automatically.   General The EA
Contact me after payment to send you the user manual PDF file. Monitoring the EA in real time: Signal 1 Full Automated trading robot, for the first time on the market, an Expert Advisor is designed based on divergence. Using divergences is one of the most common and practical trading methods. Because we see a divergence in most places where there is potential for price return. Diagnosis and trading based on them has a higher efficiency than many methods based on static indicators. You can downl
Strateji-1=>TRUE(Support&Resistance) Strateji-2=>FALSE Alt da ki destek & direnç indikatörünü indirerek grafik üzerine ekleyelim.  Bunu yapmaz iseniz EA çalışmaz. Indicator(true/false=>TRUE) TestIndicator(true/false=>TRUE) STOPLOSS= 0  TAKEPROFİT=0  TRAİLLİNGSTOP=TRUE shved_supply_and_demand.EX4  => DİKKAT!!! => KESİNLİKLE İNDİKATOR GRAFİK EKLENMELİDİR. Kendine özel Strateji ile İndikatörlerden sinyal alarak çalışmaktadır. Destek ve Direnç seviyelerinde işleme girer. İstenirse Dirençte BUY vey
Aggressive Lifting MT4
Aleksandr Khmelevskii
2 copies left at 49 USD. Next price is 99 USD .set file - This is a very aggressive trading strategy, based on a modified MACD indicator. It is used to analyze the anomalous zones of the market + author's methodology to restore the critical movement. The strategy was developed taking into account the movement of the currency pair USDCHF and the best rates of trade just on it. Recommendations: - H1 USDCHF - Leverage of 1:500 or higher (ideally 1:1000 or 1:2000) - Minimum deposit 100 units -
Lutos V3 Muticurrency
Hossein Davarynejad
5 (1)
LUTOS Multicurrency     is the advanced scalping system  Is not working on All Broker   Tickmill, Eightcap , TMGM broker is good ( IC MARKET  is Not Good Broker for this Scalper)                                               Supported currency pairs:  AUD SGD,AUD CHF ,NZD CHF, CAD CHF , EURCHF, USDCAD, USDCHF ,CHFJPY, AUDCAD, EURCAD, EURAUD, NZD CAD and also more pairs Recommended timeframe: M5 , M15 Minim Deposit 100 USD for All Pairs  Tested on Best Broker  - write me about details     
Twin Hunters
Ryu--ro- Bando-
Twin Hunters is a bit risky but very profitble Expert Adviser. Features This EA trades on both Trend Following and Contrarian Trading strategies, so it gains you profit in any market conditions. Frequent trades (it trades multiple times if the market conditions match). Weekend Filter Recommendation Symbol  : XAU/USD Timeframe : 15M Minimum deposit : 5,000$ Low spread broker Settings Setting Instruction visual  If TRUE, information board is activated *When in use of strategy tester, it'll be qui
The scalper EA uses strategies based on intra-bar trading on the H1 and H2 timeframes. Also many filters are used to find the right signals to open an order. The EA uses pending orders BuyStop and SellStop. The EA trades on two pairs: EURUSD, USDJPY and two timeframes H1, H2. Also, the adviser can be installed on other currencies using the instructions:  https://www.mql5.com/ru/blogs/post/750726 The EA places a protective stop order on all orders. The adviser is safe and does not require any set
Live Signal - is a trading system based on the correlation of several classical indicators with certain parameters to achieve the necessary goals of market entry and exit control. The minimum number of parameters greatly simplifies the work with the Expert Advisor. The strategy is based on a classic overbought/oversold system with the possible influence of market strength on the price movement in a certain direction. Recommendations for trading: - H1 GBPUSD currency pair - leverage 1:500 or hig
Trade Monster
Jason Edward Todt
Main Features Detect the best and most successful point of trend and reversal trend Easy-to-use Intuitive easy setup Scan the number of candles – Amount of history bars to evaluate Configuring not required Watches multiple timeframes for support and resistance Customizable Trailing stoploss and takeprofit Automatic Lot Size Optimization Suitable for any time frame Suitable for any currency pair This EA is fully automated and easy to use. This robot uses Moving Averages working in c
Skyfire EA
Md Masum Billah
The Skyfire EA was created in 2019 and till now it has been updated 3 times. EA "Skyfire" is an advanced system that exploits unique trading on Gold XAUUSD & GBPUSD currency pair. Historically, results show that these pairs used in composition always return the first moved pair after fast movement in one direction. This observation can allow us to include a Scalper & Day Trading system where it can get maximum points of these unique situations.
Time Zone EA
Oussama Mansour
Time Zone EA  is a fully automated robot that uses a very efficient breakout strategy that calculate high and low from X time to X time and place orders once market breaks those levels , advanced money management and probabilistic analysis. Most effective in the price consolidation stages that occupy the bulk of the market time. Does not need forced optimization. S uitable for both beginners and experienced traders.   Requirements Trading pairs EURUSD, USDJPY Timeframe H1 Minimum deposit  $100
Stochastic Momentum Index is an adaptation of the classic Stochastic Oscillator that smoothes out the stochastic oscillations. This indicator is calculated by comparing the currency price relative to the average of an N number of periods. Then instead of plotting these values directly, We smooth them out using a MACD, Multiple Moving Averages and RSI indicators and then the values plotted to form the Stochastic Momentum Index. When the closing price is greater than the average of the range, the
GIVING BACK TO COMMUNITY EID MUBARAK GIVEAWAY PRICE DROP TO ONLY USD$80 USE AT YOUR OW RISK NO GUARANTEE TO PASS THE CHALLENGE FTMO Challenge EA is back Buy only from official developer Time Frame M5  Money Management TRUE Pair XAUUSD Single Trade No Martingale No Averaging ========================================== gold set file  live account Files: ftmo_10_gold.set     1 kb =========================================================== PLEASE NOTE: Backtesting doesn't reflect 100% on Live Tra
The Border Crossing expert system does not use the history stored in the database to work. For his own needs, he uploads historical data online, creating his own database. In order to achieve good results in the real ticks mode on the tester, it is necessary to carry out optimization. The expert system works with ticks on all types of accounts. For the internal algorithm, the elementary unit of analysis is a tick. The internal optimizer, after optimizing according to the specified principle, s
Beast EA
Vaclav Sulc
One of the best EAs on MQL For backtests you can use this SET How to install The EA must be connected to only one M15 chart (for example: NZDCAD M15) Easy to set up: _base_  - You can leave the default setting Symbols: AUDCAD,NZDCAD,AUDNZD - multicurrency set from one chart M15 First Trade: Long and Short - sets Long/Short positions Emergency closing at BE - Close all positions on BE Orders Comment - comment at trade Magic Number - Magic Number Virtual TP - sets the virtual TP New Year Trad
Gold Lion M1
Hamidreza Mortazapour
It is an attractive, smart and safe robot with a stop loss. If you have invested more than 100$, you should fill in the Stop Loss option by inserting a stop number in the point so that you can protect your account in case of danger. Adjust the stop loss number to your capital management The (SL) option in the input is for stop loss It is better to activate this bot on " XAUUSD" in time M1 If you want less risk, use M5 time frame or change " Pivote" parameters This robot is fully automati
Support 17 EA SELL
Murodil Eminjonov
Ich stelle Ihnen den brandneuen EA Support 17 vor. Der " Support 17 EA" -Berater ist einzigartig, da er Einstiegspunkte mithilfe des integrierten Indikators für Hoch- und Tiefpreisniveaus findet. Der Berater hat einen Stop-Loss und einen Take-Profit und arbeitet nach dem Martingale-Prinzip, mit dem Sie unrentable Trades im Plus ableiten können. Der Berater verfügt über eine Stop-Trailing-Funktion, die es dem Berater ermöglicht, im Scalping-Modus über einen integrierten Indikator zu arbeiten.   D
Trend Capture
Rajith Selvaraj
Trend Capture verwendet eine fortschrittliche neuronale Analysemethode, um den aktuellen Trend eines beliebigen Symbols zu identifizieren und einen Handel einzuleiten. Überwachen Sie auch Trend Capture alle von ihm initiierten Trades und führen Sie Hedging durch, indem Sie verschiedenen Strategien folgen, die von professionellen Tradern verwendet werden. Es verwaltet individuelle Portfolios und schließt Trades mit Gewinnen ab. Trend Capture verwendet keine gefährlichen Methoden wie Martingale, G
Mehmet Alkan
Pariteler(EURUSD M30) Fibonacci 2MA  Momentum Trend1 Trend2 Support-Resistance-Pivot Parçalı kar alma Özel bir strateji ile yazılmış olan SCANNER yazılımı tarama yaparak gerekli koşullar oluştuğunda işleme girer. TakeProfit ve StopLoss bulunmaktadır. Martingalle ile işlem hacmini kar aldıkça arttırır. İşlem açıldığında dikey çubuk ile açılış tarihi ve saati ile ekranda uyarı verir. Ekranda bulunan bilgi ekranı ile kullanıcıya anlık bilgi aktarır.
Golden Idol
Thomas Bradley Butler
Golden Idol handelt mit XAU/USD. Es wurde von 2004 bis heute 2022 mit maschinellen Lernalgorithmen erstellt. Eine weitere Optimierung kann durchgeführt werden, wenn der Händler es für angebracht hält, Parameter zu ändern. Die Standardwerte sind für Gewinnmitnahmen bei 700 und Stop-Loss bei 500 festgelegt. Golden Idol verwendet keine Martingale oder andere gefährliche Strategien. Schlafen Sie gut in dem Wissen, dass in jeden Trade ein fortschrittliches Geldmanagement integriert ist. Da volati
Mumları tarayarak işlem arar yapay bir zeka gibi çalışır. (1 veya 1+5) işlem açar. Sadece BUY veya sadece SELL yönde işleme girebilir. Kullanılan indikatörler. 2MA MACD MOMENTUM FİBONACCİ MİNMAX TREND-1 TREND-2 Gerekli koşullar oluştuğunda işleme girer önce tek sonra istenilen yönde ilerliyor ise beş işlem daha açar . Parçalayarak kar alır. FİBONACCİ seviyelerini kontrol eder.
KT Casanova Mesh EA MT4
KT Casanova Mesh EA is developed by combining our proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) entry triggers with an intelligent mesh-grid algorithm that targets a positive favorable excursion based on market volatility and position sizing. The EA achieves profitability using the mesh of 8-16 bi-directional pending orders. Warning: Grid trading is dangerous. You could accumulate a larger and larger losing position if the price keeps running in one direction instead of ranging. The EA has successfu
BlueZon robot mavi taralı alan içerisindeki mumları kontrol ederek işleme girer. Genelde bu alandaki mumların hareketleri BUY ve SELL  girişleri tetikler. İşleme girmek için gerekli indikatörler 2MA MACD MINMAX MOMENTUM TREND1 TREND2 MA FİBONACCİ işleme (1 - 1+5) şekilde girer bunu ayarlamak kullanıcıya bağlıdır. İşlem zamanı ayarlanabilir. Kar alarak işlemden parçalı çıkılabilir.
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Proton Electron Ai Robot with Current TF, Auto Trading, Current Chart, Any Asset Pairs, Any Brokers, Any time zone He can recovery with compare the position win and loss direction. No Martingale, No more indicator. You can select day to trade, You can input period time to trade You can using frequency trading (HFT). Recommended 1-3 minutes Next open trade after time(Minutes) Not Recommend for ECN/Lowest Spread Account type, because it have commission f
Hello; Our automatic trading system works with a fast algorithm. It has a grid strategy. This automatic trading robot starts trading with a low lot amount and applies short Tp buying methods. As the grid intervals open, the lot amount increases slightly and forces the system to buy tp. The following optimization test results carefully I recommend you to examine it somehow. A stable tp line is formed. It uses the rsi indicator for overbought and oversold signals. Input parameter descriptions:
Millennium EA
Vladimir Pleshakov
The scientific approach to trading and responsible development are the main principles of  Millennium  EA. In order to create this EA, a research work was done in the field of trading. Dow theory, the theory of fractal analysis, the methods of Bill Williams and other traders, all this served as the theoretical basis for the advisor, which is designed to automate trading decisions. Signals: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1748354 https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1748359 https://www.mql5.com/en/sig
Marek Kvarda
This is a fully automatic expert advisor. It opens trades in the direction of the trend and opens more trades in the set profit. Each trade is secured by a small trailing StopLoss. This EA achieves excellent results in many markets. The TimeFrame selected is not decisive. This EA will be profitable only with the best brokers with low fees and slippages. The maximum size of the spread is recommended at 2 points.   Settings StartTrading - the start of trading every day EndTrading – end of trading
*** This month's promotion price is $99  After that, the price will be raised to $199  FX Dragon North is an expert advisor specially designed for trading gold (XAUUSD M5).  Execution is based on opening an order using the FX Dragon indicator , so the EA works according to the "Trend Follow" strategy. - Compatible with the FX Dragon North indicator for more accurate order entry. - Let this advisor profit for you (only use XAUUSD time frame with M5). - Leverage 1: 100 or more is recommended. - Lo
Ea tw79 adx grid scalping automatic trading robot finds all healthy trading levels by putting all price movements in a cluster. The system closes with the total amount of earnings in dollars. Also, the reverse signal of the adx indicator has the ability to exit the trade with the shortest take profit target. It focuses on the grid system to work in the trend direction thanks to its control. The system works with 1-2-3-4-5.... progressive lot amount. The initial lot amount should be kept low. Opt
HedgeFund Forex Wizard ist eine Scalp-Strategie, die sich ideal für einen Trendmarkt eignet und 50-90 % der Zeit in Anspruch nimmt. Der HedgeFund Forex Wizard EA ist für Währungen wie GBP/USD, EUR/USD, USD/CAD usw. und XAU/USD (Gold) optimiert. Dies ist eine Trendstrategie, die den eingebauten Indikator als Eingangssignal verwendet. Der EA öffnet die erste Order beim Signal und fixiert den Take-Profit auf einem bestimmten Niveau. Der EA implementiert kein Marginal, er öffnet einen Trade pro Ma
Requirements Trading pairs Any pair Timeframe H1, H4 Minimum deposit  $100 Leverage 1:100 or above Brokers Hedging   ECN account. Low spreads    Features Adjustable inputs: Risk per trade, Pay off, and number of symbols to trade Work with market orders Stop loss strictly setup for every order Auto tracking all position with advanced  algorithm of trailing and taking profit More than 10 years research in statistics for financial markets Input Settings Setting is very simple, suitable for
The Fibonacci Bot
Jason Edward Todt
The Fibonacci Bot uses Moving Averages working in combination with Boilinger Bands and MACD filters built in. The strategy is based on utilizing trend direction changes and  optimizing order size. Whenever a trend direction change takes place, this EA would balance positive profits from the current trend orders with the negative loss orders and  close all of the orders with the configurable profit in pips. This EA has flexible settings allowing you to modify: orders, lot sizes, order frequency,
This is  an automatic EA based on fluctuation. This EA will analysis the fluctuation intesity of symbols, and combine EAM, RSI and other indicators to distinguish open signal. advantage: Suitable for all symbols. Suitable M15, H1, H4, D1 and so on. Just  two adjustable parameters, easy to use. Input parameters: first order open lots times: the times of minimum open lots to first order.  The smaller the value, the smaller the risk. For example, the minimum open lots of EUR/USD is 0.01. If you se
Milch Cow News
Mohamed Nasseem
Milch Cow News  EA  "is a  a tool designed to let you trade the time of the news This tool enables you to select the currencies you want to trade on or disable at the time of the news from 28 currency pairs available in one chart by clicking on the currency circle (green: enable - red: disable) The expert displays the economic calendar from the FxStreet.com  website  You can enable or disable trading on high impact, medium, low, anonymous, speech and report events by filtering by clicking on th
Carry Hedge Ai Robot
Nirundorn Promphao
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Carry Hedge Ai Robot with Current TF, Auto Trading, Current Chart, Any Asset Pairs, Any Brokers located time GMT+2, GMT+3, UTC+2, UTC3, not included Exness broker He can recovery with level martingale and compare the position win and loss direction. Level 2 Steps Martingale and Hedging Duos position (Long and Short), No more indicator. For martingale step you can set via your money management and frequency trading too. Example1 No martingale   balance
In a nutshell Karla One is a product that organically came out from several years of manual trading. My goal was to built a system without the necessity of regular updates. Having said that, this Expert Advisors was specifically built for MQL5 customers, so please remember that I am always open to suggestions. Karla One uses machine learning to find the right entry points but at the same time before placing a trade, there are 7 conditions that have to be met. It relies on Price Action which seem
This automated trading robot uses the capabilities of the macd indicator to create a grid strategy. The algorithm creates a grid strategy at overbought and oversold levels and in times of high volatility. This makes it susceptible to all price fluctuations. The Close Money input is the total amount of earnings in the cycle. We define it as the total take profit amount in the cycle. It has the ability to open more cycles in short periods. However, you can use the robot in medium-term trading. Rea
Willkommen beim Space Trader EA =============================================================================================== Dieser Roboter basiert auf 6 Indikatoren und wird langfristige Gewinne generieren. Perfekt für Ihre Pension. =============================================================================================== Dieser Robot ist voll automatisiert und wurde für jedermann entwickelt. Der Robot funktioniert auch auf Cent-Konten. =========================================
Assistant for all those who forget to set StopLoss, TakeProfit and Trailing Stop in deal parameters, or trade on a very fast market and fail to place them in time. This tool automatically tracks trades without     StopLoss, TakeProfit, Trailing Stop   and checks what level should be set in accordance with the settings. The tool works both with market and pending orders. The type of orders to work with can be set in the parameters. It can track either trades for the instrument it runs on, or all
Fractal U
Jason Edward Todt
The Fractal U is a fractal EA based on a simple price pattern that is frequently seen in financial markets. A fractal is a recurring geometric pattern  that is repeated on all time frames. From this concept, the fractal indicator was devised. The indicator isolates potential turning points on a price chart. The Fractal U trades the possibility of a trend change. This is because fractals are essentially showing a "U-shape" in price. A bearish fractal has the price  moving upward and then downwa
Suitable for any time frame Suitable for any currency pair Intuitive easy setup Configuring not required CUSTOMIZABLE SETTINGS 1. Main parameters 1.1 Two order comments for Long/Short orders 1.2 Two Unique magic numbers. For Long/Short 1.3 Maximum allowed spread 1.4 Maximum allowed slippage 1.5 All indicators used within this EA are fully customizable 1.6 Define broker digits 1.7 Use as a fully auto EA or use as an Indicator 1.8 Sends email with order execution 1.9 Play a sound when orders/ex
Martingal.   Der Expert Advisor „Constructor Simple MT4“ besteht aus 5 separaten Expert Advisors, die gleichzeitig und unabhängig voneinander arbeiten: Barhandel. Handel mit iEnvelopes-Indikatoren. Handel mit dem iMA-Indikator. Handel mit dem iIchimoku-Indikator. Handel mit dem iSAR-Indikator. Der „Constructor Simple MT4“ Expert Advisor ist eine vereinfachte Version des „ Constructor MT4 “ Expert Advisor. Die Anzahl der Eingabeparameter wird auf ein Minimum reduziert, was sowohl die Verwendung
Robbie Robot
Jason Edward Todt
              Geeignet für jeden Zeitrahmen               Geeignet für jedes Währungspaar               Konfiguration nicht erforderlich               Kann entweder als Indikator oder als vollautomatischer EA verwendet werden               Dieser EA ist ein MACD-Indikator und vollständig anpassbar.               Dieser EA basiert auf der Verwendung der Histogrammlinie.     ANPASSBARE EINSTELLUNGEN MACD-Indikator. Vollständig anpassbar. 1. Hauptparameter 1.1 Zwei Bestellkommentare für Long/
MT4: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/88159 MT5: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/104672 „Volatility Switching“ ist ein fortschrittlicher Expert Advisor (EA), der sorgfältig für Händler entwickelt wurde, die ihre Positionen in dynamischen Marktumgebungen optimieren möchten. Diese EA arbeitet nach dem Prinzip, Marktvolatilität zu erkennen und ihre Strategien dynamisch anzupassen, um Risiken zu mindern und die Rentabilität zu steigern. Durch den Einsatz der Open-Position-Methode m
Gmgs DH
Usama Yasir
GMGS Divergence Hedge  ️GMGS DH Low Risk Recommendations  Best Piars : GBPUSD,EURUSD,AUDUSD,AUDCAD,EURCAD,EURCHF,GBPJPY Minimum Equity: 1500$ Lot Size : Defoult Recommended Time Frame : M5/M15/H1 (For Low Risk Use H1) Monthly Growth : 5%-15% GMGS DH  Compounding Plan : Make Monthly : 5-10%% Add Monthly 50$ Equity For 1 Year And See Result. Use Low Risk For Long Term Profit Enjoy and Make Profit For Long Term GMGS Divergence Hedge #GMGS
Big Ben Trading MO
Mark Anthony De La Paz
Big Ben Trading ist ein White-Box-EA, der auf der London Open-Methode basiert. Unter Verwendung von Fraktalen wird es Unterstützungs- und Widerstandsniveaus identifizieren und die Konsolidierungszone aus der voreuropäischen Eröffnung bestimmen. Trades werden an der Unterbrechung der Unterstützung oder des Widerstands genommen, sobald die europäischen Märkte in Gang kommen, und setzen auf mehr Liquidität, um den Preisschwang aufrechtzuerhalten.  Funktionen Mittelfrequenzhandel am besten geeigne
Mr Wanchai Phopan
The EA system is developed using "Machine learning", a dataset of more than 10 years of trading strategies based on quantitative analysis. (Quantitative Analysis), focusing on the use of numerical data. Calculate with a mathematical system to find investment opportunities. Passed the overfitting test caused by various tunings to give the model the best and most accurate prediction of the dataset. In sample(IS) / Out of sample(OOS) test Test Spread, Slippage more than 2 times the real market. Mon
Dieser EA führt eine Kombination aus Arbitrage- und Martingale-Ratio-Hedging-Strategie durch, er skaliert durch den Raum und hinterlässt Neugewichtungsaufträge, um die Kosten nahe am aktuellen Preis zu halten. Der Gold Horizon EA eignet sich am besten für XAUUSD, er funktioniert gut für Paare mit hoher Volatilität. Ich verwende die Strategie im Live-Handelskonto und sie bringt mir in jeder Saison eine günstige Rendite.

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