Discussion of article "Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 11): Graphs"


New article Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 11): Graphs has been published:

This article is a continuation in a series that look at Category Theory implementation in MQL5. In here we examine how Graph-Theory could be integrated with monoids and other data structures when developing a close-out strategy to a trading system.

Graphs therefore, for our purposes, can be considered as a means of cataloging the number and sequence of steps in an interconnected system. Since we started on monoids we had looked at a trade decision system (with monoids at each node) that followed these steps:

  1. Select time-frame
  2. Select look-back period
  3. Select applied-price
  4. Select indicator
  5. And finally select trade-action

This could be diagrammatically represented as shown below:

Author: Stephen Njuki


I really would have expected that the EA(s) with the shown results with there settings are attached.

Would you mind to upload them here in the comment part?
