Trend vs Flat - page 16

Next time buy alcohol in a trusted shop)
Calm down, if you haven't accepted that the market is random then it's all useless.
A thousand miles begins with the first step, but without the first step, that thousand miles is impossible.

You haven't done that yet. So don't sweat it. Dissolve into hopelessness and lose hope... Might help...

the substantive answers to my system are buy and sell volumes, buy and sell prices (levels)

the rest is just flooding which is of no interest to me at all

exactly the same as the statistics i had to scrap

the system i wrote about at the beginning of the thread works fine

but not a grail

Renat Akhtyamov:

The substantive answers to my system are the volume of purchases and sales, the price of purchases and sales

The rest is a lot of bullshit I'm not interested in at all.

Just like the statistics, I had to throw them out.
Well look ...
In the last two and a half years You have achieved that your system has been "almost working" for half a year now.
Is it worth continuing from here?)

Maybe you should have the courage to completely reconsider your views.

No great deed has ever happened without a major upheaval.
Well, look...
Over the last two and a half years You have made it to the point where your system has been 'almost working' for half a year now.
Is it worth going on from here?)

Maybe you should have the courage to completely reconsider your views.

Have the courage to reconsider?


Renat Akhtyamov:

get up the courage to reconsider?


Laugh while your ignorance allows you to.
Laugh as long as your ignorance allows you to.


Drink while the chart is trending and flat....

Renat Akhtyamov:


Saw the chart for now on trend and flat....

Isn't it easier to use than to saw?
That's exactly why I created this thread, to show through contradictory comments that the two concepts are essentially inseparable from each other.
Isn't it easier to use than to saw?
That's why I created this thread, to show through contradictory comments that the two concepts are essentially inseparable from each other.

What are you suggesting we use, heuristics?

I don't play casino games

at the very least you need to understand the question - why is it like this, why is it flat, why is it trending and what will happen next

So you're just looking and I've got the whole layout.

Well, I said it above and I'm saying it now - eu down

Renat Akhtyamov:

I don't play casino games.

If you don't play, why are you still guessing?
1.You think you're not guessing?
2.Then why are the results still unknown?
3. See point 1.
If you don't play, why are you still guessing?

Am I guessing?

Are you laughing?


Renat Akhtyamov:

Am I guessing?

Are you kidding me?


No of course, I'm just sad to know that you (and by no means only you) don't understand it yet.
He who guesses will never think he's guessing.
That is what all casinos are designed to do, including Forex.
A sense of superiority combined with pride gives rise to vanity and stubbornness.

Stubbornness in pursuit of vanity.

And the main weapon of all casinos is hope. That's why I told you to "dissolve into hopelessness and lose hope".

Or come back to it in a few months or years.

Like little children do - they fall down, get up, fall down and get up again, until they learn to walk. But unlike them, we are far from being children and it may be too late when the strength to get up simply runs out.