Trend vs Flat - page 5

Renat Akhtyamov:

Why did your price go up on a falling trend, you should have bought there already?





Renat Akhtyamov:

Better to get drunk, I'll probably get drunk too, anyway, quarantine, no one is working, everyone is at home))) An acquaintance at work went on a binge yesterday, as if he was waiting for a reason. Everybody has a whole month off, holidays are not planned))).





if, between the trend line and the price you can fit a square larger than the size of its sides spread on spread, it still lags and you couldn't find the average

I, for one, can't do that, for the life of me ;)

Maybe you forgot to consider price acceleration, or momentum...

Better to get drunk, I'll probably get drunk too, anyway, quarantine, no one is working, everyone is at home))) An acquaintance at work went on a binge yesterday, as if he was waiting for a reason. They all have a whole month off, holidays are not planned))).

see for yourself.


Renat Akhtyamov:

If between the trend line and the price you can put a square larger than the size of its sides spread by spread, then it still lags and you can't find the average

for instance, i cannot do it, i can't even kill myself ;)

Maybe you forgot to consider price acceleration, or momentum...

I don't really need it.)

I did everything as I wanted without it.

I don't have any impulses there - everything is very simple and clumsy, that's why it works without fail like the Kalashnikov's machine.

But you cannot make money on it, like on all other indicators.

you cannot build a building on swamps; even the coolest and most modern building will collapse without a foundation.

you cannot build a building in a swamp, and even the coolest and most modern building will collapse without a foundation. the same goes for indicators.


I don't really need it.)

I've done everything the way I wanted without it.

I have no impulses there - everything is very simple and clumsy, that is why it works as smoothly as a Kalashnikov.

But you cannot make money on it, like on all other indicators.

you cannot build a building on swamps; even the coolest and most modern building will collapse without a foundation.

it's the same with indicators.


so be it

but the price doesn't go in a straight line, there are some deviations from the speed

swamp, earth, well ....., what am I talking about?


Vitaly Muzichenko:

They won't, it's not toxic. They used to, but now they've rebuilt the service and it's working :)

Vitaly, arbitrage, it's very cool

I made some money on it at the beginning of the week and now I'm waiting for the miracle to happen again.

There is no drawdown, even theoretically it is impossible!

there is just no level of profit i am waiting for.

so, after losing 3 days with no profit, i stupidly threw in the eu

hence the romance ....





Something similar.


Something similar.

2 !!!!

Two sell-offs at the end of the week!



In short, SME is some exchange, for some reason it starts almost every day with sales

If you figure out why, tell me, at least we can talk...



Better to get drunk, I'll probably get drunk too, I'm quarantined anyway, no one is working, everyone is at home))) An acquaintance at work went on a binge yesterday, as if he was waiting for a reason. Everybody has a whole month off, holidays are not planned))).

Waiting awake, music in the studio! ;)