Logbo Rodrigue
Logbo Rodrigue
Logbo Rodrigue
Logbo Rodrigue
Salut ça fait un bye, juste vous souhaiter une bonne journée et du succès dans votre trading
Logbo Rodrigue
Logbo Rodrigue
Hello, there is long time have been there. Just wih you a great day and successful trading
Logbo Rodrigue
Logbo Rodrigue
I'm new to forex and this is my today results from zero to 2usd
play safe with micro account I grow UP Thanks God
Logbo Rodrigue
Logbo Rodrigue
Welcome to me in the profitable Area my account grows about 10% on USA news economy Sell EURUSD ! My very small account will be big
I have to read this

于金融市场中交易存在许多风险,其中就包括最为严重的一种 - 做出错误交易决策的风险。每一位交易者都梦寐以求有一个交易机器人,它能始终保持良好状态,而且不会受制于人类的诸多弱点 - 恐惧、贪婪和没耐心。

Logbo Rodrigue
Logbo Rodrigue
You feel more confident after winning trade I like that its very great
Logbo Rodrigue
Logbo Rodrigue
I have Sell EURUSD after the main announce on US market and I have made some profits Yahooo !
Francis Dogbe
Francis Dogbe 2015.05.07
Good for you
Logbo Rodrigue