
Alita EA LT MT4
Stefano Pomponi
Alita EA LT is a high performance professional automated trading tool, minor brother of Alita EA without grid opener and filter , with a solid and proven trading strategy. The solutions implemented have made it possible to significantly improve the efficiency of trading operations and system performance. EA uses every moment of the market to its advantage. Alita EA can trade with fixed lots, automatic (related to balance) and percentage. How to install:  Attach the Ea to the chart of the reco
Alita EA MT4
Stefano Pomponi
Alita EA is a high performance professional automated trading tool with a solid and proven trading strategy. The solutions implemented have made it possible to significantly improve the efficiency of trading operations and system performance. EA uses every moment of the market to its advantage. Along with price analysis, the EA takes into account incoming news, current spreads and the time of day. Alita EA can trade with fixed lots, automatic (related to balance) and percentage. How to instal