

O par EUR / GBP tentou ganhar força durante a sessão de sexta-feira. Através da formação de um shooting star, o que significa que o mercado não está pronto subir. Vamos observar oportunidades de vendas de bases resistivas...
Consideremos el futuro continuo sobre la harina de soja SOYBM en el gráfico de cuatro horas. El precio alcanzó el límite superior del canal bajista, formando una figura alcista triple suelo (está marcada con el color amarillo...
O mercado de ouro subiu durante a sessão de sexta-feira, com o nível de compensação em 1180. Assim, parece que vamos operar acima do nível 1,2 mil dólares dado tempo suficiente, e os retrocessos podem ser oportunidades de compra...
The head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said that the organization would be "delighted" to co-operate with the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which already has more than 30 members and is seen as a development bank similar to the World Bank...
O mercados de gás natural tentou ganhar força durante a sessão de sexta-feira, mas encontrou uma resistência que travou esse movimento. O nível de curso em $ 2,90 ofereceu resistência e, formou um shooting star...
U.S. stocks rose in early trading on Monday, though the Nasdaq Composite pulled back from its 15-year high reached last week...
Petróleo Bruto O mercado de petróleo bruto subiu no decorrer da sessão de sexta-feira, como o nível de US $ 45 sendo superado. No entanto, há resistência suficiente acima desse nível e nós sentimos que o movimento de curto prazo provavelmente pode ser antecipado...
В начале торгов биржевые индикаторы США не имеют единой динамики. Это поведение индексов не повторяет характер торгов на прошлой неделе, когда был существенный рост почти всех показателей, сообщает Bloomberg...
State-owned company China National Chemical (ChemChina) is to buy Italian tyre maker Pirelli in a deal which values the firm at €7.1bn...
IBM CEO Virginia Rometty said that the tech company will share technology with Chinese firms and will help the country to build its own IT industry. She noted that this move is more important rather than viewing the country solely as a sales desstination or manufacturing base...
Во время торгов сегодня днем курс доллара опустился ниже отметки 58,83 руб. - это самое большое падение пары USD/RUB с начала 2015 года. Эксперты говорят, что падение курса доллара к другим валютам связано с недавними заявлениями о вреде сильного доллара для экономики США и американских компаний...
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On Monday the greenback was broadly lower against a basket of other major currencies, as uncertainty over the timing of a U.S. rate hike put pressure on demand for the dollar...
On Monday U.S. stock futures pointed to a slight pullback after last week's solid gains, with investors watching for comments from Federal Reserve members and waiting for the latest health check on the housing sector...
The Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras has warned Angela Merkel that it will be “impossible” for Greece to service debt obligations due in the coming weeks without any short-term financial assistance from the European Union (EU) to the country, as servicing the debts would lead to a “sharp deter...
According to the chairman of FACTS Global Energy (FGE), global crude oil prices could trade between $35 to $40 a barrel by the end of the second-quarter of 2015...
Сегодня издание The Wall Street Journal сообщило, что JP Morgan собирается исключить российские гособлигации из двух своих индексов EMBI и GBI-EM, потому что рейтинговые агентства Standard & Poor’s и Moody’s понизили суверенный рейтинг России до спекулятивного...
В понедельник на азиатских торгах индекс Токийской фондовой биржи Nikkei 225 вырос на 0,99% - до отметки 19754,36. Во время сессии индекс доходил до уровня 19779 пунктов — это очередной внутридневной максимум за 52 недели...
On Monday crude oil futures tumbled 2%, as China's imports weakened and bearish comments by Saudi Arabia’ oil minister weighed on the prices...
В понедельник днем европейские фондовые индексы теряют свои позиции — после семинедельного ралли, которое подтолкнуло рынки акций к историческому максимуму...
The New Zealand dollar touched two-month highs against the greenback on Monday, and the Austrian dollar also rose, as investors were worried over the timing of a U.S. rate hike which continued to weigh on demand for the dollar...
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