
MACD Message
Dmitriy Moshnin
MACD Message is an analogue of the MACD Alert for the MetaTrader 4 terminal with more advanced functionality: Parameters 'Averaging Method' and 'Price Type' ( MA method and Apply to ) are displayed in the settings window. It gives an advantage of monitoring convergence/divergence of all types of Moving Average (Simple Averaging, Exponential, Smoothed and Linear Weighted) and by any price (Closing Price, Opening Price, the Maximum Price for the Period, the Minimum Price for the Period, Median Pri
Symbol Profit
Dmitriy Moshnin
这款指标用于 MetaTrader 4。它在图表窗口中,小型,美观紧凑,可十分便利地显示所有必要信息: 它们的开仓手数和总盈利。字体大小, 位置和颜色可以根据您的偏好设置。省缺时,正盈利持仓显示为绿色,负盈利则为红色。祝交易好运!
Unlike the standard indicator, Stochastic Oscillator Message ( please see the description and video ) features an alert system that informs you of changes in the market situation using twenty signals: the Main line and Signal line cross in the area above/below the levels of extremum (below 20%; above 80%); the Main line and Signal line cross within the range of 20% to 80%; the Main line crosses the levels of extremum; the Main line crosses the 50-level; divergence on the last bar. Parameters of
RSI TrendLine Divergency Message is an indicator for the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. Unlike the original indicator, this three in one version has a system of alerts that inform on market situation changes. It consists of the following signals: when the Main line crosses the levels of extreme zones and 50% level; when the Main line crosses the Trend line in the indicator window; divergence on the last bar. Parameters of levels of extremum, 50-level and divergence are adjustable. Parameters La
MACD Color
Dmitriy Moshnin
彩色 MACD ( 请看描述和视频 ) 是一款用于 MetaTrader 4 交易平台的指标,类似于 MACD 消息 。不同于标准指标,在市场情况变化时,它改变柱线边缘颜色 - 趋势强度变化,或是主 EMA 相对于零轴的倾角变化 - 它会改变零轴颜色 (这个参数可以在设置中禁用)。 来看看如何在一个可盈利的多货币 交易策略 的所有时间帧中应用这个指标,它也适于在您的移动终端上交易。 祝交易好运!
四均线指标 ( 请参看描述和视频 ), 是 四均线消息 的一个版本, 在主窗口以省缺设置显示四条均线: 绿色和红色表示短线趋势, 红色和蓝色 - 中线趋势, 而蓝色和黄色 - 长线趋势。您可以改变移动均线设置和颜色。不过,这些参数已经配置好,可在所有时间帧内交易。来看看本指标如何用于所有时间帧的可盈利多货币 交易策略 , 它也适合在您的移动终端上进行交易。 祝交易好运!
The Four Moving Averages Message indicator ( please see the description and video ), a version of Four Moving Averages , concurrently displays four Moving Averages with default settings in the main chart window: Green and Red ones represent a short-term trend, Red and Blue ones - mid-term trend, while Blue and Yellow ones - long-term trend. You can change the moving average settings and colors. However, these parameters have been configured so that to allow trading on all time frames. The built-
用于 MetaTrader 4 交易平台的显示随机波动系统指标 ( 参见描述 (俄语) ) 在图表窗口里尺寸很紧凑, 它可以在单一窗口里显示所有时间帧的随机波动指标结果。每个时间帧的参数分别设置。字体大小, 边角和颜色可以根据您的偏好设置。省缺, 买信号为绿色,卖信号为红色。超买行情为深红色 (准备卖出 -> 等待红色)。超卖行情为深绿色 (准备买入 -> 等待绿色)。它最好配合 显示 ADX 系统 指标一起使用,因为当 ADX 处于趋势时, 建议忽略随机波动的信号。 祝交易好运!
用于 MetaTrader 4 交易平台的显示 ADX 系统指标 ( 参见描述 (俄语) ) 在图表窗口里尺寸很紧凑, 它可以在单一窗口里显示所有时间帧的 ADX 指标结果。每个时间帧的参数分别设置。字体大小, 位置和颜色可以根据您的偏好设置。省缺, 时间帧的颜色名称如下: 无趋势 - 白色, 牛势 - 绿色, 熊势 - 红色。如果在横盘区域最后三根柱线的 ADX 上涨: 上行趋势 - 深绿色, 下行趋势 - 深红色。它最好配合 显示随机波动系统 指标一起使用,因为当 ADX 未处于趋势时, 建议使用随机波动的信号。 祝交易好运!
The Level Moving Averages indicator ( see the description and video ) does not draw the Moving Average line in the chart window but marks the Moving Average level on all time frames in accordance with the specified parameters. The level move frequency corresponds to the TimeFrame parameter value specified. The advantage of this indicator lies in the fact that it offers the possibility of monitoring the interaction between the price and the MA of a higher time frame on a lower one (e.g., the MA l
The Level S Moving Averages indicator ( see the description and video ) does not draw the Moving Average line in the chart window but marks multiple levels (such as close, highs and lows of any bar on the time frames from M1 to D1, W1, MN - strong levels) of the Moving Average on all time frames in accordance with the specified parameters. The level move frequency corresponds to the TimeFrame parameter value specified. The advantage of this indicator lies in the fact that it offers the possibili
The Level Moving Averages Message indicator ( see the description and video ) does not draw the Moving Average line in the chart window but marks the Moving Average level on all time frames in accordance with the specified parameters. The level move frequency corresponds to the TimeFrame parameter value specified. The advantage of this indicator lies in the fact that it offers the possibility of monitoring the interaction between the price and the MA of a higher time frame on a lower one (e.g.,
Lot Calculation
Dmitriy Moshnin
手数大小计算器 ( 参见描述 ) 基于可用保证金百分比计算手数, 以及针对图表窗口中通过移动水平线设置的仓位的盈利, 亏损和盈亏比。 更多的高级模拟手数计算器是 盈利因素 指标。
显示趋势均线系统指标 ( 参看它的描述 ) 在一个窗口里显示所有时间帧的有关趋势方向 H1, H4, D1, W1, MN, 以便您在旧的柱线收盘之前跟踪均价的变化。趋势单位是旧的柱线收盘价的周期为 "1" 的均线 (H1, H4, D1,  W1, MN)。指标重新计算内部旧有柱线的值,并在图表窗口里绘制趋势坡度作为时间间隔的彩色名称: 绿色 -上升, 红色 - 下跌。字体大小, 坡度角度和颜色均可定制。例如, 附加的截图是在 H1 以内的时间帧上表现一根 H1 柱线的彩色区域和均价变化 (移动均线)。请注意指标没有绘制移动均线。 希望您交易成功!
ADX Message
Dmitriy Moshnin
Отличается от стандартного индикатора дополнительным набором настроек и встроенной системой оповещений. Индикатор может подавать сигналы в виде алерта ( Alert ), комментария в левый верхний угол главного окна графика ( Comment ), уведомления на мобильную версию терминала ( Mobile МТ4 ), электронный почтовый ящик ( Gmail ).  Параметры индикатора Period — период расчета индикатора; Method — выбор метода усреднения: простой, экспоненциальный, сглаженный, линейно-взвешенный; Apply to — выбор использ
双移动均线指标在主图表窗口同时显示两条省缺设置的均线: 绿线和红线代表短期趋势。您可以改变移动均线设置和颜色。不过,这些参数已经配置好,可在所有时间帧内交易。来看看移动均线如何用于所有时间帧的可盈利多货币 交易策略 , 它也适用于移动终端交易。 希望您交易成功!
三移动均线指标在主图表窗口同时显示三条省缺设置的均线: 绿线和红线代表短期趋势,红线和蓝线代表长期趋势。您可以改变移动均线设置和颜色。不过,这些参数已经配置好,可在所有时间帧内交易。来看看移动均线如何用于所有时间帧的可盈利多货币 交易策略 , 它也适用于移动终端交易。 希望您交易成功!
The alerting system for the MetaTrader 4 platform 'Two Moving Average Message' consists of two moving average lines with individual parameters. The indicator can generate alerts ( AlertMessage )б display a comment in the upper left corner of the main chart window ( CommentMessage ), send notifications to the mobile terminal version ( MobileMessage ), send emails ( GmailMessage ) and play two different sounds at the intersection of lines upwards or downwards. Parameters Language – choose language
Three Moving Averages Message is a notification system for the MetaTrader 4 platform. It consists of three moving averages which have their own adjustable parameters. Slow and Long lines determine long-term trend, while Fast and Slow lines - short-term. If the lines Fast and Slow are crossed during a trend, the indicator displays a recommendation for buying (selling). If the lines Slow and Long are crossed, the indicator notifies of the start of a up/down trend. Concerning other types of crossin
Profit Factor
Dmitriy Moshnin
The Profit Factor indicator calculates one of the three parameters: 1 - market entry level (in the 'Calculate the' parameter - Market Open Trade), 2 - the Stop Loss level (Calculate the - Market Price Loss), 3 - the Take Profit level (Calculate the - Market Price Profit) - with a desired profit/loss ratio (Profit Factor), as well as the lot size (trade volume) according to the value of the risk percentage of available funds specified in the settings (a simpler analog is the Lot Calculation indic
MACD Converter
Dmitriy Moshnin
MACD Converter is an analogue of the MACD Message with more advanced functionality: It has two signal lines: Signal Line 1 and Line 2, bar outlines are colored according to Line 1, it also triggers the trend notifications. MACD Converter converts the parameters of Fast MA, Slow MA and Signal Line 1 and Line 2 lines from the interval specified in the settings (Convert Time Frame) to smaller timeframes. This allows receiving a signal for making a decision within the specified (Convert Time Frame)
LTT Range System
Dmitriy Moshnin
Индикатор Форекс LTT Range System показывает на графике средние диапазоны движения рыночной цены за периоды M 15, H 1, H 4, D 1, W 1, MN 1.  Верхняя и нижняя границы диапазонов рассчитываются от цены открытия бара. Пивот – середина между ценой открытия бара и границей диапазона: если рыночная цена находится выше цены открытия бара – метка пивота располагается между ценой открытия бара и верхней меткой диапазона, если рыночная цена находится ниже цены открытия бара – метка пивота располагается ме
Parabolic Converter is and analogue of the Parabolic indicator for МТ4 which can automatically recalculate parameters of Time Frame specified in settings for lower time periods. It has a Notification System which triggers when the price movement direction is changed. For example: if we set Time Frame 1 Hour to H1 and M30, M15, M5 and M1 contained therein, we can see the indicator's readings corresponding to H1 (fig.). At that, if we add one more Parabolic on the same chart (of several charts) wi
RSI Converter
Dmitriy Moshnin
Relative Strength Index with advanced functionality recalculates (converts) the averaging period in accordance with the value of parameter Time Frame for lower chart time intervals (Multi-TimeFrame (MTF)). Unlike the standard indicator, RSI converter includes an alert system that notifies about changes in market situation, it consists of the following signals: Main line crosses levels of extreme zones (30%, 70%) and the level of 50%; The main line crosses one or two trendlines in the indicator w
Commodity Channel Index Message is an indicator for the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. Unlike the original indicator, this three in one version has a system of alerts that inform on market situation changes. It consists of the following signals: when the Main line crosses the levels of extreme zones and 50% level; when the Main line crosses the Trend line in the indicator window; Divergence on the last bar. Values of the middle and extreme levels and divergence zones are customizable. Parameter
Dmitriy Moshnin
The MACD TrendMA indicator is a trading system developed on the basis of the MACD indicator popular among many traders, and which is based on measuring the inclination (trend) angle of the moving averages, while measuring the ratio (convergence/divergence) between them. The signal for entering/exiting the market is the frame of the bars colors and color of the MACD TrendMA histogram according to the trend, which can be customized in the properties window of the indicator - in case the inclinatio
Dmitriy Moshnin
MACD Temp is a system of two oscillators, which allows to track the price changes of the Fast and Slow periods in case of their convergence/divergence. The bar border is colored in accordance with the MACD trend, while the color of the histogram changes when the values of the Momentum indicators cross the level of 100, for respective periods: Fast Moving Average (Fast Momentum), Slow Moving Average (Slow Momentum), selectively or for both values (the mode is to be chosen in the indicator propert
MACD CloseBars
Dmitriy Moshnin
The MACD CloseBars indicator is a trading system based on the MACD indicator popular among many traders, which is built on the principle of bars closing above the moving averages selected in the indicator settings. The signal for entering/exiting the market is the frame of the bars colors according to the trend: in case the bars in the main window of the chart are closed above/below the Fast Moving Average, Slow Moving Average individually or both together. Indicator Parameters Fast Moving Aver
MACD ColorBars
Dmitriy Moshnin
MACD ColorBars paints bar frames according to a trend, as well as changes the histogram color when MACD bars are rising or falling (if Color Bars is enabled in the inputs window). The growth of bars indicates a divergence between the fast and slow moving averages, while the decrease indicates their convergence. Parameters Fast Moving Average - period of the fast moving average; Slow Moving Average - period of the slow moving average; MA method - moving average smoothing method (simple, exponent
MACD Volume
Dmitriy Moshnin
The MACDVolume indicator is a trading system based on the increase in tick volumes in bars, which match the trend. Indicator Parameters Fast Moving Average - period of the fast moving average; Slow Moving Average - period of the slow moving average; MA method - averaging method of the moving averages (simple averaging, exponential, smoothed and linear-weighted); Apply to - applied price of the moving averages (Close, Open, High for the period, Low for the period, Median, Typical and Linear-Weig
Dmitriy Moshnin
MACD BBands is a trading system based on MACD and Bollinger Bands placed in a single window. The indicator shows moving average slope angle (trend) change, compares their ratio (convergence/divergence) and allows sorting out signals using Bollinger Bands. The indicators are calibrated in such a way that the middle Bollinger Bands line is the zero level of the MACD indicator. Parameters Period - Bollinger Bands period; Deviations - number of standard deviations; Shift - shift relative to price;
BB Color
Dmitriy Moshnin
Bollinger Bands Color is different from the conventional indicator by an additional set of parameters. Such parameters as color and applied price can be selected in the properties window for each line separately. Also, you can select the averaging method for the middle line. Parameters Period – period of averaging for the indicator calculation; Deviations – number of standard deviations from the main line; Shift – shift of the indicator in relation to the price chart; Method Middle Line – middl
ADX Color
Dmitriy Moshnin
This indicator is different from the conventional indicator by an additional set of parameters. The ADX line changes color depending on the location of the +DI and -DI lines relative to each other. Indicator Inputs Period — indicator calculation period; Method — select the averaging method: simple, exponential, smoothed, linear-weighted; Apply to — select the applied price: Close, Open; High; Low; Median; Typical; Average Weighted; By default, the directional lines are colored in the following
Volumes Color
Dmitriy Moshnin
Indicator of tick volumes with the ability to monitor sudden and significant changes in the prices of bars relative to the specified coefficient - Change Factor. The color of the indicator's histogram characterizes the changes in volume of a bar relative to the previous session. By default, the indicator bars are colored in the following colors: Green - a slight increase in volume, not exceeding the Change Factor; Red - a slight decrease in volume, not exceeding the Change Factor; Purple - signi
Indicator of tick volumes with the ability to monitor sudden and significant changes in the prices of bars relative to the specified coefficient - Change Factor - to the average value of volumes for a certain period of time - Period Signal. The color of the indicator's histogram characterizes the changes in volume of a bar relative to the previous session and the signal line. Indicator Inputs Period Signal - period of the signal line; Change Factor – volume change factor. By default, the indica
Volumes Message
Dmitriy Moshnin
Indicator of tick volumes equipped with notification system and the ability to monitor sudden and significant changes in the prices of bars relative to the specified coefficient - Change Factor - to the average value of volumes for a certain period of time (Period Signal) and the bar of the previous trading session. The color of the indicator's histogram characterizes the changes in volume of a bar: 1- relative to the previous session; 2 - relative to the signal line. According to the notificati