ShangLin Wu / 个人资料
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10+ 年

ShangLin Wu
If you want to use this EA ● ICMarkets demo account free for one month.
● ICMarkets real account deposit 1000 US dollars, permanent free use.
● It is recommended to use the VPS host in New York, USA 1. Click this link to open an account. ICMarkets open a real account [Account Type TrueECN] 2. Download EA After the real account deposit, please contact me. Signals:
● ICMarkets real account deposit 1000 US dollars, permanent free use.
● It is recommended to use the VPS host in New York, USA 1. Click this link to open an account. ICMarkets open a real account [Account Type TrueECN] 2. Download EA After the real account deposit, please contact me. Signals:
分享社交网络 · 1
ShangLin Wu
Forex Hunter 是一款全自動化專家顧問。 開單信號基於Candlestick Patterns中的吞噬型態,吞噬信號以及移動平均線的信號同時成立時開啟訂單。 如果行情與訂單方向相反,可以使用停損機制,或是加大停損至1000點以上,啟用Martingale系統,增加獲利機會。 本EA採用動態手數管理,當您的本金增加時,下單的手數會以相同比例增加。 Buy單與Sell單分別為獨立交易系統,經常性的同時存在。預設參數適合用在EURUSD的M30時區。 真實帳戶監控 可使用停損或馬丁格爾交易系統 適用四位數及五位數報價系統 回測結果與真實帳戶交易相符 適用任何交易商 交易條件 貨幣兌:所有貨幣兌 時間框架:所有時間框架 推薦槓桿為1:500 建議帳戶最小資金為100元 交易及設定說明 加單時下單手數為第一單的手數乘上LotMultiplier 停損點數預設100000,基本屬於不停損,如果有需要停損的人可以自行設定 參數說明 MagicNumber - 魔術數字 GridSetp -
分享社交网络 · 2

ShangLin Wu

ShangLin Wu
2014-04-18 欧元 德国 法国 意大利 西班牙 耶稣受难日 市场休市
2014-04-18 纽元 新西兰 耶稣受难日 市场休市
2014-04-18 英镑 英国 耶稣受难日 市场休市
2014-04-18 美元 美国 耶稣受难日 市场休市
2014-04-18 瑞郎 瑞士 耶稣受难日 市场休市
2014-04-18 澳元 澳大利亚 耶稣受难日 市场休市
2014-04-18 纽元 新西兰 耶稣受难日 市场休市
2014-04-18 英镑 英国 耶稣受难日 市场休市
2014-04-18 美元 美国 耶稣受难日 市场休市
2014-04-18 瑞郎 瑞士 耶稣受难日 市场休市
2014-04-18 澳元 澳大利亚 耶稣受难日 市场休市

ShangLin Wu
分享社交网络 · 2

Yang May Leong
LOVE ur Markfx signals, first time see a provider only trades GJ, fants work, subs to u today! Will change to LIVE after 2 wks test on demo.Also arthurEA, subs using demo, but will consider live later. Can recommend mnimum for ArthurEA?
Is markfx manual? Very little trades, controlled dd, I like this signal, i dont like marti, can blow acct! I like slow signals. ArthurEA higher risk, but accuracy is very very good, will u switch to live soon? Any plans for managing accts? Private or PAMM arrangements is ok with me. Pls DONT leave us, we are small subscribers, need ur good signals
PS: I am also interested wanted to test blessing, but didnt want to buy the setfile, if got good results pls share that signal too, will support u, hv been asking my friends to support u. Dont know why never saw ur signals before this, but still not late to subs! So pls continue!
Is markfx manual? Very little trades, controlled dd, I like this signal, i dont like marti, can blow acct! I like slow signals. ArthurEA higher risk, but accuracy is very very good, will u switch to live soon? Any plans for managing accts? Private or PAMM arrangements is ok with me. Pls DONT leave us, we are small subscribers, need ur good signals
PS: I am also interested wanted to test blessing, but didnt want to buy the setfile, if got good results pls share that signal too, will support u, hv been asking my friends to support u. Dont know why never saw ur signals before this, but still not late to subs! So pls continue!

ShangLin Wu
ArthurEA using blessing 3 ea, constantly gallon no stop-loss.
I have used real account in October 2013 to January 2014, has earned a lot of money, but I can not stand him DD, so stop the real account.
In fact, this system is able to make money, if you can tolerate large DD.
I would like to remind you that this system backtesting will not burst positions, but does not mean the future will not burst positions.
Recommended funding is $ 2,000 or more, or use the account cents cents above 2000.
I'm just an amateur operator, if there is no particular surprises I will not stop the transaction.
I have used real account in October 2013 to January 2014, has earned a lot of money, but I can not stand him DD, so stop the real account.
In fact, this system is able to make money, if you can tolerate large DD.
I would like to remind you that this system backtesting will not burst positions, but does not mean the future will not burst positions.
Recommended funding is $ 2,000 or more, or use the account cents cents above 2000.
I'm just an amateur operator, if there is no particular surprises I will not stop the transaction.