Chi Sum Poon
Chi Sum Poon
  • 信息
This is Gary Poon

I will first study of trading on demo account then to real account.
This is my only account on, I will not create another one for now.
If there are any queries or concerns, please refer to the broker details from my signals.

Thank you.
Chi Sum Poon 已发布产品

30.00 USD

陰陽馬丁 此EA跟據 2 個 TimeFrame ADX, ADX 升緊/跌緊, Di+ 和 Di- Difference, RSI, 作出交易; 馬丁單限制: 上支陽燭才可開Buy單;   上支陰燭才可開Sell單 可玩單注, 可玩馬丁 此EA適用於所有市場, 黃金, 指數, 外匯...... ====== YinYang Marty This EA trades based on 2-timeframe ADX, ADX rising/falling, Di+ and Di- difference, RSI indicators. Martin Rule: Only open a Buy order when the previous candlestick is bullish; Only open a Sell order when the   previous   candlestick is bearish. Can trade single bets, can trade Martingale. This EA is

Chi Sum Poon 已发布产品

一齊一齊一齊沽 此EA跟據 ADX, ADX 升緊/跌緊, Di+ 和 Di- Difference, RSI, 5 個 TimeFrame 2 條 ichimoku conversion, base line 指標共10條MA, 作出交易; 可玩單注, 可玩馬丁 此EA適用於所有市場, 黃金, 指數, 外匯...... ====== Ichiichiichiku This EA trades based on the ADX, ADX rising/falling, Di+ and Di- difference, RSI, 5-timeframe 2-ichimoku conversion, base line, total 10 MAs indicators. Can trade single bets, can trade Martingale. This EA is suitable for all markets, including gold, indices, forex, and more

Chi Sum Poon 已发布产品

30.00 USD

瘋狂麥斯 此EA跟據 ADX, ADX 升緊/跌緊, Di+ 和 Di- Difference, RSI, 5 個 TimeFrame 6 條 MA 指標共30條MA, 和它們的相差 作出交易; 可玩單注, 可玩馬丁 此EA適用於所有市場, 黃金, 指數, 外匯...... ====== Mad Max This EA trades based on the ADX, ADX rising/falling, Di+ and Di- difference, RSI, 5-timeframe 6-MA, total 30 MAs indicators, and their difference. Can trade single bets, can trade Martingale. This EA is suitable for all markets, including gold, indices, forex, and more

Chi Sum Poon 已发布产品

30.00 USD

波波金 此EA跟據 ADX, ADX 升緊/跌緊, Di+ 和 Di-   Difference , RSI 和 6個 TimeFrame 的 Parabolic SAR 指標作出交易; 可玩單注, 可玩馬丁 此EA適用於所有市場, 黃金, 指數, 外匯...... ====== BallBallG This EA trades based on the ADX,   ADX increasing/decreasing ,   Di+ Di- Difference , RSI, and Parabolic SAR indicators across 6 different timeframes. Can trade single bets, can trade Martingale. This EA is suitable for all markets, including gold, indices, forex, and more

Chi Sum Poon 已发布产品

30.00 USD

瞬獄殺 此 EA 可在新聞發佈最遲前 1 秒兩邊掛單 自己拉落 demo live 行下睇下發生咩事先 自行 BT 睇風險, 不建議大家賭博 Screenshots 是 美國非農就業數據的真倉結果, 全盡全實 我試左 3 次先敢放上黎 是可以輸的 但贏一次可以輸4-5次 可以炒星期五 8:30 的大新聞 我炒過 CPI, ISMPPMI, PMI, 議息, ADP, 原油果個唔知咩 輕拳輕拳前輕腳重拳 希望大家岀左兩次輕拳先 如果 Stop Distance 較近, 排隊會早少少, 滑價應該會少D, 岩邊既話會賺多D 但係較容易震盪時錯邊/ SO 如果 Stop Distance 較遠, 排隊會後少少, 滑價有機會會多D, 會賺少D 但係易D岩邊 ------------------------------ Raging Demon This EA can place stop orders on both sides up to 1 second before the news release. Please try the demo live version yourself

Chi Sum Poon 已发布产品

物極必反、否極泰來 此 EA 捕捉連續陰(陽)燭創新低(高)時的技術性反彈(Technical Rally) 在 連續陰 燭 低位 回調開始時反手買升 在 連續 陽 燭 高位 回調開始時反手買跌 === What goes to the extreme must reverse; what goes to the negative will bring prosperity. This EA captures technical rallies when there are consecutive bearish (bullish) candles making new lows (highs). It buys on the upward reversal when a consecutive bearish candle starts to retrace from a low position. It sells on the downward reversal when a consecutive bullish candle starts to retrace from a

Chi Sum Poon 已发布产品

市場上的交易程式中, 很多時候也是在每支 Bar 一開始時交易, 所謂 "Per Bar" 我們可以在每支 Bar 的頭幾秒推斷之後的走勢, 讓子彈飛吧~ 此 EA 比較 Bar Open 價和 "幾秒後" 的價作出交易 此 EA 適用於所有市場, 黃金, 指數, 外匯...... 請大家發掘不同市場不同時段玩法, 可以試炒新聞? 非農? 如果各位朋友在任何市場找到有效的交易時段,請與我分享,謝謝! 可能 每分鐘頭幾秒 每第5分鐘嘅頭幾秒 每半個鐘嘅頭幾秒 每一個鐘嘅頭幾秒 都會有啲啟示 ====== ---Bar Open Time Trading--- Most of the EA in the market, it is often the case that trades are executed at the beginning of each bar, known as "Per Bar." We can infer the future trend in the first few seconds of each bar. Let the bullets fly

Chi Sum Poon