Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
4.5 (459)
  • 信息
5+ 年
We are a closed brotherhood of traders whose ultimate goal is to profit through well-studied, structured, and automated trades. As a result, we publish dozens of MT5 indicators (FREE and paid) to the global MQL5 community. 80% of our published products are high-quality free indicators so beginner traders can study and develop their own knowledge and strategies without the burden of the costs in this initial phase of their lives as traders. We have also intermediate and advanced traders who love our products, that's the reason for our high rates on our profile and on our products.

Our Motto: Disrupt. All Ways. Always.

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Live Long and Prosper.
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
2013, 336 pages, by Rishi K. Narang -It is a very interesting and deep book about the current market practices and all about Quants and High-Frequency trading...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Chat With Traders How quantitative trading strategies are created, scrutinized and introduced to the market w/ Ernie Chan...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Weis Volume Waves for MT5!
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
已发布代码Weis Waves
交易量波指标最初由Richard D. Wyckoff 构思出来的。
2557 13430
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
First of all, I tried unsuccessfully to upload this indicator into the Codebase. Not matter what I tried to re-code/optimize the code I was always getting the error "Tester takes too long time". After a dozen tries I gave up...
· 2 2126 5
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
已发布代码Didi Needles - 含有 MA 阈值差异过滤
Didi Needles 指标的经典版本 (在图表上) ,现在基于MA 阈值的差异加上了过滤阈值。
· 1 1270 2864
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
2010, 241 pages, by Michael Durbin – If you have read about Hight Frequency Trading and related sub-themes, this book is not for you, and that is because of its publication date...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
已发布代码3 规则 MACD
传统的 MACD 通过 3 个额外的规则/过滤器变得更强大。
· 1 3550 7719
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
After reviewing a couple of alternative IDEs/Source Code Editors that could be used to code and compile in MQL5 instead of using the original Metaeditor IDE, I decided to go with Visual Studio Code, from Microsoft...
· 54 46764 89
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
2015, 208 pages, by Andrew Jay Vaananen. This book is for those of you that build automated trading strategies and never heard of the terms "Dark Pools" and "High-Frequency Trading...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
已发布文章Book: Expert Advisor Programming for Metatrader 5 - Creating automated trading systems in the MQL5 language
2018, 388 pages, by Andrew R. Young. This book is one of the very few about MQL5, and specifically written about Expert Advisor programming. It is very well written and structured, containing all you need to build a novice-to-intermediate trading robot...
· 4 2897 1
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
已发布代码Hikkake 形态 (内嵌日级假突破)
Hikkake 形态 (内嵌日级假突破) 指标是基于虚假突破的交易策略。 将 Dan Chesler 于 2004 年 4 月发表在活跃交易者杂志 "Hikkake 形态的交易假动作" 的文章转换为 MQL5 代码,。
· 1 2115 1902