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10+ 年
http://www.blackwavetrader.com 自2000年开始为Fexco Stockbroking工作以来,我是一家注册股票经纪人,该公司此后收购了爱尔兰最大的经纪人之一Goodbody。我是爱尔兰银行家协会的成员。我已经在英国的技术分析师协会注册,并且在该行业工作了一段时间,包括在IG Group和Fidelity。
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
Definitely a testing enough market. Typically I was supposed to be taking a break from trading after this basket closed but it's making me pay for the break I guess. My expectation that 1.9375 was thereabouts the low was clearly wrong so as I said at the end of last weeks mail the strategy calls for control of the quantity of positions and position size and that's where we are right now. Equity markets continue to rally towards the previous highs and Sterling is having it's own issues namely bond buying by the Bank of England. So the trend is still down and the market remains oversold on multiple timeframes. Time for cool heads.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
Last week I wrote about the Pound though could well have mentioned the Euro or the Canadian dollar amongst a few others when I said it's "advance against the greenback has been strong which is in all sorts of trouble and losing it's safe haven status for now as again the preception of risk has declined." That story changed somewhat this week. New doubts about Covid 19 Wave No. 2 so....the S&P500 dropped and SO CALLED safe havens like the Swiss Franc, the U.S Dollar strengthened again. Not surprisingly so called riskier assets like the NZD weakened against the Pound. Round and round we go and it was starting to look good for being long GBPNZD. It didn't help us that at -20% U.K GDP monthly data was a bit worse than the -18% expected and the S&P500 has bounced a little today strengthening the NZD as will happen in this financial market ecosystem. So, we are officially still in a downtrend in GBPNZD though we may be forming a base by 1.9375 as it has rallied off that area after testing it on the 8th and 9th of June. President Clinton once said "You Can Put Wings On A Pig But That Doesn't Make It An Eagle". Perhaps the easy trade in the winged pig that is the S&P 500 is over and that is useful to know. We've had a very significant rally off the lows to the point where the S&P was nearly positive for the year which makes no sense. Things are likely to get complicated for the equity markets for a little while as we figure out what's risky and what are companies worth again. In such a scenario life for the NZD should stay complicated too hence my instinct that 1.9375 is thereabouts an attempt to form a bottom. All this is not withstanding the actual trading strategy and that the fact that the weekly 14 period MA is all the way higher at 2.02 and the market remains daily and almost weekly oversold. The strategy calls for control of the quantity of positions and the position size and buying when oversold though it would be boring to tell you that every week.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
Our EURCHF trade closed in profit though things moved on quickly with the GBPNZD DD I guess. I announced that a 15% cash withdrawal was perfectly fine but by the time some of you got around to requesting it things had moved on. I am keen to get out of this trade in June and when I do I am finished trading until July, my first break in trading since 2015 but hopefully a welcome "back to cash" notification for you guys. I'm going to Portugal on the 24th to sign papers for a second apartment bought by Blackwave as another asset on the balance sheet. God knows we take the risk so this is what reward feels like to me. I am looking for a very decent profit in GBPNZD but lets see how the market develops.

The Kiwi is ironically strong for the same reason the Swiss Franc weakened,namely the perception that risk has declined. I agree it has declined but to this extent I doubt, 20% unemployment, China tension and riots in the U.S? Nevertheless it's futile to agrue with the price. The other side of this pair is the Pound. It's advance against the greenback has been strong which is in all sorts of trouble and losing it's safe haven status for now as again the preception of risk has declined. It has advanced significanly and may be about to break out of resistance at circa 1.2650. Today's NFP data may be significant and the U.K's talks with the E.U perhaps less so. If it does a stronger Pound suits out trade. This mornings position may be the final one in this basket because with so many points in GBPNZD any given percentage move is a lot of points. This market is oversold hourly, 4 hourly, daily and almost weekly as it sits close to weekly support levels from the December lows. Average entry is circa 1.9750.
Zichuan Cai
Zichuan Cai 2020.06.05
什么时候回来重新开始交易When to come back to start trading
Zichuan Cai
Zichuan Cai 2020.06.05
When to come back to start trading
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
Month: 4.93%. Week: 2.42%. EURCHF continues to recover from the significant flight to safety that's been going on all year so far. First we broke out of the wedge formation, then put in a flag type formation and today the price action has been positive with the market trading well above 1.07 and into overbought territory both daily and especially hourly. The wind has been in the sails of the Euro with positive news flow from Germany and from the Eurozone in general. Benign inflation figures leave the ECB room to be expansionary on top of the good mood music coming from Europe about expansionary fiscal policies. Right now we probably need EURCHF to work off the extreme overbought levels but next week will hopefully allow a continuation of this move higher. There are a number of data points that may allow for the move to continue. More specific German stimulus plans on Tuesday. ECB rate decision and Monetary Policy Statement and press conference on Thursday and then Non-Farm Payrolls on Friday. The upper end of this move is probably 1.08 where we begin to see more significant resistance as defined by the Aug-Sep'19 low.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
Week: 1.32% EURCHF: So we got that technical break out of the wedge formation I was talking about before and that was useful. From a fundamental view they say it was caused by the prospects of a vaccine and also the Franco/German stimulus plan to be presented to the rest of the Euro Group. As they say in Ireland "grand". However nothing is ever straight forward and while EURUSD initially traded from 1.08 to above 1.10 it has since declined to 1.09 dragging EURCHF with it being it's cousin so to speak. Furthermore U.S / China tensions are rising again (there's a U.S election in November) so hey presto the Franc is once more in demand. That said I am hopeful because of the technical break and I've posted the graph. This bodes well for further Franc weakness in the coming sessions notwithstanding the Hong Kong protests that will occur over the weekend. AUDNZD having broke above resistance did not have the legs to continue advancing so we closed that trade this morning with a profit as it broke back down below what had now become support. As it is weekly overbought I am selling into AUDNZD strength again this evening as it retests the same technical level. DD is now as low as it's been for quite some time as the cash continues to advance.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
I believe in supporting kids and investing in the future of the country. Blackwave Ltd has donated €1000 of your fees to....

mwjunaid 2020.05.19
Welldone Gary
blackcat999 lee jun hao
blackcat999 lee jun hao 2020.05.20
i copy signal ,but why my deal size only 0.01? are balance too low problem?
[删除] 2020.05.30
Liu EA is SCAM.Be Careful
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
EURCHF continues it's multi-month decline with the range continuing to tighten into what looks like the apex of a wedge formation. On the one hand there are continuing flows into Switzerland by the many billions per week and at the other hand the SNB selling Francs to weaken their currency and protect their phama industry and their whole export economy also being hurt by the plague. Any time I trade EURCHF I remember the crash of 2014 when the SNB elimated the peg of 1.20 to the Euro which it had sold vast quantities of Francs to maintain. Since then it's behaviour has become more nuanced. They don't announce and level that they are prepared to defend like some sort of military strong point but sort of fight a rear guard action. Fighting, retreating and fighting again. It appears to be a more sophisticated policy. So right now 1.05 looks like where they've been fighting recently. I don't know if they will retreat but again there is the Euro element of this equation too and Christine Legarde has said they she will carry on regardless with QE policies in spite of the German court ruling this week. The point here is not so much that QE will weaken the Euro but that no QE will mean the Euro has an existential crisis and indeed the Euro did rally on her comments. Strange times! Then there is the whole virus thing and the re-opening of economies already underway. The issue is visibility. Nobody knows what a company is worth (especially when they refuse to give forward guidance) and so money is being parked in Switzerland. So on we proceed in an ever tightening range into this wedge, arguably closer to some visibility every day. AUDNZD came within perhaps 10-15 pips of closing for a profit today but it may not let us out this week. Right now close to breakeven on that trade.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
[Alpine] Cash April +5.33%. Week +0.84%. As I mentioned last week EURCHF was finishing on the highs and that boded well. Indeed the market did push higher this week though for the time being those higher prices are rejected and so officially the market is still in a process of putting in swing lower highs and lower lows. That said we did not get either a lower low or a higher high this week and so we are stuck hopefully in a bottoming process. The previous lower high was on March 26th at circa 1.0654 and it would be game on if we managed to get back above that in the coming sessions. The Western world is begining to talk about re-starting economies so we'll see what that does to safe haven assets. In the mean-time we've been trading other pairs and EURGBP provided the increase in cash this week.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
[Alpine] Week: Cash + 0.89%. EURCHF having put in yet another weekly low is finishing on the highs of the week which is actually encouraging me though the market remains oversold weekly and the range is fairly tight. A higher high in next weeks candle would probably initially target circa 1.0670 and that would indeed be progress. After that is 1.0710 and the trade is profitable. EURGBP continues to make us money and I'm a little disappointed the price action was slow enough that we could not close out a second basket of that this week. That said set-backs in the price have been limited and today is something of an inside day range wise but also a higher close than yesterday. The EURO Council of Ministers Meeting didn't give us the volatility I was hoping for but EURUSD is finishing on the highs of the day and some further Euro strength next week would be useful technically in terms of our big EURCHF trade while obviously increasing the cash further in terms of our EURGBP trade.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
Cash has been harder to come by this week. EURGBP's drop from weekly overbought in the high 0.94's into the high 86's took just four weeks and while not oversold the drop was fairly spectacular, puts us close to the weekly 14 period MA, and demonstrates the volatile environment we are in now. Borris Johnson lives to die another day (to quote Bond) and the pair is finding support right now in the 0.8690's in what could be the right shoulder of a head and shoulders pattern. In a sense that is all irrelevant anyway and what is more relevant is that we are 5 trades into the grid and buying after a steap decline. The action is less choppy than last week when we got quick action and profits.

EURCHF is the friend who's overstayed his welcome and just won't go fu*king home. It's now Monthly, Weekly and daily oversold and continuing to put in a series of daily swing lower highs and lower lows and is as low as it's been since 2015. Maybe it's the volatile stock market, the plague and the flight to safety or maybe it's the large red moon, it doesn't really matter I guess. When I buy something that is oversold or overbought there is always plenty of reasons and newsheadlines to prove I'm nuts.

The silverlining is this. 1. When the S&P500 bottomed in 2008 the headlines were at their worst and punters were liquidating pensions at S and P 666. When people talked about Sterling going to parity with the Euro as if it was a certainty after BREXIT, headlines were at their worst and only a fool would sell EURGBP short at 0.98.....right! I think we've past the worst headlines for COVID-19 and while the Italian economy is ruined I think we all know that too as does the ECB, solutions will have to be found even if it's E.U Federal Corona Bonds and this too shall pass. 2. The cash is going higher every month even while EURCHF refuses to ease up. This continues to provide some help with equity. The cash situation in the ALPINE account is 12% higher than on December 31st. 3. Lastly I think this has been a long view operation from the start and in that long view EURCHF is just another notable battle and will be won because of patience and position size. Every overbought bounce get sold and every oversold decline gets bought by thousands of traders yet so many of them lose money. I'm like a broken record but I think it's position size and patience. Many amateurs get bored. Boredom destroys millions of dollars.

Sorry for the long post. To quote Daniel Day Lewis in the movie Lincoln "once I start I get too lazy to stop".
Marton Papp
Marton Papp 2020.04.18
WHy do you keep so much money on the account of your signal? Does that make sense,
Gary Comey
Gary Comey 2020.04.19
Money where my mouth is.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
The $1m chip is waiting. I’m almost one third of the way.

Week: Cash +1.56%. Yet we still remain in this EURCHF DD. Pain in the ........Nevertheless the cash continues to grow while we let this pair play out. On April 13th I will 3 months into the EURCHF trade. In that period the cash is up 11.94% and recall the overnight interest on EURCHF is not onerous. One DD reminds me of previous ones. The NZDJPY DD of 2017 when I gave up after 3 months and took a loss only to see within a few weeks it would have been a profitable trade. The USDZAR DD of 2018 which was a little scary given the overnight interest and I seriously considered hedging but decided that was not the strategy. I think the brass tax of this is that it all comes down to the strategy. Does it work? I feel it does and this weeks cash proves it. We are at 4.4% in the middle of the month! Volatility has been our friend in CADJPY and then EURGBP as it should in grid strategy.
[删除] 2020.04.14
The Real Telegram Chat: => https://t.me/joinchat/RviunRhspP5J3S9xqISuEA

Enjoy your journey !
Gary Comey
Gary Comey 2020.04.15
I’ll give it a month 😉
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
Every time I accumulate another $10K in trading capital I take a poker chip from the box and put it on top of the stack. Added my 29th this morning. I think in 2015 I hardly had one chip.

The trading action has been quick in the last 24 hours as the price of oil rose and pulled up the Loonie with it. EURCHF declines are now quite prolonged however the overnight SWAPS are easily affordable. One or two pips will pay for them so it's not like the prolonged DD I had in 2018 in USDZAR where the overnight SWAPS were very expensive causing me to later alter the trading plan to exclude Exotic pairs in future. I think there is still too much fog in relation to global economies and that is why the Franc remains well bid.

I’m definitely happy to be almost at 3% so early in the month.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey 2020.04.09
Kilmartin, Blackwave Pacific trades 0.01 lots per $1700. You need you alter leverage to achieve that.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey 2020.04.09
My mistake. Spell check 🙄. Kllm Blackwave Pacific trades 0.01 lots per $1700. You need you alter leverage to achieve that.
Francis Belanger
Francis Belanger 2020.04.10
thumbs up man
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
[ALPINE] Week: Cash +2.11%. Recent oversold conditions have been somewhat rectified allowing me to take some profit in CADJPY as the price of oil somewhat recovered and the fear factor somewhat eased as governments and central banks again print their way out of trouble like they did in 2008/9/10.

The DD is reduced but volatile and sensitive to the pandemic fears. The next shoe to drop could be Italian debt but I guess that's always been a problem. EURCHF is a barometer of fear and stress and while the Franc remains strong the SWAPS in this are not too burdensome for our weekly oversold EURCHF position. What I am thinking here is that the volatility around equity markets and by extension currency markets may give us opportunities. The last time I thought that I bought CADJPY and OPEC collapsed over the weekend weakening the Canadian Dollar so influenced by the price of oil. OPEC is unlikely to collapse again this weekend having already done so and I am long CADJPY again. Indeed if Saudi and Russia come to a truce over a weekend we could benefit from a gap UP. However I am not depending on that but rather just the volatility which in theory at least is good for a grid strategy.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
As you know we closed CADJPY in profit yesterday. Guys, given the Zombie apocalypse etc I am happy if people need to make a 15% withdrawal of equity (assuming you are not leveraging me). I had a look around this morning and I don't see another obvious trade but either way I cannot guarantee to be back at cash by month end. As always it's in the lap of the market Gods.

As I said before in December I won't be making withdrawals but these are strange times indeed.

A small withdrawal will buy Disney + for the kids which is easier than home schooling them.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
Closed CADJPY in profit. Not that pleased with it but less positions is safer. Especially when it dawns on the Euro traders that Italy is broke.

Anyway it's more money, more equity etc. The Franc is a little weaker given the rally in the equity markets. Hopefully we've seen the bottom there. If you'd just bought the S&P 500 and month ago you would be down 30% so when we get out of this we will be ahead of the world.
Francis Belanger
Francis Belanger 2020.03.25
<-- Good job man
Gecimar Loss
Gecimar Loss 2020.03.25
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
Decent rally in CADJPY put me close to disposing of those trades today with a little profit which will reduce risk and leave us just with EURCHF. Alas as we come into the close that market has come off a bit. Hopefully we get to close CADJPY next week but patience is paying off. Equity markets are still trying to form a bottom and things remain volatile and driven by the Virus news which if you are Italian is a human catastrophe by now. New York and California are shutting down and what we really need is some news that lets us see through this to the other side. At that point markets stabilise and the Franc move away from it's oversold levels like CADJPY has. All said a better second half to the week with the DD reducing and we even got close to making money.......God forbid!
Gecimar Loss
Gecimar Loss 2020.03.21
It was good for you not to close CADJPY, next Monday CADJPY will open upwards, different from last week.
Let us have more patience because this CADJPY will give us a big profit to compensate for the time that we do not make a profit.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
QUESTION: Hi Gary, thank you for your efforts. I have a question about stop loss—as there is no hard stop, how much will you risk? Do we have maximum? I’m sending this message as my friends are asking about the possible worst outcome. Good day.15:09

ANSWER: The worst case outcome is that developments over a weekend cause us to lose all our money in a major gap in the markets on a Sunday night. Trading is risky. I am finding it difficult to make predictions about what will happen next and so is everyone else with half a brain but I don't believe the U.S will surrender their energy independence so that's the oil question and relates to CADJPY. My reading of the media is that the U.S administration are holding sensitive talks with Saudi Arabia which no doubt is aimed at raising oil prices.

My second reading of the situation relates directly to the S&P500 which has dropped 25% in four weeks. That puts us at Planet Of The Apes by July and I just don't believe that will happen. Right now I am not inclined to close EURCHF or CADJPY because the betting right now is on the end of the world as it was back in 2008 when people we liquidating their pensions is a blind panic. I think it's time to stay calm. Bad luck has been with the CADJPY trade otherwise the DD is well within soft stop loss levels. Even with the CADJPY it's almost touching those levels but not quite. I am inclined to await further developments, I am inclined to follow my instincts and not panic when all about me are.

Right now the S&P500 appears to be attempting to put in a base around current levels with the 2018 low at 2333. That has not been breached....yet. It would not be unsurprising to see it breached in another awful trading day followed by a massive rally with some fundamental development as the excuse. I am not saying it will happen this way but that would be typical. I feel if I close now with still huge equity it will be close to the worst that it got.
Onebody 2020.03.18
Thanks for the update, Gary
Fredrik Ek
Fredrik Ek 2020.03.18
Great update Gary 🎉🎉
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
Looks like we could end up closing the week not to far from where we began. To be frank the last few months have not gone according to plan. First we had the GBPCHF DD in November and now we seem to have stumbled into the collapse of the equity markets so the usual plan of buy on oversold has been tested with prolonged flight to safety assets such as the Franc. I thought we could skim a little from CADJPY and earn overnight interest while we waited on EURCHF and stumbled into the collapse of OPEC and CAD is hugely affected by the price of Crude Oil. On the same night as the collapse of OPEC North Korea launched a missile strengthening the Yen further. WOW a perfect storm. Today we find that anyone who has ever bet on the end of the world...or me, was wrong...again. Markets are moving away from extreme levels at least as I write this and governments are starting make hard decisions. With one death the Irish government has closed all schools. The Italian government has closed.....well Italy!

I can point to two things. 1. We are alive, and that's saying something given we've had incredible drops in equity markets even before yesterday's biggest drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average since the 1987 Wall Street crash (I was 12 years old). 2. A recovery in our position puts us head and shoulders above above the S&P500 which has destroyed trillions of dollars in global wealth.

Although it is far from over what we all need to learn from moments like this is what our risk profile is. Are we "High Risk" guys or are we just "High Return" guys because lets face it everyone is high return. Trading Forex is risky to begin with even in the "low risk" account. My bank manager thinks the sharp ratio in the low risk account is incredibly risky though she is comparing it to buying German government bonds. I for one am prepared to risk it because the returns over time have not been achievable anywhere else in my life. As surely as trading conditions have been difficult they will improve again and I for one will still be there.
Onebody 2020.03.13
I guess it's too early to open the champagne. But Yes, today is definitely better than yesterday)
jokinvipo94 2020.03.13
Thank you for the update Gary!
Gecimar Loss
Gecimar Loss 2020.03.13
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
Not much room left for opening new positions. We need to see a meaningful change in market sentiment before we can do that.
Onebody 2020.03.12
Thank you for keeping your cool in the "black Swan" situation.
A balanced, thoughtful, calm approach will definitely help us.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
[Alpine] Week: cash +0.35%. Pesky markets insist on panicking over this virus but I guess it did get ahead of itself. With the VIX at 49 it felt a bit like capitulation so I held my nose and bought deeply oversold EURCHF again. Having not blown up like many traders we have the equity so it felt time to be a little brave. Friday’s can be brutal as investors don’t like holding positions into the weekend.

I’m not saying that it’s all sunshine from here but perhaps there will be a few solid plans next week from the U.S administration and the E.U. It appears that the virus is finally stable in China. Perhaps in the summer we will look back at the panic as yet another panic we overcame. I have good hope that we will get out of our CADJPY positions even while we wait for EURCHF. As I write the final positions in both pairs are showing a profit.
diocanetrader 2020.03.09
I would like to write to you ... I TOLD YOU SO !!! but by now you all will have understood it too ... charts, analysis, waves don't matter now !!! You just have to pray in a miracle
Gary Comey
Gary Comey 2020.03.13
@diocanetrader I had a look at your profile to see how an expert trades. Still looking....
Onebody 2020.04.03
@diocanetrader, thanks for your advice! It worked - the prayers really helped. Waiting for new informative and valuable comments.