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We firmly believe that striving for perfection is the road to excellence. With this as our keystone, barmenteros FX is devoted to providing tailored MT4 programming service (also MT5) for Forex traders worldwide. In addition to MetaTrader, we also program for other popular trading platforms as TradingView, NinjaTrader and TradeStation. With years of experience, we have improved the methods and processes that enable us to create high-quality, robust and stable programs for Forex market. We aim to create long term partnerships with our customers by exceeding expectations with a top level of professionalism, honesty, and transparency.

Reach us here: barmenteros.com
Boris Armenteros
留下反馈给客户为工作 Gorilla Forex Group Terminator
Boris Armenteros 已发布产品

Crossing of market price and moving average with all kinds of alerts and features to improve visualization on the chart. Features Crossing of market price and Moving Average (MA) at current bar or at closing of last bar; It can avoid same signals in a row, so it can allow only a buy signal followed by a sell signal and vice versa; MA can be set for any of the following averaging methods: Simple Moving Average (SMA), Exponential Moving Average (EMA),   Smoothed Moving Average

Boris Armenteros 已发布产品

Signals and Alerts for AMA (Adaptive Moving Average) indicator based on these MQL5 posts:   Adaptive Moving Average (AMA)   and   Signals of the Indicator Adaptive Moving Average . Note : this tool is based on the code of AMA indicator developed by MetaQuotes Software Corp. Features The signals are triggered at   closing   of last bar/opening of a new bar; Any kind of alerts can be enabled: Dialog Box, Email message, SMS notifications for smartphones and tablets, and

Boris Armenteros 已发布产品

Signals and Alerts for Accelerator/Decelerator indicator based on these MQL5 posts: Accelerator Oscillator and Signals of the Indicator Accelerator Oscillator . Note : this tool is based on the code of Accelerator indicator developed by MetaQuotes Software Corp. Features The signals are triggered at   closing   of last bar/opening of a new bar; Any kind of alerts can be enabled: Dialog Box, Email message, SMS notifications for smartphones and tablets, and Sound alerts; Customizable

Boris Armenteros 已发布产品

Be notified of every color change of Heiken Ashi (HA) candles. The indicator will trigger past and new signals every time that HA candles change their colors. ( Note : this tool is based on the code of Heiken Ashi indicator developed by MetaQuotes Software Corp.) Features The signals are triggered at closing of last bar/opening of a new bar; Any kind of alerts can be enabled: Dialog Box, Email message, SMS notifications for smartphones and tablets, and Sound alerts; By default, up arrows are

Kingofcookers99 2020.07.15
Hello. greetings. Does this work on futures as well?
Boris Armenteros 已发布产品

Introduction The "Two Moving Average Crossover" indicator for MetaTrader 5 (MT5) is a technical analysis tool that displays two moving averages and notifies when the moving averages cross each other. The indicator calculates and plots two moving averages, one of which is faster and the other is slower. When the faster moving average crosses above the slower moving average, it is considered a bullish signal, indicating a potential trend reversal or the start of a new uptrend. Conversely, when

Boris Armenteros 已发布产品

This indicator triggers an alert for one of the most popular methods used in Stochastic Oscillator. This is as follow: a buying alert when the Oscillator (either MAIN [%K] or SIGNAL [%D]) falls below a specific level (e.g., 20) and then rises above that level. a selling alert when the Oscillator rises above a specific level (e.g., 80) and then falls below that level. Note: this tool was developed based on the code of Stochastic Oscillator indicator included by default in MetaTrader 4 terminal

Boris Armenteros 已发布产品

Be notified of every color change of Heiken Ashi (HA) candles. The indicator will trigger past and new signals every time that HA candles change their colors. Note : this tool is based on the code of Heiken Ashi indicator developed by MetaQuotes Software Corp. Features The signals are triggered at closing of last bar/opening of a new bar; Any kind of alerts can be enabled: Dialog Box, Email message, SMS notifications for smartphones and tablets, and Sound alerts; By default, up arrows are

Boris Armenteros 已发布产品

MetaTrader 4(MT4)的 "两条移动平均线交叉 "指标是一个技术分析工具,显示两条移动平均线并在移动平均线相互交叉时发出通知。 该指标计算并绘制两条移动平均线,其中一条较快,另一条较慢。当较快的移动平均线穿过较慢的移动平均线时,它被认为是一个看涨信号,表明潜在的趋势逆转或新的上升趋势的开始。相反,当较快的移动平均线穿过较慢的移动平均线下方时,它是一个看跌信号,表明潜在的趋势逆转或新的下降趋势的开始。 该指标可以自定义使用不同类型的移动平均线,如简单移动平均线(SMA),指数移动平均线(EMA),平滑移动平均线(SMMA),或线性加权移动平均线(LWMA)。交易者还可以调整每条移动平均线的周期,以适应他们的交易风格和偏好。 除了绘制移动平均线外,该指标在发生交叉时还会产生警报。交易者可以设置声音或视觉警报,或者在交叉发生时收到电子邮件或推送通知。这一功能可以帮助交易者保持对潜在交易机会的了解,即使他们没有积极监测图表。 两条移动平均线交叉 "指标是一个多功能和易于使用的工具,对新手和有经验的交易者都有价值。它可以用来识别趋势,发现潜在的进入和退出点,并产生交易信号。 特点 

Godsgift 2015.05.18
Hello, I just bought your indicator but it only seem to alert and draw arrows one screen at a time. Can you help?
harvestor 2018.03.13
Less than impressive indicator, was difficult to load onto 2 computers and once it was finally installed the screens had to be constantly manually refreshed for the arrows to appear. This is a real problem when you are relying on the alert to make the trade assessment; trade volumes down about 40% over the 2 days I used it!!
Boris Armenteros 已发布产品

 Crossing of market price and moving average with all kinds of alerts and features to improve visualization on the chart. Features Crossing of market price and Moving Average (MA) at current bar or at closing of last bar; It can avoid same signals in a row, so it can allow only a buy signal followed by a sell signal and vice versa; MA can be set for any of the following averaging methods: Simple Moving Average (SMA), Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Smoothed Moving Average

Boris Armenteros 已发布产品

它预测最有可能的短线价格走势,基于先进的数学计算。 功能 评估即时价格走势; 计算实时市场趋势; 计算最重要的支撑和阻力位; 算法优化,在进行复杂数学计算时系统资源消耗最小。 最佳性能自调整, 所以它可以工作于任何品种 (无论它有多奇葩) 以及任意时间帧; 与所有 MetaTrader 平台兼容, 不管报价位数或其它参数; 与所有其它工具兼容 (指标, EA 或脚本),不会减缓终端性能和交易操作。 注: 为了获取多个时间帧的数值, 密集区域和附加的功能,您必须适用 专业版 或 大师版 。 介绍 构建一般交易策略的许多经典指标都基于简单的数学,不是因为创建这些指标时,没有优秀的数学家 (事实上,那时的数学家有可能比现在更好),但因为电脑还不存在,或是它们太简单,持续处理复杂数学操作的能力低下。如今,任何智能手机都完胜几十年前最强大的计算机。所以,处理海量信息的能力如今不再是限制,除了极其复杂的模拟处理。 高级价格走势预测者 (APMP) 指标利用当前处理能力的优势,通过一些最先进的数学、统计和概率的概念,来捕获价格波动的本质。 APMP

Boris Armenteros 已发布产品

它预测最有可能的短线价格走势,基于先进的数学计算。 功能 评估即时价格走势; 计算实时市场趋势; 计算最重要的支撑和阻力位; 算法优化,在进行复杂数学计算时系统资源消耗最小。 最佳性能自调整, 所以它可以工作于任何品种 (无论它有多奇葩) 以及任意时间帧; 与所有 MetaTrader 平台兼容, 不管报价位数或其它参数; 与所有其它工具兼容 (指标, EA 或脚本),不会减缓终端性能和交易操作。 注: 为了获取多个时间帧的数值, 密集区域和附加的功能,您必须适用 专业版 或 大师版 。 介绍 构建一般交易策略的许多经典指标都基于简单的数学,不是因为创建这些指标时,没有优秀的数学家 (事实上,那时的数学家有可能比现在更好),但因为电脑还不存在,或是它们太简单,持续处理复杂数学操作的能力低下。如今,任何智能手机都完胜几十年前最强大的计算机。所以,处理海量信息的能力如今不再是限制,除了极其复杂的模拟处理。 高级价格走势预测者 (APMP) 指标利用当前处理能力的优势,通过一些最先进的数学、统计和概率的概念,来捕获价格波动的本质。 APMP

ryandicks007 2014.12.10
Well I don't know about you guys, but I sure as hell wasted 50$ on crap. ppl like this need to stop with there scams and really work on something better. sorry but this will not get any thumbs up from me. this APMP is not worth 1$
Boris Armenteros 已发布产品

它预测最有可能的短线价格走势,基于先进的数学计算。 功能 评估即时价格走势; 计算实时市场趋势; 计算最重要的支撑和阻力位; 算法优化,在进行复杂数学计算时系统资源消耗最小。 最佳性能自调整, 所以它可以工作于任何品种 (无论它有多奇葩) 以及任意时间帧; 与所有 MetaTrader 平台兼容, 不管报价位数或其它参数; 与所有其它工具兼容 (指标, EA 或脚本),不会减缓终端性能和交易操作。 介绍 构建一般交易策略的许多经典指标都基于简单的数学,不是因为创建这些指标时,没有优秀的数学家 (事实上,那时的数学家有可能比现在更好),但因为电脑还不存在,或是它们太简单,持续处理复杂数学操作的能力低下。如今,任何智能手机都完胜几十年前最强大的计算机。所以,处理海量信息的能力如今不再是限制,除了极其复杂的模拟处理。 高级价格走势预测者 (APMP) 指标利用当前处理能力的优势,通过一些最先进的数学、统计和概率的概念,来捕获价格波动的本质。 APMP 不能用来预测它自己,由于价格运动是一种非平稳随机过程,因此,它是不可预测的。但是,它可以对即时的价格走势进行动态的、高可靠的评估。

halilcici1 2014.07.29
GBPUSD 1.75775 Congestion zone at level warning is? warning date and purchase price value in the GBP USD 1.69461'm dür.b problem in the installation settings
. How do I setup settings.
halilcici1 2014.07.29
1.75775 GBP USD Congestion zone at level warning is? warning date and purchase price value in the GBP USD 1.69461' dür. problem in the installation settings
. How do I setup settings.
halilcici1 2014.07.29
dvanced Price Movement Predictor Pro Edition MT4
I'm subscription settings How do I setup How should I evaluate, buy and sell
1.75775 GBP USD Congestion zone at level warning
1.69461 GBP USD market price. A discrepancy. Problem. Mail address'm halilcici@hotmail.com
Boris Armenteros 已发布产品

It predicts the most likely short-term price movement based on advanced mathematical calculations. Features Estimation of immediate price movement; Calculation of the real market trend; Calculation of the most important support and resistance levels; Algorithms optimized for making complex mathematical calculations with a minimal drain of system resources; Self-adjusting for better performance, so it’s able to work properly at any symbol (no matter how exotic it is) and any timeframe; Compatible

Boris Armenteros
· 2 2009 5940
Boris Armenteros
已发布代码Kaufman 效率比
Kaufman 效率比(也称为“广义分形效率”)源于Perry Kaufman的“精明交易”和“新交易系统和方法”两书。
1849 3095
Boris Armenteros
已发布代码Kaufman 波动
Kaufman 波动指标基于Perry Kaufman 的“精明交易:提升在变化市场中的表现”一书。
1942 2939
Boris Armenteros