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Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
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Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
INVESTING NAPOLI 2019 - 29 marzo 2019 - Stazione Marittima
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分享社交网络 · 4

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
What is forex and how can private people profit today?
Forex (often abbreviated in FX), acronym for Foreign Exchange market, is the global market for the trading of currencies. It is now the largest and most liquid market in the world in terms of trading volume, with average traded values that can be trillions of dollars per day.
Forex market was born in the 1970s, when countries gradually shifted to floating exchange rates. But until a few years ago, Forex trading was the exclusive domain of large financial institutions, large companies and central banks. Starting from the early 2000s, the widespread access to Internet technologies has made Forex market access practical. As a result, nowadays anyone with a nominal investment and an Internet connection can buy and sell currencies, through online accounts offered by specialized brokers.
How does Forex work?
The mechanism behind forex trading is very simple, based on simultaneous buying and selling of currencies. You buy a currency and at the same time you sell another one. Currencies are always traded in pairs - for example, euro and US dollar (EUR / USD) - and exchanges takes place through a broker or dealer.
Here you can see a sample Forex quote explained:
EUR/USD = 1,1240
the currency to the left of the slash (in this case, the euro) is referred to as base currency, while the one to the right (US dollar) is the quote or counter currency. If you buy EUR/USD, the exchange rate tells you how much you have to pay in units of the quote currency to buy one unit of the base currency. On the contrary, if you sell EUR/USD, the exchange rate tells you how many units of the quote currency you get for selling one unit of the base currency.
What currencies are traded in Forex?
All currencies are traded in Forex. However, approximately 77% of all trades include just four major currencies, United States Dollar (USD), the Euro (EUR), the Japanese Yen (JPY) and the British Pound (GBP), while the vast majority of exchanges focus on 14 currencies.
The most commonly traded Forex pairs are EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF and USD/JPY: these are called “major pairs”. You can also trade minor currencies, labelled “exotics”, such as the Polish zloty (PLN), the Norwegian krone (NOK) or the Mexican peso (MXN). Minor currencies’ market is less liquid, their trading spread may be wider.
Bid and Ask price
In Forex, the terms Bid and Ask describe the value of the currencies sold and bought. The Bid price is the price at which operators in the market are willing to purchase a particular currency pair, while the Ask price is the price at which operators are willing to sell the currency pair. Simply put, you can buy a currency pair at the Ask price, and sell it at the Bid price.
What is Forex spread?
In Forex, spread is the difference between Bid and Ask. It is normally expressed in Pips (percentage in point), meaning fourth decimal place in currency quotation.
Long and short position
When you buy the base currency and sell the quote currency, you are entering into a long position. You expect the base currency to rise in value so that you can sell it back at a higher price. On the contrary, if you sell the base currency and buy the quote currency, you are going into a short position. In this case, you expect the base currency to fall in value so that you can buy it back at a lower price.
How can private people profit from Forex?
So the basic concept is quite easy, it’s a matter of buying a currency at one price and selling it at higher price (or selling a currency at one price and buying it at a lower price) in order to make a profit. Here you can find the main advantages of Forex for private investors:
• No commissions: Most brokers cover service costs thanks to the spread between demand and supply.
• Minimum initial (or access) capital: every Forex trader can buy and sell currencies starting from a small investment of a few hundred euros.
• Continuous operation: the Forex market is open 24 hours a day except weekends, from 22:00 GMT on Sunday (Sydney) until 22:00 GMT on Friday (New York), and currencies are traded worldwide in the major financial centers of London, New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris and Sydney - covering almost all time zones.
• High liquidity: Forex is an extremely liquid market. Each order is then placed instantly in the market because there is always someone willing to trade.
• High volatility: volatility refers to price fluctuations between the high and low. This is particularly evident for some currency pairs and at certain times of the day.
• Leverage: thanks to the lever, in the forex trading it is possible to control contracts with a very high value.
Different ways to trade Forex
Spot market - the largest segment of the forex market, deals with the current price of currency, and immediate trades.
Futures - contracts to buy or sell a certain asset at a specified price on a future date
Options –financial instruments that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a specified price on the option’s expiration date.
Contracts for difference – contracts to exchange the difference between the opening and closing prices of a financial instrument between two parties
Spread betting - a type of trading that involves taking a bet on the price movement of a financial instrument.
Want to start trading Forex? Download our checklist and learn how to obtain MT4 App!
Forex (often abbreviated in FX), acronym for Foreign Exchange market, is the global market for the trading of currencies. It is now the largest and most liquid market in the world in terms of trading volume, with average traded values that can be trillions of dollars per day.
Forex market was born in the 1970s, when countries gradually shifted to floating exchange rates. But until a few years ago, Forex trading was the exclusive domain of large financial institutions, large companies and central banks. Starting from the early 2000s, the widespread access to Internet technologies has made Forex market access practical. As a result, nowadays anyone with a nominal investment and an Internet connection can buy and sell currencies, through online accounts offered by specialized brokers.
How does Forex work?
The mechanism behind forex trading is very simple, based on simultaneous buying and selling of currencies. You buy a currency and at the same time you sell another one. Currencies are always traded in pairs - for example, euro and US dollar (EUR / USD) - and exchanges takes place through a broker or dealer.
Here you can see a sample Forex quote explained:
EUR/USD = 1,1240
the currency to the left of the slash (in this case, the euro) is referred to as base currency, while the one to the right (US dollar) is the quote or counter currency. If you buy EUR/USD, the exchange rate tells you how much you have to pay in units of the quote currency to buy one unit of the base currency. On the contrary, if you sell EUR/USD, the exchange rate tells you how many units of the quote currency you get for selling one unit of the base currency.
What currencies are traded in Forex?
All currencies are traded in Forex. However, approximately 77% of all trades include just four major currencies, United States Dollar (USD), the Euro (EUR), the Japanese Yen (JPY) and the British Pound (GBP), while the vast majority of exchanges focus on 14 currencies.
The most commonly traded Forex pairs are EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF and USD/JPY: these are called “major pairs”. You can also trade minor currencies, labelled “exotics”, such as the Polish zloty (PLN), the Norwegian krone (NOK) or the Mexican peso (MXN). Minor currencies’ market is less liquid, their trading spread may be wider.
Bid and Ask price
In Forex, the terms Bid and Ask describe the value of the currencies sold and bought. The Bid price is the price at which operators in the market are willing to purchase a particular currency pair, while the Ask price is the price at which operators are willing to sell the currency pair. Simply put, you can buy a currency pair at the Ask price, and sell it at the Bid price.
What is Forex spread?
In Forex, spread is the difference between Bid and Ask. It is normally expressed in Pips (percentage in point), meaning fourth decimal place in currency quotation.
Long and short position
When you buy the base currency and sell the quote currency, you are entering into a long position. You expect the base currency to rise in value so that you can sell it back at a higher price. On the contrary, if you sell the base currency and buy the quote currency, you are going into a short position. In this case, you expect the base currency to fall in value so that you can buy it back at a lower price.
How can private people profit from Forex?
So the basic concept is quite easy, it’s a matter of buying a currency at one price and selling it at higher price (or selling a currency at one price and buying it at a lower price) in order to make a profit. Here you can find the main advantages of Forex for private investors:
• No commissions: Most brokers cover service costs thanks to the spread between demand and supply.
• Minimum initial (or access) capital: every Forex trader can buy and sell currencies starting from a small investment of a few hundred euros.
• Continuous operation: the Forex market is open 24 hours a day except weekends, from 22:00 GMT on Sunday (Sydney) until 22:00 GMT on Friday (New York), and currencies are traded worldwide in the major financial centers of London, New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris and Sydney - covering almost all time zones.
• High liquidity: Forex is an extremely liquid market. Each order is then placed instantly in the market because there is always someone willing to trade.
• High volatility: volatility refers to price fluctuations between the high and low. This is particularly evident for some currency pairs and at certain times of the day.
• Leverage: thanks to the lever, in the forex trading it is possible to control contracts with a very high value.
Different ways to trade Forex
Spot market - the largest segment of the forex market, deals with the current price of currency, and immediate trades.
Futures - contracts to buy or sell a certain asset at a specified price on a future date
Options –financial instruments that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a specified price on the option’s expiration date.
Contracts for difference – contracts to exchange the difference between the opening and closing prices of a financial instrument between two parties
Spread betting - a type of trading that involves taking a bet on the price movement of a financial instrument.
Want to start trading Forex? Download our checklist and learn how to obtain MT4 App!
分享社交网络 · 5

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
We are a financial services sofware and specifically in forex EA and rent to our customers with a payment of a fee fixed or variable, depending on what they prefer.
We are unique forex company in kazakhstan Expo 2017 !!:-)
Our team of professional traders has worked together for over ten years.
We have different strategies applied and consolidated which we can supply test for five years.
Currently on MQL5 it is only our first strategy "protection growth storic" which is a conservative strategy with a return of capital of 5% per month and a DD of 40%.
The system provides a number of maximum 5 trade; if this happens the system is disabled and operates in manual our team that works day and night.
If you want to receive information about our aggressive strategies you can write us with any questions, we will answer on
To better utilize our signals, we recommend to open an account at Pepperstone -
to keep the minimum slippage and thus the signals are more accurate.
Subscriber Accepts all execution risks when subscribing to a signal. Historical statistics can not guarantee any profitability in the future
We are unique forex company in kazakhstan Expo 2017 !!:-)
Our team of professional traders has worked together for over ten years.
We have different strategies applied and consolidated which we can supply test for five years.
Currently on MQL5 it is only our first strategy "protection growth storic" which is a conservative strategy with a return of capital of 5% per month and a DD of 40%.
The system provides a number of maximum 5 trade; if this happens the system is disabled and operates in manual our team that works day and night.
If you want to receive information about our aggressive strategies you can write us with any questions, we will answer on
To better utilize our signals, we recommend to open an account at Pepperstone -
to keep the minimum slippage and thus the signals are more accurate.
Subscriber Accepts all execution risks when subscribing to a signal. Historical statistics can not guarantee any profitability in the future

分享社交网络 · 5

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
We are a financial services sofware and specifically in forex EA and rent to our customers with a payment of a fee fixed or variable, depending on what they prefer.
We are unique forex company in Turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !!:-)
Our team of professional traders has worked together for over ten years. We have different strategies applied and consolidated which we can supply test for five years.
Currently on MQL5 it is only our first strategy "protection growth storic" which is a conservative strategy with a return of capital of 5% per month and a DD of 40%.
The system provides a number of maximum 5 trade; if this happens the system is disabled and operates in manual our team that works day and night.
If you want to receive information about our aggressive strategies you can write us with any questions, we will answer on
To better utilize our signals, we recommend to open an account at Pepperstone -
to keep the minimum slippage and thus the signals are more accurate.
Subscriber Accepts all execution risks when subscribing to a signal. Historical statistics can not guarantee any profitability in the future
We are unique forex company in Turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !!:-)
Our team of professional traders has worked together for over ten years. We have different strategies applied and consolidated which we can supply test for five years.
Currently on MQL5 it is only our first strategy "protection growth storic" which is a conservative strategy with a return of capital of 5% per month and a DD of 40%.
The system provides a number of maximum 5 trade; if this happens the system is disabled and operates in manual our team that works day and night.
If you want to receive information about our aggressive strategies you can write us with any questions, we will answer on
To better utilize our signals, we recommend to open an account at Pepperstone -
to keep the minimum slippage and thus the signals are more accurate.
Subscriber Accepts all execution risks when subscribing to a signal. Historical statistics can not guarantee any profitability in the future

分享社交网络 · 4

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
Good morning, we have intentionally disabled our paid signals.
All our customers can contact us for the subscription.
Good trading to all!
All our customers can contact us for the subscription.
Good trading to all!

分享社交网络 · 5

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
We are a financial services sofware and specifically in forex EA and rent to our customers with a payment of a fee fixed or variable, depending on what they prefer.
We are unique forex company in Turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !!:-)
Our team of professional traders has worked together for over ten years. We have different strategies applied and consolidated which we can supply test for five years.
Currently on MQL5 it is only our first strategy "protection pro" which is a conservative strategy with a return of capital of 5% per month and a DD of 20%.
The system provides a number of maximum 5 trade; if this happens the system is disabled and operates in manual our team that works day and night.
If you want to receive information about our aggressive strategies you can write us with any questions, we will answer on
To better utilize our signals, we recommend to open an account at Pepperstone -
to keep the minimum slippage and thus the signals are more accurate.
Subscriber Accepts all execution risks when subscribing to a signal. Historical statistics can not guarantee any profitability in the future
We are unique forex company in Turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !!:-)
Our team of professional traders has worked together for over ten years. We have different strategies applied and consolidated which we can supply test for five years.
Currently on MQL5 it is only our first strategy "protection pro" which is a conservative strategy with a return of capital of 5% per month and a DD of 20%.
The system provides a number of maximum 5 trade; if this happens the system is disabled and operates in manual our team that works day and night.
If you want to receive information about our aggressive strategies you can write us with any questions, we will answer on
To better utilize our signals, we recommend to open an account at Pepperstone -
to keep the minimum slippage and thus the signals are more accurate.
Subscriber Accepts all execution risks when subscribing to a signal. Historical statistics can not guarantee any profitability in the future

分享社交网络 · 4

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
We are a financial services sofware and specifically in forex EA and rent to our customers with a payment of a fee fixed or variable ,depending on what they prefer.
We are unique forex company in Turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !!:-)
Our team of professional traders has worked together for over ten years. We have different strategies applied and consolidated which we can supply test for five years.
Currently on MQL5 it is only our first strategy "protection pro" which is a conservative strategy with a return of capital of 5% per month and a DD of 20%.
The system provides a number of maximum 5 trade; if this happens the system is disabled and operates in manual our team that works day and night.
If you want to receive information about our aggressive strategies you can write us with any questions, we will answer on
To better utilize our signals, we recommend to open an account at Pepperstone -
to keep the minimum slippage and thus the signals are more accurate.
Subscriber Accepts all execution risks when subscribing to a signal. Historical statistics can not guarantee any profitability in the future
We are unique forex company in Turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !!:-)
Our team of professional traders has worked together for over ten years. We have different strategies applied and consolidated which we can supply test for five years.
Currently on MQL5 it is only our first strategy "protection pro" which is a conservative strategy with a return of capital of 5% per month and a DD of 20%.
The system provides a number of maximum 5 trade; if this happens the system is disabled and operates in manual our team that works day and night.
If you want to receive information about our aggressive strategies you can write us with any questions, we will answer on
To better utilize our signals, we recommend to open an account at Pepperstone -
to keep the minimum slippage and thus the signals are more accurate.
Subscriber Accepts all execution risks when subscribing to a signal. Historical statistics can not guarantee any profitability in the future

分享社交网络 · 6

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
We are a financial services sofware and specifically in forex EA and rent to our customers with a payment of a fee fixed or variable ,depending on what they prefer.
We are unique forex company in Turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !!:-)
Our team of professional traders has worked together for over ten years. We have different strategies applied and consolidated which we can supply test for five years.
Currently on MQL5 it is only our first strategy "protection pro" which is a conservative strategy with a return of capital of 5% per month and a DD of 20%.
The system provides a number of maximum 5 trade; if this happens the system is disabled and operates in manual our team that works day and night.
If you want to receive information about our aggressive strategies you can write us with any questions, we will answer on
To better utilize our signals, we recommend to open an account at Pepperstone -
to keep the minimum slippage and thus the signals are more accurate.
Subscriber Accepts all execution risks when subscribing to a signal. Historical statistics can not guarantee any profitability in the future
We are unique forex company in Turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !!:-)
Our team of professional traders has worked together for over ten years. We have different strategies applied and consolidated which we can supply test for five years.
Currently on MQL5 it is only our first strategy "protection pro" which is a conservative strategy with a return of capital of 5% per month and a DD of 20%.
The system provides a number of maximum 5 trade; if this happens the system is disabled and operates in manual our team that works day and night.
If you want to receive information about our aggressive strategies you can write us with any questions, we will answer on
To better utilize our signals, we recommend to open an account at Pepperstone -
to keep the minimum slippage and thus the signals are more accurate.
Subscriber Accepts all execution risks when subscribing to a signal. Historical statistics can not guarantee any profitability in the future

分享社交网络 · 11
显示全部评论 (4)

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
We are a financial services sofware and specifically in forex EA and rent to our customers with a payment of a fee fixed or variable ,depending on what they prefer.
We are unique forex company in Turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !!:-)
Our team of professional traders has worked together for over ten years. We have different strategies applied and consolidated which we can supply test for five years.
Currently on MQL5 it is only our first strategy "protection pro" which is a conservative strategy with a return of capital of 5% per month and a DD of 20%.
The system provides a number of maximum 5 trade; if this happens the system is disabled and operates in manual our team that works day and night.
If you want to receive information about our aggressive strategies you can write us with any questions, we will answer on
To better utilize our signals, we recommend to open an account at Pepperstone -
to keep the minimum slippage and thus the signals are more accurate.
Subscriber Accepts all execution risks when subscribing to a signal. Historical statistics can not guarantee any profitability in the future
We created our own special scalpers.
The work lasted many years but the result is really interesting as 80% of the operations are closed in gain.
This scalper works with special conditions of account (Pepperstone - razor).
If you want to try it for free up an account Pepperstone (real or demo) and we will connect you for free.
We are unique forex company in Turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !!:-)
Our team of professional traders has worked together for over ten years. We have different strategies applied and consolidated which we can supply test for five years.
Currently on MQL5 it is only our first strategy "protection pro" which is a conservative strategy with a return of capital of 5% per month and a DD of 20%.
The system provides a number of maximum 5 trade; if this happens the system is disabled and operates in manual our team that works day and night.
If you want to receive information about our aggressive strategies you can write us with any questions, we will answer on
To better utilize our signals, we recommend to open an account at Pepperstone -
to keep the minimum slippage and thus the signals are more accurate.
Subscriber Accepts all execution risks when subscribing to a signal. Historical statistics can not guarantee any profitability in the future
We created our own special scalpers.
The work lasted many years but the result is really interesting as 80% of the operations are closed in gain.
This scalper works with special conditions of account (Pepperstone - razor).
If you want to try it for free up an account Pepperstone (real or demo) and we will connect you for free.

分享社交网络 · 3

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
We are a financial services sofware and specifically in forex field. EA and rent our customers pay us with a fixed or variable fees depending on what they prefer. Also for anyone who wanted to achieve its strategy we are able to create your EA with the information you have given us. This unique forex company in turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !!:-) WWW.PROTECTIONPRO.JIMDO.COM

分享社交网络 · 4

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
We are a financial services sofware and specifically in forex field. EA and rent our customers pay us with a fixed or variable fees depending on what they prefer. Also for anyone who wanted to achieve its strategy we are able to create your EA with the information you have given us. This unique forex company in turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !!:-) WWW.PROTECTIONPRO.JIMDO.COM
分享社交网络 · 1

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
We are a financial services sofware and specifically in forex field. EA and rent our customers pay us with a fixed or variable fees depending on what they prefer. Also for anyone who wanted to achieve its strategy we are able to create your EA with the information you have given us. This unique forex company in turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !!:-) WWW.PROTECTIONPRO.JIMDO.COM

分享社交网络 · 2

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
We are a financial services sofware and specifically in forex field . EA and rent our customers pay us with a fixed or variable fees depending on what they prefer. Also for anyone who wanted to achieve its strategy we are able to create your EA with the information you have given us . This unique forex company in turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !! :-)

分享社交网络 · 6

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
We are a financial services sofware and specifically in forex field . EA and rent our customers pay us with a fixed or variable fees depending on what they prefer. Also for anyone who wanted to achieve its strategy we are able to create your EA with the information you have given us . This unique forex company in turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !! :-)

分享社交网络 · 3

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
We are a financial services sofware and specifically in forex field . EA and rent our customers pay us with a fixed or variable fees depending on what they prefer. Also for anyone who wanted to achieve its strategy we are able to create your EA with the information you have given us . This unique forex company in turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !! :-)

分享社交网络 · 3

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
We are a financial services sofware and specifically in forex field . EA and rent our customers pay us with a fixed or variable fees depending on what they prefer. Also for anyone who wanted to achieve its strategy we are able to create your EA with the information you have given us . This unique forex company in turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !! :-)
分享社交网络 · 2

Protection Invest Ltd Protectioninvestcom
We are a financial services sofware and specifically in forex field . EA and rent our customers pay us with a fixed or variable fees depending on what they prefer. Also for anyone who wanted to achieve its strategy we are able to create your EA with the information you have given us . This unique forex company in turkey Antalya Expo 2016 !! :-)

分享社交网络 · 2