
trouble me for very long term

input value: T N M A:=EMA(CLOSE,T); B:=(LOW+HIGH+CLOSE)/3; C:=MA(B,N); D:=HHV(C,M); E:=LLV(C,M); HOW to port to MT4 platform .following is my code,but it'not work. thank u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Codersguru"

MQL4 太难理解了。郁闷死了,运行效率又极底

A:EMA(CLOSE,1); B:=(LOW+HIGH+CLOSE)/3; D:=MA(C,2); E:HHV(D,5); 我想求E的指标,总是程序总是死,搞了一个星期了,搞不定。 谁帮一下忙嘛

forex UC Group Number 7281015, welcome.

it's for free: 1 download the tool from http://download.51uc.com/wjc.jsp?object_id=162&down_nm =本地下载&down_path=http://uc.sina.com.cn/download/uc/UC2008_Setup.exe 2 open a new account if u haven't any account. 3 add the UC group number 7281015 to ur group list. it's a free group for any one who want

关于MQL4 调用 VC6++ DLL的问题

在MT4 目录里D:\IFX - MetaTrader\experts\samples 1 启动vc编译生成的DLL文件放在什么位置? 2 ExportFunctions.ex4 放在什么位置。 1 我是这么做的 a vc6 compile DLL project and create dll file, copy the dll file to the folder: MetaTrader\experts\indicators b copy ExportFunctions.mq4 to folder: MetaTrader\experts\indicators c copy the file

MetaEditor 太他妈的烂了,调试真的麻烦死了,我都快被搞死了,这种问题都出现。

好晕呀,MetaEditor 太他妈的烂了,调试真的麻烦死了,我都快被搞死了,这种问题都出现。 Lao[pos]=(Low[pos]+High[pos]+Close[pos])/3; Print("pos************************************************",pos); Print("Lao[index]************************************************",Lao[pos]);