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KT Market Speed MT4

The KT Market Speed is a unique and straightforward oscillator-based technical analysis tool that helps traders visualize the speed at which the price of an instrument changes based on the preset length.

The Market Speed representation helps correctly map the price momentum: is it moving fast, slowing down, or trapped in a range?

These are the questions the indicator answers, giving traders more bandwidth to execute better-informed trade positions.


It's a simple technical analysis tool with an equally simple formula. It uses the general physics formula for speed:

Speed (s) = Total Distance Travelled / Time (s=d/t)

Time (t) refers to the period range that can be specified to determine the lookback period.

To calculate the appropriate length for the indicator, the absolute value of the difference between the current and closing prices over a given period must be known.


  • It's a unique and precise technical analysis indicator that allows traders to spot entry accurately and exits points in the market.
  • It features six lines: maximum, high, average, low, bottom, and speed.
  • The Market speed works well with most trading timeframes but works exceptionally well with the daily chart.
  • It works effectively with other technical analysis tools and can be integrated into most trading strategies.
  • It works effectively with the forex and other fast-moving markets, such as equities and crypto.


KT Market Speed is a reliable tool for identifying slowdowns in price momentum, which is a good indication for trade entry or exit. Entering a trade when momentum is strong can be compared to jumping on a high-speed train in motion.

Timing your entry or exit on trade could be the key defining factor for a winning or losing trade. Market momentum is generally considered a reliable determinant for the entry or exit of a trade.

Ngo Yung Lau
EPriceJPY is a auto-trading EA focused on USDJPY. Trading Concept The operation concept of EPriceJPY is based on an algorithm that tries to determine the Trend. To be more specific, EPriceJPY works with its own calculation logic based on simulation. It is trying to find out the Top or Bottom in a Trend, and open the Short or Long Position accordingly. Don't expect EPriceJPY to open the trade on the highest or lowest level, because EPriceJPY will trade only when the Top/Bottom can be confirmed.
EA GapAngle
Hong Ling Mu
5 (1)
FOREX market is life itself. There is no such thing as a stable life. The same applies to FOREX. It's always about staying within a certain price range, but occasionally, there are significant deviations from that range. Life is no different. During those times, it's important to wait patiently. Eventually, things will return to a stable range. When there is a major deviation from the range, it's an opportunity. You shouldn't miss out on this chance. This robot uses the Envelope indicator to e
Please do not trust any backtest result. Use a demo account to try it. SureFire is a well-known Martingale Hedging strategy in Forex trading.  No need to predict market direction.  This expert is not just an ordinary Sure Fire strategy, but reinvented the trade setup logic based on calculations.  Good money management is the critical factor to run this EA.  Highly aggressive in trading big market movement. Definitely the best tool in a volatile market.  LIVE TRADE signal is here:  https://www.
此多品种和多时间框架指标扫描以下烛台模式(请参阅屏幕截图以了解模式说明): 三白兵(反转>延续形态) 三只黑乌鸦(反转>延续形态) 看涨和看跌三线罢工(反转形态) 当指标设置中的严格选项启用时,模式不会经常出现在更高的时间范围内。但是当他们这样做时,这是一个非常高概率的设置。根据 Thomas Bulkowski(国际知名作家和烛台模式的领先专家)的说法,三线罢工在所有烛台模式中的整体表现排名最高。结合您自己的规则和技术,该指标将允许您创建(或增强)您自己的强大系统。 特征 可以同时监控您的市场报价窗口中可见的所有交易品种。仅将指标应用于一张图表并立即监控整个市场。 可以监控从 M1 到 MN 的每个时间范围,并在识别出模式时向您发送实时警报。支持所有 Metatrader 原生警报类型。 可以使用 RSI 作为趋势过滤器,以便正确识别潜在的逆转。 该指示器包括一个交互式面板。当单击一个项目时,将打开一个带有相关代码和时间范围的新图表。 输入参数 请在此处 找到输入参数的说明和解释。 请注意,由于具有多时间框架功能,该指标不会在任何图表上绘制线条和箭头或买卖建议。 我建议您将指标放在干
XFibo Auto Fibonacci
Welinton Dos Reis Goncalves
5 (1)
Use with disciplined risk management. Fibonacci entry system based on the golden zone 38.2 - 61.8 where the entry is confirmed at 23.6 with indications of Take Profit 3:1. Automatically plotted Fibonacci contains retracement and expansion Fibonacci in a single indicator. Up to 77% win rate with this system. FTMO challenge pass with 0.50% risk and 1.50% R:R.
Range Bot v2
Marcelo Jose Patino Vargas
1 (1)
Range Bot V2 es un sistema de trading automático diseñado especialmente para Indices Bursátiles americanos ( Us30, Us100 y Us500). Sistema capacitado para susperar challenges en cualquier compañia de fondeo que permita el uso de EAs ya que no es MG ni Grid. Tampoco es Tickscalp. Viene optimizado para US30 en horario NY. Modifique unicamente su riesgo porcentual por operacion
Night Hunter Pro
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.37 (52)
EA has a  live track record  with many months of stable trading with  low drawdown : Best Pairs   (default settings) High-risk   performance Night Hunter Pro is the advanced scalping system which utilizes smart entry/exit algorithms with sophisticated filtering methods to identify only the safest entry points during calm periods of the market. This system is focused on a long-term stable growth . It is a professional tool developed by me years ago that is constantly updated, incorporating all t
RT SyncChart
Mr Thanya Kanapornpong
4.5 (2)
该程序将使分析多个时间范围更加方便。 这将有助于在不同的时间范围同步图表中同步所有图表以显示相同的符号, 相同的特定时间段和同步绘图对象同时显示在所有图表上 在这个版本中,只有 6 种对象类型可以同步所有图表。 绘图对象类型支持:垂直/水平线、趋势线、矩形、箭头、斐波纳契回撤 附加功能:趋势线警报 如果您想在价格触及趋势线时获得警报,您只需在描述字段中将“alert”一词放在趋势线属性中, 当价格触及该趋势线时,MT4 会弹出提示信息,您也将通过 MT4 App 收到通知 使用方法>> https://youtu.be/NEHUW7v1h1c 报告问题或关注最新版本更新 网站: www.RookieTraders.com LineID:@RookieTraders
Fibonacci Trend Marker
Grigoriy Malychenko
斐波那契趋势标记 ( Fibonacci Trend Marker ) 是一种趋势指标,通过使用斐波那契回撤水平分析当前K线相对于前几根K线的最高-最低 (HL) 范围的行为。它通过K线颜色的变化,直观地跟踪趋势强度,提示可能的趋势减弱或反转。 特点: 专为趋势交易者设计,帮助基于斐波那契水平快速识别趋势变化。 在市场波动性充足且有3-5根K线形成明显趋势时,适用于任何时间框架。 K线大小自动适应图表比例,确保缩放时显示正确。 对趋势变化的高度敏感性源于对当前K线的实时分析,使其非常适合在M1和M5时间框架上进行剥头皮交易。 如何交易? 入场: 在前一根已关闭的K线颜色变化后开仓。例如,如果一根K线在红色后关闭为蓝色,表明上升趋势—开启买入 (Buy) 交易。 离场: 当前一根K线的颜色反转时平仓,或在达到目标时平仓,例如趋势方向上的1-2根K线,具体取决于市场波动性。 当前(未关闭)K线的颜色会随报价变化而改变,这对剥头皮交易者尤其有用,可在K线完成前提前平仓。 设置: 周期 (Period) — 设置用于计算的前几根K线的数量(例如3、5、10)。 斐波水平 (Fibo
Radar Fibo 123
Carlos Augusto Cedeno Rocha
https://www.mql5.com/es/signals/1654340 使用此工具,它将帮助您自动运行获胜的 SL 形成一个斐波那契雷达斐波那契 123 策略,以最少的彩票入场作为支撑和阻力 对支撑和阻力中的一切都采取积极的态度。 Shǐyòng cǐ gōngjù, tā jiāng bāngzhù nín zìdòng yùnxíng huòshèng de SL xíngchéng yīgè fěi bō nà qì léidá fěi bō nà qì 123 cèlüè, yǐ zuìshǎo de cǎipiào rù chǎng zuòwéi zhīchēng hé zǔlì duì zhīchēng hé zǔlì zhōng de yīqiè dōu cǎiqǔ jījí de tàidù. 他应用自动关闭和自动锁定。您正在寻找每月最低和最高收入的地方。 次月活跃。 Tā yìngyòng zìdòng guānbì hé zìdòng suǒdìng. Nín zhèngzài xúnzhǎo měi yuè zuìdī hé zuìgāo shōurù
KT Bulls Bears MT4
该指标通过计算 RSI 超买/超卖区域上方和下方移动的柱数来显示市场的多头/空头趋势。绿色柱状图表示多头力量,而红色柱状图表示空头力量。 功能特点 可用于开启新交易,或验证来自其他策略或指标的交易信号。 配备多时间框架扫描仪,可扫描所有时间框架内的多头/空头力量。 是验证交易信号的完美工具,可增强新手交易者的信心。 包含所有 MetaTrader 4/5 预警功能。 输入参数 周期:  用于确定超买/超卖水平的 RSI 周期。 柱周期: 计算 RSI 超买/超卖区域上方/下方的柱数。 超卖水平: 用于确定 RSI 超卖水平的参数。  超买水平: 用于确定 RSI 超买水平的参数。  MTF 扫描仪: 多时间框架扫描仪,可从所有可用时间框架中获取信号。  预警设置
This Performance Report indicator is special design for some trader to analyst his/her performance. FREE Version, included: - " Display Language "  -  " Report Grouping "   -  " Count Live Order "  -  " Label Row Dis "     -  " Label Font Size "     Performance Report Pro : : https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/58287   Input Parameter: " Display Language "   :: [  English / Chinese  ] Display language; " Report Title "   :: Show the report title as you want; " Report Grouping "   :: 
NIGHTCrusher Lite FREE
Christian Opperskalski
4.5 (2)
NIGHTCRUSHER is a fully automated expert advisor, designed for scalping on quite market situation. The Lite - Version is limited to minimal Lot per Pair and dont has lot mulitplier and dynamic function you can also run different strategies like swing trading or grid different Trade Entry Signals different Exit Strategies included (MA Cut / Signal Change / Trailing TP) clever Risk & Money management - Balance based - Longrun trades tracking You can also use a Grid function or Lot multipier, if ne
QuantumAlert Stoch Navigator is a free indicator available for MT4/MT5 platforms, its work is to provide "alerts" when the market is inside "overbought and oversold" regions in the form of "buy or sell" signals. This indicator comes with many customization options mentioned in the parameter section below, user can customise these parameters as needful. Join our   MQL5 group , where we share important news and updates. You are also welcome to join our private channel as well, contact me for the p
Crossover Tactics Ultimate Expert Advisor 是一款功能强大的工具,旨在自动执行流行的 移动平均线交叉策略 。它擅长根据三个移动平均线的交集确定最佳入场点,同时采用先进的过滤技术来增强信号的可靠性。然而,这款 EA 的与众不同之处在于其全面的交易管理系统,称为 TPSL Driver Utility 算法。 该专家顾问的突出特点之一是它能够管理止损和无形地获利水平。这种创新技术允许交易者向做市商经纪人隐瞒他们的交易想法,提供额外的保护层。此外,可以使用货币金额设置止盈和止损水平,例如指定 10 美元的止盈水平。 EA 还包括利润保护功能,随着利润的增加迅速调整止损。例如,当盈利达到5个点时,止损自动向盈利方向移动2个点,有效保障您的收益。此外,EA 提供现代追踪止损选项,确保在获取最大利润的同时将潜在损失降至最低。 为了进一步增强其功能,Crossover Tactics Ultimate EA 结合了 ATR 指标和时间过滤器。例如,您可以将 EA 配置为仅在 ATR(14 天)超过阈值 100 时才开始交易。此外,EA 提供了在特定时间间隔(例
Noor Ghani Rahman
In the financial world, risk management is the process of identification, analysis and acceptance of uncertainty in investment decisions. Essentially, risk management occurs when an investor or fund manager analyzes and attempts to quantify the potential for losses in an investment, such as a moral hazard, and then takes the appropriate action given his investment objectives and risk tolerance. This tool should be the success key before you lost your capitals due to the unawareness of market beh
BullsBears Action
Thushara Dissanayake
3.85 (13)
BullsBears Action Expert Advisor 是一款功能强大的工具,旨在利用 牛市 和 熊市的 交易量数据做出交易决策。通过根据蜡烛交易量分析市场中多头和空头的百分比,该 EA 会根据用户定义的参数自动打开买入或卖出订单。它提供了一个用户友好的交易解决方案,结合了风险管理、自动止损调整和可定制的设置。 该专家顾问的主要特点之一是其风险管理系统,该系统通过根据总保证金设置最大风险百分比来帮助控制风险敞口。此外,EA 完全自动运行,通过追踪止损功能负责订单执行和利润保护。它通过结合移动平均线交叉、CCI、RSI 和随机滤波器提供信号过滤的灵活性。交易者可以及时收到重要交易事件的通知提醒。 EA 支持无限制开单,允许交易者根据 EA 生成的信号手动开仓。为确保所有交易的安全,BullsBears 行动智能交易系统使用其自己的幻数,该幻数唯一标识 EA 下达的订单。 该专家顾问的参数提供了各种定制选项。交易者可以调整手数并启用/禁用手数管理系统。 EA 允许指定止损和获利水平,以及基于预定义点数激活追踪止损。交易者可以为开单设置所需的多头和空头交易量百分比,并根据他们的交易
AI Fractal Enigma MT4
Pool Quintal Carlos Alejandro
Fractal Enigma EA:外汇交易的新纪元 Fractal Enigma EA 是一款创新的交易顾问,旨在重新定义外汇交易标准。它利用先进的分形分析算法和人工智能,深入挖掘市场隐藏规律,为交易者提供独特的交易机会。 真实信号: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2294472 价格优惠: 前 3 份拷贝:$499 下一阶段价格:$599 Fractal Enigma EA 的核心功能 分形智能分析 EA 采用分形几何和混沌理论,识别价格图表中的重复结构,从而精准预测趋势和入场点。 神经网络数据处理 与传统指标不同,Fractal Enigma EA 集成了自学习神经网络,持续分析历史数据和实时市场信息,不断优化交易策略,提高交易精度。 高效信号筛选 EA 过滤市场噪音,仅保留最相关的交易信号,减少错误入场,提高交易效率。 动态适应市场 通过智能市场分析,Fractal Enigma EA 根据当前市场状况调整策略,确保交易灵活性和稳定性。 优化风险管理 分形模型帮助平衡收益和风险,使交易更具可持续性,确保长期稳定增长。 交易推荐 交易品种:XAU
QuantStars Blackop Ai
Johan Sebastiaan Blancke
BLACKOP-AI | 無限智慧交易系統 (MT4) - 在 5 分鐘圖表上交易歐元兌美元和英鎊兌美元 - 智慧交易系統 (EX4) - 設定文件 - 無限支持 - 最小帳戶規模 200(歐元兌美元/X) - 最低槓桿1:10 使用一系列複雜的價格模式檢測演算法,該 EA 能夠長期產生穩定的結果。 它的命中率(勝率)為 74%,每天進行約 2.7 筆交易。 在 8 年多的時間裡,每筆交易的風險為 2%(歐元兌美元和英鎊兌美元),它能夠產生每年 138% 的平均複合回報率。 EA 交易市場:在 5 分鐘圖表上的 EURUSD 和 GBPUSD。 SET 檔案(正常和儲存模式)包含在「註解」部分中,以便於安裝。 請僅在 5 分鐘 (M5) 圖表上執行 EA。 經紀商伺服器時間必須是(GMT+2),如 IC Markets 等。 如果沒有,請相應地調整設定中的開始和結束時間。 !! 不使用危險的交易管理方法,例如鞅、網格或平均。 僅純價格行為交易,每次設定僅 1 筆交易且固定最大風險! * 回測使用 TickdataSuite 的 99.9% 可靠蜱數據進行,包括實
Todd Terence Bates
This Expert advisor has been designed specifically for the EURUSD H1 Foreign Exchange(FX) market to open, monitor, modify and adjusts orders automatically 24/5. Trading with clear and comprehensive entry and exit rules. There is no need to adjust any parameters, simply assign a unique MagicNumber and designated mmLots per trade and GO! The system logic is based on technical analysis. Every Trade has a fixed Take Profit and Stop Loss set from execution. Europa utilizes the Keltner Channel in c
Upper and Lower Trendline
David Muriithi
5 (2)
This indicator uses a different approach from the previous version to get it's trendlines. This method is derived from Orchard Forex, and the process of making the indicator is demonstrated in there video   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEaiurw56wY&t=1425s . The basic idea behind this indicator is it draws a   tangent line   on the highest levels and lowest levels of the bars used for calculation, while ensuring that the lines don't intersect with the bars in review (alittle confusing? I know
SNR LEVEL INDICATOR Accurate Snr level indicator will only display Fresh Levels that are close to the Current Market Price. This indicator is very accurate in mapping Support & resistance levels. there is an alert feature when the price TOUCHES the SNR LEVEL, WHEN CLOSE CANDLE BREAK/REJECT SNR LEVEL. INDICATOR MARKING : - SUPPORT LEVEL = V SHAPE - RESISTANCE LEVEL = APEX LEVEL - GAP RESISTANCE & GAP SUPPORT = OPEN CLOSE CANDLE - SUPPORT BECAME RESISTANCE & RESISTANCE BECAME SUPPORT INDICATOR C
Christian Opperskalski
4 (1)
NIGHTCRUSHER is a fully automated expert advisor, designed for scalping on quite market situation. you can also run different strategies like swing trading or grid different Trade Entry Signals different Exit Strategies included (MA Cut / Signal Change / Trailing TP) clever Risk & Money management - Balance based - Longrun trades tracking You can also use a Grid function or Lot multipier, if needed News Feature included - to protect you of miss trades in news times Important: Get informed about
Trend Rising SDEA MT4
Wan Mohd Safwan Bin Wan Daud
Trend Rising 是自定義 MT4 (Metatrader 4) 指標,最適合剝頭皮 TF M30 及以下,使用基於多個時間框架的 Bill William 指標分析趨勢和動量模式。結果,它確定了適用於大多數貨幣對的趨勢的開始和結束。 Trend Rising 指標是基於 Accelerator Oscillator 和 Awesome Indicator 開發的。 主要特徵  用顏色顯示趨勢的開始和結束。  使用 base-TF H1 輕鬆識別趨勢強度(強牛市和熊市)。 識別市場調整。 (當前圖表的弱勢和可能的逆轉)  當建議的條目發佈時,在圖表上繪製 SL 級別。  獲取圖表中發生的每一次趨勢變化的警報。 趨勢上升的優勢  使用所有貨幣對(外匯、加密貨幣、指數和商品) 使用所有時間範圍。 (推薦時段:M30及以下TF) 警報生成器。 (彈出警報、推送通知警報等) 未重新粉刷  100% 免費指標 接觸 如果您有任何疑問或需要幫助,請通過私信與我聯繫。 作者 Safwan Daud,馬來西亞貿易分析師。青年商品交易員(YCT)創始人
Chart patterns scanner
Jan Flodin
4.67 (6)
这个多时间框架和多品种指标识别双顶/底,头     &     肩膀、三角旗/三角形和旗形图案。也可以仅在颈线/三角形/旗杆突破发生时设置警报(颈线突破 = 顶部/底部和头肩的确认信号)。 该指标也可用于单一图表模式。请在产品的     博客 。     结合您自己的规则和技术,该指标将允许您创建(或增强)您自己的强大系统。 特征 可以同时监控您的市场报价窗口中可见的所有交易品种。将该指标仅应用于一张图表,并立即监控整个市场。 可以监控从 M1 到 MN 的每个时间范围,并在模式被识别或颈线突破(顶部/底部和头肩)时向您发送实时警报。 支持所有 Metatrader 原生警报类型。 可以使用 RSI 作为趋势过滤器来正确识别潜在的逆转。 该指示器包括一个交互式面板。当单击一个项目时,将打开一个带有相关代码和时间范围的新图表。 该指标将信号写入一个文本文件,智能交易系统 (EA) 可以使用该文件进行自动交易。比如 这个产品 。您可以在     博客 。 输入参数 输入参数的描述和解释可以在 这里 找到。 重要的 请注意,由于具有多功能性,既不会在安装指标的图表上绘制买卖建议,也不会绘制线
Rira Renko
Vitor Palmeira Abbehusen
RENKO on Time Chart This indicator is an enhanced Renko, so you can watch the Renko bricks on the chart to understand price movement more clearly the other improvement is automated box size according to ATR (Average True Range) period you can set the ATR number as you want and the box size of Renko changes automatically based on price movement Inputs Mode: Box size is the input to specify the size of the Renko box you want to print on the chart. This input lets you choose the fixed box siz
这个多时间框架和多品种指标扫描吞没和镊子形态。 特征 可以同时监控您的市场报价窗口中可见的所有交易品种。将该指标仅应用于一张图表,并立即监控整个市场。 监控从 M1 到 MN 的每个时间范围,并在识别出吞没或镊子形成时向您发送实时警报。支持所有 Metatrader 原生警报类型。 使用 RSI 作为趋势过滤器,以正确识别潜在的逆转。 该指示器包括一个交互式面板。请参阅单独的屏幕截图。 输入参数 输入参数的描述和解释可以在 这里 找到。 重要的 我强烈建议将指标放在干净(空)的图表上,上面没有任何其他可能干扰扫描仪的指标。另请注意,由于具有多功能性,图表上不会绘制买入/卖出建议或线条和箭头。 我强烈建议将指标放在干净(空)的图表上,上面没有任何其他可能干扰扫描仪的指标。另请注意,由于具有多功能性,图表上不会绘制买入/卖出建议或线条和箭头。
KFX Symbol Changer
Peter Kariuki Thande
4 (1)
KFX SMA: Symbol Changer + Moving Average (3x) + ATR + RSI + Candle Timer. This indicator allows you to create a Symbol list and change between symbols of the current chart or Timeframe by selecting the appropriate button. On Chart there are three(3) multi timeframe Moving Averages shown (selected by you), ATR Value MTF ( selected by you -  helps with setting SL and TP), RSI Value MTF (selected by you) and a Candle Timer.   Features: - Symbol Changer : Change Symbol and Timeframe of Chart.   (s
Quant Algo
Lungile Mpofu
Quant Algo Trader is fully automated bot for multi-currency pairs trading. This fully automated algo target few TP pips on every pair attached. The bot can trade more than 20 pairs without a challenge. The trades are opened in ONE DIRECTIONAL on every pair, which means that if EURUSD pair open Sell Trades, it will not open any Buy trade on the same EURUSD. The same on the whole entire pairs. This Algo Bot does not use any Indicator. It is based on Quote and Base Currency strategy which works sim
AutoBBbot v1
Ulugbek Sadullaev
Здравствуйте уважаемые автотрейдеры. Представляю Вам полностью автоматизированного торгового советника    AutoBBbot v1. Данный торговый советник открывает ордер по сигналу Bolinger Bands. Рекомендую торговать советником на индексах # NASDAQ_m , # DJI 30_m  и  # SP 500_m у брокера Freshforex на счетах Market Pro . Если Вы купите прямо сейчас этот советник за эту сумму, то я Вам абсолютно бесплатно отдам нового советника " AutoBBbot v0.4". После покупки свяжитесь со мной через электронную почту: s
Gann Made Easy
Oleg Rodin
4.8 (113)
Gann Made Easy 是一个专业且易于使用的外汇交易系统,它基于使用先生理论的最佳交易原则。 W.D.江恩。该指标提供准确的买入和卖出信号,包括止损和获利水平。您甚至可以使用推送通知在旅途中进行交易。 购买后请联系我!我将免费与您分享我的交易技巧和丰厚的红利指标! 您可能已经多次听说过江恩交易方法。通常 Gann 的理论不仅对于新手交易者而且对于那些已经有一定交易经验的人来说都是非常复杂的东西。这是因为江恩的交易方法在理论上并不那么容易应用。我花了几年时间来完善这些知识,并将最好的原则应用到我的外汇指标中。 该指标非常易于应用。您所需要的只是将其附加到您的图表并遵循简单的交易建议。该指标不断进行市场分析工作并寻找交易机会。当它检测到一个好的入口点时,它会为您提供一个箭头信号。该指标还显示止损和获利水平。 换句话说,当您像先生一样进行交易时,该指标会为您提供最佳江恩建议。江恩亲自告诉你此时此刻该做什么。但最好的部分是您不需要了解任何有关江恩交易原则的知识,因为该指标会为您完成整个市场分析工作。
Dynamic Forex28 Navigator
Bernhard Schweigert
5 (4)
Dynamic Forex28 Navigator - 下一代外汇交易工具。 当前 49% 折扣。 Dynamic Forex28 Navigator 是我们长期流行的指标的演变,将三种功能合二为一: 高级货币强度 28 指标 (695 条评论)+ 高级货币 IMPULSE 带警报 (520 条评论)+ CS28 组合信号(奖励)。 有关指标的详细信息 https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/758844 下一代强度指标提供什么? 您喜欢的原始指标的一切,现在通过新功能和更高的精度进行了增强。 主要特点: 专有货币强度公式。  所有时间范围内的平滑和准确的强度线。 非常适合识别趋势和精确进入。 动态市场斐波那契水平(市场斐波那契)。  此指标独有的独特功能。 斐波那契应用于货币强度,而不是价格图表。 适应实时市场活动以获得准确的反转区域。 实时市场动量。  第 9 行显示市场是活跃还是被动。 对于定时交易至关重要。 全面的警报和显示。  每种货币最强的买入和卖出动量。 ​​28 对的双重动量买入和卖出。 超买/超卖警告外部范围和止损。 反转
Gold Stuff
Vasiliy Strukov
4.86 (249)
Gold Stuff 是专为黄金设计的趋势指标,也可用于任何金融工具。 该指标不会重绘,也不会滞后。 推荐时间框架 H1。 在它指标工作全自动专家顾问 EA Gold Stuff。 你可以在我的个人资料中找到它。 重要! 购买后立即与我联系,以获得说明和奖金!   您可以免费收到我们的强力支持和趋势扫描指标的副本,请私信。大部头书! 购买后立即联系我以获得设置和个人奖励!   设置 绘制箭头 - 打开关闭。 在图表上绘制箭头。 警报 - 打开关闭声音警报。 电子邮件通知 - 打开关闭。 电子邮件通知。 Puch-notification - 打开关闭。 推送通知。 接下来,调整色域。 Gold Stuff 是专为黄金设计的趋势指标,也可用于任何金融工具。 该指标不会重绘,也不会滞后。 推荐时间框架 H1。 在它指标工作全自动专家顾问 EA Gold Stuff。 你可以在我的个人资料中找到它。 购买后立即联系我以获得设置和个人奖励!   设置 绘制箭头 - 打开关闭。 在图表上绘制箭头。 警报 - 打开关闭声音警报。 电子邮件通知 - 打开关闭。 电子邮件通知。 Puch
-   Real price is 80$   - 40% Discount ( It is 49$ now ) - Lifetime update free Contact me for instruction, add group and any questions! Related Products:  Bitcoin Expert , Gold Expert - Non-repaint - I just sell my products in Elif Kaya profile, any other websites are stolen old versions, So no any new updates or support. Introduction The breakout and retest strategy is traded support and resistance levels. it involves price breaking through a previous level.  The break and retest strategy is
Scalper Inside PRO
Alexey Minkov
4.76 (63)
!SPECIAL SALE! An exclusive indicator that utilizes an innovative algorithm to swiftly and accurately determine the market trend. The indicator automatically calculates opening, closing, and profit levels, providing detailed trading statistics. With these features, you can choose the most appropriate trading instrument for the current market conditions. Additionally, you can easily integrate your own arrow indicators into Scalper Inside Pro to quickly evaluate their statistics and profitability
Gold Venamax MT4
Sergei Linskii
5 (1)
Gold Venamax   - 這是最好的股票技術指標。 此指標演算法分析資產的價格變動並反映波動性和潛在的進入區域。 指標特點: 這是一個帶有 Magic 和兩個趨勢箭頭塊的超級指標,可實現舒適且有利可圖的交易。 圖表上顯示用於切換方塊的紅色按鈕。 Magic 在指標設定中進行設置,以便您可以將指標安裝在顯示不同區塊的兩個圖表上。 Gold Venamax 可以放置在具有不同箭頭緩衝區(GV 和 SD)的兩個圖表上。 為此,您需要在設定中選擇不同的 Magic,例如,一個具有 Magic = 999,另一個具有 Magic = 666。接下來,您可以使用圖表上的紅色按鈕選擇箭頭緩衝區。 進入的最佳訊號 = 遵循兩個緩衝區的訊號箭頭(GV 和 SD)+ 所有三個 MA 線(紅色或藍色)的方向 + TMA 通道邊界(下或上) 。 TMA 通道邊界(下限或上限)也可用於鎖定利潤和/或以較短的停損位進行逆勢風險交易。 此指標的優點: 1. 此指示器產生高精度訊號。 2. 確認 SD 緩衝區的箭頭訊號為非重繪。只有當趨勢強勁時,GV 緩衝區的確認箭頭訊號才能重建。 3. 您可以
Lux Trend
Mohamed Hassan
5 (3)
After purchase, please contact me to get your trading tips + more information for a great bonus!   Lux Trend is a professional strategy based on using Higher Highs and Lower Highs to identify and draw Trendline Breakouts! Lux Trend  utilizes two Moving Averages to confirm the overall trend direction before scanning the market for high-quality breakout opportunities, ensuring more accurate and reliable trade signals. This is a proven trading system used by real traders worldwide, demonstrating
Currency Strength Wizard
Oleg Rodin
4.85 (48)
货币强度向导是一个非常强大的指标,为您提供成功交易的一体化解决方案。该指标使用多个时间范围内所有货币的数据来计算这个或那个外汇对的力量。此数据以易于使用的货币指数和货币电力线的形式表示,您可以使用它们来查看这种或那种货币的力量。 您所需要的只是将指标附加到您要交易的图表上,该指标将向您显示您交易的货币的真实强度。该指标还向您显示买卖量压力的极值,您可以在顺势交易时利用这些压力。该指标还显示了基于斐波那契的可能目标。该指标可用于各种交易时间范围。该指标支持各种货币对的交易。 该指标为您提供所有类型的警报,包括推送通知。 购买后请联系我。我将与您分享我的交易技巧,并免费为您提供丰厚的红利指标! 祝您交易愉快,获利丰厚!
FX Levels MT4
Daniel Stein
5 (2)
FX Levels:适用于所有市场的高精度支撑与阻力 快速概览 想要精准确定适用于任何市场(外汇、指数、股票或大宗商品)的支撑与阻力吗? FX Levels 将传统的“Lighthouse”方法与前沿的动态分析相结合,实现近乎通用的准确性。依托真实经纪商经验和自动化的每日与实时更新, FX Levels 帮助您捕捉价格反转点、设置合理的盈利目标,并自信地管理交易。立即使用,体验更准确的支撑/阻力分析如何助力您的交易更上层楼! 1. 为什么 FX Levels 对交易者非常有利 极度精准的支撑 & 阻力区 • FX Levels 专为不同经纪商提供的行情源和时间设置而设计,可生成几乎相同的价位区,解决数据不一致的常见问题。 • 这意味着无论您在哪里交易,都能获得稳定一致的水平线,为策略打下更加牢固的基础。 结合传统与先进技术 • 通过将久经考验的“Lighthouse”方法与动态分析相融合, FX Levels 不仅限于每日刷新,还可针对新的价格波动进行即时更新。 • 您可以选择经典的静态方式,或实时捕捉新出现的水平,以贴近最新的市场行为。 识别清晰的反转点 • FX Lev
PRO Renko System
Oleg Rodin
5 (26)
PRO Renko Arrow Based System for trading renko charts.  准确的信号交易任何外汇工具. 另外,我将免费提供系统的附加模块! PRO Renko系统是RENKO图表上高度准确的交易系统。该系统是通用的。 该交易系统可应用于各种交易工具。 该系统有效地中和了所谓的市场噪音,打开了获得准确反转信号的通道。 该指标易于使用,只有一个参数负责产生信号。 您可以很容易地使算法适应您感兴趣的交易工具和renko酒吧的大小。 我很乐意通过提供任何咨询支持来帮助所有客户有效地使用该指标。 祝您交易成功!购买后,立即写信给我! 我将与您分享我的建议和我的renko发电机。 另外,我将免费提供系统的附加模块!
Golden Trend Indicator
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.9 (10)
Golden Trend indicator  is The best indicator for predicting trend movement this indicator never lags and never repaints and never back paints    and give  arrow buy and sell    before the candle appear  and it will help you and  will make your trading decisions clearer its work on all currencies and  gold and crypto and all time frame This unique  indicator uses very secret algorithms to catch the  trends, so you can trade using this indicator and see the trend clear on charts  manual guide and
Scalper Vault
Oleg Rodin
5 (29)
Scalper Vault 是一个专业的剥头皮系统,为您提供成功剥头皮所需的一切。该指标是一个完整的交易系统,可供外汇和二元期权交易者使用。推荐的时间范围是 M5。 该系统为您提供趋势方向的准确箭头信号。它还为您提供顶部和底部信号以及江恩市场水平。无论您拥有何种交易经验,该系统都易于使用。您只需要遵循简单的规则并每天重复该过程。 建议将此系统用于主要货币对。感谢您的关注! 请注意,该指标在策略测试器中可能无法正常工作。因此,我建议仅在模拟或真实账户的真实交易条件下使用该系统。 指示器提供所有类型的警报,包括推送通知。 购买指标后请与我联系。我将免费与您分享我的个人交易建议和出色的奖励指标! 祝您交易愉快,盈利!
Trend Screener
4.78 (93)
趋势指标,趋势交易和过滤的突破性独特解决方案,所有重要趋势功能都内置在一个工具中! 它是 100% 非重绘多时间框架和多货币指标,可用于所有符号/工具:外汇、商品、加密货币、指数、股票。 限时优惠:支撑和阻力筛选指标仅售 50美元,终身有效。(原价 250 美元)(优惠延长) 趋势筛选器是有效的指标趋势跟踪指标,它在图表中提供带有点的箭头趋势信号。 趋势分析器指标中可用的功能: 1.趋势扫描仪。 2. 具有最大利润分析的趋势线。 3.趋势货币强度计。 4. 带有警报的趋势反转点。 5. 带有警报的强趋势点。 6. 趋势箭头 每日分析示例,每日信号表现...等与我们的趋势筛选指标,可以在这里找到: 点击这里 限时优惠:Trend Screener Indicator 仅售 50 美元且终身可用。原价 125$) 通过访问我们的 MQL5 博客,您可以找到我们所有的高级指标以及分析示例、每日信号表现...等。 : 点击这里 我们的趋势系统由 2 个指标组成: 1. Trend Screener Indicator:显示趋势仪表盘、图表中的趋势线、入场点...等。 2. Trend
MTF Supply Demand Zones
Georgios Kalomoiropoulos
4.83 (23)
下一代自动化供需区。适用于任何图表的创新算法。所有区域都是根据市场的价格行为动态创建的。 两种类型的警报 --> 1) 当价格触及区域时 2) 当新区域形成时 你不会再得到一个无用的指标。您将获得一个完整的交易策略和经过验证的结果。     新的功能:     价格触及供需区时发出警报     创建新的供应/需求区时发出警报     推送通知警报     以点为单位的区域宽度标签     关于 MTF 的又一个时间表。因此,现在您将能够看到高于当前 3 个时间帧,而不是高于当前 2 个时间帧     启用/禁用警报/区域/MTF 功能的按钮 您获得的优势:     消除交易中的情绪。     客观化您的交易条目。     通过高概率设置提高您的利润。     节省绘图区域的时间。     像专业人士一样交易金融市场。     任何市场的即时多时间框架分析。 你在图表上看到了什么?     蓝色和红色矩形是当前时间范围的供需区。     虚线样式线是当前上方第一个时间范围内的供需区域。     实线样式线是当前上方第二个时间范围内的
IX Power MT4
Daniel Stein
4.71 (7)
IX Power:解锁指数、大宗商品、加密货币和外汇市场洞察 概述 IX Power 是一款多功能工具,可分析指数、大宗商品、加密货币和外汇市场的强弱表现。 FX Power 提供针对货币对的最高精度,利用所有可用货币对数据进行分析,而 IX Power 专注于基础资产的市场数据。这使得 IX Power 成为非外汇市场的理想选择,同时在需要简单外汇分析时也非常可靠。它可以无缝适用于任何图表,提供清晰的、有行动价值的洞察,帮助提升您的交易决策。 1. 为什么 IX Power 对交易者非常有价值 多市场强弱分析 • IX Power 分析指数、大宗商品、加密货币和外汇市场的强弱表现,为每个市场提供量身定制的洞察。 • 监控 US30、WTI、黄金、比特币等资产的表现,发现交易机会。 适用于更广泛的市场 • 对于外汇交易, FX Power 提供无与伦比的精度,通过分析所有相关货币对。 • IX Power 专注于基础资产的市场数据,非常适合非外汇市场及简化的外汇分析。 实时适应性 • 借助自适应算法, IX Power 实时响应市场数据变化,保持分析的最新性。 • 实时更新
Easy Breakout
Mohamed Hassan
5 (9)
After your purchase, feel free to contact me for more details on how to receive a bonus indicator called VFI, which pairs perfectly with Easy Breakout for enhanced confluence!   Easy Breakout is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely trusted strategies among traders: the Breakout strategy ! This indicator delivers crystal-clear Buy and Sell signals based on breakouts from key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators, it levera
Smart Set up Levels
Mohit Dhariwal
5 (1)
Smart Set up leve l is a very powerful indicator based on the concept of order blocks and set up entries with proper fvg and breakouts to make a very nice level to enter like a pro trader. Very easy to use interface and friendly to enter on buy and sell signals. Works Best on M15 Time frame on Gold, Bitcoin and Fx pairs. Daily 4-5 trades on each pair  Works great on gold like a pro on M15 It is non repainting nor lagging It is very powerful indicator giving precise entries and prop acts can be c
FX Volume
Daniel Stein
4.59 (34)
FX Volume:从经纪商视角洞察真实市场情绪 简要概述 想要提升您的交易策略? FX Volume 可提供零售交易者和经纪商的持仓实时数据——远早于诸如 COT 之类的延迟报告。不论您希望获得持续稳定的收益,还是想在市场中多一分制胜的砝码, FX Volume 都能帮您识别重大失衡、确认突破以及完善风险管理。立即开启体验,让真实的成交量数据为您的交易决策带来革新! 1. 为什么 FX Volume 对交易者格外有用 极具准确度的早期预警 • 快速捕捉有多少交易者正在买入或卖出某个货币对——比大多数人提前一步。 • FX Volume 是 唯一 能够整合多家零售经纪商真实成交量数据并以简洁方式呈现的工具。 强力风险管理 • 及时识别多头或空头仓位的巨大不平衡,这往往预示着潜在的趋势反转,帮助您更自信地设置止损和目标位。 • 独家而真实的数据让每一次交易决策更具可靠性。 优化进场与出场点 • 发现“过度集中”的交易(大多数交易者都在同一方向),并通过真实成交量来确认突破。 • 避免依赖常见指标可能带来的误导信号,而是利用真实的实时成交量。 适配各种交易策略 • 将 FX
Gold Trend 4
Sergei Linskii
黄金趋势   - 这是一个很好的股票技术指标。该指标算法分析资产的价格走势,并反映波动性和潜在进入区。 最佳指标信号: - 卖出 = 红色柱状图 + 红色短指针 + 同方向黄色信号箭头。 - 买入 = 蓝色柱状图 + 蓝色多头指针 + 同方向水蓝色信号箭头。 该指标的优点 1. 该指标生成的信号准确度高。 2. 只有当趋势发生变化时,才能重新绘制已确认的箭头信号。 3. 您可以在任何经纪商的 MetaTrader 4 交易平台上进行交易。 4. 您可以交易任何资产(货币、金属、加密货币、股票、指数等)。 5. 最好在 H1 时间框架(中期交易)上进行交易。 6. 在指标设置中可更改个别参数(TF、颜色等),以便每位交易者都能轻松定制适合自己的指标。 7. 该指标既可作为交易系统的主要补充,也可作为独立的交易系统使用。   注意:交易的入市准确性和盈利能力仅取决于交易者的技能。任何指标都只是交易者的助手,而非行动指南。 MetaTrader 5 黄金趋势指标版本  祝大家交易好运,稳定盈利!
Beast Super Signal
Dustin Vlok
4.73 (89)
正在寻找可以帮助您轻松识别有利可图的交易机会的强大外汇交易指标? Beast Super Signal 就是您的不二之选。 这个易于使用的基于趋势的指标持续监控市场状况,寻找新的发展趋势或跳入现有趋势。当所有内部策略一致且彼此 100% 融合时,Beast Super Signal 会发出买入或卖出信号,无需额外确认。当您收到信号箭头警报时,只需买入或卖出。 购买后给我留言,让我加入我的私人 VIP 群组! (仅限购买完整产品)。 购买后给我发消息以获取最新的优化设置文件。 此处提供 MT5 版本。 在此处 获取 Beast Super Signal EA。 查看评论部分以查看最新结果! Beast Super Signal 根据您偏好的 1:1、1:2 或 1:3 风险回报率建议入场价、止损和获利水平,让您放心交易。这个 Beast Super Signal 是 100% 不可重新绘制的,这意味着它永远不会重新计算或重新绘制,每次都能为您提供可靠的信号。 Beast Super Signal 指标适用于所有时间范围,包括货币对、指数、商品和加密货币对。 Beast Su
介绍 ON Trade Waves Patterns Harmonic Elliot Wolfe,这是一款高级指标,旨在使用手动和自动方法检测各种市场模式。以下是它的工作原理: 谐波模式: 该指标可以识别出现在您图表上的谐波模式。这些模式对于练习谐波交易理论的交易者非常重要,正如Scott Carney的书《谐波交易第1卷和第2卷》所描述的那样。无论您是手动绘制它们还是依赖自动检测,ON Trade Waves Patterns都可以胜任。 控制面板: 我们配备了一个用户友好的控制面板,它会保存您的图表和时间帧设置,使您可以轻松切换不同配置。您甚至可以最小化它以最大化图表空间。如果您更喜欢使用其他分析工具,只需单击关闭按钮即可隐藏所有指标数据。 模板保存: 当您自定义设置或添加其他指标,如移动平均线或布林带时,该指标会自动保存您的模板。这意味着您可以随时轻松加载您喜欢的设置。 优化显示: 对于Windows 10用户,我们建议调整您的DPI设置以获得高清设备上的最佳屏幕体验。右键单击MetaTrader图标,选择“兼容性”,然后选择“更改高DPI设置”,将其设置为“系统(增强)”。
System Trend Pro
Aleksandr Makarov
5 (2)
System Trend Pro - This is the best trend trading indicator!!! The indicator no repaint!!!  The indicator has   MTF   mode, which adds confidence to trading on the trend (   no repaint   ). How to trade? Everything is very simple, we wait for the first signal (big arrow), then wait for the second signal (small arrow) and enter the market in the direction of the arrow. (See screens 1 and 2.) Exit on the opposite signal or take 20-30 pips, close half of it, and keep the rest until the opposite s
M1 Arrow
Oleg Rodin
5 (16)
M1 Arrow - 基于市场的两个基本原则的盘中策略。 该算法基于使用附加过滤器对交易量和价格波动的分析。该指标的智能算法仅在两个市场因素合二为一时才会发出信号。该指标使用较高时间框架的数据计算 M1 图表上某个范围的波浪。为了确认波浪,该指标使用了成交量分析。 从理论上讲,该指标可以与其他时间框架一起使用,但您需要考虑到该指标最初是为在 M1 上交易而开发的这一事实。 该指标是一个现成的交易系统。交易者所需要的只是跟随信号。此外,该指标可以成为您自己的交易系统的基础。交易仅在分钟图表上进行。 尽管指标使用 MTF 原理,但指标算法尽可能稳定。 购买后,一定要写信给我!我将与您分享我的交易设置和建议!祝您交易成功!感谢您的关注!
FX Power MT4 NG
Daniel Stein
4.94 (18)
FX Power:分析货币强度,助您做出更明智的交易决策 概述 FX Power 是一款专业工具,帮助您全面了解主要货币和黄金在任何市场条件下的真实强度。通过识别强势货币用于买入,弱势货币用于卖出, FX Power 简化了交易决策,并帮助您发现高概率的交易机会。不论您是想跟随趋势还是通过极端的 Delta 值预测反转,这款工具都能完美适应您的交易风格。别再盲目交易——用 FX Power 让您的交易更加智慧。 1. 为什么 FX Power 对交易者极具价值 实时货币和黄金强度分析 • FX Power 实时计算并显示主要货币和黄金的相对强度,助您全面了解市场动态。 • 监控领先或落后资产,轻松识别值得交易的货币对。 全面的多时间框架视图 • 跟踪短期、中期和长期时间框架的货币和黄金强度,以便将您的交易策略与市场趋势保持一致。 • 无论是快进快出的短线交易还是更长期的投资策略, FX Power 都能为您提供所需的信息。 Delta 动态分析用于趋势和反转 • 极端 Delta 值常常预示反转机会,而平缓的 Delta 变化则确认趋势延续。 • 使用 Delta 分析,轻
Advanced Supply Demand
Bernhard Schweigert
4.91 (294)
现在优惠 33%! 任何新手或专业交易者的最佳解决方案! 该指标是一款独特、高质量、且价格合理的交易工具,因为我们已经整合了许多专有功能和新公式。 依据此更新,您将能够显示双重时间帧区域。 您不仅可以显示一个较高的时间帧,还可以同时显示图表时间帧,加上更高的时间帧:显示嵌套时区。 供需双方所有交易者都会喜欢它。 :) 重要信息披露 高级供需的最大潜力,请访问 https://www.mql5.com/zh/blogs/post/720245   想象您的交易如何得以改善,是因为您能够精准定位入场或目标位吗? 构建于新的底层算法,它可以更轻松地识别出买卖双方之间的潜在失衡。 这是因为它以图形方式展示供需最强劲区域,及其过去的表现(显示旧区域)。 这些功能旨在帮助您更轻松地发现最佳入场区域和价位。 现在您可以针对您的交易品种和时间帧来优化和编辑区域强度! 高级供需指标适用于所有产品和时间帧。 它是一个新的公式,非常新的功能是两个区域强度函数可由用户输入进行调整! 这在交易中是一大优势。 当您学习如何使用专有功能,例如带有价格游离最小 X 因子的区域强度时,您能够判断该区域强劲与否。 供需
MetaBands M4
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (3)
MetaBands使用强大且独特的算法绘制通道并检测趋势,以便为交易者提供进出交易的潜在点。它是一个通道指标和强大的趋势指标。它包括不同类型的通道,可以通过使用输入参数简单地合并以创建新通道。MetaBands使用所有类型的警报通知用户市场事件。 功能 支持大多数通道算法 强大的趋势检测算法 能够合并不同类型的通道 多时间帧和多货币(信号矩阵) 所有类型的警报功能(声音、屏幕闪烁、推送通知、电子邮件、弹出窗口、箭头) 它永远不会重绘 趋势检测 MetaBands使用在通道内振荡的蓝色线来检测趋势。当该线遇到通道的上界时,表明开始下跌趋势,当它遇到下界时,表明开始上涨趋势。如果蓝线接近中线,则市场处于整理期。 该指标使用独特的方法来检测趋势。一开始可能看起来有些复杂,但如果您观看视频教程,您就会意识到它是多么强大且易于使用。 入场和出场信号 当趋势变化或价格穿过上下通道时,MetaBands会立即通过不同的方法提醒交易者,这些方法可以在指标设置中启用。 信号矩阵 要监视来自不同时间框架的多个符号并在一个地方查看信号,请单击右上角按钮或按键盘上的M键以打开信号矩阵。该矩阵可以快速概览
Ivan Stefanov
5 (7)
ENIGMERA: 市场的核心 重要提示:MQL5.com 演示版本在策略测试器中运行,可能无法完全反映 Enigmera 的功能。请查看描述、截图和视频了解详细信息。如有任何问题,请随时联系我! 该指标的代码已完全重写。版本 3.0 增加了新功能并修复了自指标发布以来积累的错误。 简介 这个指标和交易系统是金融市场的一种独特方法。ENIGMERA 使用分形周期来精确计算支撑和阻力水平。它展示了真实的积累阶段,并提供了方向和目标。无论是在趋势中还是在修正中,这个系统都能工作。 它是如何工作的 指标的大部分功能通过图表左侧的按钮控制,使得能够快速响应不同的市场情况。 按钮 ON/OFF – 显示或隐藏整个指标。 Channel – 激活支撑通道,显示可接受的偏差范围。 Dev1 (第一偏差) – 指示价格在支撑偏差内的波动,信号表示市场正在整合或积累力量。 Dev2 (第二偏差) – 显示价格在偏差之间的波动,表示趋势形成和方向。 Dev3 (第三偏差) – 表示趋势的显著加速和高波动性。 45deg (45度) – 显示市场的节奏和相对于 45 度线的运动稳定性。 Tgt1/2
Apollo BuySell Predictor 是一个包含多个模块的专业交易系统。该指标为交易者提供价格突破区、基于斐波那契的支撑和阻力位、趋势反转线、交易量信号、回调和任何交易者每天都需要的其他有用功能。该系统将适用于任何一对。推荐的时间框架是 M30、H1、H4。尽管该指标可以与其他时间范围一起使用,但 H4 以上的时间范围除外。 该系统是通用的,因为它提供了任何交易者成功交易所需的一切。该系统可以多种方式使用。该指标可用于日内交易、波段交易甚至剥头皮交易。无论您喜欢哪种交易方式,系统都会帮助您以真实的形式看待市场。所有系统信号都不会被重绘! 您可以根据您的交易偏好和任务启用/禁用各种系统模块。系统提供所有类型的通知,包括PUSH通知。您可以打开/关闭您需要的通知。 购买后请给我发电子邮件。我将与您分享交易说明和重要的红利指标,它们将使您的交易更加有利可图!
Blahtech Supply Demand
Blahtech Limited
4.64 (36)
Was: $299  Now: $149   Supply Demand uses previous price action to identify potential imbalances between buyers and sellers. The key is to identify the better odds zones, not just the untouched ones. Blahtech Supply Demand indicator delivers functionality previously unavailable on any trading platform. This 4-in-1 indicator not only highlights the higher probability zones using a multi-criteria strength engine, but also combines it with multi-timeframe trend analysis, previously confirmed swings
SSM ZakopiecFX Follow The Trend
4.83 (23)
使用我们的自定义MT4指标发现成功外汇交易的秘诀! 您是否曾经想过如何在外汇市场上取得成功,一贯赚取利润,同时降低风险? 这是您一直在寻找的答案! 允许我们介绍我们的专有MT4指标,该指标将彻底改变您的交易方法。 独特的多功能性 我们的指标专为喜欢Renko和Rangebar Candle编队的用户而设计。 我们了解到,这些图表类型受到许多经验丰富的交易者的青睐,这就是为什么我们的指标与它们无缝集成,从而提供无与伦比的市场分析。 清晰的趋势信号 忘记复杂的分析! 我们的指标利用鲜艳的色彩和清晰的点结构来明确指示市场趋势。 红色和蓝色的点毫无疑问地对价格变动的方向留下了疑问,从而可以在您的交易中快速决策。 与HH/HL HL/LL策略对齐 如果您正在寻求一个指标,该指标无缝地与基于HH/HL和HL/LL结构的策略无缝合作,则不需要更多。 我们的工具不仅确定了这些形式,而且还促进了它们在投资过程中的有效利用。 绝对的清晰度和简单性 我们的首要任务是为您提供一种不仅有效而且易于使用的工具。 我们的指标是为了清晰而设计的,使您可以专注于做出投资决策,而不是花时间分析复杂的数据。 由专
KT Asian Breakout Indicator
KT Asian Breakout 指标分析亚洲交易时段的关键部分,以生成双向买卖信号,并基于价格突破的方向进行交易。当价格突破该交易时段的最高点时,会出现买入信号;当价格突破最低点时,会出现卖出信号。 注意事项 如果交易时段的范围过大,建议避免新交易,因为大部分价格走势已在该时段内完成。 如果突破K线过大,价格通常会在继续沿信号方向运行之前发生短暂回调。 功能特点 买入/卖出信号包含止损和盈利目标。 KT Asian Breakout 指标持续监测其表现,并使用第一、第二或第三盈利目标作为成功标准。 显示三个关键性能指标,包括盈亏信号、成功率和每个信号的平均点数。 如果突破K线过大,图表上会显示警告信息。 推荐设置 时间周期: 15分钟。 交易货币对: 所有 JPY 货币对。 输入参数 绘制交易时段框 :  true/false 绘制止损和盈利目标 :  true/false 性能分析 : true/false 显示文本分析(左上角) :  true/false 成功率标准 :  第一目标 | 第二目标 | 第三目标 颜色和样式设置 :  可自定义 警报设置 :  可自定义
KT Momentum Arrows MT5
5 (2)
KT Momentum Arrows Indicator is based on a momentary breakout which is calculated using the bands deviation and emerging volatility in a certain direction. A buy signal is generated when the price closes above the upper band and a sell signal is generated when the price closes below the lower band. A magnitude coefficient is used as the input which affects the band deviation and volatility at the same time. The coefficient value should be carefully selected and analyzed based on the instrument a
KT RSI Divergence Robot MT5
KT RSI Divergence robot is a 100% automated expert advisor that trades regular and hidden divergence built between the price and Relative Strength Index (RSI) oscillator. The divergence signals are fetched from our freely available RSI divergence indicator. Not every divergence ends up in a successful price reversal, that's why this ea combines the raw divergences signals with its inbuilt technical analysis module to exploit the price inefficiency that occurs after some selected divergence sig
KT Support and Resistance Levels
Use of support and resistance in systematic trading is very subjective. Every trader has their own idea and way to plotting the support and resistance levels on the chart. KT Support and Resistance indicator take out this ambiguity out of the situation and automatically draws support and resistance levels following an algorithmic approach using a unique multi-timeframe analysis. When launched on the chart, It immediately scan the most significant extreme points across all the available timefra
KT Trend Magic
KT Trend Magic shows the trend depiction on chart using the combination of market momentum and volatility. A smoothing coefficient is used to smooth out the noise from the signal.It can be used to find out the new entries or confirm the trades produced by other EA/Indicators. Usage Drag n drop MTF scanner which scans for the new signals across multiple time-frames. Find new entries in the trend direction. Improve the accuracy of other indicators when used in conjunction. Can be used as a dynami
KT COG Advanced MT4
1 (1)
KT COG is an advanced implementation of the center of gravity indicator presented by John F. Ehlers in the May 2002 edition of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. It's a leading indicator which can be used to identify the potential reversal points with the minimum lag. The COG oscillator catches the price swings quite effectively. MT5 version of the same indicator is available here KT COG Advanced MT5 Calculation of COG The COG indicator is consist of the two lines. The main l
ACB Breakout Arrows
4.15 (34)
The ACB Breakout Arrows indicator provides a crucial entry signal in the market by detecting a special breakout pattern. The indicator constantly scans the chart for a settling momentum in one direction and provide the accurate entry signal right before the major move.  Get multi-symbol and multi-timeframe scanner from here - Scanner for ACB Breakout Arrows MT4 Key features Stoploss and Take Profit levels are provided by the indicator. Comes with a MTF Scanner dashboard which tracks the breako
ACB Breakout Arrows MT5
5 (1)
The ACB Breakout Arrows indicator provides a crucial entry signal in the market by detecting a special breakout pattern. The indicator constantly scans the chart for a settling momentum in one direction and provide the accurate entry signal right before the major move. Get multi-symbol and multi-timeframe scanner from here - Scanner for ACB Breakout Arrows MT 5 Key features Stoploss   and Take Profit levels are provided by the indicator. Comes with a MTF Scanner dashboard which tracks the brea
ACB Breakout Arrows EA MT5
This is a 100% automated expert advisor based on our custom indicator named  "ACB Breakout Arrows" . The entries are based on a breakout pattern that constantly occurs in a bi-directional manner. The intensity of entry signals can be manipulated using the external input called "Signal Sensitivity". MT4 Version is available here  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/35769 Trades Confirmation ACB Breakout Arrows EA provides an ability to filter the entries using our another custom indicator nam
KT Momentum Arrows
KT Momentum Arrows Indicator is based on a momentary breakout which is calculated using the bands deviation and emerging volatility in a certain direction. A buy signal is generated when the price close above the upper band and a sell signal is generated when the price close below the lower band. A magnitude coefficient is used as the input which affects the band deviation and volatility at the same time. The coefficient value should be carefully selected and analyzed based on the instrument and
KT RSI Divergence Robot MT4
KT RSI Divergence robot is a 100% automated expert advisor that trades regular and hidden divergence built between the price and Relative Strength Index (RSI) oscillator. The divergence signals are fetched from our freely available RSI divergence indicator. Not every divergence ends up in a successful price reversal, that's why this ea combines the raw divergences signals with its inbuilt technical analysis module to exploit the price inefficiency that occurs after some selected divergence sig
KT Psar Arrows MT5
5 (1)
KT Psar Arrows plots the arrows on chart using the standard Parabolic SAR indicator. A bullish arrow is plotted when the candle's high touch the SAR. A bearish arrow is plotted when the candle's low touch the SAR. The signals are generated in the real-time without waiting for the bar close.  Features A beneficial tool for traders who want to experiment with the trading strategies that include the use of Parabolic Sar indicator.  Can be used to find turning points in the market. Use custom PSAR
KT London Breakout MT5
First thirty minutes are essential for a trading session. The early reaction of traders and market players sets a path for the rest of the day. KT London Breakout EA takes advantage of this phenomenon, and after analyzing the first thirty minutes of London session, it places two bidirectional pending orders. One of pending order is eventually canceled after realizing the market direction with certainty. It has been strictly tested and developed for EUR/JPY using 30-Min Time Frame. You can expe
KT Trend Magic MT5
KT Trend Magic shows the trend depiction on chart using the combination of market momentum and volatility. A smoothing coefficient is used to smooth out the noise from the signal.It can be used to find out the new entries or confirm the trades produced by other EA or indicator. Features Drag n drop MTF scanner which scans for the new signals across multiple time-frames. Find new entries in the trend direction. Improve the accuracy of other indicators when used in conjunction. Can be used as a d
KT COG Advanced MT5
KT COG is an advanced implementation of the center of gravity indicator presented by John F. Ehlers in the May 2002 edition of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. It's a leading indicator which can be used to identify the potential reversal points with the minimum lag. The COG oscillator catches the price swings quite effectively. MT4 version of the same indicator is available here KT COG Advanced MT4 Calculation of COG The COG indicator is consist of the two lines. The main l
KT Stoch Divergence MT4
Divergence is one of the vital signals that depicts the upcoming price reversal in the market. KT Stoch Divergence shows the regular and hidden divergences build between the price and stochastic oscillator. Limitations of KT Stoch Divergence Using the Stochastic divergence as a standalone entry signal can be risky. Every divergence can't be interpreted as a strong reversal signal. For better results, try to combine it with price action and trend direction. Features Marks regular and hidden di
KT CCI Divergence MT4
KT CCI Divergence shows the regular and hidden divergence created between the price and CCI oscillator. Divergence is one of the vital signals that depicts the upcoming price reversal in the market. Manually spotting the divergence between price and CCI can be a hectic and ambiguous task. Limitations of KT CCI Divergence   Using the CCI divergence as a standalone entry signal can be risky. Every divergence can't be interpreted as a strong reversal signal. For better results, try to combine it w
MACD Divergence on MT5
KT MACD Divergence shows the regular and hidden divergences build between the price and oscillator. If your trading strategy anticipates the trend reversal, you can include the MACD regular divergence to speculate the potential turning points. And if your trading strategy based on the trend continuation, MACD hidden divergence would be a good fit. Limitations of KT MACD Divergence Using the macd divergence as a standalone entry signal can be a risky affair. Every divergence can't be interprete
ACB Trade Filter MT4
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The ACB Trade Filter indicator provides a solution for filtering out the low probability trading setups in a trading strategy. The indicator uses a sophisticated filtration algorithm based on the market sentiment and trend. Applications Works great with our indicator " ACB Breakout Arrows ". Filter out low probability signals from any indicator. Avoid overtrading and minimize the losses. Trade in the direction of market sentiment and trend. Avoid the choppiness in the market. How to use Only L
KT Pin Bar
KT Pin Bar identifies the pin bar formation which is a type of price action pattern which depicts a sign of reversal or rejection of the trend. When combined with support and resistance, BRN and other significant levels, Pin Bar pattern proved to be a very strong sign of reversal. Basically, a pin bar is characterized by a small body relative to the bar length which is closed either in upper or lower 50% part of its length. They have very large wicks and small candle body. A pin bar candlestic
KT Auto Fibo
KT Auto Fibo draws Fibonacci retracement levels based on the ongoing trend direction. The Highs and Lows are automatically selected using the Maximum and Minimum points available on the chart. You can zoom in/out and scroll to adjust the Fibonacci levels accordingly. Modes Auto:  It draws the Fibonacci levels automatically based on the chart area. Manual: It draws the Fibonacci levels only one time. After that, you can change the anchor points manually. Usage: Helps to predict the future profi
KT Psar Arrows
KT Psar Arrows plots the arrows on chart using the standard Parabolic SAR indicator. A bullish arrow is plotted when the candle's high touch the SAR. A bearish arrow is plotted when the candle's low touch the SAR. The signals are generated in the real-time without waiting for the bar close.  Features A beneficial tool for traders who want to experiment with the trading strategies that include the use of Parabolic Sar indicator.  Can be used to find turning points in the market. Use custom PSAR
KT Ichimoku Trader
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KT Ichimoku Trader is a fully automated expert advisor that offers five popular trading strategies based on the Ichimoku indicator. Each strategy has it's own entry and exit method without any interference to other strategies. The Ichimoku system can be applied to all major currency pairs and metals. However, we found that it performs reasonably well mainly on two pairs.   MT5 Version is available here  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/35043 Features Trade up to 5 famous trading strategi
KT Volatility Oscillator
KT Volatility oscillator analyze the past and current market data with a mathematical formula to display the result in a form of an oscillator. The growing and deteriorating waves are equivalent to high and low volatility in the asset.  In a nutshell, volatility is simply a measurement of the price fluctuation of an asset over a certain period of time. Without volatility, there would not much movement in the market and traders would not be able to profit from the price movements. Use of Volatil
KT COG Robot
KT COG Robot is a fully automated Expert Advisor based on the KT COG Indicator . The COG indicator was originally presented by John F. Ehlers in the May 2002 edition of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. The EA fires a long trade when COG line cross above the signal line and a short trade is fired when the COG line cross below the signal line.  Adaptive Filtration Our adaptive filtration algorithm combines the original COG formula with the major trend direction and market acce
ACB Breakout Arrows EA
This is a 100% automated expert advisor based on our custom indicator named "ACB Breakout Arrows" . The entries are based on a breakout pattern that constantly occurs in a bi-directional manner. The intensity of entry signals can be manipulated using the external input called "Signal Sensitivity". MT5 Version is available here  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/35785 Trades Confirmation ACB Breakout Arrows EA provides an ability to filter the entries using our another custom indicator nam
KT Asian Breakout
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KT Asian Breakout carefully analyzes the range-bound market during the Asian session and then fires a long or short trade after doing some preassessment based on its inbuilt technical analysis module. The executed orders are closed within a day before the completion of the next day session. The inbuilt technical analysis module checks for the session range and compares it with the last 20 days price movement. If it finds any erratic price movement within the session, the orders are not executed
KT London Breakout
First thirty minutes are essential for a trading session. The early reaction of traders and market players sets a path for the rest of the day. KT London Breakout EA takes advantage of this phenomenon, and after analyzing the first thirty minutes of London session, it places two bidirectional pending orders. One of pending order is eventually canceled after realizing the market direction with certainty. It has been strictly tested and developed for EUR/JPY using 30-Min Time Frame. You can expe
If you trade Forex, having detailed information about the currency strength and currency pairs correlation can take your trading to new heights. The correlation will help to cut your risk in half, and strength analysis will help to maximize the profits. This indicator provides a hybrid approach for selecting the most appropriate currency pairs using the strength analysis and currency pairs correlation. How to use the Currency Strength Analysis Suppose your trading strategy provides a buying opp
MACD Divergence Seeker
KT MACD Divergence Seeker trades the regular and hidden divergence signals generated by our free indicator named KT MACD Divergence indicator. Trading the standalone divergences can be a risky affair that's why the KT MACD Divergence Seeker combines the standard divergence signals with an advanced analysis module to exploit the price inefficiencies on some FX pairs. What is the Divergence exactly? As a general conception if the price is making higher highs, then macd should also be making hig