- 实用工具
- Michal Herda
- 版本: 1.0
Close all orders immediately: if account balance is less/greater than allowed.
PROGRAM USES ACCOUNT BALANCE, NOT EQUITY. Initial balance is calculated once a day if writting hour/minute comes ( local time is using ).
It is also reset each restart program ( program does not read account balance from the past! )
Program is developed for VPS running purposes, to prevent from attempts of trading after daily DD limit is reached.
I made decision to share this for free. It is not developed for commercial purposes. If you are not satisfied with the options it offers, please stop using.
*The program does not distinguish between money paid in and money earned / lost.
*Please include negative/ positive numbers
*Writting hour works on tick. It means should be set when market is open. I will fix It If program will be upgrated.