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Markets Trend Determination

At the heart of any form of trading is the need to anticipate the direction the markets will go. To make this decision traders cannot afford to ignore trend analysis. Apply this before taking any trades otherwise you will loose.

Market Trend Analysis is fundamental part of trading that's based on many indicators, patterns to predict future prices. The process of analysing each symbol can take weeks.

  • This indicator saves the time of sitting and determining the direction of the markets.
  • This indicator samples all currency pairs available on your MT4 platform and instantly tells you the direction of markets.
  • This indicator determines the direction of currency pair for each timeframe available.
  • This indicator will inform you whether the currency pair/any symbol in each time frame is a buy (bullish trend) or Sell (bearish trend) or Sideways Trend.
  • The indicator will instantly scan through ALL the currency pairs/symbols and instantly give you the results on a file Text document or .CSV


  1. Apply Confirmation to all currencies using automated indicator, You find it under indicators after downloading it:

    • Open USDCHF

    • Attach “The MTD Markets Trend Determinationindicator robot

      • On the inputs dialog, input today’s date in the default format

    • Close  all currencies

    • Go to File->Open Data Folder->MQL4->Files

    • Open folder with today’s date as set in the expert advisor’s input dialog

    • Open the related text file

    • Select the trending currencies:

      • If there are at least 3 consecutive timeframes with “Down”, it is a bearish/ trend

      • If there are at least 3 consecutive timeframes with “Up”, it is a bullish/ trend

        If there are at least 3 consecutive timeframes with “Sideways”, it is a sideways trend

Black series MT4
Dmitriy Kashevich
1 (1)
Black series MT4 - The indicator is designed for trading on binary options with Timeframe M1-M5-M15 Multicurrency (Works on cryptocurrency and currency pairs) The signal appears when the candle opens Up to 90% correct signals There is no signal redrawing at all Can be used with other indicators. Good for scalping! In Settings there is: -Indicator working methods -I Allert Arrow color Red signal down Blue signal up Also watch the video how the indicator works and signals appear or te
VR Cub
Vladimir Pastushak
VR Cub 这是获得高质量切入点的指标。该指标的开发是为了促进数学计算并简化对仓位入场点的搜索。多年来,该指标所针对的交易策略已被证明其有效性。交易策略的简单性是其巨大的优势,即使是新手交易者也能成功进行交易。 VR Cub 计算开仓点以及获利和止损目标水平,这显着提高了效率和易用性。查看使用以下策略进行交易的屏幕截图,了解简单的交易规则。 设置、设置文件、演示版本、说明、问题解决,可以从以下位置获取 [博客] 您可以在以下位置阅读或撰写评论 [关联] 版本为 [MetaTrader 5] 计算入场点的规则 开仓 要计算入场点,您需要将 VR Cub 工具从最后一个高点拉伸到最后一个低点。 如果第一个点在时间上早于第二个点,交易者等待柱线收于中线上方。 如果第一个点在时间上晚于第二个点,交易者等待柱线收于中线下方。 根据上述条件,严格在 柱线收盘 后建仓。 换句话说,如果我们在小时图上进行交易,那么从最高点到最低点的时间距离必须超过24小时,最高点和最低点之间的点数必须大于或等于平均价格变动每天。 维持和改变市场地位 可以有多个未平仓头寸;每个头寸都可以单独修改。 VR Cub
[V 1.00] MTF NRPA 5 RSI RTD 已发布! 非重绘箭头实时仪表板。 如果您厌倦了使用各种 RSI 指标但发现它们不准确,那么试试这个工具。 通常人们只设置 1 个 RSI 来确定一个时间范围内的 OBOS 水平。 坏消息是您无法同时看到不同时间范围内的 OBOS 水平和趋势。 这就是我开发此交易工具的原因。 解释如下: 在这个交易工具上,我使用了五个 RSI。 是的,五个! 默认情况下,我在较大的时间范围内设置 RSI 1 和 RSI 2,即 M30。 RSI 1 和 RSI 2 的交集意味着 M30 时间框架上有趋势变化。 然后我在当前(小)时间范围内设置 RSI 3 和 RSI 4,例如您在 M5 上打开图表。 RSI 3 和 RSI 4 的交集意味着当前时间帧 (M5) 有趋势变化。 然后为了确保趋势运动,我在更高的时间框架 (H1) 上设置了 RSI 5。 当 RSI 5 越过 50 水平(您可以设置时间范围和 OBOS 水平)时,箭头将出现。 这个交易工具有很多令人惊奇的东西: 您可以根据自己的意愿更改五个 RSI 时间范围。 您可以更改线
Next level of trend trading here. Possibility 75%, the indicator analyzes the current market to determine short (small dot), middle (circle with a dot inside) and long (cross with a circle and a dot inside) trends.  Wingdings characters of  Aqua color represents the beginning of the UP trend. Wingdings characters of  Orange color represents the beginning of the DOWN trend. Possibility 75% Indicator will improve your trading in the world of forex, commodities, cryptocurrencies and indices.
RaysFX Supertrend Bar RaysFX Supertrend Bar è un indicatore personalizzato per MetaTrader 4. Utilizza l'indice di canale delle materie prime (CCI) per generare segnali di trading. L'indicatore mostra dei puntini in una finestra separata sotto il grafico principale per indicare i segnali di trading. Caratteristiche principali: Calcola il CCI per diversi periodi temporali. Visualizza puntini per indicare i segnali di trading. Permette all'utente di modificare i periodi temporali e la distanza tra
Indicement MT4
Profalgo Limited
5 (2)
歡迎來到指數! 道具準備就緒! -> 在這裡 下載設定文件 推出促銷活動: 目前價格只剩幾本! 最終價格:990$ NEW: Choose 1 EA for FREE! (limited to 2 trading account numbers) 終極組合優惠   ->   點擊此處 加入公共團體: 點擊此處   LIVE SIGNAL INDICEMENT 將我 15 年在創建專業交易演算法方面的經驗帶入指數市場。 EA 使用經過深思熟慮的演算法來找到最佳入場價格,並在內部運行多種策略來分散交易風險。 所有交易都有停損和止盈,但也使用追蹤停損和追蹤停盈來最小化風險並最大化每筆交易的潛力。 該系統建立在非常流行且經過驗證的策略之上:交易突破重要的支撐位和阻力位。   我很高興地說,在多年的 EA 開發過程中,我已經完善了這個策略 該 EA 專為 US500、US30 和 NAS100 指數交易而開發。 這些市場特別適合這種類型的策略交易。 回測顯示出非常穩定的成長曲線,回撤非常可控且恢復很快。  該 EA 已針對所有 3 個指數進行了壓力測試,使用不同經紀商的多個價格回饋。此外
Fourteen plus nine TD Sequential
Fourteen plus nine What is it for? Applying Tom DeMark’s TD Sequential serves the purpose of identifying a price point where an uptrend or a downtrend exhausts itself and reverses. . What are the main components of TD Sequential? TD Sequential has two parts – TD Setup and TD Countdown. The first phase of TD Sequential starts with a TD Setup and is completed with a 9 count. When the 9 count is completed, it is at that point, a price pause, price pullback, or reversal is likely. It is also at tha
Owl smart levels
Sergey Ermolov
4.28 (36)
MT5版本  |  FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator   是一個完整的交易系統,包含   Bill Williams   的高級分形、構建正確的市場波浪結構的 Valable ZigZag 以及標記準確入場水平的斐波那契水平等流行的市場分析工具 進入市場和地方獲利。 策略的详细说明 指示灯使用说明 顾问-贸易猫头鹰助手助理 私人用户聊天 ->购买后写信给我,我会将您添加到私人聊天中,您可以在那里下载所有奖金 力量在於簡單! Owl Smart Levels   交易系統非常易於使用,因此適合專業人士和剛開始研究市場並為自己選擇交易策略的人。 策略和指標中沒有隱藏的秘密公式和計算方法,所有策略指標都是公開的。 Owl Smart Levels 允許您快速查看進入交易的信號,突出顯示下訂單的水平並向您發送有關已出現信號的通知。 優點很明顯: 清楚地顯示主要和更高時間框架的趨勢方向。 指示儀器信號的出現。 標記開單、止損設置和固定利潤的水平。 沒有多餘的,只有必要的結構! ZigZag   表示全球趨勢的方向,因此也表示貿易方向。 市場反轉點的短線清楚地表明在什
WanaScalper MT4
Isaac Wanasolo
1 (1)
A scalping indicator based on mathematical patterns, which on average gives signals with relatively small SL, and also occasionally helps to catch big moves in the markets (more information in the video) This indicator has three main types of notifications: The first type warns of a possible/upcoming signal on the next bar The second type indicates the presence of a ready signal to enter the market/open a position The third type is for SL and TP levels - you will be notified every time price re
GMMA Trade X is an EA based on GMMA. GMMA parameters such as MovingAveragePeriod1-24, MovingAverageMAShift1-24, MovingAverageShift1-24 and CandlestickShift1-24 can be adjusted. GMMA Trade X applies BTN TECHNOLOGY's state-of-the-art intelligent technology to help you create optimal results for your trades. May your dreams come true through GMMA Trade X. Good luck. = == == Inquiries = == == E-Mail:support@btntechfx.com
MACD Divergence
Sergey Deev
2.5 (2)
The indicator detects divergence signals - the divergences between the price peaks and the MACD oscillator values. The signals are displayed as arrows in the additional window and are maintained by the messages in a pop-up window, e-mails and push-notifications. The conditions which formed the signal are displayed by lines on the chart and in the indicator window. Indicator Parameters MacdFast - fast MACD line period MacdSlow - slow MACD line period MacdSignal - MACD signal line period MacdPric
Chart Patterns Detect 15 patterns (Ascending Triangle, Descending Triangle, Rising Wedge, Falling Wedge, Bullish Flag, Bearish Flag, Bullish Rectangle, Bearish Rectangle Symmetrical triangle, Head and Shoulders, Inverted Head and Shoulders, Triple top, Triple Bottom, Double Top, Double Bottom) Use historical data to calculate the probability of each pattern to succeed (possibility to filter notification according to the chance of success) gives graphic indication about the invalidation level and
Alpha Trend sign Alpha Trend sign 是我么长期以来非常受欢迎的交易工具,它可以验证我们的交易系统,并且明确的提示交易信号,并且信号不会漂移。 主要功能: •  根据市场显示活跃区域,根据指标可以很直观的判断当前行情是属于趋势行情,还是震荡行情。    并根据指标的指示箭头切入市场,绿色箭头提示买入,红色箭头提示卖出。 •  建议使用5分钟以上的时间周期进行交易,避免因为小周期波动出现频繁的交易信号。 •  您也可以开启信号提示,以免错过最佳的交易时机。 •  本指标不但可以很好的预测趋势行情,也可以在宽幅震荡行情中获利。 •  本指标本着大道至简的原则,适合不同阶段的交易者使用。 注意事项: •  Alpha Trend sign 有明确的进出场信号,不建议逆势操作,以免造成损失。 •  Alpha Trend sign 是特别成熟的指标,我们团队人手一个,使用它可以实现稳定盈利。     
AlgoSamurai Kana Trend
Cutting-edge solution for Trend Trading with statistically robust signals! Kana Trend’s smart algorithm detects the trend on any instrument, any timeframe, and gives powerful entry signals with exit levels.  Its advanced statistics gives you deep insight as to success and profitability of its signals -- while being fully transparent on any potential for loss.  Because this is an indicator, not an EA, you cannot see it in action in visual tester if you download the Free Demo. Instead, please down
Farhad Kia
5 (1)
Strong Retracement Points Pro edition! SRP (Strong Retracement/Reversal Points) is a powerful and unique support and resistance indicator. It displays the closest important levels which we expect the price retracement/reversal! If all level are broken from one side, it recalculates and draws new support and resistance levels, so the levels might be valid for several days depending on the market! If you are still hesitating to start using this wonderful tool, you can check this link to see how ef
REX complete 3in1
Christophe Godart
This is the complete REX package. It consists of the lite, pro and ULTRA version.  Perfect for beginners and intermediates. REX complete is 100% non repaint. The strategy is based on a mix of different strategies, statistics, including pivot points, oscillators and patterns.  As the trading idea consists of a variety of some classic indicators like Momentum, Williams Percent Range, CCI, Force Index, WPR, DeMarker, CCI, RSI and Stochastic, it is clear that the fundamental indicators have being u
This indicator is another variant of the famous powerful indicator Fibonacci-SS https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/10136 but has different behaviour in placing Pending Order and TP Line. Automatically places Fibonacci retracement lines from the last highest and lowest visible bars on the chart with: An auto Pending Order (Buy/Sell). Taking Profit 1, Taking Profit 2 is pivot point and Taking Profit 3 for extended reward opportunity. The best risk and reward ratio. Simple and powerful indicat
Auto Fibo Pro m
“Auto FIBO Pro” Crypto_Forex 指标 - 是交易中的绝佳辅助工具! - 指标自动计算并放置在图表斐波那契水平和局部趋势线(红色)上。 - 斐波那契水平指示价格可能反转的关键区域。 - 最重要的水平是 23.6%、38.2%、50% 和 61.8%。 - 您可以将其用于反转剥头皮或区域网格交易。 - 还有很多机会可以使用 Auto FIBO Pro 指标来改进您当前的系统。 - 它具有信息价差掉期显示 - 它显示所连接的外汇对的当前价差和掉期。 - 显示屏还显示账户余额、净值和保证金。 - 可以将信息价差掉期显示定位在图表的任何角落: 0 - 左上角,1 - 右上角,2 - 左下角,3 - 右下角。 // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Allows multiple indicators to be combined into a single indicator, both visually and in terms of an alert. Indicators can include standard indicators, e.g. RSI, CCI, etc., and also Custom Indicators, even those purchased through Market, or where just have the ex4 file. An early alert is provided, say when 4 out 5 indicators have lined up, and a confirmed alert when all are in agreement. A‌lso features a statistics panel reporting the success of the combined indicator by examining the current cha
PipFinite Trend PRO
Karlo Wilson Vendiola
4.88 (2245)
Breakthrough Solution For Trend Trading And Filtering With All Important Features Built Inside One Tool! Trend PRO's smart algorithm detects the trend, filters out market noise and gives entry signals with exit levels. The new features with enhanced rules for statistical calculation improved the overall performance of this indicator. Important Information Revealed Maximize the potential of Trend Pro, please visit www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/713938 The Powerful Expert Advisor Version Automatin
Gioteen Volatility Index (GVI)   - your ultimate solution to overcoming market unpredictability and maximizing trading opportunities. This revolutionary indicator helps you in lowering your losing trades due to choppy market movements. The GVI is designed to measure market volatility, providing you with valuable insights to identify the most favorable trading prospects. Its intuitive interface consists of a dynamic red line representing the volatility index, accompanied by blue line that indicat
Antabod Gamechanger
Rev Anthony Olusegun Aboderin
*Antabod GameChanger Indicator – Transform Your Trading!*   Are you tired of chasing trends too late or second-guessing your trades? The *Antabod GameChanger Indicator* is here to *revolutionize your trading strategy* and give you the edge you need in the markets!   Why Choose GameChanger? *Accurate Trend Detection* – GameChanger identifies trend reversals with *pinpoint accuracy*, ensuring you enter and exit trades at the optimal time.   *Clear Buy & Sell Signals* – No more guesswork! T
Trend Flasher
Amarnath K M
Trend Flasher Trend is your friend is the age old saying quote in trading arena, there are though many ways to gauge the trend and its direction, more scientific measure and logically meaningful will be an ATR break outs to identify and spot the trend and its acceleration, so we created this easy to use trend identification panel and optimized super trend based multi time frame panel entry system to aid and help the traders to make their trading decision. Unique Features of Trend Flasher 1. H
该指标价格昂贵,但当您使用大账户进行交易时,它会非常快地获利。 在测试期间,我们能够在一年内将小型测试帐户增加 6 倍。 Gāi zhǐbiāo jiàgé ángguì, dàn dāng nín shǐyòng dà zhànghù jìnxíng jiāoyì shí, tā huì fēicháng kuài dì huò lì. Zài cèshì qíjiān, wǒmen nénggòu zài yī niánnèi jiāng xiǎoxíng cèshì zhànghù zēngjiā 6 bèi. 它使用 6 个不同货币对的数据来预测 EURUSD。 请始终在周图表上使用周期设置 0,在日图表上使用周期设置 4。 Tā shǐyòng 6 gè bùtóng huòbì duì de shùjù lái yùcè EURUSD. Qǐng shǐzhōng zài zhōu túbiǎo shàng shǐyòng zhōuqí shèzhì 0, zài rì túbiǎo shàng shǐyòng zhōuqí shèzhì 4. #外汇盈利, #准确的
True SnD
Indra Lukmana
5 (1)
This Supply & Demand indicator uses a unique price action detection to calculate and measures the supply & demand area. The indicator will ensure the area are fresh and have a significant low risk zone. Our Supply Demand indicator delivers functionality previously unavailable on any trading platform. Trading idea You may set pending orders along the supply & demand area. You may enter a trade directly upon price hit the specific area (after a rejection confirmed). Input parameters Signal - Set
Andrey Spiridonov
UniversalIndicator is a universal indicator. A great helper for beginners and professional traders. The indicator algorithm uses probabilistic and statistical methods for analyzing the price of a trading instrument. The indicator is set in the usual way. Advantages of the indicator works on any time period works with any trading tool has a high probability of a positive forecast does not redraw Indicator Parameters LengthForecast = 30 - the number of predicted bars
Super Signals Channel
Tshivhidzo Moss Mbedzi
Super Signals Channel Indicator Its channel is a non-repaint indicator that reacts more with recent price movements. For this reason, the Super Signals Channel Indicator is a better match for short-term or day trading strategy. The Super Signals Channel only plots swing trading opportunities. So most of its trade signals appear during consolidation or sidelined periods of the market. Super Signals Channel Indicator for MT4 Explanation The green band below the price shows the dynamic support le
这是最赚钱的指标。它的表现非常出色。无论市场上有什么兴趣,你都能看到。 几乎在所有情况下,它都只会给你一个长期的市场观点,但不要被愚弄,以为它是受事件约束的。不是这样的。它能找到市场上最大的利益所在,并将其展示给你。别忘了,最大的资金(利益)每天都不会在市场上出现。这是您没有遇到过的情况。月租金可能会给您一到两个信号,仅此而已。但当我们谈论大资金时,他们就是这样行事的。 如果您想了解更多,请点击这里。 这是最赚钱的指标。它的表现非常出色。无论市场上有什么兴趣,你都能看到。 几乎在所有情况下,它都只会给你一个长期的市场观点,但不要被愚弄,以为它是受事件约束的。不是这样的。它能找到市场上最大的利益所在,并将其展示给你。别忘了,最大的资金(利益)每天都不会在市场上出现。这是您没有遇到过的情况。月租金可能会给您一到两个信号,仅此而已。但当我们谈论大资金时,他们就是这样行事的。 如果您想了解更多,请点击这里。
Bomb Bank Signal
Igor Pereira Calil
5 (1)
炸彈銀行訊號:您對 MetaTrader 4 的信心指標 Bomb Bank Signal 是 MetaTrader 4 的一個強大指標,旨在識別金融市場中最相關的趨勢。如果您正在尋找一種能夠準確預測運動的工具,那麼炸彈庫就是您需要的盟友。 運作原理: 該指標結合了三種不同的方法——成交量分析、蠟燭收盤價和對稱趨勢——來偵測和發出買賣機會訊號。當炸彈銀行識別出買入機會時,它就像一顆「炸彈」;當它偵測到賣出訊號時,它就像一個「頭骨」。 為什麼炸彈銀行不一樣? 完全可靠性:炸彈庫訊號不會刪除訊號。訊號一旦發出,就會一直存在,確保您不會錯過任何機會。 極為準確:炸彈庫不會發出錯誤訊號。它會即時更新您的訊息,隨著市場的變化進行調整,但保持先前訊號的透明度。 即時更新:訊號被即時識別並在必要時更新,使您能夠快速響應市場變化。 最大化您的結果: 炸彈銀行訊號是識別趨勢持續走勢的理想選擇。例如,如果您已經做空並且指標在 M15 發出買入訊號,那麼現在就是平倉或部分下單的最佳時機,反之亦然。 此外,經過仔細分析,我們建議您遵循M30、H1和H4上的訊號,停損僅50點。這使得價格朝著有利
Gann Zone Pro
Kirill Borovskii
This indicator identifies and displays zones, as it were areas of strength, where the price will unfold. The indicator can work on any chart, any instrument, at any timeframe. The indicator has two modes. The indicator is equipped with a control panel with buttons for convenience and split into two modes. Manual mode: To work with manual mode, you need to press the NEW button, a segment will appear. This segment is stretched over the movement and the LVL button is pressed. The level is displayed
Trade Invest Pro
Dmitriy Kashevich
Trade Invest Pro - Boss in the world of cryptocurrency! This indicator is ideal for cryptocurrency trading! Work on Trade Invest Pro took us half a year! But not in vain! Now only accurate signals near support - resistance levels! He showed himself well on timeframes m5 m15 for binary options! Optionally, it can be configured for forex for timeframes m30 and more! Reacts well to news! Doesn't paint! and does not disappear from the schedule! As soon as a red arrow appears, open a deal fo
Gann Swing Structure
Kirill Borovskii
5 (1)
This indicator is based on the mathematics of the great trader W.D. Ganna. With its help, you can easily find strong levels by analyzing swings to find the optimal entry point. The indicator works on all instruments and all timeframes. The indicator is fully manual and has control buttons. All you need to do is press the NEW button, a segment will appear, which you can place on any movement, swing or even 1 candle that you want to analyze. By placing the segment, press the OK button. A grid (th
API Reversal Master
Idowu Peter Afuye
1 (1)
API Reversal Master – The Reversal Detection Indicator for MT4 Spot Reversals with API Reversal Master API Reversal Master is MT4 indicator designed to help traders identify possible market reversals . Whether you're trading forex, stocks, or commodities, this tool provides alerts and visual cues to enhance your decision-making. Key Features: Alerts and Notification – Get notified when a possible reversal point is detected. Color Changes – Visual indication of possible trend shifts.
ZO Trend
Trung Le Hoang
4 (4)
Important!! ZO Trend can't work on MN timeframe. /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZO Trend an indicator used to search for entry point. With the session candle algorithm on many timeframe, ZO Trend creates an area for traders find good Entry Point. ZO SYSTEM BASIC SETUP :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdNOXHWozNw ZO TREND User guide : 
Connect Indicator
Sukunthakan Ngernbamrung
Connect Indicator is a tool used for connecting indicators between the MQL market and MT4. The connected indicators are made by our group and can be used for other applications, such as sending messages to the Line application or Telegram application. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us to receive support. Function and indicator buffer Buffer one is the high price of the previous candle. Buffer two is the high price of the previous candle. Usage To connect indicators to fu
ON Trade Optuma Astro
Abdullah Alrai
5 (4)
当然可以!以下是您提供的文本的中文翻译: 引入 MT4 天文指标:您的终极天体交易伙伴 您准备好将交易体验提升到天文高度了吗?不用再寻找,就在我们的革命性 MT4 天文指标中。这个创新工具超越了传统的交易指标,利用复杂的算法提供无与伦比的天文洞察力和精确计算。 指尖上的宇宙信息: 瞻仰一个详尽的面板,展示了一宝藏般的天文数据。了解行星的地理/太阳心坐标,太阳/地球距离,亮度,伸长度,星座,黄道和赤道坐标,甚至是水平坐标——每个细节都经过精心计算并呈现得美轮美奂。指标生成的垂直线对应于时间值,为您的交易旅程提供了宇宙的视角。 行星线条与关系: 在您的图表上欣赏行星线条的魔力,具有可自定义的比例和角度。通过直观的控制面板轻松切换每个行星线条的可见性。通过连结、六分、四分、三分、对冲和逆行等指标,发现行星关系的艺术。在您选择的时间范围内探索这些宇宙构造,使您能够识别重要的交易机会。 揭示甘恩的智慧: 通过受甘恩启发的平方垂直线揭示潜在的反转时机。这种创新修改将甘恩历经考验的原则带入现实,帮助您提前了解市场的转向和趋势。 月亮引导: 在您的图表上优雅地导航月相,因为新月和满月点缀其间。月亮周期
Phillimon Shumbusho
The real market buy/Sell signals, you can trust.  This indicator tracks the trend strength, the market strength, the real current volume, and the price direction to give traders and investors the optimum point for entry in the form of signals. The time frames range from 5 minutes to one (1) hour chart. Trading on higher time frames produce the best outcomes, but also do produce less frequent trades, compared to trading on lower time frames.
Smooth price for Monarch MT4
Konstantin Gruzdev
3.67 (3)
The Smooth Price technical indicator is used for plotting a smoothed line as close to the price of the financial instrument as possible, and serves to eliminate its noise components. The indicator is part of the Monarch trading system, but here it is presented as an independent technical analysis tool. The indicator is based on the cluster digital filter , which, unlike the ClusterSMA , is applied directly to the price time series. Smooth Price does not redraw (except the very last, zero bar) an
Justine Kelechi Ekweh
這是一個多用途系統,既適合外匯手動交易者,也適合作為黃牛系統或進入非常強勁勢頭的策略、二元期權交易者或由通用 EA 在自動化交易中使用。 Jeslyn 是一種基於多年研究的策略,專注於特定的價格行為策略。它可能看起來像一個簡單的箭頭指示器,但它具有復雜且邏輯的算法。它不會根據其他指標進行計算,而僅根據價格行為進行計算。我找到了一種方法來解釋趨勢、趨勢與動量的差異、背離與成交量價差分析之間的關係。有一些小型的供應和需求區域,其中的頭寸充滿動力,這些是我們在它們開始時想要的地方。他們還說我們無法在 Metatrader 中獲得真實交易量,好吧,我找到了一種方法來獲取它並通過價格動量操縱它。成交量、動量和分歧是這頓飯的秘訣。 我想要一種能夠經受住時間和所有市場條件考驗的策略,我在新手時期就發現了這一點,但不明白為什麼它們有時會發生得如此美妙,但有時卻會慘敗,所以我放棄了其他策略並專注於這一點,它經受住了時間的考驗(6年了,而且還在繼續),儘管並不是所有的市場條件都可以交易,這是我當時不理解的,一旦我接受了這一點,我就開始努力尋找適當的市場條件,這使得完全的感覺。我們只有在市場成熟
Arbitrage Indicators 是一个专业且易于使用的外汇交易指标,它使用最新AI的套利模型的最佳交易原则。 该指标提供准确的买入和卖出信号。只适用于货币对。 它共有六个不同的指标选项, MACD、KDJ、RSI、CCI、RVI、DEMARK。 可供用户自由切换。 它直观展示了货币对的走向及反转信号,当两线交叉颜色时货币即有很大概率发生反转。 推荐时间框架: 任何时间框架都有效,但我们喜欢使用   M5、 M15、M30 和 H1   也是不错的选择! 推荐交易品种: 我们喜欢使用的最佳交易品种是   M15 时间框架上的 EURUSD 、GBPUSD 、USDJPY、 USDCAD、 AUDUSD 、USDCHF 有问题可联系:QQ:2813871972 微信: FX-AIEA 邮箱:2813871972@qq.com
Market Interest
Paul Edunyu Carissimo
Oni Scalper
Goh Cheng Wai
3.67 (3)
Dear Onis, This Indicator is used for   GBPUSD, US30 and GOLD on 1-Min Chart . For US30 , Depending on your broker, Minimum Lot Size will differ from 0.01 to 1.0 lots. My Current Account is trading at 1.0 lots at $1 per point . Please check with your Broker what's the Margin Required for your Minimum lot sizes before you trade on your Real account. I have Forward Tested the indicator for around 6 months before releasing it to the public. ( No Demo is available for the Indicator, Strategy Teste
Automatic, live & interactive picture of all trendlines. Assign push, email and sound alerts to the lines of your choice and be informed about price rollback, breakout, rollback after breakout, number of rollbacks, line expiration by double breakout. Correct, drag or delete the lines and interactively tune the line system. https://youtu.be/EJUo9pYiHFA . Chart examples https: //www.mql5.com/en/users/efficientforex Price Interaction Events All events are effective immediately and only after one
The indicator displays the probable ( Support and resistance ) levels. The indicator draws horizontal and trend levels of support and resistance. The indicator settings: Trends - the mode for displaying trend lines or horizontal lines of support and resistance Yes - display trend lines only No - display horizontal lines only UseResource - use the resources built into the indicator. Yes - use the ZigZag indicator from the resources of the product. No - use a custom ZigZag indicator. HistoryBar -
Antonin Skaryd
The [GRAFF] III manual trading system is based on multiple MetaTrader (MT4) indicators. Together, the entire PACK of GRAFF III indicators makes an advanced trading tool. The system consists of over 20 different custom-built indicators which have been carefully selected and tested in the long term to produce strong and efficient trading signals. The particular indicators are based on different mathematical formulas, so the entire system is calibrated to remove false signals from its own indicator
This indicator allows you to see the strength of the trend on all timeframes. It can be used for all currency pairs. The indicator can be displayed in the form of a column (from left to right): status buy / sell / strong buy / strong sell, strength of the trend in percentage, pips last candle, body candle now, remaining time, and the timeframe of M1 to MN. Information contained below (from left to right): total trend percent, sell percent, buy percent.
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Osma indicator is used. It has the indicator warning system: beep, e-mail and has three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on the chart of 5 minutes. When the
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Three Moving Average and ADX indicators are used. It has the indicator warning system (audio, e-mail) and three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on M5. When
This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Three Moving Average and ADX indicators are used. It has the indicator warning system (audio, e-mail) and three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on M5. When the trend value reaches the value set, the warning system is activated. This indicator works only with Forex symbols. Inputs SoundAlarm = true - Sound Alert Sendmail=true - Send an e-mail in case of a buy or sell signal Sendnotification
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard MACD indicator is used. It has the indicator warning system: beep, e-mail and has three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on the chart of 5 minutes. When the
该指标提供了一种基于'回归通道工具'概念的强大市场分析方法。通过利用此工具,交易员可以在图表上对回归通道获得出色的控制,从而使他们能够做出更明智的交易决策。 '回归通道工具'是交易员工具箱中的一个强大工具。它旨在为价格趋势和潜在支撑和阻力水平提供有价值的见解。该工具特别适用于在趋势内部可视化修正波动,提供了对价格动态的综合视图。 以下是更详细地了解使用此指标的关键功能和优势: 通道水平和支撑/阻力: 该指标的主要优势之一是其能够生成作为动态支撑和阻力区域的通道水平。这些水平在确定潜在的入场和出场点方面至关重要,增强了交易策略的精确性。 修正波动水平: 通过启用修正波动水平,交易员可以在更大的趋势内识别潜在的修正。这个功能有助于识别回撤,并帮助交易员利用有利的价格波动。 直接控制: 该指标的控制面板允许无缝地操纵回归通道。交易员可以微调填充和射线选项等设置,提供符合其分析风格的通道定制视图。 更高时间框架分析: 为了获得更广泛的视角,该指标具有从更高时间框架加载数据的功能。这个功能可以帮助交易员评估不同时间尺度上的趋势和通道,促进对市场动态的更全面了解。 如何使用: 设置趋势线: 首先,
A simplistic indicator informing a user on RSI divergence by sending messages to mobile device and email. The indicator draws 2 vertical lines, marking two RSI extrema that formed the divergence. You get the alert, open the charts and make a decision. The indicator does not show past divergences, thus when you attach it to a chart for the first time you see nothing. Graphics and alerts will appear as soon as divergences do. Drop it in Tester to see how it works. Parameters: RSIPeriod - number of
Sergio Andres Zuleta Lopez
This indicator is based on Market Profile methodology, which contains the Z-Zone , unlike the latter, allows visualization of multiple time frames on the same graph. This methodology has proven to be very effective for: Reduce the number of windows required to analyze or track a financial asset. Display important resistance areas (ROZ), support (SoZ) and average distribution (PoC) in different periods of time. Define areas to take profits as well locate technical stop loss. Analysis in the devel
Green Wall Arrows
Daniel Luchinger
1 (1)
The Name Green Wall : Arrows hits a lot of TP, by changing the idea of non using SL as something bad, but instead use Small TP and a lot of free Margin and Patience. Use micro TP and a lot of Free Margin with this indicator on Forex. It also can be used with Binary Options. This strategy is intended to be traded Manually. This Indicator runs on Open Bar, arrows will delete when price are against it. The only Indicator Parameter is Alerts true/false, all the rest is included inside the code. Arro
Golden Monowave
Ahmed Mohamed Ali
Golden Monowave is monowave indicator, the monowave theory is one of Elliott wave approach and one of most complicate and accurate method. Golden Monowave can shortcut many major steps to identify and describe the monowave. It works on any timeframe and with any trading instrument, including currencies, indices, futures, etc. Input Parameters initial_Bars - set the initial number of bars to calculate. wave_color - select the color of the wave. label_color - select the color of labels. temp_labe
Shark Surfer
Roman Sheikin
Shark Surfer is a new generation indicator applying a well-established trend-following trading. The product is good both for scalping, as well as medium- and long-term trading. Shark Surfer analyzes a selected symbol and shows the recommended market entry, take profit and stop loss levels. Shark Surfer trades on all symbols and timeframes. It also features email and push notifications concerning the new trading signals. The indicator searches for suitable market entry points on an already formed