DYJ SuperGamingTrend
- 专家
- Daying Cao
- 版本: 1.51
- 更新: 9 七月 2022
- 激活: 5
InpMagic = 8236532
InpUseNewBar = true
inpPeriod_1 = 50 -- Fast Period
inpPeriod_2 = 100 -- Mid Period
inpPeriod = 200 -- Slow Period
inpAtrDevPeriod = 5 -- Atr / standard deviation period
inpUseWhat = atr -- Calculation method atr/ deviation
inpBarIndex = 1 -- check signal bar
InpRiskPercent = -0.001 -- Risk(x%) In Still Available Risk or [-x is lot]
InpAutoRiskInBalance = 10 -- Still Available Risk In Balance(x%)
InpSignalClose = CloseSignalWhenPositiveProfit
-- CloseSignalWhenPositiveProfi: Close if it is positive profit and the indicator has a signal
-- CloseSignal: Force close if it is a negative profit and the indicator has a signal
-- CloseSignalDisabe: Close disabled if the indicator has a signal
InpDirection = Both -- BUY or SELL or BOTH or Disable
InpMaxTradesPerSymbol = 1 -- Maximum trades for per symbol signal open
InpGridMode = STOP_MODE;
InpMaxGridOrders = 0 -- Maximum Grid Orders.["0"->off :disable grid]
InpFristOrderStep = 31 -- InpUpFristOrderStep:It's a multiple of spread
InpOrderStep = 31 -- InpUpOrderStep:It's a multiple of spread
InpDownFristOrderStep = 31 -- InpDownFristOrderStep:It's a multiple of spread
InpDownOrderStep = 31 -- InpDownOrderStep:It's a multiple of spread
InpRecursiveTrade = false
InpMaxReverseGridOrders = 0 -- Maximum ReverseGrid Orders.["0"->off :disable grid]
InpTakeProfit = 6000 -- 0 or >0
InpStopLoss = 2000 -- 0 or >0, 0 --> Auto GamingDynamic SL
InpAutoSLMup = 50 -- AutoStartSL:if SL=0 then it's multiple of spread
InpMaxLots = 1000 -- Maximum lots for game
InpStopAddingAtMaxGameRound = 100 -- Stop adding positions, if Round is the maximum.
InpRepairPercent = 0.053005 -- Repair loss error percentage
InpGroupMaxGameRound = 2 -- closed group,if round>InpGroupMaxGameRound
InpAllOrderCounts = 5 -- closed all,if counts>InpAllOrderCounts.
InpMaxGameRound = 3 -- Closed all with minimum profit,if round>InpMaxGameRound.
InpLossPercent = 0 -- Closed all if the LossPercent(%) of the balance[x>0(%), x<0($),x=0(off)].
InpMaxGamingProfits = 1 -- Closed a group of maxround if cover profits is reached[0->off]
InpSymbolProfits = 3 -- Symbol Target Profits[0-->off]
InpSymbolMaxProfits = 50 -- Symbol Maximum Profits[0-->off]
InpTrailingPercentage = 0.7 -- Dynamic profit target:70%
InpTargetIncreaseCoeff = 0.5
InpGroupTotalProfits = 3 -- closing gtoup positions for Profit target[0=auto,-1=off]
InpDistanceDivisor = 3 -- Calculus coefficient
InpIncreasedProfit = 1 -- Game target profit
InpEAComment = "SUPER"
-- SUPER:使用自定义指示器 DYJ ChameleonTrend显示图表中的指示器曲线和输入箭头。您需要购买或租用此外部指示器
-- CASH: 使用 CASH或其他字符,则使用EA内部代码等于指标功能,但不在图表中显示指标曲线和箭头