- 专家
- Ndumiso Mavuso
- 版本: 1.4
- 更新: 18 六月 2022
The strategy is based on finding top and bottoms during the night flat range. The night flat range usually lasts during the Pacific and Asian trading session and is characterized by low volatility. Most night scalpers have one weakness, that is, small gains and few big losses which wipe all the small gains. This Scalper is using Neutral network to avoid days that can potentially have high volatility and result in big loses, Neutral network does this accurately. The Neutral network has currently been trained for EURUSD pair. More pairs will be added in future
- EA_Magic = 99977;
- maxlot = 0.10;//Maximum lot before slippages occur[0 - Disabled]
- fixedLot = 0; //Fixed lot [0 - Disabled]
- Percent_loss =5; //loss % per trade[Calc from max points loss of 500(50pips)]
- Back_Test_Settings = "Set your broker's GMT offset only for Back_test";
- GMT_Offset_hours = 3; // -/+
- Symbol: EURUSD.
- Timeframe: M5.
- Account type: HEDGE.
- Low spreads + high quality execution.
If back test results are profitable on your broker then its safe to test it live. The EA will update you if the broker is suitable or not for the strategy after it has taken few trades.
It works really well. Backtested it back to 2010 On EUR/USD . The only issue I ran to that gives error code : EA only works on Hedge Accounts not sure how to open or find it since most Forex Brokers offer Net Accounts.