DreamCather MT5
- 专家
- Sergei Pomytkin
- 版本: 3.1
- 更新: 5 十月 2022
- 激活: 10
- 实时信号:https://www.mql5.com/en/users/delmare/seller
- 此处提供 MT4 版本:https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/80988
- 有关产品的全面说明、输入说明和常见问题解答,请单击此处。
- 加入我们分享新闻的 MQL5 小组
- 时间范围:M5
- 最低存款:100 美元
- 设置:所有对的默认设置
- 为获得最佳效果,强烈建议选择ECN账户、点差低、佣金公平的经纪商。
- 不使用 Martingale、Grid、Averaging 或其他危险技术
- 100% 自动化的专家顾问
- 对整个可用历史进行测试的高比例盈利交易
- 风险控制
- 限制工作时间的可能性
- 自动风险计算
- 没有坐过几天的损失。所有交易将在 3-5 小时内关闭
- 每笔交易都伴随着止损和止盈以及交易生命周期的限制
- 针对每个货币对优化的内置波动率过滤器
- 顾问不使用新闻过滤器
- 所有交易均符合国际足联规则
- EA 已在 2013 年至今的整个可用历史上进行了滑点和实际点差测试
此 EA 仅在 MQL5 上出售。 如果您在其他任何地方看到它,它就不是正版版本,我将无法提供任何客户支持。
- EA必须附M5图表,推荐货币对,设置风险参数或固定手数
- 设置参数 GMT_Shift
- 仅使用推荐的配对
I have been using Dream for a couple of months now and recommend it. Positions are opened around the close of the NY market and I find myself looking forward to when it becomes active. Single positions are opened with SL and TP set and the success rate is very good. I use it as part of a suite of strategies on my account, I find that it fits well with other strategies because it is active when other EAs are not and positions are opened and closed within a short time frame (a couple of hours). As a result, it gives your account a little extra performance that you would not have otherwise had. My one niggle is setting the time correctly to start trading. I was caught out by the change of the clocks for summer (both in NY and UK, which were a week or so apart) but maybe that was more of a "me" problem, than the EA itself. For me the "Dynamic" setting works best, slightly lower return per trade but it manages the trades very well. Overall, I recommend this EA, good price, consistent results and works well with other strategies. I have found the developer to be responsive and helpful and the price ($250) is well worth it in my opinion.