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KT Fisher Transform MT5

KT Fisher Transform is an advanced version of the original Fisher Transform oscillator equipped with divergence detection, crossover alerts, and many more features. Originally it was developed by John F. Ehlers. It converts the asset's price into a Gaussian normal distribution to find the local extremes in a price wave. 


  • A light-weighted oscillator that efficiently identifies the upward and downward crossovers and marks them using vertical lines.
  • It also finds regular and hidden divergences on the oscillator.
  • It works efficiently to detect the sharp reversals in price.
  • Traders can also use it for scalping on smaller timeframes.
  • All Metatrader alerts included.

Long Trade

  • Main-line cross above the 0.0 level after touching an extreme negative area.
  • Upward crossover of main and signal line either in a positive or negative area. 
  • Bullish regular or hidden divergence. 

Short Trade

  • Main-line cross below the 0.0 level after touching an extreme positive area.
  • Downward crossover of main and signal line either in a positive or negative area.
  • Bearish regular or hidden divergence.

Pro Tip: It can be very noisy and provide multiple false signals before the actual reversal takes place. Instead of using it as a standalone indicator, it's best to combine it with other indicators for trade confirmation.


Fisher Transform = ½ * ln [(1 + X) / (1 – X)]

ln is the natural logarithm and X represents the transformation of asset's price to a level between -1 and 1 for ease of calculation.


  • Period: The integer value used to calculate the main and signal line.
  • Show Vertical Lines: If true, the indicator will draw vertical lines on each upward or downward crossover. To avoid unnecessary clutter, we recommend keeping it off.
  • Get Crossover Alerts: If true, the indicator will provide alerts on each crossover.
  • Regular/Hidden Divergence: You can turn on/off the divergence detection.
  • Indicator Trendlines: If true, the indicator will draw the oscillator's trendlines for each successive divergence.
  • Price Trendlines: If true, the indicator will draw the trendlines on the price chart for each successive divergence.
KT Tether Line MT5
The KT Tether Line is a trend-following tool consisting of three indicators that work together to generate trading signals. It can correctly identify market trends while signaling trade entries. It was first introduced by Bryan Strain in the Stock & Commodities magazine in 2000 in "How to get with the trend and out at the end." The Concept When a market trend is confirmed, the most challenging part is determining the timing of the entries. This indicator alerts you to potential trend reversals
Four MA on OBV
Danton Dos Santos Sardinha Junior
Four MA on OBV - 您的终极交易指南! 通过 Four MA on OBV 指标释放您的交易潜力。此强大的指标专为MetaTrader 5平台设计,将四个移动平均线与平衡交易量(OBV)相结合,提供精确可靠的信号。 技术特点: 四个移动平均线: 集成简单、指数、平滑和线性移动平均线,进行详细的趋势监控。 OBV分析: 利用OBV检测在价格变化前的交易量变化,识别理想的进场和出场点。 可自定义设置: 根据您的交易策略调整参数,获得更大的灵活性和控制力。 实时提醒: 即时收到重大变化通知,允许快速和明智的操作。 主要优势: 信号精确度: 先进的假信号过滤,只提供最佳机会。 易于使用: 直观的界面,适合初学者和有经验的交易员。 收益提升: 通过优化您的交易决策来提升收益。 为什么选择Four MA on OBV? 信任和可靠性: 采用先进算法开发,并经过广泛测试,以确保一致的结果。 专属支持: 访问我们的专业支持团队,解答您的所有问题,并最大化您的交易体验。 明智投资: 使用真正与众不同的指标来改变您的交易策略。 通过 Four MA on OBV 改变您的金
Awesome Oscillator Alert MT5
Thushara Dissanayake
5 (1)
引入 Awesome Oscillator Alert   ,这是一个强大的技术指标,可为交易者提供有关市场动态和交易机会的宝贵见解。凭借其全面的功能和用户友好的界面,该指标是希望在市场上获得优势的交易者的必备工具。 Awesome Oscillator Alert 的突出特点之一是它与所有货币对和时间框架的兼容性。无论您是交易主要货币对还是外来货币,该指标都可以无缝集成到您的交易策略中。此外,用户友好的界面允许轻松自定义参数,确保您可以定制指标以满足您的个人交易偏好。 实时警报是成功交易的一个重要方面,而 Awesome Oscillator Alert 可以精确地提供它们。您将通过弹出窗口、声音和移动警报接收即时通知,让您随时了解重要的进入和退出信号。这种实时反馈使您能够及时做出交易决策并利用市场机会。 该指标提供两种可靠的交易策略:飞碟策略和零线交叉策略。飞碟策略识别直方图列中的模式,根据特定条件提供清晰的买入和卖出信号。另一方面,零线交叉策略着重于震荡指标与零线之间的相互作用,指导交易者何时进场或出场。 借助 Awesome Oscillator Alert,您可以依赖
The indicator monitors the Dinapoli MACD trend in multiple timeframes for the all markets filtered and shows the results on Dashboard. Key Features Indicator can be used for all markets Monitors every timeframe, from 1 Min to Monthly Parameters UseMarketWatch: Set true to copy all symbols available in market watch MarketWatchCount : Set the number of symbols that you want to copy from the market watch list. CustomSymbols: Enter the custom symbols that you want to be available in dashboard. Ti
Higher Time Frame Bars
Rajesh Kumar Nait
5 (1)
该指标可有效跟踪您想要在同一图表上跟踪的任何其他时间范围烛台 1. 选择任何更高的时间范围来加载同一图表上的柱形图 2.自定义烛台的颜色和样式 3. 选择绘制烛台的柱数 4. 跟踪更高时间范围的完整蜡烛以及烛芯和实体 5. 对于那些不想切换图表的人来说,简单方便。 该指标可有效跟踪您想要在同一图表上跟踪的任何其他时间范围烛台 1. 选择任何更高的时间范围来加载同一图表上的柱形图 2.自定义烛台的颜色和样式 3. 选择绘制烛台的柱数 4. 跟踪更高时间范围的完整蜡烛以及烛芯和实体 5. 对于那些不想切换图表的人来说,简单方便。 该指标可有效跟踪您想要在同一图表上跟踪的任何其他时间范围烛台 1. 选择任何更高的时间范围来加载同一图表上的柱形图 2.自定义烛台的颜色和样式 3. 选择绘制烛台的柱数 4. 跟踪更高时间范围的完整蜡烛以及烛芯和实体 5. 对于那些不想切换图表的人来说,简单方便。
Hammer Star
Arkadii Zagorulko
This powerful tool is designed to help traders identify key reversal patterns in their charts, including the hammer and star bar formations. With this indicator, you can quickly and easily spot these patterns as they form, allowing you to make well-informed trades and potentially increase your profits. The Hammer Start indicator is customizable, allowing you to set your own parameters for identifying patterns and alerts. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, the Hammer and Star
Fibo Ruby
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Fibo Ruby indicator 5/5 pack ruby fibo ruby ​​has the strategy of a programmed fibonacci to capture the bullish trend as bass player ideal for grabbing rebounds at the points of 23.6, 38.2, 50.0 and 61.8 It adapts to any temporality, be it for scalping or intraday. works for forex markets, all pairs It is used for synthetic index markets, all pairs great for boom and crash!
ReSu mt5
Daniel Opoku
The Wamek Support and Resistant (WSR) Indicator is a remarkable tool that stands out in the world of technical analysis. It sets itself apart by cleverly combining price action and leading indicators to delineate support and resistance levels with a high degree of accuracy. Its unique feature is its adaptability; users can fine-tune the indicator by adjusting input parameters, enabling them to create customized support and resistance levels that suit their trading strategies. Notably, one of WSR
KT Psar Arrows MT5
5 (1)
KT Psar Arrows plots the arrows on chart using the standard Parabolic SAR indicator. A bullish arrow is plotted when the candle's high touch the SAR. A bearish arrow is plotted when the candle's low touch the SAR. The signals are generated in the real-time without waiting for the bar close.  Features A beneficial tool for traders who want to experiment with the trading strategies that include the use of Parabolic Sar indicator.  Can be used to find turning points in the market. Use custom PSAR
Carlos Andrés Moya Erazo
3 (2)
The indicator shows when there are overpricing and divergences over a normalized MACD Plus, it displays signals with configurable alerts, self-regulating dynamic overprice levels, and a simple setup and interface. The indicator that automatically calculates overprices ranges! MACDmaxmin is an indicator based on the MACD oscillator that effectively identifies trend changes in price, as it is a momentum indicator that captures the trend and shows the relationship between two moving averages of th
本指标是实践实战交易完善的波浪自动分析的指标   !  案例... 注: 波浪分级用西方叫法不习惯,因受到缠论(缠中说禅)命名方式习惯的影响,我是将基础波浪命名为 笔 ,将二级波段命名为 段 ,同时具有趋势方向的段命名为 主趋段 (以后笔记中都是这种命名方式,先告知大家),但是算法上和缠论关系不大切勿混淆.反映的是本人分析盘面总结的 千变万化纷繁复杂的运行规律 . 对波段进行了标准化定义,不再是不同人不同的浪  ,   对人为干扰的画法进行了排除,在严格分析进场起到了关键的作用 . 使用这个指标,等于将交易界面提升美感,抛弃最原始的K线交易带你进入新的交易层次.如果不是为了交易,在宣传上也将使客户观感提升层次. 指标内容: 1.   基础波浪 (笔) : 首先我们找出了价格波动过程中的基础波动拐点,当然他的有序性低,为下一步的计算提供基础. 2.   二级波段( 段 ) :在基础波浪的基础上,通过算法分析得到层级更明显的二级波段,二级波段为波浪提供了分析基础 3.   波浪( 浪 ): 有着更清晰的趋势,更清晰直观的方向.分析一个波浪是否延续,需要看二级波段的形态,分析二级的构
KT Knoxville Divergence MT5
The KT Knoxville Divergence is a powerful tool that reveals unique price divergences in a financial instrument by employing a carefully crafted combination of the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and a momentum oscillator. This indicator effectively captures subtle variations in market dynamics and assists traders in identifying potentially profitable trading opportunities with greater precision. Knoxville Divergences is a type of divergence in trading developed by Rob Booker. Divergence in tradin
这个多时间框架和多品种指标扫描吞没和镊子形态。结合您自己的规则和技术,该指标将允许您创建(或增强)您自己的强大系统。 特征 可以同时监控您的市场报价窗口中可见的所有交易品种。将该指标仅应用于一张图表,并立即监控整个市场。 监控从 M1 到 MN 的每个时间范围,并在识别出吞没或镊子形成时向您发送实时警报。支持所有 Metatrader 原生警报类型。 使用 RSI 作为趋势过滤器,以正确识别潜在的逆转。 该指示器包括一个交互式面板。请参阅单独的屏幕截图。 可以配置为显示买入/卖出线和 TP/SL 线(基于 ATR 乘数)。这些线将显示在您通过单击面板中的信号打开的图表上。请看下面的截图。 该指标可以将信号写入一个文件,EA 可以使用该文件进行自动交易。 输入参数 输入参数的描述和解释可以在 这里 找到。 重要的 我强烈建议将指标放在干净(空)的图表上,上面没有任何其他可能干扰扫描仪的指标。请注意,由于具有多功能性,既不会在安装指标的图表上绘制买入/卖出建议,也不会绘制线条和箭头。它们将绘制在图表上,该图表将在单击面板中的信号时打开。
Alberto Da Silva Lira
Indicator focusing on the market's ZigZag, also adding 2 other already established indicators: Book of Offers and Balance Aggressor (Time & Trades), this indicator allows to detect the best price trigger (buy or sell) in the aggressions to the Book of Offers including filters important as Aggression in Candle. Recommended use on the Brazilian iBovespa B3, but it also serves in Forex as long as the assets have information from the Book, in the case of Forex it is not possible to use the Aggress
Moving Average Crossover Scanner and Dashboard For MT5 Advanced Moving Average Scanner Moving Averages Crossover Dashboard MT4 Version of the product can be downloaded:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/69260 The indicator scans the market and sends signals and alerts for Moving Average crossovers, death cross and golden cross. Crossovers are one of the main moving average ( MA ) strategies. MA Crossover ( cut ) strategy is to apply two moving averages to a chart: one longer and one sho
Institucional Pivot
Jean Jacques Huve Ribeiro
Institutional Pivot is a result of 5 years of research on order flow analysis in the Forex market and Nasdaq, seeking mounting and defense positions. The one of the best support and resistance points you can have right now available to everyone. You can opt for the Forex, CME and Brazilian markets in the settings Choosing the market just plot on the chart to make your trades
Pivot on Day Range
David Ben Svaiter
How many times have you looked for a PIVOT that works on a specific timeframe every day? Many traders like to estimate the direction of the day's trend based on a specific time interval every day, such as from 2 hours before the NYSE opens to 1 hour after, or from the NYSE opens to 30 minutes after. This indicator allows you to specify a certain time interval (hour and minute) and plots a pivot from that interval to the next day in the same time interval. It shows five lines based on this: me
Xtrade Trend Detector
Dago Elkana Samuel Dadie
Xtrade Trend Detector is an indicator capable of finding the best opportunities to take a position in any stock market. Indeed, it is a great tool for scalpers but also for Daytraders. You could therefore use it to identify areas to trade, it fits easily on a chart. I use it to detect trends on Big timeframes and take positions on Small timeframes. Don't hesitate to give me a feedback if you test it.
Larry Williams
Danrlei Hornke
Created by trader and journalist Larry Williams, Setup 9.1 is a simple strategy that is easy to understand and execute, which is why it is so well known and popular in the world of traders and technical analysis. It is a REVERSION setup, where operations are sought when the moving average changes direction. Setup Logic With the open candlestick chart, at any time chart, it is only necessary to add the 9-period Exponential Moving Average (MME9). That done, we look for assets in which the MME9
Price Guide Full
Robson Ferreira
Functional in the Forex market. Functional on the B3 market - Bolsa Brasil Balcão. Motivation The Price Guide indicator is a tool that helps you insert support and resistance points at the chosen price and in the quantity you want, it depends on the agility of its configuration. This   FULL version   will work in   Meta Trader 5   on all accounts and   Strategy Tester . To test on the DEMO account , download the free version at: https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/111620 Operation The method
Use of support and resistance in systematic trading is very subjective. Every trader has their own idea and way to plotting the support and resistance levels on the chart. KT Support and Resistance indicator take out this ambiguity out of the situation and automatically draws support and resistance levels following an algorithmic approach using a unique multi-timeframe analysis. When launched on the chart, It immediately scan the most significant extreme points across all the available timefra
该多时间框架和多交易品种指标可识别随机指标信号线何时穿过随机指标主线。作为替代方案,它还可以在随机指标离开(没有信号线穿过主线)超买/超卖区域时发出警报。作为奖励,它还可以扫描布林带和 RSI 超买/超卖交叉。结合您自己的规则和技术,该指标将允许您创建(或增强)您自己的强大系统。 特征 可以同时监控市场报价窗口中可见的所有交易品种。仅将指标应用于一张图表即可立即监控整个市场。 可以监控从 M1 到 MN 的每个时间范围,并在识别出交叉时向您发送实时警报。支持所有 Metatrader 本机警报类型。 该指示器包括一个交互式面板。请参阅单独的屏幕截图以获取解释。 指标可以将信号写入文本文件   或全局变量   专家顾问 (EA) 可以使用它 进行自动交易。比如 这个产品 。 输入参数 输入参数的描述和解释可以 在这里 找到 。 重要的 请注意,由于多功能性,安装指标的图表上不会绘制买入和卖出建议,也不会绘制线条和箭头。相反,这些对象将绘制在单击图表面板中的信号时打开的图表上。 强烈建议将指标放在干净(空)的图表上,上面不要有任何其他可能干扰扫描仪的指标或 EA 交易。
产品当前价格为 49 美元,仅限时优惠,下一个 Market Structure 的价格将为 99 美元。 推出 Market Structure Break Out for MT5 — 您的专业 MSB 和 Unbroken Zone 指标。 MT4 版本也已上线,请查看: https ://www .mql5 .com /en /market /product /109958 该指标正在持续更新。 我们努力提供基于市场结构的高精度进场和出场点。目前我们处于1.1版本,如果您现在加入我们,以下是最新的更改: 买入和卖出目标:   明确了解买入和卖出位置的最佳获利水平。 最后的MSB方向:   显示最新的市场结构突破方向,以帮助更好地决策。 增强的视觉模式:   使用新的美观模式自定义您的图表,包括亮色、暗色或个性化主题。 实时回测开关:   使用新的屏幕按钮轻松开启或关闭实时回测。 加入  Koala Trading Solution 频道  在mql5社区中,了解关于所有Koala产品的最新信息,加入链接如下: https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/
The indicator helps to enter a trade following the trend, at the same time, after some correction. It finds strong trending movements of a currency pair on a given number of bars, and also finds correction levels to this trend. If the trend is strong enough, and the correction becomes equal to the one specified in the parameters, then the indicator signals this. You can set different correction values, 38, 50 and 62 (Fibonacci levels) are better. In addition, you can set the minimum trend lengt
Good day! I present to you a trading technical indicator for Deriv broker synthetic indices. This indicator ONLY works with the following indices: Boom 300 Index Boom 500 Index Boom 1000 Index Crash 300 Index Crash 500 Index Crash 1000 Index The indicator was created to give signals to open medium-term trades in the direction of Spikes. But you can open trades in the opposite direction to Spikes, at your own risk. Trade only on M1. Other TFs do not guarantee the correct operation of the indica
Rocket Trend
Andriy Sydoruk
The Rocket Trend indicator is trending. The indicator draws two-color points connected by lines along the chart. This is a trend indicator, it is an algorithmic indicator. It is easy to work and understand when a blue circle appears, you need to buy, when a red one appears, sell. The indicator is used for scalping and pipsing, and has proven itself well. Rocket Trend is available for analyzing the direction of the trend for a specific period of time. Ideal for novice traders learning the laws o
Special Agent mt5
Vitalii Zakharuk
The advantage of working on the Special Agent signal indicator is that the trader does not need to independently conduct a technical analysis of the chart. Determining the market trend is an important task for traders, and the tool gives ready-made signals in the form of directional arrows. This tool is an arrow (signal). Special Agent is a trend indicator, a technical analysis tool that helps to determine the exact direction of the trend: either up or down price movement for a trading pair of
Ali Levels Pro
Alexandra Voicu
Ali Levels Pro is an indicator designed to identify and draw levels of interest including: Opening Range High/Low with seconds precision,  Previous Session High/Low (if you are a Intraday trader who trades Indices or Commodities maybe you want to know yesterday New York Session high and low),  Overnight Session High/Low,  Previous Day High/Low,  Previous Week High/Low, and  Previous Month High/Low. Traders use this levels as support and resistance levels.  By searching for confluences between
Mean Reversal Heikin Ashi Indicator calculates special trade reversal points based on Heikin Ashi candlesticks patterns. This indicator can be used on all symbols, even in Forex or B3 Brazillian Markets. You can configure just the position of each arrow. Then, after include the indicator on the graphic, pay attention on each arrow that indicates a long or short trade.
Quantum TrendPulse
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
5 (13)
介绍 Quantum TrendPulse   ,这是一款终极交易工具,它将 SuperTrend   、   RSI 和 Stochastic 的强大功能整合到一个综合指标中,以最大限度地发挥您的交易潜力。该指标专为追求精准和效率的交易者而设计,可帮助您自信地识别市场趋势、动量变化以及最佳进入和退出点。 主要特点: 超级趋势整合: 轻松跟随当前的市场趋势并乘上盈利浪潮。 RSI 精度: 检测超买和超卖水平,非常适合把握市场逆转时机,可用作 SuperTrend 的过滤器 随机精度: 利用随机振荡在波动的市场中寻找隐藏的机会, 用作超级趋势的过滤器 多时间范围分析: 从 M5 到 H1 或 H4,在不同时间范围内关注市场动态。 可定制的警报: 当您的自定义交易条件得到满足时收到通知,这样您就不会错过任何交易。 无论您是新手还是经验丰富的交易员,   Quantum TrendPulse 都能为您提供所需的优势,帮助您增强策略并自信地进行交易。借助这一强大的指标,将洞察力转化为利润 — 掌控您的交易! ***购买 Quantum TrendPulse,即可免费获得 Quantum Tr
Trend Screener Pro MT5
4.89 (72)
使用趋势筛选指标释放趋势交易的力量:由模糊逻辑和多货币系统提供支持的终极趋势交易解决方案! 使用趋势筛选器(由模糊逻辑提供支持的革命性趋势指标)提升您的趋势交易。 它是一个强大的趋势跟踪指标,结合了超过 13 种高级工具和功能以及 3 种交易策略,使其成为使您的 Metatrader 成为趋势分析器的多功能选择。 限时优惠:趋势筛选指标终身仅需 50 美元。 ( 原价 250$ ) (优惠延长) 体验趋势筛选器 100% 无需重新绘制的准确性,确保您的交易决策不受过去价格变化的影响。 释放多时间框架和多货币功能的多功能性,使您能够以无与伦比的信心在外汇、商品、加密货币和指数领域进行交易。 利用 Trend Screener 的综合策略套件增强您的交易: - 趋势跟踪策略和趋势延续策略 :趋势筛选器的趋势跟踪策略提供清晰的趋势延续信号,让您有效捕捉趋势走势并管理风险。 - 反转策略和早期入场点策略 :趋势筛选器的反转策略可检测市场方向的潜在变化,使您能够预测趋势反转并利用疲弱的市场趋势。通过早期入场点,您可以在潜在的趋势变化之前定位自己 获取可观的利润。 - 倒卖策略: 趋势筛选器的倒卖
Golden Trend Indicator MT5
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.86 (14)
Golden Trend indicator  is The best indicator for predicting trend movement this indicator never lags and never repaints and never back paints    and give  arrow buy and sell    before the candle appear  and it will help you and  will make your trading decisions clearer its work on all currencies and  gold and crypto and all time frame This unique  indicator uses very secret algorithms to catch the  trends, so you can trade using this indicator and see the trend clear on charts  manual guide and
FX Volume MT5
Daniel Stein
4.82 (17)
FX Volume:从经纪商视角洞察真实市场情绪 简要概述 想要提升您的交易策略? FX Volume 可提供零售交易者和经纪商的持仓实时数据——远早于诸如 COT 之类的延迟报告。不论您希望获得持续稳定的收益,还是想在市场中多一分制胜的砝码, FX Volume 都能帮您识别重大失衡、确认突破以及完善风险管理。立即开启体验,让真实的成交量数据为您的交易决策带来革新! 1. 为什么 FX Volume 对交易者格外有用 极具准确度的早期预警 • 快速捕捉有多少交易者正在买入或卖出某个货币对——比大多数人提前一步。 • FX Volume 是 唯一 能够整合多家零售经纪商真实成交量数据并以简洁方式呈现的工具。 强力风险管理 • 及时识别多头或空头仓位的巨大不平衡,这往往预示着潜在的趋势反转,帮助您更自信地设置止损和目标位。 • 独家而真实的数据让每一次交易决策更具可靠性。 优化进场与出场点 • 发现“过度集中”的交易(大多数交易者都在同一方向),并通过真实成交量来确认突破。 • 避免依赖常见指标可能带来的误导信号,而是利用真实的实时成交量。 适配各种交易策略 • 将 FX
FX Power MT5 NG
Daniel Stein
5 (10)
FX Power:分析货币强度,助您做出更明智的交易决策 概述 FX Power 是一款专业工具,帮助您全面了解主要货币和黄金在任何市场条件下的真实强度。通过识别强势货币用于买入,弱势货币用于卖出, FX Power 简化了交易决策,并帮助您发现高概率的交易机会。不论您是想跟随趋势还是通过极端的 Delta 值预测反转,这款工具都能完美适应您的交易风格。别再盲目交易——用 FX Power 让您的交易更加智慧。 1. 为什么 FX Power 对交易者极具价值 实时货币和黄金强度分析 • FX Power 实时计算并显示主要货币和黄金的相对强度,助您全面了解市场动态。 • 监控领先或落后资产,轻松识别值得交易的货币对。 全面的多时间框架视图 • 跟踪短期、中期和长期时间框架的货币和黄金强度,以便将您的交易策略与市场趋势保持一致。 • 无论是快进快出的短线交易还是更长期的投资策略, FX Power 都能为您提供所需的信息。 Delta 动态分析用于趋势和反转 • 极端 Delta 值常常预示反转机会,而平缓的 Delta 变化则确认趋势延续。 • 使用 Delta 分析,轻
IX Power MT5
Daniel Stein
4.83 (6)
IX Power:解锁指数、大宗商品、加密货币和外汇市场洞察 概述 IX Power 是一款多功能工具,可分析指数、大宗商品、加密货币和外汇市场的强弱表现。 FX Power 提供针对货币对的最高精度,利用所有可用货币对数据进行分析,而 IX Power 专注于基础资产的市场数据。这使得 IX Power 成为非外汇市场的理想选择,同时在需要简单外汇分析时也非常可靠。它可以无缝适用于任何图表,提供清晰的、有行动价值的洞察,帮助提升您的交易决策。 1. 为什么 IX Power 对交易者非常有价值 多市场强弱分析 • IX Power 分析指数、大宗商品、加密货币和外汇市场的强弱表现,为每个市场提供量身定制的洞察。 • 监控 US30、WTI、黄金、比特币等资产的表现,发现交易机会。 适用于更广泛的市场 • 对于外汇交易, FX Power 提供无与伦比的精度,通过分析所有相关货币对。 • IX Power 专注于基础资产的市场数据,非常适合非外汇市场及简化的外汇分析。 实时适应性 • 借助自适应算法, IX Power 实时响应市场数据变化,保持分析的最新性。 • 实时更新
FX Levels MT5
Daniel Stein
5 (2)
FX Levels:适用于所有市场的高精度支撑与阻力 快速概览 想要精准确定适用于任何市场(外汇、指数、股票或大宗商品)的支撑与阻力吗? FX Levels 将传统的“Lighthouse”方法与前沿的动态分析相结合,实现近乎通用的准确性。依托真实经纪商经验和自动化的每日与实时更新, FX Levels 帮助您捕捉价格反转点、设置合理的盈利目标,并自信地管理交易。立即使用,体验更准确的支撑/阻力分析如何助力您的交易更上层楼! 1. 为什么 FX Levels 对交易者非常有利 极度精准的支撑 & 阻力区 • FX Levels 专为不同经纪商提供的行情源和时间设置而设计,可生成几乎相同的价位区,解决数据不一致的常见问题。 • 这意味着无论您在哪里交易,都能获得稳定一致的水平线,为策略打下更加牢固的基础。 结合传统与先进技术 • 通过将久经考验的“Lighthouse”方法与动态分析相融合, FX Levels 不仅限于每日刷新,还可针对新的价格波动进行即时更新。 • 您可以选择经典的静态方式,或实时捕捉新出现的水平,以贴近最新的市场行为。 识别清晰的反转点 • FX Lev
TPSpro RFI Levels MT5
Roman Podpora
4.53 (19)
指示       俄罗斯 -        英语   建议 与指示器一起使用     -       TPSpro 趋势专业版 -   MT4版本       交易中的一个关键要素是做出买卖交易工具决定的区域或水平。尽管主要参与者试图隐藏他们在市场中的存在,但他们不可避免地会留下痕迹。我们的任务是学习如何识别这些痕迹并正确解释它们。 主要功能: 向卖家和买家显示活跃区域! 该指标显示所有正确的初始买入和卖出脉冲水平/区域。激活这些水平/区域后,开始寻找切入点,水平会改变颜色并填充特定阴影。此外,还会显示箭头,以便更直观地了解情况。 显示更高时间范围内的级别/区域(MTF 模式) 添加了使用更高时间间隔显示级别/区域的功能。此外,该指标还具有自动趋势检测功能(   TPSproTREND PRO   )。 用于交易的单独专业的逐步算法。 该算法专为日内交易而设计,既可顺势交易,也可逆势交易。每个活动模板均提供详细说明。 适用于多种时间范围 。 TPSpro RFI 水平指标可用于图表上的任何时间范围,从一分钟(M1)开始一直到每月(MN)。 图形和声音警报。 该指标提供图形和声音指示,
RelicusRoad Pro MT5
Relicus LLC
4.78 (18)
现在$ 147(更新后增加到$ 499) - 无限帐户(PC或Mac) RelicusRoad 用户手册 + 培训视频 + 访问 Private Discord Group + VIP 身份 一种看待市场的新方式 RelicusRoad 是世界上最强大的外汇、期货、加密货币、股票和指数交易指标,为交易者提供保持盈利所需的所有信息和工具。我们提供技术分析和交易计划,帮助每一位交易者取得成功,从初学者到高级。它是一个关键的交易指标,可以提供足够的信息来预测未来的市场。我们相信一个完整的解决方案,而不是图表上几个没有意义的不同指标。这是一个多合一指标,显示无与伦比且非常准确的信号、箭头 + 价格行为信息。 RelicusRoad 基于强大的人工智能,提供缺失的信息和工具来教育您并使您成为交易专家,成为成功的交易者。 几乎所有技术指标都滞后,这意味着它们只能报告已经发生的事情。因此,他们只确认您过去可以看到的价格已经在哪里。我们相信领先指标可以预测未来价格,而无需重新绘制,也不要过度依赖可能改变并导致重新绘制的滞后指标。如果您根据滞后指标进行交易并建立头寸,您就知道您已经大部分时间
支撑和阻力筛选器是 MetaTrader 的一个级别指标,它在一个指标内提供多种工具。 可用的工具有: 1. 市场结构筛选器。 2. 看涨回调区。 3. 看跌回调区。 4.每日枢轴点 5.每周枢轴点 6. 每月枢轴点 7. 基于谐波形态和成交量的强大支撑和阻力。 8. 银行级区域。 限时优惠:HV 支撑和阻力指示器仅售 50 美元且终生可用。 (原价 125$) 通过访问我们的 MQL5 博客,您可以找到我们所有带有分析示例的高级指标: 单击此处 主要特点 基于谐波和音量算法的强大支撑和阻力区域。 基于谐波和成交量算法的看涨和看跌回调区域。 市场结构筛选器 每日、每周和每月的枢轴点。 文档 所有支持和阻力筛选器文档(说明)和策略详细信息均可在我们 MQL5 博客的这篇文章中找到: 单击此处。 接触 如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,请通过私信联系我。 作者 SAYADI ACHREF,金融科技软件工程师,Finansya 创始人。
Bill Williams Advanced
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (9)
Bill Williams Advanced is designed for automatic chart analysis using Bill Williams' "Profitunity" system. The indicator analyzes four timeframes at once. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) Advantages 1. Automatically analyzes the chart using the "Profitunity" system of Bill Williams. The found signals are placed in a table in the corner of the screen. 2. Equipped with a trend filter based on the Alligator indicator. Most of the system signals are recommended to be used only according t
Basic Harmonic Patterns Dashboard MT5
Mehran Sepah Mansoor
4.57 (7)
该仪表盘显示所选符号的最新可用谐波形态,因此您可以节省时间并提高效率 /  MT4 版本 。 免费指标:  Basic Harmonic Pattern 指标列 Symbol:   显示所选符号 Trend:     看涨或看跌 Pattern:    形态类型(Gartley、蝴蝶、蝙蝠、螃蟹、鲨鱼、Cypher 或 ABCD) Entry:     入口价格 SL: 止损价 TP1: 第一止盈价 TP2: 第二次获利价格 TP3: 第三次获利价格 Current price:    当前价格 Age (in bars):   最后绘制的模式的年龄 主要输入 Symbols :   从 "28 种主要货币对 "或 "选定符号 "中选择。 Selected Symbols :   希望监控的符号,用逗号分隔("EURUSD,GBPUSD,XAUUSD")。如果您的经纪商为货币对设置了后缀或前缀,您必须在以下两个参数中添加(货币对前缀或货币对后缀)。 Max Iteration:   调整模式的最大迭代次数(如果该值越小,则模式越少,性能越快;如果该值越大,则模式越多,性能越慢)
首先,值得强调的是,这个交易工具是非重绘、非重画和非滞后的指标,非常适合专业交易。 在线课程,用户手册和演示。 智能价格行动概念指标是一个非常强大的工具,既适用于新手,也适用于经验丰富的交易者。它将超过20个有用的指标合并到一个指标中,结合了高级交易思想,如内圈交易员分析和智能资金概念交易策略。该指标侧重于智能资金概念,提供有关大型机构交易方式的见解,帮助预测它们的动向。 它在流动性分析方面尤其擅长,有助于理解机构的交易方式。它擅长预测市场趋势,并仔细分析价格波动。通过将您的交易与机构策略对齐,您可以更准确地预测市场走向。该指标多才多艺,擅长分析市场结构,识别重要的订单区块,并识别各种模式。 它擅长识别BOS和CHoCH等模式,理解动量的转变,并突出显示供需强劲的关键区域。它还擅长发现强大的不平衡,并分析价格创造更高高点或更低低点的模式。如果您使用斐波那契回撤工具,该指标可以满足您的需求。它还可以识别相等的高点和低点,分析不同的时间框架,并通过仪表板显示数据。 对于使用更高级策略的交易者,该指标提供了工具,如公平价值差指标和优惠和折扣区域的识别。它特别关注高时间框架订单区块,并
Entry Points Pro for MT5
Yury Orlov
4.46 (129)
这款指标用于 MT5,可提供准确的入场交易信号,且无重绘。 它可应用在任何金融资产:外汇、加密货币、贵金属、股票、指数。 它将提供极其精准的评估,并告诉您何时开仓和平仓的最佳时机。 观看 视频 (6:22),其中包含一个仅处理单一信号的示例,该信号即可值回指标购价! 大多数交易者在 Entry Points Pro 指标的帮助下,在第一个交易周内即改善了他们的交易结果。 订阅我们的 Telegram 群 ! Entry Points Pro 指标的益处。 入场信号无重绘 如果信号出现,并得到确认,则它不会再消失;不像是重绘指标,它会导致重大的财产损失,因为它们可以在显示信号后再将其删除。 无差错开仓 指标算法可令您找到入场交易(买入或卖出资产)的理想时机,从而提高每位交易者的成功率。 Entry Points Pro 可操作任何资产 它允许您在 MT5 平台上交易任何经纪商的加密货币、股票、贵金属、指数、大宗商品和货币。 提供任何方向的信号 Entry Points Pro 指标提供针对任意价格走势的入场交易信号 - 上涨、下跌或横盘(横向)。 最大盈利潜力 离场信号
FX Dynamic:借助可定制的 ATR 分析,追踪波动率与趋势 概述 FX Dynamic 是一款强大的工具,通过计算平均真实波幅(ATR)来为交易者提供日内和日间波动性方面的深度见解。通过设置 80%、100%、130% 等关键波动率阈值,您可以快速识别潜在的盈利机会,或者在市场超出常规范围时及时得到预警。 FX Dynamic 可根据您经纪商的时区进行调整,帮助您保持一致的波动率衡量标准,并能与 MetaTrader 平台完美结合,实现实时分析。 1. 为什么 FX Dynamic 对交易者极具价值 实时 ATR 洞察 • 仅需一眼便可了解日间与日内波动水平。当价格触及或突破 80%、100%、130% 的 ATR 阈值时,会发出提示,让您知道市场是否达到临界水平。 • 在波动完全爆发前预判可能的衰竭或突破走势。 多市场通用 • 适用于外汇、商品、指数等多种资产。 FX Dynamic 可以自动识别经纪商时区,也可手动进行调整。 • 您可选择只专注于某一特定品种,或在多市场保持一致的 ATR 标准。 更智能的风险管理 • 利用 ATR 门槛来优化止损或止盈位置。当市场
Gold Stuff mt5
Vasiliy Strukov
4.92 (173)
Gold Stuff mt5 是专为黄金设计的趋势指标,也可用于任何金融工具。 该指标不会重绘,也不会滞后。 推荐时间框架 H1。 购买后立即联系我以获得设置和个人奖励!   你可以在我的个人资料中找到它。   重要! 购买后立即与我联系,以获得说明和奖金!   您可以免费收到我们的强力支持和趋势扫描指标的副本,请私信。大部头书!   设置 绘制箭头 - 打开关闭。 在图表上绘制箭头。 警报 - 打开关闭声音警报。 电子邮件通知 - 打开关闭。 电子邮件通知。 Puch-notification - 打开关闭。 推送通知。 接下来,调整色域。 Gold Stuff mt5 是专为黄金设计的趋势指标,也可用于任何金融工具。 该指标不会重绘,也不会滞后。 推荐时间框架 H1。 购买后立即联系我以获得设置和个人奖励!   设置 绘制箭头 - 打开关闭。 在图表上绘制箭头。 警报 - 打开关闭声音警报。 电子邮件通知 - 打开关闭。 电子邮件通知。 Puch-notification - 打开关闭。 推送通知。 接下来,调整色域。
介绍     Quantum Breakout PRO   ,突破性的 MQL5 指标,正在改变您交易突破区域的方式!由拥有超过13年交易经验的资深交易员团队开发,     量子突破 PRO     旨在通过其创新和动态的突破区域策略将您的交易之旅推向新的高度。 量子突破指标将为您提供带有 5 个利润目标区域的突破区域的信号箭头,以及基于突破框的止损建议。 它既适合新手交易者,也适合专业交易者。 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 重要的!购买后请私信我领取安装手册。 建议: 时间范围:M15 货币对:GBPJPY、EURJPY、USDJPY、NZDUSD、XAUUSD 账户类型:ECN、Raw 或 Razor,点差极低 经纪商时间:GMT +3 经纪商:IC Markets、Pepperstone with Raw 和 Razor 的点差最低 规格: 不重漆! 最多 5 个建议利润目标区域 建议止损水平 可定制的盒子。您可以设置自己的 Box Time Start 和 Box Time End。 接触 如果您有任何疑问或需要帮助,请通过私人消息与我联系。
Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (13)
矩阵箭头指标 MT5   是一种独特的 10 合 1 趋势,遵循   100% 非重绘多时间框架指标 ,可用于所有符号/工具: 外汇 、 商品 、 加密货币 、 指数 、 股票 。 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 将在其早期阶段确定当前趋势,从多达 10 个标准指标中收集信息和数据,它们是: 平均定向运动指数 (ADX) 商品渠道指数 (CCI) 经典 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛 移动平均线 移动平均收敛散度 (MACD) 相对活力指数 (RVI) 相对强弱指数 (RSI) 抛物线SAR 随机振荡器 威廉姆斯的百分比范围 当所有指标给出有效的买入或卖出信号时,相应的箭头将打印在图表上,在下一根蜡烛/柱线开盘时,指示强劲的上升趋势/下降趋势。用户可以选择使用哪些指标,并可以单独调整每个指标的参数。 Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 仅从选定的指标中收集信息,并仅根据其数据打印箭头。   Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5   还可以为所有新信号发送终端、推送通知或电子邮件警报。无论您是黄牛、日内交易者还是波段交易者, Mat
Easy Breakout MT5
Mohamed Hassan
5 (3)
After your purchase, feel free to contact me for more details on how to receive a bonus indicator called VFI, which pairs perfectly with Easy Breakout for enhanced confluence!     Easy Breakout MT5   is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely trusted strategies among traders: the   Breakout strategy ! This indicator delivers crystal-clear Buy and Sell signals based on breakouts from key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators
Gartley Hunter Multi
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (9)
Gartley Hunter Multi - An indicator for searching for harmonic patterns simultaneously on dozens of trading instruments and on all possible timeframes. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4 Advantages 1. Patterns: Gartley, Butterfly, Shark, Crab. Bat, Alternate Bat, Deep Crab, Cypher 2. Simultaneous search for patterns on dozens of trading instruments and on all possible timeframes 3. Search for patterns of all possible sizes. From the smallest to the largest 4. All fou
Royal Scalping Indicator M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (6)
Royal Scalping Indicator is an advanced price adaptive indicator designed to generate high-quality trading signals. Built-in multi-timeframe and multi-currency capabilities make it even more powerful to have configurations based on different symbols and timeframes. This indicator is perfect for scalp trades as well as swing trades. Royal Scalping is not just an indicator, but a trading strategy itself. Features Price Adaptive Trend Detector Algorithm Multi-Timeframe and Multi-Currency Trend Low
可以说,这是您可以为MetaTrader平台找到的最完整的谐波价格形成自动识别指标。它检测19种不同的模式,像您一样认真对待斐波那契投影,显示潜在的反转区域(PRZ),并找到合适的止损和获利水平。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 它检测19种不同的谐波价格形态 它绘制了主要,衍生和互补的斐波那契投影(PRZ) 它评估过去的价格走势并显示每个过去的形态 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它显示合适的止损和获利水平 它使用突破来表明合适的交易 它在图表上绘制所有样式比率 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 受斯科特·M·卡尼(Scott M. Carney)的书的启发,该指标旨在满足最纯粹和最熟练的交易者的需求。但是,它采取了一种使交易更容易的方式:在向交易发出信号之前,它会等待Donchian朝正确方向突破,从而使交易信号非常可靠。 斐波那契投影与向量无关 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 它绘制了ABCD投影 重要提示: 为了符合 Scott M. Carney先生 的商标申诉,某些图案名称已重命名为不言自明的替代方式, Scott M.
Basic Supply Demand Dashboard MT5
Mehran Sepah Mansoor
5 (1)
该仪表盘可根据您对所选符号的交易策略,以剥头皮和长期模式在图表上发现并显示供需区。此外,仪表盘的扫描模式可帮助您一目了然地检查所有需要的符号,不错过任何合适的仓位/ MT4 版本 免费指标: Basic Supply Demand 功能 允许您查看多个货币对的交易机会,为您提供所有货币对的清晰简明视图,并根据其与供需区的接近程度进行排序 可定制设置,从颜色到检测参数,满足您的特定需求 主要输入 Indicator mode : 选择指标模式或具有新功能的面板模式 Symbols : 从 "28 种主要货币对 "或 "选定符号 "中进行选择 Selected Symbols : 您希望监控的符号,用逗号分隔("EURUSD,GBPUSD,XAUUSD")。如果您的经纪商对货币对有后缀或前缀,您必须在以下两个参数中添加(货币对前缀或货币对后缀) Trading Style : 选择剥头皮或长期模式 Allowed Deviation : 该参数允许修改需求或供应区域的精确度(数值越小,精确度越高) Zone   thickness : 通过该参数可以修改需求和供应区域的厚度。
QM Pattern Scanner MT5
Reza Aghajanpour
5 (4)
Contact me  to send you instruction and add you in group. QM (Quasimodo) Pattern is based on Read The Market(RTM) concepts. The purpose of this model is to face the big players of the market (financial institutions and banks), As you know in financial markets, big traders try to fool small traders, but RTM prevent traders from getting trapped. This style is formed in terms of price candles and presented according to market supply and demand areas and no price oscillator is used in it. RTM conc
Auto Order Block with break of structure based on ICT and Smart Money Concepts (SMC) Futures Break of Structure ( BoS )             Order block ( OB )            Higher time frame Order block / Point of Interest ( POI )    shown on current chart           Fair value Gap ( FVG ) / Imbalance   -  MTF      ( Multi Time Frame )    HH/LL/HL/LH  -  MTF      ( Multi Time Frame )  Choch  MTF      ( Multi Time Frame )  Volume Imbalance     ,  MTF          vIMB Gap’s Power of 3 Equal High / Low’s  
Volumatic VIDyA MT5
Duc Hoan Nguyen
5 (1)
Special offer : ALL TOOLS , just $35 each! New tools   will be   $30   for the   first week   or the   first 3 purchases !  Trading Tools Channel on MQL5 : Join my MQL5 channel to update the latest news from me Volumatic VIDYA (Variable Index Dynamic Average) 是一款高级指标,旨在跟踪趋势并分析每个趋势阶段中的买卖压力。通过使用可变指数动态平均值 (Variable Index Dynamic Average) 作为核心动态平滑技术,该工具在关键市场结构水平上提供了关于价格和交易量动态的重要洞察。 查看更多 MT4 版本:  Volumatic VIDyA MT4 查看更多产品:    所有产品 To use iCustom for EA, please see here:  Create EA (iCustom) with VO
Dark Absolute Trend   is an Indicator for intraday trading. This Indicator is based on   Trend Following  strategy but use also candlestick patterns and Volatility. We can enter in good price with this Indicator, in order to follow the main trend on the current instrument. It is advised to use low spread ECN brokers. This Indicator does   Not repaint   and   N ot lag . Recommended timeframes are M5, M15 and H1. Recommended working pairs: All. I nstallation and  Update Guide   -  Troubleshooting
CONTACT US  after purchase to get the Indicator Manual. Try Now—Limited 50% Discount for First 10 Buyers! Download the  Metatrader 4 Version Due to regulatory restrictions, our service is unavailable in certain countries such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. William Delbert Gann (W.D. Gann) was an exceptional market analyst, whose trading technique was based on a complex blend of mathematics, geometry, astrology, and ancient mathematics which proved to be extremely accurate. A Note from t
Suleiman Levels
Suleiman Alhawamdah
5 (2)
重要提示:截图中的图像显示了我的两个指标,“苏莱曼水平”指标和“RSI Trend V”指标。 我建议将其与“RSI Trend V1”指标一起使用,特别是为了确认和匹配彩色云以及箭头信号,此外斐波那契指标及其附加的出色水平也非常重要。 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/132080 苏莱曼水平指标是一种先进的一体化专业分析工具。该指标拥有近9800行代码,结合了创新、精确和简洁,使您的图表比以往任何时候都更加清晰。这不仅仅是一个指标。 苏莱曼水平的强大功能: 黄色方框(资金流检测):检测特定蜡烛图中银行和机构的资金流入。这些方框代表了该指标独有的关键资金活动。 图表上的彩色水平线——无与伦比的准确性:独特的彩色水平线系统,不会重绘。 动态侧边趋势线:自动使用蜡烛影线或实体检测趋势。完全可自定义,以适应您的图表分析偏好。 动态支撑和阻力线:智能线,适应价格行为...轻松在蜡烛实体或影线之间切换。 粗彩色支撑和阻力线:对主要区域非常有效。 敏感RSI水平的矩形:突出显示RSI区域的关键区域,以增加清晰度。 吞没和反转蜡烛形态:通过完全可自定
Gold Trend 5
Sergei Linskii
5 (1)
黄金趋势 - 这是一个很好的股票技术指标。该指标算法分析资产的价格走势,并反映波动性和潜在进入区。 最佳指标信号: - 卖出 = 红色柱状图 + 红色短指针 + 同方向黄色信号箭头。 - 买入 = 蓝色柱状图 + 蓝色多头指针 + 同方向水蓝色信号箭头。 该指标的优点 1. 该指标生成的信号准确度高。 2. 只有当趋势发生变化时,才能重新绘制已确认的箭头信号。 3. 您可以在任何经纪商的 MetaTrader 5 交易平台上进行交易。 4. 您可以交易任何资产(货币、金属、加密货币、股票、指数等)。 5. 最好在 H1 时间框架(中期交易)上进行交易。 6. 在指标设置中可更改个别参数(TF、颜色等),以便每位交易者都能轻松定制适合自己的指标。 7. 该指标既可作为交易系统的主要补充,也可作为独立的交易系统使用。   注意:交易的入市准确性和盈利能力仅取决于交易者的技能。任何指标都只是交易者的助手,而非行动指南。 MetaTrader 4 黄金趋势指标版本  祝大家交易好运,稳定盈利!
KT Support and Resistance Levels
Use of support and resistance in systematic trading is very subjective. Every trader has their own idea and way to plotting the support and resistance levels on the chart. KT Support and Resistance indicator take out this ambiguity out of the situation and automatically draws support and resistance levels following an algorithmic approach using a unique multi-timeframe analysis. When launched on the chart, It immediately scan the most significant extreme points across all the available timefra
KT Trend Magic MT5
KT Trend Magic shows the trend depiction on chart using the combination of market momentum and volatility. A smoothing coefficient is used to smooth out the noise from the signal.It can be used to find out the new entries or confirm the trades produced by other EA or indicator. Features Drag n drop MTF scanner which scans for the new signals across multiple time-frames. Find new entries in the trend direction. Improve the accuracy of other indicators when used in conjunction. Can be used as a d
KT Momentum Arrows MT5
5 (2)
KT Momentum Arrows Indicator is based on a momentary breakout which is calculated using the bands deviation and emerging volatility in a certain direction. A buy signal is generated when the price closes above the upper band and a sell signal is generated when the price closes below the lower band. A magnitude coefficient is used as the input which affects the band deviation and volatility at the same time. The coefficient value should be carefully selected and analyzed based on the instrument a
ACB Breakout Arrows
4.15 (34)
The ACB Breakout Arrows indicator provides a crucial entry signal in the market by detecting a special breakout pattern. The indicator constantly scans the chart for a settling momentum in one direction and provide the accurate entry signal right before the major move.  Get multi-symbol and multi-timeframe scanner from here - Scanner for ACB Breakout Arrows MT4 Key features Stoploss and Take Profit levels are provided by the indicator. Comes with a MTF Scanner dashboard which tracks the breako
ACB Breakout Arrows MT5
5 (1)
The ACB Breakout Arrows indicator provides a crucial entry signal in the market by detecting a special breakout pattern. The indicator constantly scans the chart for a settling momentum in one direction and provide the accurate entry signal right before the major move. Get multi-symbol and multi-timeframe scanner from here - Scanner for ACB Breakout Arrows MT 5 Key features Stoploss   and Take Profit levels are provided by the indicator. Comes with a MTF Scanner dashboard which tracks the brea
ACB Breakout Arrows EA MT5
This is a 100% automated expert advisor based on our custom indicator named  "ACB Breakout Arrows" . The entries are based on a breakout pattern that constantly occurs in a bi-directional manner. The intensity of entry signals can be manipulated using the external input called "Signal Sensitivity". MT4 Version is available here  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/35769 Trades Confirmation ACB Breakout Arrows EA provides an ability to filter the entries using our another custom indicator nam
ACB Breakout Arrows EA
This is a 100% automated expert advisor based on our custom indicator named "ACB Breakout Arrows" . The entries are based on a breakout pattern that constantly occurs in a bi-directional manner. The intensity of entry signals can be manipulated using the external input called "Signal Sensitivity". MT5 Version is available here  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/35785 Trades Confirmation ACB Breakout Arrows EA provides an ability to filter the entries using our another custom indicator nam
KT Asian Breakout Indicator
KT Asian Breakout indicator scans and analyzes a critical part of the Asian session to generate bi-directional buy and sell signals with the direction of a price breakout. A buy signal occurs when the price breaks above the session high, and a sell signal occurs when the price breaks below the session low. MT5 Version is available here https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/41704 Things to remember If the session box is vertically too wide, a new trade should be avoided as most of the price ac
KT Asian Breakout MT5
KT Asian Breakout carefully analyzes the range-bound market during the Asian session and then fires a long or short trade after doing some preassessment based on its inbuilt technical analysis module. The executed orders are closed within a day before the completion of the next day session. The inbuilt technical analysis module checks for the session range and compares it with the last 20 days price movement. If it finds any erratic price movement within the session, the orders are not executed
KT Momentum Arrows
KT Momentum Arrows Indicator is based on a momentary breakout which is calculated using the bands deviation and emerging volatility in a certain direction. A buy signal is generated when the price close above the upper band and a sell signal is generated when the price close below the lower band. A magnitude coefficient is used as the input which affects the band deviation and volatility at the same time. The coefficient value should be carefully selected and analyzed based on the instrument and
KT RSI Divergence Robot MT4
KT RSI Divergence robot is a 100% automated expert advisor that trades regular and hidden divergence built between the price and Relative Strength Index (RSI) oscillator. The divergence signals are fetched from our freely available RSI divergence indicator. Not every divergence ends up in a successful price reversal, that's why this ea combines the raw divergences signals with its inbuilt technical analysis module to exploit the price inefficiency that occurs after some selected divergence sig
KT Psar Arrows MT5
5 (1)
KT Psar Arrows plots the arrows on chart using the standard Parabolic SAR indicator. A bullish arrow is plotted when the candle's high touch the SAR. A bearish arrow is plotted when the candle's low touch the SAR. The signals are generated in the real-time without waiting for the bar close.  Features A beneficial tool for traders who want to experiment with the trading strategies that include the use of Parabolic Sar indicator.  Can be used to find turning points in the market. Use custom PSAR
KT London Breakout MT5
First thirty minutes are essential for a trading session. The early reaction of traders and market players sets a path for the rest of the day. KT London Breakout EA takes advantage of this phenomenon, and after analyzing the first thirty minutes of London session, it places two bidirectional pending orders. One of pending order is eventually canceled after realizing the market direction with certainty. It has been strictly tested and developed for EUR/JPY using 30-Min Time Frame. You can expe
Use of support and resistance in systematic trading is very subjective. Every trader has their own idea and way to plotting the support and resistance levels on the chart. KT Support and Resistance indicator take out this ambiguity out of the situation and automatically draws support and resistance levels following an algorithmic approach using a unique multi-timeframe analysis. When launched on the chart, It immediately scan the most significant extreme points across all the available timefra
KT Ichimoku Trader
1 (1)
KT Ichimoku Trader is a fully automated expert advisor that offers five popular trading strategies based on the Ichimoku indicator. Each strategy has it's own entry and exit method without any interference to other strategies. The Ichimoku system can be applied to all major currency pairs and metals. However, we found that it performs reasonably well mainly on two pairs.   MT5 Version is available here  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/35043 Features Trade up to 5 famous trading strategi
KT COG Advanced MT5
KT COG is an advanced implementation of the center of gravity indicator presented by John F. Ehlers in the May 2002 edition of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. It's a leading indicator which can be used to identify the potential reversal points with the minimum lag. The COG oscillator catches the price swings quite effectively. MT4 version of the same indicator is available here KT COG Advanced MT4 Calculation of COG The COG indicator is consist of the two lines. The main l
KT Stoch Divergence MT4
Divergence is one of the vital signals that depicts the upcoming price reversal in the market. KT Stoch Divergence shows the regular and hidden divergences build between the price and stochastic oscillator. Limitations of KT Stoch Divergence Using the Stochastic divergence as a standalone entry signal can be risky. Every divergence can't be interpreted as a strong reversal signal. For better results, try to combine it with price action and trend direction. Features Marks regular and hidden di
KT CCI Divergence MT4
KT CCI Divergence shows the regular and hidden divergence created between the price and CCI oscillator. Divergence is one of the vital signals that depicts the upcoming price reversal in the market. Manually spotting the divergence between price and CCI can be a hectic and ambiguous task. Limitations of KT CCI Divergence   Using the CCI divergence as a standalone entry signal can be risky. Every divergence can't be interpreted as a strong reversal signal. For better results, try to combine it w
MACD Divergence on MT5
KT MACD Divergence shows the regular and hidden divergences build between the price and oscillator. If your trading strategy anticipates the trend reversal, you can include the MACD regular divergence to speculate the potential turning points. And if your trading strategy based on the trend continuation, MACD hidden divergence would be a good fit. Limitations of KT MACD Divergence Using the macd divergence as a standalone entry signal can be a risky affair. Every divergence can't be interprete
ACB Trade Filter MT4
5 (1)
The ACB Trade Filter indicator provides a solution for filtering out the low probability trading setups in a trading strategy. The indicator uses a sophisticated filtration algorithm based on the market sentiment and trend. Applications Works great with our indicator " ACB Breakout Arrows ". Filter out low probability signals from any indicator. Avoid overtrading and minimize the losses. Trade in the direction of market sentiment and trend. Avoid the choppiness in the market. How to use Only L
KT COG Advanced MT4
1 (1)
KT COG is an advanced implementation of the center of gravity indicator presented by John F. Ehlers in the May 2002 edition of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. It's a leading indicator which can be used to identify the potential reversal points with the minimum lag. The COG oscillator catches the price swings quite effectively. MT5 version of the same indicator is available here KT COG Advanced MT5 Calculation of COG The COG indicator is consist of the two lines. The main l
KT Pin Bar
KT Pin Bar identifies the pin bar formation which is a type of price action pattern which depicts a sign of reversal or rejection of the trend. When combined with support and resistance, BRN and other significant levels, Pin Bar pattern proved to be a very strong sign of reversal. Basically, a pin bar is characterized by a small body relative to the bar length which is closed either in upper or lower 50% part of its length. They have very large wicks and small candle body. A pin bar candlestic
KT Trend Magic
KT Trend Magic shows the trend depiction on chart using the combination of market momentum and volatility. A smoothing coefficient is used to smooth out the noise from the signal.It can be used to find out the new entries or confirm the trades produced by other EA/Indicators. Usage Drag n drop MTF scanner which scans for the new signals across multiple time-frames. Find new entries in the trend direction. Improve the accuracy of other indicators when used in conjunction. Can be used as a dynami
KT Auto Fibo
KT Auto Fibo draws Fibonacci retracement levels based on the ongoing trend direction. The Highs and Lows are automatically selected using the Maximum and Minimum points available on the chart. You can zoom in/out and scroll to adjust the Fibonacci levels accordingly. Modes Auto:  It draws the Fibonacci levels automatically based on the chart area. Manual: It draws the Fibonacci levels only one time. After that, you can change the anchor points manually. Usage: Helps to predict the future profi
KT Psar Arrows
KT Psar Arrows plots the arrows on chart using the standard Parabolic SAR indicator. A bullish arrow is plotted when the candle's high touch the SAR. A bearish arrow is plotted when the candle's low touch the SAR. The signals are generated in the real-time without waiting for the bar close.  Features A beneficial tool for traders who want to experiment with the trading strategies that include the use of Parabolic Sar indicator.  Can be used to find turning points in the market. Use custom PSAR
KT Volatility Oscillator
KT Volatility oscillator analyze the past and current market data with a mathematical formula to display the result in a form of an oscillator. The growing and deteriorating waves are equivalent to high and low volatility in the asset.  In a nutshell, volatility is simply a measurement of the price fluctuation of an asset over a certain period of time. Without volatility, there would not much movement in the market and traders would not be able to profit from the price movements. Use of Volatil
KT COG Robot
KT COG Robot is a fully automated Expert Advisor based on the KT COG Indicator . The COG indicator was originally presented by John F. Ehlers in the May 2002 edition of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. The EA fires a long trade when COG line cross above the signal line and a short trade is fired when the COG line cross below the signal line.  Adaptive Filtration Our adaptive filtration algorithm combines the original COG formula with the major trend direction and market acce
KT Asian Breakout
4 (1)
KT Asian Breakout carefully analyzes the range-bound market during the Asian session and then fires a long or short trade after doing some preassessment based on its inbuilt technical analysis module. The executed orders are closed within a day before the completion of the next day session. The inbuilt technical analysis module checks for the session range and compares it with the last 20 days price movement. If it finds any erratic price movement within the session, the orders are not executed
KT London Breakout
First thirty minutes are essential for a trading session. The early reaction of traders and market players sets a path for the rest of the day. KT London Breakout EA takes advantage of this phenomenon, and after analyzing the first thirty minutes of London session, it places two bidirectional pending orders. One of pending order is eventually canceled after realizing the market direction with certainty. It has been strictly tested and developed for EUR/JPY using 30-Min Time Frame. You can expe
If you trade Forex, having detailed information about the currency strength and currency pairs correlation can take your trading to new heights. The correlation will help to cut your risk in half, and strength analysis will help to maximize the profits. This indicator provides a hybrid approach for selecting the most appropriate currency pairs using the strength analysis and currency pairs correlation. How to use the Currency Strength Analysis Suppose your trading strategy provides a buying opp