New Generation FPS
- 专家
- Andriy Sydoruk
- 版本: 1.0
- 激活: 5
Bot of the new generation New Generation FPS. The principle of entry/exit to the market is based on the analysis of ticks. The bot generally does not pay attention to the bars during the analysis. A database of ticks is created and the ticks stored in it are analyzed. Tick analysis includes the interpretation of ticks using formulas in an analog of physical quantities. There are 4 key quantities used: momentum, speed, acceleration and jerk. Each successive value is a derivative of the previous one. Moreover, all values are analyzed separately for both trading to buy and trading to sell. After calculating these values, a new tick database is formed, which is derived from the main one, but already includes extended tick characteristics (i.e. all these 4 physical quantities that are described above), also when forming a derivative database, you can work not with a single tick, but with an average tick (for example, for a unit, you can take either 1 tick from the main database, or, for example, 30 ticks). Thus, the newly formed database is already used to generate a signal to buy or sell. The bot itself can be configured in different ways, either simply open / close positions on a signal, or accompany them with a stop loss or trailing stop, or close, for example, by profit as a percentage of the deposit. There is also the possibility of trading grid or light martingale. All these flexible settings are implemented in the bot.