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Pentagram MT5


Automatic marking of the chart with Pentagram models.

This model is based on the Expansion Model from Adversa Tactics. Designed to determine the trend and predict possible levels and targets of price correction in the future.

The model describes a developing trend.

The trend is relevant until the price crosses the trend line of the model in the opposite direction.

Levels of rays of the pentagram, level of HP, distances of 100% and 200% of the distance between points 1-4, levels of HP are possible levels of correction or the end of the trend.

If the HP level is consistently reached, a rollback to t4, t5, the trend line followed by a breakout, successive achievement of the target levels tg1..tg5 is expected.


- = indicator = - - general

ChartType   - the way of building models - by Close or by High / Low (line chart or Japanese candlesticks)

MaxBarsToCalculate - history depth for markup by models

Select New Model - autoselect  new model - detailed view of levels, targets etc.

Font size for price labels - font size for price labels at model levels

Font size for point labels - font size for numbering model points

--= Configure Alerts =--    Configure Alerts

Enable  Alerts  —  general switsh

Alert1..Alert5  —  select up to 5 diffirent events 

PopUp Alert  —  enable popup

Email Alert  —  enable email, required set up mail in the terminal

Push Notifications Alert  —  Allow replies to mobile terminals, requires allowance for Push messages in the terminal settings

Alert Sound  —  enable sound

- = Color Scheme = - - color scheme of models depending on the location in the trend

clrUpTrend - upward pattern from the beginning of the trend

clrDnTrend - a descending pattern from the beginning of a trend

clrUpCorrection - correctional model

clrDnCorrection - - // -

clrUpContinuation - continuation model

clrDnContinuation - - // -

- = Graph Options = - - display of levels

Always Show 100% 1-4 - 100% 1-4, the distance between points 1 and 4 of the model deferred from point 4

Show_Tg1_100 - 100% 1st target

showTg3 - goal 3

showTg4 - target 4

showTg5 - target 5

- = Control bars = - - display of control points

showLinkBar , showBreakLT , showLastBar, showPiclose - experimental points, hiddey by default

Controlling the display and detail of  models

You can select the model of interest by clicking the left mouse button

1st click - the model is highlighted with bold lines

2nd click - display model details, price labels, control points

3rd click - deselect


S - hide / show models, except selected ones

> - highlight the next model

< - select the previous model

ESC - cancel all selections

评论 2
220072256 2021.11.12 18:04 

Fantastico indicatore!!! Io lo avevo gia questo indicatore su MT4.ma mancava su MT5 dove io faccio scalper abitualmente,adesso che c'e la versione per MT5 sono felicissimo, mi ha cambiato il mio modo di operare,in due giorni ho gia recuperato il prezzo dell'indicatore. Complimenti e grazie per questa opportunita' di trading.

PipFinite Exit EDGE MT5
Karlo Wilson Vendiola
4.86 (29)
Did You Have A Profitable Trade But Suddenly Reversed? In a solid strategy, exiting a trade is equally important as entering. Exit EDGE helps maximize your current trade profit and avoid turning winning trades to losers. Never Miss An Exit Signal Again Monitor all pairs and timeframes in just 1 chart www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/726558 How To Trade You can close your open trades as soon as you receive a signal Close your Buy orders if you receive an Exit Buy Signal. Close your Sell orders if
"Support and Resistance" is a fundamental concept in technical analysis for trading stocks, currencies, or other assets in financial markets. Here's how to use it: Identifying Support Support is a price level where buying is strong. When the price drops to this level, there tends to be significant buying activity, preventing the price from falling further. Identifing Support: Look for the lowest points in a given period and find levels where the price has bounced back up multiple times. Usage:
Owl Smart Levels MT5
Sergey Ermolov
4.07 (28)
MT4版本  |   FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator 是一個完整的交易系統,包含 Bill Williams 的高級分形、構建正確的市場波浪結構的 Valable ZigZag 以及標記準確入場水平的斐波那契水平等流行的市場分析工具 進入市場和地方獲利。 策略的详细说明 指示灯使用说明 顾问-贸易猫头鹰助手助理 私人用户聊天 ->购买后写信给我,我会将您添加到私人聊天中,您可以在那里下载所有奖金 力量在於簡單! Owl Smart Levels 交易系統非常易於使用,因此適合專業人士和剛開始研究市場並為自己選擇交易策略的人。 策略和指標中沒有隱藏的秘密公式和計算方法,所有策略指標都是公開的。 Owl Smart Levels 允許您快速查看進入交易的信號,突出顯示下訂單的水平並向您發送有關已出現信號的通知。 優點很明顯: 清楚地顯示主要和更高時間框架的趨勢方向。 指示儀器信號的出現。 標記開單、止損設置和固定利潤的水平。 沒有多餘的,只有必要的結構! ZigZag 表示全球趨勢的方向,因此也表示貿易方向。 市場反轉點的短線清楚地表明在什麼水平上構建斐波那
To download MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Trend Direction Force Index - TDFI [wm]" By "causecelebre". - The screenshot shows similar results from tradingview and Metatrader when tested on ICMarkets on both platforms. - This indicator uses multiple levels of averaging to detect trend strength. - You can optimize filter low and filter high levels to achieve best results. - You have access to buffers to use in EAs. - This is a light-load processin
Orbit Rage Final 2
Note : i only sell this EA on MQL5, any other sellers is fake. Orbit Rage Final, a cutting-edge trading strategy meticulously designed around the bull/bear candle approach and divergence analysis. This powerful tool is engineered to empower you to shape the life you desire. To embark on this transformative journey, simply download and seamlessly integrate it into your MetaTrader 4 platform by placing it in the experts advisors folder. Orbit Rage Final revolutionizes trading by offering a risk-f
SolarTrade Suite 金融指标:木星市场指标 - 您在金融市场世界中的可靠指南! 这是一个趋势指标,使用特殊的创新和高级算法来计算其值,并且具有令人赏心悦目的设计。 很容易理解此指标的读数:蓝色 - 买入,红色 - 卖出。 在说明底部查看我们来自 SolarTrade Suite 系列的其他产品。 您想自信地驾驭投资和金融市场的世界吗? SolarTrade Suite 金融指标:木星市场指标是一款创新软件,旨在帮助您做出明智的投资决策并增加您的利润。 SolarTrade Suite 金融指标:木星市场指标的优势: - 准确预测:我们的指标使用先进的算法和分析方法来准确预测市场走势。 接收有关买卖资产最佳时机的信号。 - 用户友好界面:直观的界面将使您能够轻松掌握该程序并在安装后立即开始享受其好处。 您可以从设置中更改点的大小和颜色、灵敏度和速度,所有其他设置都是自动完成的。 - 专家支持:我们的专业团队随时准备为您解答任何问题并提供有关使用该程序的建议。 为什么选择 SolarTrade Suite 财务指标:木星市场指标? - 可靠性和准确性:该
Double HMA MTF for MT5
Pavel Zamoshnikov
4 (4)
This is an advanced multi-timeframe version of the popular Hull Moving Average (HMA) Features Two lines of the Hull indicator of different timeframes on the same chart. The HMA line of the higher timeframe defines the trend, and the HMA line of the current timeframe defines the short-term price movements. A graphical panel with HMA indicator data from all timeframes at the same time . If the HMA switched its direction on any timeframe, the panel displays a question or exclamation mark with a tex
Ultimate Supply Demand MT5
Ramon Sobrevals Arce
5 (4)
After working during many months, with the help of Neural Networks, we have perfected the ultimate tool you are going to need for identifying key price levels (Supports and Resistances) and Supply and Demand zones. Perfectly suitable to trigger your trades, set up your future actions, decide your Take Profit and Stop Loss levels, and confirm the market direction. Price will always move between those levels, bouncing or breaking; from one zone to another, all the remaining movements are just mark
Trend Catcher with Alert MT5
Issam Kassas
4.71 (80)
趋势捕捉器: 具有警示指标的趋势捕捉器策略是一种多功能的技术分析工具,可帮助交易员识别市场趋势和潜在的进出点。它采用动态趋势捕捉器策略,根据市场条件进行调整,清晰地呈现趋势方向。交易员可以自定义参数,以符合其偏好和风险容忍度。该指标有助于识别趋势,发出潜在的反转信号,充当跟踪止损机制,并提供实时警报,以便及时应对市场。 具有警示指标的趋势捕捉器策略是一种多功能的技术分析工具,可帮助交易员识别市场趋势和潜在的进出点。它采用动态趋势捕捉器策略,根据市场条件进行调整,清晰地呈现趋势方向。交易员可以自定义参数,以符合其偏好和风险容忍度。该指标有助于识别趋势,发出潜在的反转信号,充当跟踪止损机制,并提供实时警报,以便及时应对市场。 特点: 趋势识别:信号牛市趋势和熊市趋势。 趋势反转:当蜡烛颜色从牛市变为熊市,反之亦然时,提醒可能的反转。 实时警报:为新趋势识别生成警报。 建议: 货币和货币对:EURUSD,AUDUSD,XAUUSD... 时间框架:H1。 账户类型:任何ECN,低点差账户。
Gioteen Volatility Index (GVI) - your ultimate solution to overcoming market unpredictability and maximizing trading opportunities. This revolutionary indicator helps you in lowering your losing trades due to choppy market movements. The GVI is designed to measure market volatility, providing you with valuable insights to identify the most favorable trading prospects. Its intuitive interface consists of a dynamic red line representing the volatility index, accompanied by blue line that indicate
HEIKEN PLUS is the only indicator you really need to be a successful trader , without in depth knowledge of the forex trading or any tools. Also there is automatically trading EA available now: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/89517? with superb SL/TP management! and sky high profit targets !!! Very suitable tool for new traders or advanced traders too. This is MT5 version. For MT4 version visit :  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/85235?source=Site HEIKEN+ is a combination of 2 i
Cycles Forecast
Pooriya Alirezaee
This indicator is based on a mathematical formula and an ANN combined, designed to make a model(using previous prices) of the most recent market condition (any chart*) in order to use the model as a forecasting tool. *This indicator can operate on any chart/timeframe, but it's suggested you use multiple timeframes for each trade because this method relies solely on the time factor, you can not use this indicator to predict price volatility, but if it's fit correctly it will show you when the nex
Sergei Makarevich
The ZigZag indicator, which has already become common and familiar to any trader, has acquired new forms and received additional reinforcement by including the results of Parabolic SAR analysis in its team. The tandem of these two indicators shows excellent accuracy in determining the direction of the trend and timely receiving a signal about its reversal. The main signals on the chart are red and blue markers (if desired, the colors can be changed). Blue marker - we start selling, red-purchases
This indicator finds Three Drives patterns. The Three Drives pattern is a 6-point reversal pattern characterised by a series of higher highs or lower lows that complete at a 127% or 161.8% Fibonacci extension. It signals that the market is exhausted and a reversal can happen. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Customizable pattern sizes Customizable colors and sizes Customizable breakout periods Customizable 1-2-3 and 0-A-B ratios It implements visual/s
This indicator is the same as the popular Heiken Ashi Smoothed. The Heikin Ashi indicator for MetaTrader 5 already exists, but it has two disadvantages: It paints the candles not accurate. It's not possible to change the candle width. See also Heikin Ashi in MQL5 Code Base . In this version there are no such disadvantages.
Scan pattern
The indicator is designed to help in making a decision on the direction of trading (buy or sell). It is a history scanner that searches for matches of the current pattern (combination of several current bars) with historical data in percentage terms by the relative vertical position of candles relative to each other, the size of each candle, the size of the candle body and the candle shadows. In history, the matches found are indicated by vertical lines on the candle of the beginning of the soug
Isaac Wanasolo
1 (1)
A scalping indicator based on mathematical patterns, which on average gives signals with relatively small SL, and also occasionally helps to catch big moves in the markets (more information in the video) This indicator has three main types of notifications: The first type warns of a possible/upcoming signal on the next bar The second type indicates the presence of a ready signal to enter the market/open a position The third type is for SL and TP levels - you will be notified every time price re
Rainbow EA MT5
Jamal El Alama
Description : Rainbow EA MT5 is a simple Expert advisor based on   Rainbow MT5 indicator witch is based on Moving average with period 34. The indicator is incorporated in the EA, therefore, it is not required for the EA to operate, but if you wish, you can download it from   my product page . The Expert Advisor settings are as follows : Suitable for Timeframes up to H1 The parameters below can be set according to your trading rules. StopLoss ( Stop Loss in pips) TakeProfit ( Take Profit in pips
该指标建立当前报价,可以与历史报价进行比较,并在此基础上进行价格走势预测。指示器有一个文本字段,用于快速导航到所需日期。 选项: 符号 - 选择指标将显示的符号; SymbolPeriod - 选择指标从中获取数据的时段; IndicatorColor - 指示器颜色; HorisontalShift - 由指标绘制的报价移动指定的柱数; Inverse - true 反转引号,false - 原始视图; ChartVerticalShiftStep - 图表垂直移动(键盘上的向上/向下箭头); 接下来是文本字段的设置,您可以在其中输入日期,您可以通过按“回车”立即跳转到该日期。 接下来是文本字段的设置,您可以在其中输入日期,您可以通过按“回车”立即跳转到该日期。
支撑和阻力指标是改编自标准的比尔威廉姆斯的分形指标。 该指标可工作于任何时间帧。它在图表上显示支撑和阻力位,并允许设置止损和止盈级别 (您可以通过鼠标覆盖级别来检查其精确值)。 蓝色点划线是支撑位。 红色点划线是阻力位。 如果您愿意, 您可以改变这些线的样式和颜色。 如果价格接近支撑位,卖方的活跃度降低,买方的活跃度增加。如果价格接近阻力位,买方的活跃度降低,卖方的活跃度增加。 注, 当价格突破支撑位, 它变为阻力位; 同样当价格突破阻力位, 它变为支撑位。
Xiaonong Yu
缠师在新浪博客中以 108 篇博文详细地解释了缠论这一个精妙的数学模型。  “ 缠论 ” 是基于形态学,几何学的一种技术分析理论。这一理论似乎适用于一切具有波动走势的投资市场,比如股票、权证和期货等   。 然而,要应用缠论做交易就必须有足够的时间去正确地画 “ 笔 ” 。可是画 “ 笔 ” 又是一项耗费时间且极易出错误的工作,令众多缠论爱好者痛苦不堪。 本指标依据缠师的缠论原作实现,能够自动且精确地在图表中画出笔、中枢和线段,帮助交易者解决了画笔和线段的烦恼,使得交易者可以直接分析和预测市场走向。 本指标中添加了中枢和线段的选项,可以完整的帮助用户画出缠论中的所有基本构件。 本指标中笔、中枢和线段的颜色、透明度与线宽等,均可由用户自行设定。
Thinker MT5
William J Pabon Caraballo
Introducing the "Thinker," an advanced Expert Advisor designed for precision and efficiency in forex trading. This fully automated EA integrates custom indicators, dynamic strategies, and robust risk management to adapt seamlessly to market conditions. Key Highlights: Sophisticated market analysis with real-time trend interpretation. Adjustable stop-loss and take-profit settings for optimal risk management. High-speed backtesting and efficient trade execution. User-friendly interface suitable fo
Atomic Analyst MT5
Issam Kassas
4.32 (19)
首先值得强调的是,该交易指标是非重绘、非延迟的指标,这使其成为手动和机器人交易的理想选择。 用户手册:设置、输入和策略。 Atomic Analyst是一种PA价格行动指标,利用价格的力量和动量来寻找市场上更好的机会。配备了高级过滤器,可帮助去除噪音和假信号,并提高交易潜力。使用多层复杂的指标,Atomic Analyst扫描图表,并将复杂的数学计算转化为任何初学者都能理解并用来做出一致交易决策的简单信号和颜色。 “Atomic Analyst”是专为新手和经验丰富的交易者量身定制的综合交易解决方案。它将高级指标和一流功能融合为一体的交易策略,使其成为所有类型交易者的多功能选择。 日内交易和剥头皮策略:专为快速准确的日内交易和短期交易而设计。 日内和摆动交易策略:可用作追求价格大幅波动的日内和摆动交易者的可靠工具。 多货币和市场:凭借其可靠的精度,在不同的工具和市场上运作。 多个时间框架:可在多个时间框架上使用,性能良好。 稳定性:所有指标均不重绘、不重绘和不滞后,确保可靠的信号。 信号清晰度:提供箭头信号,用于清晰的入场和出场点。 实时警报:通过交易入场、SL和TP警报通知交易者
The indicator is designed to work on any trading platform. The program is based on proprietary algorithms and W.D.Ganna's mathematics, allowing you to calculate target levels of price movement based on three points with the highest degree of certainty. It is a great tool for stock trading. The indicator has three buttons: NEW - call up a triangle for calculation. DEL - delete the selected triangle. DELS - completely remove all constructions. The probability of achieving the goals is more than 80
Automated Trendlines MT5
Georgios Kalomoiropoulos
趋势线是外汇交易中最重要的技术分析工具。不幸的是,大多数交易者没有正确绘制它们。自动趋势线指标是专业交易者的专业工具,可帮助您可视化市场的趋势运动。 有两种类型的趋势线看涨趋势线和看跌趋势线。 在上升趋势中,外汇趋势线是通过价格变动的最低摆动点绘制的。 连接至少两个“最低点”将创建一条趋势线。 在下跌趋势中,趋势线是通过价格走势的最高摆动点绘制的。 连接至少两个“最高点”将创建一条趋势线。 趋势线何时突破? 当看跌蜡烛收于看涨​​趋势线下方并且蜡烛的高点在趋势线上方时,看涨趋势线会被打破。 当看涨蜡烛收于看跌趋势线上方并且蜡烛的低点低于趋势线时,看跌趋势线会被打破。 趋势线何时删除? 当一根完整的蜡烛在看涨趋势线下方形成时,看涨趋势线将被删除。 当完整的蜡烛在看跌趋势线上方形成时,看跌趋势线将被删除。 您可以从输入参数更改看涨和看跌趋势线的颜色和宽度。
Ultimate Candle Patterns
Wojciech Daniel Knoff
This is a multi-symbol and multi-timeframe table-based indicator designed for a candlestick patterns detection with 46 patterns for META TRADER 5. Each formation has own image for easier recognition. Here you find most popular formations such as "Engulfing", "Hammer", "Three Line Strike", "Piercing" or Doji - like candles. Check my full list of patterns on my screenshots below. Also you can not only switch all bearish or bullish patterns from input, but also select formation for a specified symb
Break Of Structure Pro Is price action king? 1. Price is the ultimate king in the forex market, stock market or any other market. Using price action is the reason we can see more profit over loss. Technical analysis is the art of using data points to your advantage and taking informed decisions while entering, trailing and exiting a position on any timeframe. Break Of Structure Pro can be used to trend trade, scalp, hedge or swing trade. Price action is a trading technique that allows a trade
Zaha Feiz
4.77 (13)
ATREND: 工作原理及使用方法 工作原理 “ATREND”指标针对MT5平台设计,旨在通过结合多种技术分析方法为交易者提供强有力的买卖信号。该指标主要利用平均真实波幅(ATR)来测量波动性,并结合趋势检测算法来识别潜在的市场动向。 购买后请留言,您将获得特别的赠品。 主要特点: - 动态趋势检测:该指标评估市场趋势并相应调整信号,帮助交易者与当前市场条件对齐策略。 - 波动性测量:通过使用ATR,该指标衡量市场波动性,这对于确定最佳止损(SL)和止盈(TP)水平至关重要。 - 信号可视化:该指标在图表上直观地表示买卖信号,增强交易者的决策能力。 操作步骤 输入和设置: - 时间框架:此输入允许您设置指标计算的主要时间框架,默认值为15分钟。 - 时间框架2:此输入可用于定义额外分析的辅助时间框架,默认值为1分钟。 - 移动:此参数允许您将指标的计算向回移动,默认值为0。 - SLATR:此输入定义用于根据ATR计算止损水平的乘数,默认值为2.56。 - TPATR:此输入定义用于根据ATR计算止盈水平的乘数,默认值也为2.56。 - AlertsOn:启用或禁用交易信号的警报,
Mark Lapukha
5 (1)
这是一个构造函数。即策略的创造者。而且不仅如此。这是 MetaTrader 5 中大多数标准内置指标的信号指标。将您的指标组合成信号箭头。例如,您有一个策略,您需要找出其盈利能力,在菜单中包含必要的项目并获取统计数据。如果您没有策略,可以在互联网上获取,或者创建自己的策略。 Rigonstruktor 将帮助您解决这一切。该套件包括现成的外汇、倒卖和二元期权策略。包括文字说明。视频培训课程已经为您准备好了。还有电报聊天来获取支持和帮助。取出并连接指示器。得到一个箭头。探索策略。查看统计数据并得出结论。设计师为此准备了一切。还有时间过滤器,以及许多变化。您可以随时在支持和帮助聊天中询问和查找。构造函数的版本将更新,添加越来越多的指标。
CBT Quantum Maverick 高效的二元期权交易系统 CBT Quantum Maverick 是一款精心设计的高性能二元期权交易系统,专为追求精准、简单和纪律的交易者打造。无需自定义,该系统经过优化,可直接使用并产生高效结果。只需遵循信号操作,稍加练习即可掌握。 主要特点: 信号精准度: 基于当前K线生成下根K线交易信号,无频繁重绘。 市场多样性: 专为二元期权交易设计,兼容多种经纪商和资产类别,适应不同交易偏好。 兼容性: Deriv Synthetic Charts :适用于任何时间框架。 OTC Charts :来自如 Quotex、PocketOption、Binomo、Stockity、IQOption、Exnova、OlympTrade、Deriv、Binolla 和 Homebroker 的经纪商,可导入 MT5(一周内提供免费导入支持,之后需支付服务费用)。 外汇、加密货币和商品市场 :扩展资产利用。 高收益二元资产 :建议使用90%以上的高回报率资产。 额外优势: 全面的交易计划: 提供系统化和纪律性交易的分步支持计划。 高效时间利用: 每天仅需一
Stefano Frisetti
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
Arman Belassarov
AriMax   – AI-Powered Trading Robot AriMax is a cutting-edge AI-powered trading robot designed to help traders maximize profits while minimizing risk. Utilizing advanced machine learning algorithms and real-time market analysis, AriMax identifies high-probability trade opportunities with precision and speed. Key Features:     AI-Driven Market Analysis   – Analyzes market trends and patterns to make data-driven trading decisions.     Automated Execution   – Places trades seamlessly with optimiz
Vadym Zhukovskyi
5 (6)
我们向您介绍iVISTscalp5指标,它不仅独特,而且在交易操作中也非常有效。该指标基于时间数据,是多年金融市场经验和深入分析的结果。iVISTscalp5指标是手动交易的优秀工具。便利性、简单性和可视化 - 所有的复杂性都隐藏在内部。我们将iVISTscalp5指标的设置和使用简化到了最大程度。该指标适用于MT5终端中您所拥有的所有金融工具。 操作时间为UTC+3的早上4点到晚上8点。 iVISTscalp5指标菜单(见截图1): History - 计算行情的周数 dT_min - 选择时间间隔的时间(分钟) TFline - 绘制水平成交量(时间帧) BARSline - 绘制水平成交量(条数) TFtrend1 - 绘制日线通道(时间帧) BARStrend1 - 绘制日线通道(条数) TFtrend2 - 绘制周线通道(时间帧) BARStrend2 - 绘制周线通道(条数) ALERT_TIMER - 设置闹钟 ALERT - 开启/关闭闹钟 Save - 开启/关闭将时间记录到文本文件。 图表上的红色和蓝色旗帜表示时间(VIST智能剃须系统的信号)。卖出信号为红旗,买入
EXCLUSIVE! JUST  10 COPIES  AVAILABLE!   BONUS AUX VIP Club 2024 : Include EA CAP, CEP, LDH, PSC307 & AO4C to enhance the performance of this tool to its maximum potential  Click Here to Download Files   ( for users only ) FREE Trading Education Available Daily via Zoom --- For More Info or Instant Message Click link ---  https://t.me/abcdwave Transform your trading with the "Five Magic Bullets" Indicator, tailored for traders who embrace the power of Elliott Wave Chaos Theory.
Happy entries
Godwill Fortune Otieno Juma
The  product gives optimized entries for 3min ,1 hr and day timeframes  Does well with indices  ASIAN- HK50 AND CHINA A50 USA-US30,US100,US500 GER40 ,UK100 For stocks trade with the day timeframes Happy Entry employs advanced algorithms and real-time data analysis to identify optimal entry points with unprecedented accuracy. Its adaptive nature allows it to seamlessly adjust to changing market conditions, ensuring you never miss out on profitable opportunities. Whether you're a beginner or seas
Seconds Charts
Aleksandr Goryachev
Micro  ******************* Секундные графики MT5 ********************** Более точного инструмента для входа в сделку вы не найдёте. Входные параметры: Timeframe, sek - период построения графика, секунды Displayed bars - отображаемые бары Step of price levels, pp, 0-off - шаг отрисовки ценовых уровней, пункты Scale points per bar, 0-off - масштаб в пунктах на бар Show lines - отображение текущих уровней Show comment - отображение комментария Standard color scheme - стандартная цветовая сх
当然可以!以下是您提供的文本的中文翻译: 引入   MT4 / MT5 天文指标:您的终极天体交易伙伴 您准备好将交易体验提升到天文高度了吗?不用再寻找,就在我们的革命性 MT4 天文指标中。这个创新工具超越了传统的交易指标,利用复杂的算法提供无与伦比的天文洞察力和精确计算。 指尖上的宇宙信息:   瞻仰一个详尽的面板,展示了一宝藏般的天文数据。了解行星的地理/太阳心坐标,太阳/地球距离,亮度,伸长度,星座,黄道和赤道坐标,甚至是水平坐标——每个细节都经过精心计算并呈现得美轮美奂。指标生成的垂直线对应于时间值,为您的交易旅程提供了宇宙的视角。 行星线条与关系:   在您的图表上欣赏行星线条的魔力,具有可自定义的比例和角度。通过直观的控制面板轻松切换每个行星线条的可见性。通过连结、六分、四分、三分、对冲和逆行等指标,发现行星关系的艺术。在您选择的时间范围内探索这些宇宙构造,使您能够识别重要的交易机会。 揭示甘恩的智慧:   通过受甘恩启发的平方垂直线揭示潜在的反转时机。这种创新修改将甘恩历经考验的原则带入现实,帮助您提前了解市场的转向和趋势。 月亮引导:   在您的图表上优雅地导航月相,
Big Player Range
Thalles Nascimento De Carvalho
5 (3)
释放 "BigPlayerRange" 的力量:市场技术分析的利器 我们隆重推出 BigPlayerRange ,一款先进的技术分析工具,专为揭示 市场中机构投资者的兴趣区域 而设计。借助该工具,您可以精准识别大玩家的活跃区域,从而提升您的交易策略的效果。 主要特性: 机构兴趣区域映射 : BigPlayerRange 突出显示金融机构的高活动区域,提供关于市场可能走势的重要见解。 目标退出点的预测 :此指标使用两步预测建议潜在退出点,助您基于价格未来方向规划策略。 回调概率分析 :评估当价格回到识别范围时的 回调概率 ,此功能有助于风险管理和策略调整。 如何使用 BigPlayerRange: 识别兴趣区域 :利用此指标锁定机构活跃的关键区域,从而预测重要市场变动。 目标退出点的预测 :根据指标提供的预测制定退出决策,以实现策略性平仓。 回调概率评估 :监测价格回到兴趣范围时的回调可能性,并据此调整策略。 核心触发点:监控价格相对于绿色和红色线的位置 BigPlayerRange 的中心区域 展示了 机构集中的市场能量 。监控价格相对于 绿色和
The indicator is designed to close positions on the market in time. For example: to take profits ahead of schedule if the price has not reached TakeProfit, and the market is turning around. The indicator analyzes the momentum, not the trend. He does not give any information about the trend. The indicator is well suited for finding divergence. The Ershov 38 Parrots indicator dynamically adjusts to the market and detects price movement impulses of medium and high amplitude. It almost does not rea
VTrende Pro
Andrii Diachenko
5 (1)
VTrende Pro - MTF indicator for trend trading with a display panel for MT5 *** Videos can be translated into any language using subtitles (video language - Russian) Although the signals of the VTrende Pro indicator can be used as signals of a full-fledged trading system, it is recommended to use them in conjunction with the Bill Williams TS. VTrende Pro is an extended version of the VTrende indicator. Difference between Pro version and VTrende: - Time zones - Signal V - signal 1-2 waves -    S
Piranha version 2
Maria Strudov
5 (1)
"Piranha" - an autonomous trading system that determines overbought and oversold levels on the chart. Red and blue zones represent overbought and oversold levels respectively. Entry points are marked with arrows: a downward arrow in the red zone for "sell" and an upward arrow in the blue zone for "buy". The Take profit level is indicated by the green moving average. Key features: Adjusting the Take profit level as the green moving average changes position. Averaging ability when a new market e
The   Gann Scalping Gold Indicator   is a robust technical analysis tool designed for precision trading in gold markets. It leverages Gann-based methodologies to identify key price levels, enabling traders to anticipate potential market reversals, breakouts, and areas of consolidation. Daily Reset Logic: Automatically resets touch statuses at the start of a new trading day, ensuring that the indicator aligns with fresh daily trends. How It Works: The indicator draws horizontal lines at predefine
Scalping Fast2
Ywsf Hsyn Hmad Alrsh
This factor is traded on the 5M five-minute frame Please see the explanations in the attached images Trading is done according to the trend. If the trend is upward, we buy only when the red line is touched If the trend is downward, we sell only when the blue line is touched In the case of a sideways trend, we can sell when the blue line is touched and buy when the red line is touched When the price reaches the red buy line or the sell line from above, we enter a deal and stop the loss at 5
issam rahhal sabour
GannTools Indicator The GannTools Indicator is a powerful trading tool inspired by W.D. Gann's strategies. This indicator provides traders with dynamic support and resistance levels, trend analysis, and key price patterns using Gann angles and cycles. Key Features: Customizable Gann Fans, Angles, and Cycles for precise market analysis. Automatic identification of key price levels and trend directions. Works on all timeframes and instruments for flexible trading strategies. Integrated visualiza
XCalper TFO
Aecio de Feo Flora Neto
This oscillator was developed exclusively by xCalper in 2015 based on moving averages calculations to indicate and try predicting oversold and overbought levels. The fast line (white, by default) oscillates basically between values -0.5 (oversold) and +0.5 (overbought). Whenever this line crosses upward value -0.5, it means an oversold price level. When it crosses downward value +0.5, it means an overbought price level. When fast line crosses value 0.0 and returns, it is a strong pull-back indic
Smooth price for Monarch
Konstantin Gruzdev
5 (1)
The Smooth Price technical indicator is used for plotting a smoothed line as close to the price of the financial instrument as possible, and serves to eliminate its noise components. The indicator is part of the Monarch trading system, but here it is presented as an independent technical analysis tool. The indicator is based on the cluster digital filter , which, unlike the ClusterSMA , is applied directly to the price time series. Smooth Price does not redraw (except the very last, zero bar) an
Pan PrizMA CD Phase
Aleksey Panfilov
The Expert Advisor and the video are attached in the Discussion tab . The robot applies only one order and strictly follows the signals to evaluate the indicator efficiency. Pan PrizMA CD Phase is an option based on the Pan PrizMA indicator. Details (in Russian). Averaging by a quadric-quartic polynomial increases the smoothness of lines, adds momentum and rhythm. Extrapolation by the sinusoid function near a constant allows adjusting the delay or lead of signals. The value of the phase - wave s
Классификатор силы тренда. Показания на истории не меняет. Изменяется классификация только незакрытого бара. По идее подобен полной системе ASCTrend, сигнальный модуль которой, точнее его аппроксимация в несколько "урезанном" виде, есть в свободном доступе, а также в терминале как сигнальный индикатор SilverTrend . Точной копией системы ASCTrend не является. Работает на всех инструментах и всех временных диапазонах. Индикатор использует несколько некоррелируемых между собой алгоритмов для класси
Currency Index Watcher is a simple and user-friendly tool for whoever wish to trade Forex using currencies indexes. Currency Index Watcher is configurable and usable directly from the panel. Indexes of 8 custom currencies EUR, USD, GBP, JPY, CHF, AUD, CAD, NZD (default) Any 3-chars symbol from your market watch could be used (BTC = bitcoin, RUB = ruble, CNH = yuan etc ...) : double click the symbol label  Ability to select which currencies and made-of pairs will be analyzed : check/uncheck wante
Forex Relative Performance indicator This indicator calculates the relative strength of major currencies against the US dollar. The basic idea behind this indicator is "to buy strong currency and to sell weak currency". This indicator allows you to quickly identify the best forex pair to trade according to your trading style (Intraday, Scalping, Swing, or Long Term)
Powerful Hidden Cross Signal
Ellan Dirgantara Tholkhah
The latest most requested Binary Options arrow indicator in the Garuda Signals product line is now on MT5! Binary options signal based on multiple time frame cross over analysis. Gets confirmation from the most consistent signals known to man; Ichimoku, SMA, Bollinger Bands; and also uses the 1 Hour time frame as trend confirmation , so you don't have to open up multiple chart and waste time. - Can be used for all time frames up to 1 hour, but is most POWERFUL for 1 and 5 min options. - Place yo
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Funciona identificando picos de máximos y mínimos, para luego eliminarlos haciendo una linea o curva, pudiendo el usuario ingresar el valor de que tanto puede suavizar. Nos facilita poder ver la tendencia así como ver el cruce que puede hacer con otros indicadores, mostrando a simple vista los inicios y salidas de una tendencia u operación. Así también facilita la visualización de subidas y bajadas.
Pendiente de Precio
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Indicador en base a la pendiente de la linea de precio, dibuja una línea de color cuando sube a base de los precios que previamente has sido procesados o linealizados, y cuando baja la pendiente la linea linealizada toma otro color. En este caso se a considerado 6 lineas de diferentes procesos desde pendientes largas hacia las cortas, observándose que cuando coincidan las pendientes se produce un máximo o mínimo, lo que a simple vista nos permitirá hacer una COMPRA O VENTA.
Индикатор Coefficient Of Determination (COD) представляет собой значение коэффициента детерминации или квадрат коэффициента корреляции между зависимой переменной — ценой и объясняющей переменной — тиковым объемом. Что это дает нам на практике? COD отлично распознает кульминацию трендовых движений, что позволяет подбирать оптимальные точки и ловить развороты рынка. Как использовать индикатор: Наиболее популярная торговая стратегия строится совместно с трендовым индикатором Moving Average (MA), пе
Fibonacci Multiple 12
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
Fibonacci Múltiple 12, utiliza la serie fibonacci plasmado en el indicador fibonacci, aumentadolo 12 veces según su secuencia. El indicador fibonacci normalmente muestra una vez, el presente indicador se mostrara 12 veces empezando el numero que le indique siguiendo la secuencia. Se puede utilizar para ver la tendencia en periodos cortos y largos, de minutos a meses, solo aumentado el numero MULTIPLICA.
Recommended TimeFrame >= H1. 100% Non Repainted at any moment.  Use it carefully, only with Trend Direction. Trading Usage: 2 Variants: as Range System or as BreakOut System (Both Only With Trend Direction)::: (Always use StopLoss for minimise Risk); [1] as Range System: (Recommended) in UP TREND:  - BUY in Blue Line , then if price goes down by 50 points (on H1) open Second BUY.   Close in any Profit you wish: TrailingStop(45 points) or Close when Price touches upper Gold Line. in DOWN TREND
Super Zone   For several years of observing the principles of the market, Super Zone worked, both then and now, because the indicator  allows you to see the trading range of the  week and even the month that major market participants use. It’s very easy to use, we work on H4 in the weekly range (  in the tester it doesn’t work in the demo mode  ) - we sell from the upper zones, we buy from the lower ones. It marks the zones from the beginning of the week (month) that are  not redrawn  , works on
Linea Horizontal Inteligente
Cesar Juan Flores Navarro
En base a cálculos matemáticos de determino una linea Horizontal que cruza a todas las señales de trading, mostrando los máximos y mínimos. La linea horizontal parte en dos las subidas y bajadas de las señales de trading, de tan manera que es fácil identificar los máximos y mínimos, y es inteligente por que es sensible a las subidas y bajadas, afín de no quedarse en un solo lado por siempre, trabaja excelentemente con otros indicadores suavizadores ya que les garantiza que en un intervalo de tie
Spike Detector
Tete Adate Adjete
this indicator is a Spike detector indicator, it is specially designed to trade Boom 1000, Boom 500, Crash 1000 and Crash 500 We recommend using it on Deriv Boom and Crash indices only Its setting is intuitive, familiar, easy to use it has notification functions; audible notifications and push notifications. this tool is simple to use, easy to handle This update is based on different strategies for spikes
Renko, Heiken Ashi, Ticks Bar, Range Bar.    Easy switching, easy setup, all in one window.        Place the Custom Chart indicator and view Renko, Heiken Ashi, Tick bar, Range bar charts in real time at real chart.    Position the offline chart window so that the indicator control panel is visible.    Switch the chart mode by click of a button.    Connect to the output chart any indicator, expert advisor without any restrictions.    No, it doesn't work in the tester.    Yes, you can use an
Andrey Ziablytsev
Automatic marking of the chart with Pentagram models. This model is based on the Expansion Model from Adversa Tactics. Designed to determine the trend and predict possible levels and targets of price correction in the future. The model describes a developing trend. The trend is relevant until the price crosses the trend line of the model in the opposite direction. Levels of rays of the pentagram, level of HP, distances of 100% and 200% of the distance between points 1-4, levels of HP are possibl
Dmitry Kavyrshin
Dmitry Kavyrshin 2021.12.24 16:39 


220072256 2021.11.12 18:04 

Fantastico indicatore!!! Io lo avevo gia questo indicatore su MT4.ma mancava su MT5 dove io faccio scalper abitualmente,adesso che c'e la versione per MT5 sono felicissimo, mi ha cambiato il mio modo di operare,in due giorni ho gia recuperato il prezzo dell'indicatore. Complimenti e grazie per questa opportunita' di trading.

Andrey Ziablytsev
来自开发人员的回复 Andrey Ziablytsev 2021.11.13 09:39
版本 2.60 2022.01.22
Fixed problems with drawing negative price values, such points are necessary for the correct display of the lines and levels of the model.

Added alerts of your choice - sound, message, push notification to the terminal, letter, for events such as the formation of a new model, the achievement of key model levels by the price.