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Darwin Evolution MT5



 -30%促销!! 1490美元至990美元限时



 - 了解操作,来读博客(这ea反映了我的外汇交易哲学......如果你喜欢我的方式看东西,那么你会喜欢我的ea。
花时间去做! (外汇不是一场比赛):https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/745790
 - 在这里看到过去的性能是信号的链接


解释 :




 - 同时发售28对
 - 不需要任何优化(设置文件已提供)
 - 在两个方向,脉冲,纠正
 - 他没有暴露在市场上
 - 它可以优化利润并限制绘图,这很多指标和选项:尾随SL,指示灯,每小时,按利润,开放持续时间为....
 - 新闻之前和之后的一个创新的新闻过滤器,以及新闻之前和之后的障碍时间表,也是FOMC,BCE,美联储等主要新闻的独立时间......
 - 许多资本保护,百分百,货币....
 - 风险资本管理


 - 配对推荐:Audcad,Audchf,奥运会,奥运区,Audusd,Cadchf,Cadjpy,Chfjpy,euraud,eurcad,Eurochf,Eurogbp,Eurjpy,Eurnzd,Eurusd,GBPaud,GBPCAD,GBPCHF,GBPPPY,GBPNZD,GBPUSD,NZDCAD,NZDCHF, NZDJPY,NZDUSD,USDCAD,USDCHF,USDJPY
 - 推荐的设置:EURUSD M1(2个设置文件将提供,一切都是预设的)
 - 批次和风险推荐:5%如集文件,但您可以从第一周的0.01开始,了解EA的操作。
 - 经纪人:任何类型的经纪人授权两个方向(对冲)的位置
 - 最低资本:200美元
 - 最小杠杆:1:30或更低,具体设置





 - 第一个原因,MT5没有给出实际刻度,它们被模拟(人工数据)

 -  excement,EA使用2个主要策略,MT5不能同时使两个都是逆时间(使两个策略的逆端完全改变结果)

 - 第三种原因,您无法在MT5中使用新闻过滤器(MT5中没有数据库)

评论 72
Kl H
Kl H 2024.04.14 14:38 

The most trusted and best EA in MQL5. The EA is very reliable. The seller is the best seller that I have ever met. The signals are real and every users can get very similar results according to the seller's suggestion.

LDAMATO0510 2024.03.14 15:27 

Excellent service and professionalism from Mr GD, the EA is very reliable and works very well for all those who want to be in this world for the long term.

barefootbcn 2023.12.09 08:25 

Tip top. Very good EA if you follow the recommandations of Guillaume. Even better : the technical and emotionnal support : Guillaume is a real trader and a good one. When you feel pain in drawdown moments, he puts light in the shadow : trust, wait and then miracle occurs.

Exclusive EA for FOREX HEDGE account The EA (FuzzyLogicTrendEA) is based on fuzzy logic strategies based on the analysis of a set of 5 indicators and filters. Each indicator and filter has a weight in the calculation and, when the fuzzy logic result reaches the value defined in the EA parameter, a negotiation is opened seeking a pre-defined gain. As additional functions it is possible to define maximum spread, stop loss and so on . Recommended Symbol: EURUSD, AUDUSD, GBPUSD, NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUD
Investopedia FIVE
Joseph Anthony Aya-ay Yutig
Investopedia FIVE EA 基于这篇文章: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/forex/08/five-minute-momo.asp 交易条件 - 寻找低于 X 周期 EMA 和 MACD 的货币对交易处于负区域。 - 等待价格上穿 X 周期 EMA,然后确保 MACD 处于从负向正的交叉过程中,或者在五个柱内进入正区域。 - 在 X 周期 EMA 上方做多 X 个点。 - 在入场时卖出 X 个头寸加上风险金额;移动下半场的止损点以达到盈亏平衡。 - 使用追踪止损 - 风险警告 - 在您购买 ADX PRO 之前,请注意所涉及的风险。 - 过去的表现并不能保证未来的盈利能力(EA 也可能亏损)。 - 显示的回溯测试(例如在屏幕截图中)经过高度优化以找到最佳参数,但因此无法将结果转移到实时交易中。 - 该策略将始终使用止损,但 SL 的执行仍取决于您的经纪商。 如果您对 EA 有任何建议,请给我留言。谢谢!
Loss Recovery Trader MT5
Michalis Phylactou
5 (3)
Attempts to recover losing trades. If a trade moves in the wrong direction, the Zone Recovery algorithm begins. An alternating series of Buy and Sell trades at two specific levels take place, with two Exit Points above and beyond these levels. Once either of the two exit points is reached, all trades close with a combined profit or break even.  To use  1) Place the EA on a chart and select how the first trade will open (Manual/Via EA strategy/Use EA panel/External EA) 2) Configure your recovery
Matrix Arrow EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (5)
Matrix Arrow EA MT5   是一款独特的智能交易系统,可以通过图表上的交易面板手动或 100% 自动交易   Matrix Arrow Indicator 的 MT5   信号。   Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5   将在其早期阶段确定当前趋势,从多达 10 个标准指标中收集信息和数据,它们是: 平均定向运动指数 (ADX) 商品渠道指数 (CCI) 经典 Heiken Ashi 蜡烛 移动平均线 移动平均收敛散度 (MACD) 相对活力指数 (RVI) 相对强弱指数 (RSI) 抛物线SAR 随机振荡器 威廉姆斯的百分比范围 当所有指标给出有效的买入或卖出信号时,相应的箭头将打印在图表上,在下一个蜡烛/柱线的开盘时表示强劲的上升趋势/下降趋势。用户可以选择使用哪些指标,并可以单独调整每个指标的参数。使用   Matrix Arrow EA MT5 ,您可以直接从图表上的交易面板手动交易   Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5   信号,或使用 100% 算法交易选项   100% 自动交易! 注意力:   如果您想用您的  
SolarTrade Suite 金融机器人:LaunchPad 市场专家 - 专为开启交易而设计! 这是一个使用特殊创新和先进算法来计算其价值的交易机器人,是您在金融市场世界中的助手。 使用我们来自 SolarTrade Suite 系列的指标集来更好地选择启动此机器人的时机。 在描述底部查看我们来自 SolarTrade Suite 系列的其他产品。 您想自信地驾驭投资和金融市场的世界吗? SolarTrade Suite 金融机器人:LaunchPad 市场专家是一款创新软件,旨在帮助您做出明智的投资决策并增加您的利润。 SolarTrade Suite 金融机器人的优势:LaunchPad 市场专家: - 准确计算:我们的机器人使用先进的算法和分析方法来准确预测市场走势。 计算购买和出售资产的最佳时机。 - 用户友好界面:直观的界面将使您能够轻松掌握程序并在安装后立即开始享受其好处。 - 专家支持:我们的专业团队随时准备为您解答任何问题,并为您提供有关使用该程序的建议。 立即试用 SolarTrade Suite 金融机器人:LaunchPad Market
Neuro Start
Dmytryi Voitukhov
4.67 (3)
UPD:   https://t.me/mql5_neuroExt   актуальная версия и обсуждение. -對於成功建立的培訓基地,我將免費提供臨時使用的顧問。 -培訓基地將隨著培訓的進行而佈局。 -訓練大約需要20個紀元。 因為EA交易會佔用大量資源,並且市場無法對其進行處理-已引入具有市場價值的TypeOfWork參數。 必須將其切換為任何其他所需的值! 出版用於協作學習! 輸入數據的設置深度為設置中指定的時間範圍的50條。 ThresholdOUT無效。 在某些情況下,速度只會影響很大的值。 在訓練模式下,僅以最小手數打開1個訂單,且SL和TP相等。時間表應統一。在這種模式下,利潤本身並不重要。 距離僅適用於MaxOrders> 1。 MaxOrders> 1會使速度大大降低。 LearnEpoch是用於循環優化的未使用參數。 刪除文件data_w1_ [TF] _ [INSTRUMENT] .csv和data_w2_ [TF] _ [INSTRUMENT] .csv或更改參數中的PeriodBar時,訓練將從頭開始。 文件位置C:\ Users \
Ksm mt5
Andriy Sydoruk
5 (1)
Ksm: Smart Solution for Automated Forex Trading Ksm is a tool designed for automating Forex trading, using modern methods of time-series data analysis to work with multiple currency pairs across different timeframes. Key Features and Benefits Multi-currency support : Ksm enables trading across multiple currency pairs, helping traders adapt their strategies to various market conditions. New currency pairs can be easily added. Time-series data analysis : Utilizing advanced algorithms, Ksm analyze
| Fully-automated Smart Money Concept (ICT) inspired trading solution with multi-strategy capabilities | Built by a grid trader >> for grid traders.  This is MT5 version, click  here  for  Blue CARA MT4  (settings and logics are same in both versions)     Real monitoring signal  -->  Cara Gold Intro Blue CARA EA   ('CARA') - short for  C omprehensive  A lgorithmic   R esponsive   A dvisor is a next-gen  multi-currency    multi-timeframe  EA base on the widely known (and perhaps the most popul
ComplexEuro Edge Pro
Luke Anthony Coles
REAL BACKTEST / LONG TERM PROFITIBILITY Introducing ComplexEuro Edge PRO , an advanced Expert Advisor, meticulously designed 'EURUSD' trading system that specializes in executing high-precision trades by implementing a unique set of strict conditions and technical criteria.  ComplexEuro is unlike other EAs that rely on generic algorithms , martingale/grid or other 'AI' gimmicks that do not work long term. Minimum Deposit : $100 TimeFrame : M1 Pair : EURUSD VPS is recommended Auto Close at weeke
简介和说明 Arcturus是一个专门用于外汇投资的交易EA。基于密集型马丁格尔原则,该机器人以与趋势相反的方式进行交易,以尝试在趋势反转中获利。马丁格尔系统是一种投资系统,其中投资的美元价值在亏损后不断增加,或者头寸大小随着投资组合规模的降低而增加。马丁格尔系统是由法国数学家保罗-皮埃尔-莱维在18世纪提出的。该策略的前提是只需要一个好的赌注或交易就可以扭转你的命运。与绝大多数没有紧急关闭系统的马丁格尔不同,Arcturus有一个完整的保护系统。这个系统特别有助于验证道具公司的挑战。 Arcturus对点差不敏感,对滑点也不敏感。它可以在几乎所有允许此类系统的经纪商(代表大多数经纪商)上使用。此外,该EA是多货币兼容的,这意味着可以用它同时进行多个符号的交易。然而,如果多货币交易是活跃的,该EA应该在非相关货币对上启动,如欧元兑美元和瑞士法郎兑日元。 以下是专家顾问的不同特点的列表: 马丁格尔。 没有网格。 获利。 多货币交易兼容:为每个符号选择不同的神奇数字。 动态和固定手数。 兼容道具公司:紧急关闭和每日损失限制。 可定制的输入和指标,可进行广泛的优化。 调试模式。 交易的账户应
Grid King MT5
Profalgo Limited
4 (9)
NEW PROMO: Only a few copies copies available at 349$ Next price: 449$ Make sure to check out our " Ultimate EA combo package " in our   promo blog ! Grid King is a revolution in grid trading.  The main focus when developing the EA was safety, by eliminating the margin-call risk which is usually associated with most grid systems on the market.  It also strives to achieve much higher returns than the average grid system, by spreading risk amongst multiple pairs and strategies which all have a li
LAUNCH PROMO -- Buy One EA, if you like it, put feedback and get the second for Free This is the opposite EA of my other EA "VHV Trend D" This EA is based on Up Trends with a customized intelligent algorithm in combination with RSI .  Not too many parameters, it is very simple to use. Live Signal https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/867539 Recommended Time Frame is H1. Recommended Currency Pair : any currency pair can work (Tested on EURUSD) Amount: 100 $ Fixed Lot, default 0.1 - you can change a
Open lock MT5
Sergey Likho
5 (4)
The Expert Advisor helps reduce the account drawdown. To do this, the losing deal is split into multiple small parts, each of these parts is closed separately. The EA can interact with other experts. For example, when a certain drawdown is reached, Open Lock can disable the other expert and start working with its orders. Open lock for MetaTrader 4 is available here The algorithm of the EA uses counter transactions and a large number of open positions, therefore, need to use it on a hedge account
Sie Samuel Roland Youl
Discover the ultimate solution for trading market gaps with the LT Gap EA, now available on MQL5. With three powerful strategies at your disposal, you can maximize your gap trading potential like never before. Key Features: Versatile Strategies: Choose from three distinct gap trading strategies. Trade all gaps, focus on gaps meeting predefined minimum criteria, or execute trades exclusively when gap distances match predefined values. Customization Galore: Tailor your trading experience with a w
>>> Index Trader Suite Live Results  here >> >>> Index Trader Suite v.1.0 Presets:   Download >> >>> Index Trader Suite MT4 version available  here >> Index Trader Suite   is a fully automated trading advisor based on a proprietary trading strategy for the world's most popular and liquid Stock Indices. The system is based on the principles of   Price Action   and   does not use technical indicators to determine the optimal points for opening trades. The strategy is based on 2 key principles o
Cryo Zon
Andriy Sydoruk
Cryo Zone : Smart Solution for Automated Forex Trading Cryo Zoneis a tool designed for automating Forex trading, using modern methods of time-series data analysis to work with multiple currency pairs across different timeframes. Key Features and Benefits Multi-currency support : Cryo Zone enables trading across multiple currency pairs, helping traders adapt their strategies to various market conditions. New currency pairs can be easily added. Time-series data analysis : Utilizing advanced algori
Noelle Chua Mei Ping
491   / 5000 该算法在极端波动条件下蓬勃发展。 它将在收市前评估状况,当市场波动到对您有利的极端水平时进入头寸并退出。 该算法不部署任何技术指标,只是简单的数学计算。 这在短期内非常波动的非定向市场尤其是外汇市场上非常有效。 您也可以在其他资产类别上进行测试。 进行了 20 年的回测以验证规则。 同样的逻辑已用在20多年的外汇市场。每个开仓最大的止损是0.8%,您可以随时调正,如果风险太高,请用于小数的Size来交易,可以输入0.01的Size。这个逻辑也会在周末把开仓带过,周五闭市前开仓,会在周一平掉。最迟会在Close HR的时钟平掉。不会把仓位带过第二个交易日。您也可以把最迟的平仓时钟给改掉,看看有别的方案。这个逻辑还未优化。
Grid Averaging Pro  is a combination of Grid Trading and Cost Averaging with sophisticated algorithm and build-in Hedging to protect your account drawdown. Once your initial trade moves into negative territory, the recovery mechanism will kick in and place consecutive market orders in the same direction, all of which will be closed with a combined profit or approximately break even. Product Links Fully  Description in English  :  [USER GUIDE ENGLISH] - GRID AVERAGING PRO (MT4/MT5) Fully  Descri
Recovery System
Maksim Neimerik
Recovery System EA The advisor is designed to automate the process of recovering losses on the current symbol. It can be used if there is a current loss, as well as to accompany other advisors. This product can also be used as a stand-alone advisor. Recovery System EA contains in the settings an option to select the operating mode: Recovery MA Cross Stochastic Bollinger Bands Non-indicators When working in Recovery mode, the advisor removes a losing position from a drawdown using the method sho
Yvan Musatov
Scalping (scalping, pipsing) is a trading approach based on technical analysis and involves opening and closing a large number of transactions in short periods of time: transactions are kept open from a few milliseconds to several minutes. In other words, the purpose of Forex scalping is not to hold a position for hours, days or weeks, but to make a profit in minutes or even seconds, just a few points per trade. In practice, it is difficult to achieve pure scalping within a minute, since, as a
Srfire Hedge Position
Javier Antonio Gomez Miranda
SRFire Hedge Position - Automated Trading Strategy SRFire Hedge Position is an Expert Advisor (EA) designed to ensure trades always close in profit using a hedging and scaling technique. Here’s how it works: How It Works: Trade Initiation: The EA opens a Buy position within a predefined channel. Simultaneously, it places a Sell Stop order below the channel with double the lot size of the Buy position. If the Buy position hits the Take Profit (TP), the Sell Stop order is canceled, and the proces
Syed Oarasul Islam
ArcTrader is designed to trade any markets (Stocks, Forex, Commodities, Futures, Cryptos). The strategies are developed based on various Price Actions that will be observed on different Fibonacci Arc Levels. Product Home Page:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/51336 ADVANTAGES: Works on any market and time frames Multiple Strategies in 4 categories:  Retracement, Breakout, Trend Follow, Reversal Trades simultaneously on any number of markets under the same account  Display Fibonacci Arc
Kostiantyn Lytvyn
ReversiLot is a powerful automated trading tool on the MetaTrader 5 platform, created for professional traders and investors. This advisor is based on a money management strategy using Martingale and can adapt to market conditions. Key Features: Dynamic Lot Management: The initial lot size is calculated based on the risk percentage of the deposit. The ability to increase the lot size by multiplying after each losing trade. Flexible Parameter Settings: RiskPercentage – the risk percentage for ca
ToTheMoon MT5
Daniel Moraes Da Silva
5 (2)
ONE OF THE FEW ROBOTS WITH A SIGNAL HISTORY OF MORE THAN 3 YEARS AND AMONG THE TOP 10.   LINK TO MY ROBOTS AND SIGNAL PRESETS: In my profile there is a link to download the PRESETS that I use in my SIGNALS, you can download and backtest for free, there are explanations in the README MANUAL. https://www.mql5.com/en/users/tec_daniel   SOME EXAMPLES OF SIGNALS ON “mql5.com” BEING TRADED BY THE ROBOT, ALL MY SIGNALS ARE TRADED BY THE ROBOT, I ONLY CHANGE PRESET SETTINGS: https://www.mql5.com/en/user
Hamster Scalping mt5
Ramil Minniakhmetov
4.71 (206)
Hamster Scalping 是一个完全自动化的交易顾问,不使用鞅。夜间剥头皮策略。 RSI 指标和 ATR 过滤器用作输入。顾问需要对冲账户类型。 可以在此处找到对实际工作以及我的其他发展的监控: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/mechanic/seller 一般建议 最低入金 100 美元,使用点差最小的 ECN 账户,默认设置为 eurusd M5 gmt + 3。 输入参数 EA 适用于四位数和五位数报价。在输入参数中,我们以点为单位表示5个字符的值,它会自动按4个字符重新计算所有内容。 NewCycle - 模式开启时,顾问工作不停止,模式关闭时,完成一系列交易后,顾问不会开新订单; 周期指标1 - 第一个指标的周期; Up level - 第一个指标的上限,顾问将在其上方打开卖出; Down Level - 第一个指标的较低水平,低于该水平 EA 将开始买入; Period indicator2 - 第二个指标的周期; From - 第二个指标值范围的下限,EA 允许在该范围内建仓; To - 第二个指标值范围的上限,EA 允
Legend Comeback
Ruslan Papou
4 (5)
interactive panel manual .set file (click me) Version for MT4:  Legend Comeback MT4 Legend Comeback This is a completely new author's trading system, which has no analogues in the currency market. This is a mixture of one of the best time-tested trading systems with the addition of aggressive parameters and its own recovery system. This is not a grid or a scalper with a maximum deposit load that is familiar to everyone, but an artificial intelligence system for calculating market entry and e
Volatility 75 Stelar
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Volatility 75 Stelar It is a passive bot, with the strategy of the parabolic sar with its modified parameters and programmed %100 for the volatility 75 index pair of (Deriv) synthetic indices The bot is simple to use, IT IS USED IN A TIME OF 15 Minutes You only have to modify the parameters of the Vol, SL and TP Afterwards it works as it comes, where in 1 year of back testing I managed to make more than %200 always when controlling the lot, as well as the sl and tp as it is programmed, you just
PipFinite EA Breakout EDGE MT5
Karlo Wilson Vendiola
5 (1)
The Official Automated Version of the Reliable Indicator PipFinite Breakout EDGE EA Breakout EDGE takes the signal of PipFinite Breakout EDGE indicator and manages the trade for you. Because of numerous financial instruments to consider, many traders want the signals to be fully automated. The EA will make sure all your trades are executed from entry to exit. Saving you time and effort while maximizing your profits. The Edge of Automation Effortless price action trading is now possible acros
这是一款旨在为用户提供简单性易用以及强大盈利能力的终极交易工具。该EA的模型利用先进的形态识别和神经网络训练来分析市场,可以同时在20个或更多货币对(以及其他金融工具)上进行交易。凭借其用户友好的界面,这款EA非常适合所有水平的交易者,无论您是初学者还是经验丰富的专业人士。通过使用我们的EA,您可以实现稳定的资产增长。立即订购并体验终极交易解决方案! 实盘监控: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/2283400?source=Site +Signals+My 对于一般交易者如何使用:将EA配置在1小时的EURUSD品种图上,模式选择Auto,点击启动! 优势: 1.轻松启动,适合没有任何经验的交易者; 2.模型会自动更新一年一次; 3.覆盖所有主流货币对,抓住任何市场波动机会; 4.使用止损买入和止损卖出单,每次下单都有止盈止损,规避网络不稳定的风险。 重要提示: 默认参数中的手数为1,您应该在策略测试器中测试它,然后再使用它。对于账户余额低于200美元的情况,我们建议为每种工具设置0.01的手数。我们强烈建议您的最低存款金额为500美元,并至少选择5种不
A new unique trading strategy Stock Index Trader, has been introduced, designed for trading the US30 index. The trading robot works on the timeframe (M30, H1) . The strategy does not use indicators with the exception of stop loss and take profit (floating, works according to ATR). The strategy works on Candlestick patterns, such as Piercing lines - a reversal pattern of Japanese candlesticks with additional installed filters and other popular patterns. The advisor does not use grid or martingale
Quantum Emperor MT5
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.85 (355)
介绍     QuantumEmperor EA 是一款突破性的 MQL5 专家顾问,它正在改变您交易著名的 GBPUSD 货币对的方式!由拥有超过13年交易经验的经验丰富的交易者团队开发。 IMPORTANT! After the purchase please send me a private message to receive the installation manual and the setup instructions. ***购买 Quantum Emperor EA,即可免费获得 Quantum Wizard  或 Quantum StarMan 或 Quantum Gold Emperor !*** 私信询问更多详情 新版直播信号 V5:   点击此处 MT4版本:   点击这里 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 每购买 10 件,价格将增加 50 美元。最终价格为 1999 美元 量子皇帝EA     采用独特的策略,将单个交易连续拆分为六个较小的交易。这意味着 EA 每次执行交易时,都会自动将其分为 6 个较小的头寸。 量子皇帝
Goldenity AI
Zuzanna Slawinska
2.86 (42)
经过多年手动交易黄金并密切关注其每一个波动,我终于决定将我的验证策略转化为自动化解决方案。我很幸运遇到了一位对市场充满热情的杰出程序员。从一开始的随意讨论交易,逐渐发展成了合作伙伴关系,最终促成了Goldenity的诞生——一个结合了我的交易经验和尖端机器学习技术的复杂AI系统。在过去的一年里,我们倾注了所有的心血到这个项目中,仔细测试并完善每一个细节,直到我们确信它能够精确复制我的手动交易风格。这不仅仅是另一个EA——它是无数小时研究黄金市场、理解其模式,并开发能够识别我多年来成功交易设置的AI算法的结晶。 核心交易策略 Goldenity的核心是一种复杂的价格行为交易与专为黄金定制的AI驱动市场分析的结合。EA通过监控H1时间框架的波动高点和低点识别关键市场结构,同时分析M15上的微观走势和H4上的更广泛趋势模式。AI神经网络在识别黄金市场中经常出现的高概率设置方面表现出色,例如亚洲市场突破、欧洲开盘波动模式和纽约市场趋势延续。我们的策略利用了黄金的独特特性——其清晰的支撑和阻力水平、对技术模式的敏感性,以及在不同市场时段的独特行为。AI系统经过多年黄金价格数据的训练,能够识别不
CyNera MT5
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3.6 (65)
CyNera:您的交易,我们的技术 信号 >400%:  CyNera 信号 >500%:   CyNera Turbo 手册和设置文件:购买后请联系我以获取手册和设置文件 价格: 价格根据售出的许可证数量上涨 可用副本: 4 交易黄金,市场上最波动的工具之一,需要精确的操作、深入的分析和强有力的风险管理。CyNera 专家顾问将这些要素无缝集成到一个复杂的系统中,专为优化黄金交易而设计。CyNera 的先进策略和技术旨在帮助经验丰富的交易员和新手应对黄金交易所带来的独特挑战和机遇。 有了 CyNera,您就拥有了一套可靠的解决方案,专门针对黄金市场的复杂性。它结合了自适应、智能策略以及多时间框架分析、自动交易调整和精确的风险管理等高级功能。正是这种适应性,使得 CyNera 成为一种多功能工具,能够应对快速的市场变化,同时确保您的资本在长期内得到保护。 符号 XAUUSD (黄金) 时间周期 M30   资本 最少 100 美元 经纪商 任何经纪商 账户类型 任何,较低点差优先 杠杆 从 1:20 起 VPS 首选,但不是必须,也可以使用 MQL VPS CyNera 的核心力
Mean Machine
William Brandon Autry
5 (35)
隆重推出 Stage 7.0 — AI交易技术的革命性突破 我很荣幸地宣布迄今为止最重要的更新:Stage 7.0。这个突破性的版本引入了AI Position Management(人工智能仓位管理),可以实时动态修改止盈(Take Profit)和止损(Stop Loss)水平,确保所有交易品种都能获得优先处理的最优仓位管理。 Stage 7.0采用了前沿的人工智能模型,包括DeepSeek R1和OpenAI的O3 mini,在多个推理层次上提供增强的决策能力。AI的决策过程已经完全重新设计,现在使用账户历史作为直接示例,实现更精确和更具情境意识的交易决策。 主要增强功能: AI仓位管理: 实时仓位调整,配备专门的AI提示,专注于利润优化和风险控制 先进的AI集成: DeepSeek R1和O3 mini模型提供低、中、高三种推理努力级别选项 流畅的使用体验: 重新设计的输入菜单流程,提供更好的用户交互 成本效益: 优化的API成本降低系统,适用于所有模式 增强显示: 改进的主显示界面,显示魔术编号和交易量大小,便于测试查看 Stage 7.0体现了我对提供流畅、高效和强大交易
Revert Edge
Levi Dane Benjamin
5 (1)
Revert Edge 是一种精心设计的算法,基于 7 年以上的实时交易经验。其核心重点是缓慢、稳定的账户增长,强调长期业绩,而不是不可持续的快速、短期收益。 EA 旨在交易多种货币,例如 AUDCAD、AUDNZD、AUDUSD、EURUSD、EURAUD 等! 它使用均值回归策略,并利用对某种反应敏感的价格水平,EA 会利用这些反应。 我设计的 EA 可以立即工作,无需设置文件。我个人使用它在受监管的经纪商 Darwinex 和 ICMarkets 上进行交易。 直播信号 EA Setup & Set Files 透明度 我出售我的工作系统只是为了增加我个人的实时账户资金,因为我不依赖自营公司。我知道 EA 的性能,我也很乐意等待有机增长,届时我可能会删除这个 EA。 但与此同时,无论是否有利息,我都会出售它。我的愿景是长期的(数年),这个系统就是为支持这一点而建立的。然而,它将为其他人提供一个拥有同样东西的绝佳机会。 为什么要恢复 Edge 与许多承诺将 250 美元变成 1,000,000 美元或利用人工智能、神经网络或机器学习等流行术语的 EA 不同,Revert Edg
Neon Trade MT5
Evgeniy Ilin
4 (8)
综合方法的精髓,其主要目标是为交易员实现长期和现实的收益,同时将风险降至最低。基础是结合了高级交易概念和机器学习,这两者能够有效地相互增强。另一个独特之处在于,系统无需进行优化,因为这个功能已经交给了我的服务器。最新的设置每天都会在我们的 Telegram 频道上发布,不断保持系统的高度相关性。 我们的 Telegram 社区 贸易监控 !!! MetaTrader 4 的版本 !!! MetaTrader 5 的免费(简化)版本  安装和操作指南 特别想强调一下, 为什么要买这个顾问? 很多人可能觉得免费版本几乎完全符合原版。但事实并非如此。免费版本只有演示功能,所有的设置都需要你自己选择,从我将定期为您发布的那些选择。静态设置很快就会过时。意思是,在付费版本中,你可以连接到不同的信号,选择你喜欢的。不久的将来这样的信号会越来越多。我会在有能力的时候增加它们。信号只不过是一种设置集,选择工作由我来完成。因此,通过这种方式,你完全摆脱了组建投资组合和更新它们的日常工作。选择一个已经准备好的投资组合(信号)或使用默认设置,其中包括我认为目前最稳定的投资组合。因此, 对你来说,使用 AP
Bitcoin Robot MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.58 (77)
The Bitcoin Robot MT5 is engineered to execute Bitcoin trades with unparalleled efficiency and precision . Developed by a team of experienced traders and developers, our Bitcoin Robot employs a sophisticated algorithmic approach (price action, trend as well as two personalized indicators) to analyze market and execute trades swiftly with M5 timeframe , ensuring that you never miss out on lucrative opportunities. No grid, no martingale, no hedging, EA only open one position at the same time. Bit
Big Forex Players MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.84 (85)
We proudly present our cutting-edge robot, the  Big Forex Players EA  designed to maximize your trading potential, minimize emotional trading, and make smarter decisions powered by cutting-edge technology. The whole system in this EA took us many months to build, and then we spent a lot of time testing it. This unique EA includes three distinct strategies that can be used independently or in together. The robot receives the positions of the  biggest Banks  (positions are sent from our database t
AI Quant Systems
Manh Viet Tien Vu
Signal:  Live AI Quant Price: The price increases based on the number of licenses sold.  The starting price for this EA was $1089. Available copies: 10 Suitable  for prop firm trading This is my most powerful EA, leveraging 10 uncorrelated entry signals. In essence, it combines the functionality of 10 EAs into one, making it exceptionally robust while minimizing drawdowns. (Drawdowns refer to the inevitable periods of losses experienced in any genuine trading strategy.) Strategies that claim to
The Gold Phoenix
William Brandon Autry
5 (5)
Gold Phoenix GPT - 金币对交易的终极AI工具 Gold Phoenix GPT 是一款专为黄金交易对设计的前沿交易工具,利用强大的突破策略,在 M1 时间框架内操作。基于先进的人工智能技术,包括 ChatGPT 和机器学习,它旨在帮助各级别的交易者在快速变化的黄金市场中取得成功。 仅剩3份,售价仅为1097美元!下一次售价将提升至1397美元—不要错过这个机会! 为什么选择 Gold Phoenix GPT? AI 驱动的突破策略: 利用实时的机器学习技术,为黄金对交易提供精确的进场和出场点。 可定制的风险管理: 使用完全可调的风险设置来保护您的交易。 集成的新闻过滤: 自动过滤重大事件,确保您的交易始终有据可依。 可选择的 GPT 模型: 从 4 个 ChatGPT 模型中选择最符合您交易风格的模型。 神经网络精准性: 使用多符号神经网络集成,提高预测准确性。 专注黄金交易: 专为精准交易优化,特别适用于黄金交易对,利用突破策略。 支持资金管理: 专为帮助交易者管理资金或资金账户设计的功能。 全天候支持: 随时为您提供专属支持。 核心功能 自动 GMT 检测: 自动
Waka Waka EA MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
4.13 (40)
EA has a live track record with 4.5 years of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT4 version can be found here Waka Waka is the advanced grid system which already works on real accounts for years. Instead of fitting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do) it was designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. Therefore it is not a simple "hit and miss" system which only survives by using grid. Instead it uses real market mechanics to its advantage to make p
PrizmaL 270 in 1
Vladimir Lekhovitser
PrizmaL 270 in 1 EA 专业交易者的强大工具。 查看这篇博客文章以获取详细信息: 博客文章 该智能交易系统包含 270 种独特策略,覆盖 29 个交易货币对: AUDCAD, AUDCHF, AUDJPY, AUDNZD, AUDUSD, CADCHF, CADJPY, CHFJPY, EURAUD, EURCAD, EURCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, EURNZD, EURUSD, GBPAUD, GBPCAD, GBPCHF, GBPJPY, GBPNZD, GBPUSD, NZDCAD, NZDCHF, NZDJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF, USDJPY, XAUUSD。 独特的界面使您可以轻松选择各种设置,并无缝复制每个交易货币对的配置文件。 下载 设置文件导航器 和 用户手册。 PrizmaL_270_in_1_Ver_1-00_Package_1000.zip 策略优化时间范围:2020年1月1日 至 2025年2月1日(超过 5 年), 使用最精细、最详细的 “每个Tick” 模拟模式, 基于 IC Mar
Horus AI
Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
交易者您好,我根据我之前的几个策略,严格设计了这个工具,并以实际结果为基础,将其适应外汇市场,因此它适应了机器学习的人工智能,即AI会读取参数,然后参考我的策略,然后它会学习,以便条目具有更好的质量,它还有一个节点,您可以在其中恢复仓位,您会发现的另一个创新之处是,所有内容都将封装在一个虚拟方式,即不会有数据发送到止损、止盈等服务器,非常人性化的方式 Horus AI 拥有庞大的节点数据库,并与我的节点服务器连接,以继续存储有关市场结构和解构的更多信息,查阅我的特殊先知指标等。 这得益于其新的节点信息 API、指标和新闻,使其独一无二 重要提示:回测无法进行,因为 API 无法与回测一起使用,它只能在真实情况下工作,要查看性能,请查看真实信号 要真正工作,您必须将配置中的技术更改为基本! 2个主要的事情是我设计了extractFeatures和trainModel函数,这将负责设计蜡烛,破坏它的Slippage并学习它如何移动以适应Spread 需要说明的是,我的策略开发是我作为专业交易员多年来设计的,加入了人工智能的自适应来优化性能,使其变得更好。 应该高度注意的是,这是
Golden Pickaxe MT5
Valeriia Mishchenko
3.56 (9)
EA has high-performance live track records of different set files: XAU Risky Vol XAU Balanced Vol XAU Balanced MT4 version can be found here Golden Pickaxe is a mean-reversion grid trading system that uses machine learning technology to place high-profit potential trades on the Gold market. It uses real market inefficiencies to its advantage to have an edge over the market. The EA has 5 predefined set files, which are essentially 5 different trading systems on gold . You may choose the defaul
Herodotus v5
Nadiya Mirosh
Forex market analysis expert, Herodotus, applies Elliott Wave theory to analyze the following currency pairs: EURUSD GBPUSD USDJPY AUDUSD USDCHF EURGBP EURJPY NZDUSD USDCAD EURCHF AUDJPY CADJPY Elliott Wave Theory is a method of analyzing price movements, based on representing market processes as waves. Ralph Elliott , the author of this theory, identified eight types of waves, five of which move in the direction of the trend, and three against it. Price on the market typically develops in the f
NorthEastWay MT5
4.5 (10)
NorthEastWay MT5是一种完全自动化的“回撤”交易系统,在热门的“回撤”货币对交易中特别有效:AUDCAD、AUDNZD、NZDCAD。该系统在交易中使用了外汇市场的主要模式——价格在任何方向急剧波动后的回归。 时间框架:M15 基本货币对:AUDNZD、NZDCAD、AUDCAD 附加货币对:EURUSD、USDCAD、GBPUSD、EURCAD、EURGBP、GBPCAD 实时信号(不同设置): NEW2000 MT5 ICM FastWay MT5 Roboforex FastWay MT4 ICM NEW2000 MT4 Roboforex LittleeCrazyWay MT5 (新EA设置之一可能非常类似于LC EA,但不完全相同。) 购买EA后,务必私信我,我会将您添加到私人群组,发送设置文件和详细说明。 我愿意帮助每位买家安装和配置顾问。 如果您以前从未使用过EA,我会向您展示并教您如何使用。 EA设置: 您可以使用OneChartSetup(仅限M15时间框架)从单个图表运行所有货币对 该EA对点差、滑点或任何其他与经纪商相关的变量不敏感。 仅使用推荐
Gold Smiley Master
Bojan Jokanovic
5 (1)
This EA does not have update every week like some scam programs do, to hide the loss trade. Also, they use grid tactics which soon or laiter will burn your account, there is no such thing here! The tactics are set, the robot is doing his thing...the sky is the limit. So sit, watch, enjoy and beSmiley :) This robot is the result of really big work and analysis, it took me 5 years to come to these results. All I'm asking for is a 5 star(no less!) and positive comment when you see the results. Than
Undefeated Triangle MT5
Nauris Zukas
4.2 (10)
描述。 该产品是作为“ PULSE_OF_MARKET ”项目的一部分创建的。 EA“Undefeated Triangle”是一个先进的系统,利用澳元、加元和新西兰元货币之间的独特波动。历史结果表明,组合中使用的这些对总是在向一个方向快速移动后返回第一个移动的对。这种观察可以允许包含一个网格-鞅系统,该系统可以获得这些独特情况的最大点数。 EA“不败三角”仅使用 3 对:AUDCAD、AUDNZD 和 NZDCAD。 MT4 version 好处。 真实账户监控 ; 比类似的替代品便宜得多; 操作迷你账户甚至 1 美元; 没有复杂的针参数; 便于使用。 参数。 Short Name (In Comment Section) – 出现在评论部分的日记或帐户历史中;  Print Logs On Chart - 开/关信息面板;  Display Options – 允许调整 4K 显示分辨率;  One Chart Setup Pairs – 选定的交易对列表(必须更改后缀);  Magic - 交易头寸标识符;  No more Initial Trades (onl
Indra Maulana
44% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $2,595) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctly
Aura Black Edition MT5
Stanislav Tomilov
4.43 (35)
Aura Black Edition 是一款完全自动化的 EA,仅用于交易黄金。专家在 2011-2020 年期间在 XAUUSD 上表现出稳定的结果。没有使用危险的资金管理方法,没有马丁格尔,没有网格或剥头皮。适用于任何经纪商条件。使用多层感知器神经网络 (MLP) 训练的 EA 是一类前馈人工神经网络 (ANN)。术语 MLP 的使用含糊不清,有时松散地指任何前馈 ANN,有时严格指由多层感知器组成的网络(具有阈值激活)。多层感知器有时被通俗地称为“原始”神经网络,尤其是当它们只有一个隐藏层时。MLP 由至少三层节点组成:输入层、隐藏层和输出层。除了输入节点之外,每个节点都是使用非线性激活函数的神经元。MLP 利用一种称为反向传播的监督学习技术进行训练。多层结构和非线性激活使 MLP 与线性感知器区别开来。它可以区分非线性可分的数据。 此价格还剩 2 份,之后价格将上涨至 3000 美元 如何设定及参数说明 (阅读这里) 在此查看实时结果: https ://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2263480     信息 工作符号 XAUUSD 工作时间范围:D1
Cyberosaur V5
Maryna Shulzhenko
1 (1)
The     Cyberosaurus  bot is an innovative next-generation bot that serves as a powerful tool for trading in the classic Forex market and with cryptocurrencies (for corresponding brokers). It operates with the majority of pairs, so it is advisable to test it before using it on a specific pair. It is specifically designed to work with these markets, without the ability to trade other assets such as stocks or indices. The main control parameters of the bot are presented in a convenient and conci
Nexus EA Forex MT5
Enrique Enguix
4.57 (14)
你还要看着市场夺走你的钱多少次? 不知道你怎么样,但大多数交易者有一个共同点: 赚一点钱,很兴奋,然后在糟糕的一天全赔光。 原因总是一样:使用平庸的工具,并相信运气能拯救他们。 听起来熟悉吗?那么请仔细听,因为这可能会刺痛你: 市场不会奖励幻想家。 如果你像新手一样交易,你就会像新手一样赔钱。 想改变这一切吗?这里有你需要的唯一解决方案: NEXUS 。 NEXUS不是一个神奇的顾问。它不会卖梦想,也不会在你睡觉时让你的账户翻倍。 它是为一个目标设计的武器:防止市场吞噬你。 止损? 没必要。NEXUS不会玩基础保护的游戏。 要有大局观,并聪明地行动:降低风险,现实地平衡损失,因为这是专业交易者的做法。 是什么让NEXUS与众不同? 市场变化时它不会崩溃。 波动性高?NEXUS会适应。平静?NEXUS知道。 像大师一样分散投资。 不押注在一匹马上。使用NEXUS,你的风险会合理分散。 用逻辑和策略弥补损失。 没有"补丁"式的止损。这里的交易被设计成团队协作,因为好的EA知道什么时候接受损失,什么时候盈利。 现在重要的问题是:它适合你吗? 我会直接告诉你: 如果你在寻找便宜又简单的
Robot autotrading forex yang bekerja secara full otomatis menggunakan Strategi Scalping yang sangat profitable.Tidak menggunakan metode strategi yang berbahaya dalam trading yang menyebabkan hilangnya seluruh Deposit secara tajam seperti Hedging, Martingale, Grid, Arbitrage, dll. Kelebihan RainScalper adalah memiliki status Live Development yang berkesinambungan dalam jangka panjang berbeda dengan robot lain yang sering berganti nama ketika terjadi crash/mc; serta memiliki kemampuan multi-strate
This EA is part of   Nexus Portfolio  - a combination of the b est long term EAs I created for my personal trading as well as private fund management Gold Trend X  is a multi systems - multi timeframes EA that trades gold exclusively. It has several internal systems to define trends and will try to follow intraday momentum with good Reward to risk ratio. This is one of the rare gold EA that have average profit > average loss and therefore have good risk management and very sustainable in the lon
BTC Scalper AI EA MT5
Ankitbhai Radadiya
BTC Scalper AI EA MT5   is a next-generation scalping robot developed by a highly experienced team in trading and coding. It is designed for scalping on one of the most popular crypto pair   BTCUSD . Unlock the power of automated trading with this advanced   BTC Scalper EA specifically designed for the   BTCUSD   pair. Whether you're trading on the 1-minute or 4-hour chart, this bot adapts to any timeframe, making it a versatile tool for traders of all styles. This strategy has undergone extensi
Arman Belassarov
AriMax – AI智能交易机器人 AriMax是一款创新的AI智能交易机器人, 旨在帮助交易者最大化利润并降低风险。 借助先进的机器学习算法和实时市场分析,AriMax能够精准、 高效地识别高概率的交易机会。 核心特点:   AI驱动的市场分析 – 通过分析市场趋势和模式,做出数据驱动的交易决策。   自动交易执行 – 精准把握进场和出场时机,自动执行交易。   风险管理 – 采用止损和风险控制策略,保障资金安全。   多资产支持 – 适用于股票、外汇、加密货币和期货市场。   用户友好界面 – 适合初学者和专业交易者使用。 AriMax通过智能自动化帮助交易者领先市场, 避免情绪化决策,提供战略性优势。无论是日内交易还是长期投资, AriMax都能让您的交易更加智能、高效和精准。 立即开启AriMax AI交易新时代!
Forex Prop Firm EA MT5
Dossa Nsanigna
5 (3)
If you’re searching for EA to pass prop firm challenge and reach minimum first payout, your search has come to the end. Avoid paying for prop firm challenge passing service and use   Forex Prop Firm EA  to pass the challenge and reach first payout within one week of trading or recover up to 200% of the challenge fee back. Forex Prop Firm EA is not HFT, martingale, grid or a speculative EA with unrealistic promises but a   risk-free   expert advisor based on winning mathematical formula designed
信号账户 (运行0.75%余额风险) 注意:由于众多请求,我决定进行25%的折扣促销。购买或租赁均可在此期间享受折扣。促销期将持续1-2周,之后价格将恢复至$2400。如果在此期间购买市场周期,还可以在Nexus比特币剥头皮EA和Nexus指数上获得25%的折扣,创建一个非常好的多样化投资组合。 通过私信联系我,可享受所有EA购买10%的特别折扣。 如果需要MT4版本或无法负担租赁/购买费用,请联系我寻求替代方案。 加入Nexus社区公开聊天 MQL5市场中最佳的非马丁格尔、网格或平均EA。 此算法自2020年以来已经在私人账户上实时运行超过3.5年,返回超过26,000点的收益,具有出色的风险稳定性。现在升级到MT5平台,增加了市场状态识别和额外的指标过滤。 该算法利用基于零售交易者情绪和9种不同指标的专有AI模型来识别和预测相关的市场周期,包括MACD、平滑移动平均线、RSI、TDI、ADX及一些不常见的指标,以在趋势期间找到最佳入场点。 这些数据已经收集多年并输入AI引擎,以学习零售交易者的模式并持续与之对抗交易。 此EA是 Nexus 投资组合的一部分——MQL5市场中最长期稳
One Gold MT5
Stanislav Tomilov
4.65 (23)
介绍 One Gold EA,这是 Meta Trader 平台上一种先进的黄金交易机器人,旨在帮助交易者进行高级市场分析。我们的专有技术利用神经网络和数据驱动算法来分析历史和实时黄金市场数据,提供有助于决策的见解。与传统的手动策略不同,One Gold EA 以最少的干预运行,简化了交易流程并旨在降低相关风险。虽然使用先进的神经插件可以增强机器人的分析能力,但需要注意的是,与任何交易工具一样,One Gold EA 并不保证盈利。然而,它被设计为具有通过提供更明智和数据支持的见解来提高交易绩效的潜力。One Gold EA 持续监控黄金市场,以检测人类交易者可能难以发现的模式和趋势。该系统能够适应各种市场条件,提供更一致的交易方法,尤其是在黄金交易等高度波动的环境中。无论您是经验丰富的交易员还是市场新手,One Gold EA 都旨在通过提供全面的市场分析和减少手动工作量来支持您的决策过程。虽然 One Gold EA 旨在简化交易体验,但将机器人与深思熟虑的交易计划和适当的风险管理策略结合使用至关重要。我们相信我们的技术有潜力为交易员提供支持,但鼓励负责任地使用和持续监控结果以获
Hermes EA
Aleksandr Chebotaev
5 (1)
Hello, my name is Alexander. I would like to introduce you to my new development, Hermes EA. The advisor is synthesis of two strategies: breakthrough strategy and level strategy. The EA doesn't use any indicators. The EA works well on EURUSD  pair. The advisor has shown stable performance for more than 20 years. It does not use dangerous trading methods such as martingale, etc. All transactions are protected by take profit and stop loss. I tried to make the advisor as easy to install as possible
Darwin Swing MT5
Guillaume Duportal
4.8 (46)
达尔文-SWING 推出价格999美元,未来价格1490美元 描述: -- 要了解它的工作原理,请来阅读博客(该EA反映了我的外汇交易哲学......如果你喜欢我看待事物的方式,那么你会喜欢我的EA。 花时间去做吧! (外汇不是一场比赛): https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/745790 -- 要看过去的表现,这里有信号的链接。 现场和演示信号: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/tradedeal/seller 解释一下。 在达尔文进化论取得巨大成功后,我推出了达尔文摇摆,可以同时使用。 本专家的设计尽可能地接近手工交易。 这是一个为长期而设的专家,它不是一个快速黄牛,也不是一个夜间黄牛。 基本策略是波段交易,利用支撑位和阻力位来开仓。 这个系统的创新之处在于,它包含了虚拟职位。该EA平均计算每对货币在趋势中会有多少个S/R交叉。 由于这种计算,EA将在每个S/R(日/月/周....)上放置虚拟头寸(在仪表盘上可见的头寸,但不是真实开仓),当价格达到S/R交叉的数量(系统根据历史计算的数量)时,它将打开真
Darwin Reports Tool MT5
Guillaume Duportal
5 (4)
达尔文报告工具EA 异常的介绍性价格!    35美元 描述。 达尔文报告工具EA是达尔文系列中的新产品。 达尔文的产品因其质量和性能而在MQL5上广为人知并享有盛誉。 这一次,我向你推荐的不是专家顾问,而是一个旨在实现任务自动化的工具。 基本上,要对你的表现做出报告 解释: 事实上,由于这个工具,你将能够发送一个账户、一个策略、甚至几个可选择的EA的任何性能报告。 你可以通过电子邮件、Telegram等网络和短信、手机上的推送信息来发送你的报告。 福利待遇: 每天、每周或每月都能收到来自每个EA的报告,以研究其表现。 对你的交易账户进行准确的统计..... --通过电子邮件发送 -- 在Telegram频道上发送 -- 通过Mt4/5平台的推送通知发送 -- 每日利润(在 "X "时间发送)。 -- 每周的利润(在X天X小时发送)。 -- 每月的利润(在X天X小时发送)。 -- 开设账户以来的总利润 -- 每一天,每一个月的利润......可以是%,可以是货币,也可以是两者。 -- 当天已结束的订单摘要 -- 本周订单汇总 -- 本月订单汇总 -- 能够以货币
达尔文报告工具EA 异常的介绍性价格!    35美元 描述。 达尔文报告工具EA是达尔文系列中的新产品。 达尔文的产品因其质量和性能而在MQL5上广为人知并享有盛誉。 这一次,我向你推荐的不是专家顾问,而是一个旨在实现任务自动化的工具。 基本上,要对你的表现做出报告 解释: 事实上,由于这个工具,你将能够发送一个账户、一个策略、甚至几个可选择的EA的任何性能报告。 你可以通过电子邮件、Telegram等网络和短信、手机上的推送信息来发送你的报告。 福利待遇: 每天、每周或每月都能收到来自每个EA的报告,以研究其表现。 对你的交易账户进行准确的统计..... --通过电子邮件发送 -- 在Telegram频道上发送 -- 通过Mt4/5平台的推送通知发送 -- 每日利润(在 "X "时间发送)。 -- 每周的利润(在X天X小时发送)。 -- 每月的利润(在X天X小时发送)。 -- 开设账户以来的总利润 -- 每一天,每一个月的利润......可以是%,可以是货币,也可以是两者。 -- 当天已结束的订单摘要 -- 本周订单汇总 -- 本月订单汇总 -- 能够以货币
Darwin Evolution MT4
Guillaume Duportal
4.83 (12)
达尔文进化 !! 1490美元至990美元限时 (提供有效的抵达下一个更新,不要浪费时间) !!! 您无法恢复为此EA,因为MT4不处理同时多对。 达尔文需要28对计算指标! 描述:  - 了解操作,来读博客(这ea反映了我的外汇交易哲学......如果你喜欢我的方式看东西,那么你会喜欢我的ea。 花时间去做! (外汇不是一场比赛):https:// www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/745790  - 在这里看到过去的性能是信号的链接 实时正常信号模式: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/tradedeal/seller 实时信号风险模式 : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/tradedeal/seller 演示版过去的性能: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/71748?source=site +market+main+ratting005# -tab =译文&page=2 解释 : 这种环境评估旨在更接近可能的手工贸易。 EA的设计和策略使
Darwin Swing MT4
Guillaume Duportal
4.79 (14)
达尔文-SWING 推出价格999美元,未来价格1490美元 描述: -- 要了解它的工作原理,请来阅读博客(该EA反映了我的外汇交易哲学......如果你喜欢我看待事物的方式,那么你会喜欢我的EA。 花时间去做吧! (外汇不是一场比赛): https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/745790 -- 要看过去的表现,这里有信号的链接。 现场和演示信号: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/tradedeal/seller 解释一下。 在达尔文进化论取得巨大成功后,我推出了达尔文摇摆,可以同时使用。 本专家的设计尽可能地接近手工交易。 这是一个为长期而设的专家,它不是一个快速黄牛,也不是一个夜间黄牛。 基本策略是波段交易,利用支撑位和阻力位来开仓。 这个系统的创新之处在于,它包含了虚拟职位。该EA平均计算每对货币在趋势中会有多少个S/R交叉。 由于这种计算,EA将在每个S/R(日/月/周....)上放置虚拟头寸(在仪表盘上可见的头寸,但不是真实开仓),当价格达到S/R交叉的数量(系统根据历史计算的数量)时,它将打开真
Piotr Drozdek
Piotr Drozdek 2025.02.18 11:17 

Bought and used EA for 2 years. After that time, I am not happy with overall results vs promises made by the author, and the way where project is going. This is my personal experience.

option_max 2024.08.08 17:03 

Darwin blown my account. At the end, it's just a grid and martingale system like all others here. I used a recommendet Broker (Think Markets) and the recommendet Setfiles from G. I did not change the risk. But there was a position in AUDJPY, which blown my account. Thanks.

Kl H
Kl H 2024.04.14 14:38 

The most trusted and best EA in MQL5. The EA is very reliable. The seller is the best seller that I have ever met. The signals are real and every users can get very similar results according to the seller's suggestion.

LDAMATO0510 2024.03.14 15:27 

Excellent service and professionalism from Mr GD, the EA is very reliable and works very well for all those who want to be in this world for the long term.

barefootbcn 2023.12.09 08:25 

Tip top. Very good EA if you follow the recommandations of Guillaume. Even better : the technical and emotionnal support : Guillaume is a real trader and a good one. When you feel pain in drawdown moments, he puts light in the shadow : trust, wait and then miracle occurs.

kgquotes 2023.08.19 15:14 

I don't know why I waited this long to write a review.... Darwin is the safest EA I have. Gives you respectable performance with low DD, it outlasted some crazy long trends in the last year in the markets. This EA will not make you rich but it will preserve your capital. No 30%/month promises. In my case 3-10% max per month, but sleep well at night. Recommend +++. Guillaume is the best trader I know and I feel lucky he provides us with his knowledge and he found a way we can access it. Customer service is insanely good, perhaps too good. If you have fair capital, you could definitely live from Darwin EAs. Thanks Guillaume.

Nasoo 2023.07.22 08:18 

Overdue review, I bought a tons of ea from mql5. Most of them burst my account after a few months. Only Darwin is the most consistent. I'm not an financial expert, I don't really care how the EA decide when to enter a trade. All I know is it has made me 50%++ return in a almost a year. Also note this author is the only author that I know so far that is very active in replying to question or help. The only thing I wish that the EA can do better is having less setting. I just need a dropdown to select normal or efficiency. I don't really care about other settings.

cyberryder 2023.07.09 14:28 

I've purchased and run Darwin Swing + Darwin Evolution together for 1 month on ICM demo 10k account and was part of vendors Telegram groups. Here are my observations: Journey startet very promising, but now vendor is ghosting me and I was kicked out of his telegram groups. - Vendor plays scarsity game like nearly everyone else here on the product page stating that price will go up after next update, which was neither true for updates he called "major update" or "minor update" - EAs have tonns of settings and not all of them are self-explanatory - There is NO proper EA strategy description. Of course vendor wants to not disclose his secret sauce, but there's not even a high-level description. With the 2 EAs together, you are running 2 EA windows on each EA. One is trend, one is counter-trend. This is all you get to know and after that you are trading a black box and can only grasp the trading strategy by your own observation. - The 2 EAs do work together, but only in opening mode for now: If DD is too high, the other EA will no more open position, so that floating DD doesnt increase. However they do not work together for closing, like closing a negative position of the one EA with profitable positions of the second EA, which is called basket closing. - EAs are multi-currency EAs. Trade basically all majors + minors from one 2 EA windows per EA. - EAs entry strategy: EAs place orders at key levels on multiple pairs. Good: Broker do not see those orders, as they are virtual orders. Downside: You also do not see those orders on the chart. - EAs use a news filter and a fx-strenght indicator as a trade opening filter, which is great Martingale strategy element: - Once a trade is open and market goes against your position, the EAs start to open a grid. At first with the same lotsize, but later the lotsitze doubles at each new trade. I've stated an vendors telegram group that this is called MARTINGALE and that this is not properly stated on the product page, as this can cause a huge risk on the account with floating DD or even crash the account quickly. - I stated that I wouldn't have purchased the EA, if I knew that it carries martingale elements in the strategy. The user can't control the martingale factor by EA setting. Its a fixed 2x martingale factor. - Vendor instantly offered me a refund and said he'll talk to MQL support, what I appreciated and agreed. - Vendor instantly kicked me out of all his EA telegram groups - Just one day later vendor stated that he doesn't know how to issue me the refund via MQL - From my understanding a refund is not possible via MQL once one license has been activated, as a user could continue to use the EA after the refund - Vendor repeatetly told me that the EA strategy apparently is not martingale (while I can clearly see that the lotsize doubles) - and that I just should trust the vendor and forget everything I know from FX and EAs. He apparently is not a scammer, he is the one trustful vendor, but I have to blindly trust him. - I am of course open to find a good and honest vendor, on this marketplace there are so many scammers or at least vendors who only want your money but do not care about your success, but the problem is that this vendor doesn't EXPLAIN to me why apparently his EA is not martingale. I just should trust him. Blindly trusting - this of course is a thing I can not do and the vendor should know that this is ringing every bell you can think of, indicating a scam vendor. - Meanwhile vendor is ghosting me. I haven't got a refund. I have no access to his telegram groups, so I do not know how to use the EA properly and can't get the vendor setfiles. - So, I'm stuck with my investment, which I can't use EA statistics: - Entry/Exit EA accuracy according to my myfxbook are really looking promising, I can really not complain on that - Overall EAs performance looks really nice. I made +4.3% in June, while floating DD was only around 2% on ICM, which is exceptional with an EA. Normally floating DD is a multiple of the monthly gain. But I guess this is also only possible through the martingale element. - Other EA statistics like PF ect.. are VERY good. Too good to be true. I guess this is mainly because of the martingale strategy element. If you look at pure martingale robots, their stats are incredible - until the one day they burn your account. Overall EA: - it seems that the biggest risk with this EA is the martingale element you can't control by EA setting - Vendor states that he has done extensive backtesting and that if you stay with his default set (what you absolutely should do! Most newbies buy and up the risk 2seconds later to get rich fast, only to burn their account fast), even with the martingale element (where the vendor states it apparently is not martingale, but still doesnt further explain), your account should be fine and you should just trust him. EA vendor is an introducing broker to Thinkmarkets: - Vendor stated numerous times for example that ICM is a bad broker for EAs overall and for his EAs also, but -again- do not back his statement with facts. One should just trust him - According to vendor, 70% of his customers are running his EAs on Thinkmarkets, where vendor is an introducing broker of (vendor gets a commission from Thinkmarkets, everytime you open/close a trade) - You are getting the link with his Thinkmarkets-IntroducingBroker-ID directly with all the EA setup notes from him with an advicese to join this broker through this link - By definition, this is a conflict of interest, where the vendor is no more neutral on the broker subject - My observation was that a lot of people in vendors Telegram groups however, were worried about their larger floating DDs of ~20% and even the vendor is showing larger floating DD on his Thinkmarket live accounts. At the same time, my floating DD on ICM was always below 2% and at the same time I'm told that ICM is a bad broker. I still think that this EA has potential. I would want to better understand the strategy, by getting a proper EA documentation and be able to control the martingale element by EA setting myself. But I lost trust in this vendor, due to his behaviour. He can become very emotional by the second you say a single bad word about his EA. He is french and not good at expressing himself/explaining his EA in english language, making communication difficult.

Guillaume Duportal
来自开发人员的回复 Guillaume Duportal 2023.07.09 15:12
Hello, thank you very much for your opinion, the problem is that 90% of what you say is wrong... That's your opinion, but not reality. EA doesn't use martingales, EA doesn't use strategies to block DD as you say.
It synchronizes the strategies, and that doesn't work as you say..... EA in no way doubles positions... this is entirely false. I'm not an introducing broker, I don't earn anything, that's also false... The EA worked well, you say, you made good results, but that's not enough for you.
You ask me for a refund, it's refused, so you spit on EA through reviews, because it's your only way of getting at me. You're the only one to put up a bad review, and that's your habit? Just look at your profile, you speak ill of all EAs, it's your favorite pastime to criticize without reason.
You're the HATER of MQL5 and hated by all the vendors... Put a star even if it amuses you, you won't get anything more out of it. You're putting pressure on all the salespeople on purpose, you always have to be at your service.
But who do you think you are ???? You think you're an MQL5 super-vigilante, but the reality is that you've never found a good EAs :) So is the problem with EAs, or are you just looking for a unicorn??? The market is complicated, and nothing will ever be good enough for you..... I invite you to create your own EA if you have that much knowledge Your ideas sound amazing, put them on paper, and go get it coded by a good coder Then you'll see your results. Good luck in Forex.
hondaracer123 2023.06.11 18:58 

Excellent software and excellent developer, attention to every detail is extreme and Guillaume's communication and interest on everyone's success is extreme, absolutelly BRILLIANT concept. His 2 EAs can be linked together to achieve maximum benefits, what one doesn't do or catch the other one will, a third one coming up so this will be EPIC!

dhirajmqlmt5 2023.05.18 06:30 

This does not trade too frequent. May be only couple of trades in a month, but the trades are really good and those are enough to get you handsome profit.

Михай 2023.04.07 19:42 

very good ea and very good support from the author!!

SajinHustler 2022.12.21 10:51 

Great EA with great risk managment , with a small balance i grew my account and paid for the EA i can only Recommend Guillaumes EA's besides all his customer Service is incredible, he gives advices for each topic and you can see that he cares alot about his cutomers, can only recommend this EA and this Developer/ Trader if i could i would give 6 stars.

Pascal Vonsy
Pascal Vonsy 2022.12.12 12:39 

Hello Thank you Guillaume for this amazing EA. I'm really happy with it. Already have 3.39% in 2 weeks .I combine it with Darwin swing and work like a charm. Keep in touch thank you guillaume :)

nighthaul 2022.11.24 14:44 

I've been using this EA almost 6mos. i think, and i almost got back my expenses from availing this ea, and i think it is not just the profit that i gain from this, that i admired the most, but the aftersales customer service that the author is giving. The author always have my back in case of queries and setting up the ea. Glad i came across with this ea.

Zi Feng Guo
Zi Feng Guo 2022.09.24 08:09 

grid ea

CarlosSantosCustom 2022.09.07 15:48 

Guillaume est très à l'écoute et met régulièrement ses produits à jour tout en expliquant les nouveautés. Il est en plus très présent pour chaque personne en cas de problème. Mes EA sont prêtes depuis aujourd'hui, je ferai un update des premiers résultats.

Carlos Rodrigo Gonzalez Gavilan
Carlos Rodrigo Gonzalez Gavilan 2022.07.08 22:06 

Darwin was doing quite well at first, using the IC markets & Pepperstone brokers, however, since 3 weeks ago it began to open many martingale-style operations, that is, as the price goes against it, it continues to open operations, which seems extremely dangerous to me. I do not recommend using this EA in these brokers at least, I know that the developer recommended me other brokers but seeing their Darwin Evolution TURBO MT5 signal, you can see a great Drop Down .... that is, this EA has problems independent of the broker . I hope that with the update I can improve and use Stop loss otherwise it can make your account disappear.

Ancil Prabhoo
Ancil Prabhoo 2022.07.01 20:24 

Have just purchased the System about one week now and I can safely say that there is quick and easy access to the developer Guillaume who is happy to answer all questions no matter how trivial. I have a small account and so far I have had less than 1% drawdown with a more than 5% profits. The EA is safe and unlike many autotraders outhere is actually reliable and fairly easy to setup even for a first time user such as myself. Thank You Guillaume Duportal.

eacorporate 2022.05.29 10:34 

Hi, I would like to thank Guillaume for all his help. He guided me for the whole installation. Amazing technical support. I have a good impression on this EA. The way he managed the position was perfect. Open order on a support, closed on a trend line. This EA worst the cost without any doubt. It's really a perfect work !! Congratulation for your incredible service.

fullforex512 2022.05.28 10:05 

Hi I bought this EA on the advice of another user. I am delighted with the way he works. It's impressive to see him do it. The same opinions are constantly coming back to this EA, the most important is really the precision of the opening of positions. If you compare the orders with indicators on the graphics, you will see that he does not work randomly like almost all the other EAS. We can see the remarkable work that Guillaume did with the strategy of this robot. I am so happy that I now also bought the MT4 version congratulations

版本 2.40 2024.12.31
- 更新指标“货币强度”(Currency Strength)
- 添加交易选项“正掉期”(Positive Swap)
- 添加选项“停止卖出订单”(STOP SELL ORDER)或“停止买入订单”(STOP BUY ORDER)(可以选择货币对)
- 增加了额外的日志记录,用于更好地了解与重复仓位或货币对相关的某些事件。(可在EA的日志选项卡中查看)
- 修复了一些小问题

请耐心等待,**SWING** 和 **EVOLUTION** 3.0版本将于2025年推出,具有与以往一样令人惊叹的性能和新功能,其中包括一个出色的**回撤恢复系统**(Recovery System)。

版本 2.35 2023.10.12
-- bug fix
版本 2.30 2023.10.06
-- ALL "功能,问题已解决
--恢复 "功能(利润计算问题)已解决
版本 2.25 2023.08.21
-- bug correction
-- Update security
版本 2.21 2023.06.25
-- 用新的资金管理功能纠正错误
版本 2.20 2023.06.09

以下是 SWING / EVOLUTION EAs 的重大更新:

- 修复了一个小错误。
- 修正了市场关闭后修改订单的错误。
- 更改了 ALL 和 PAUSE 功能。
- 添加了一个新的随机位置输入功能(用于资助的账户)。
- 引入了一个新的位置管理系统(一个极其复杂的系统,用于在坏的趋势下承担损失,可能的对冲和层级覆盖)。

详细信息和所有精确的解释将在 VIP 组中私下提供。
版本 2.10 2023.03.30
-- 更改经济新闻的URL
版本 2.3 2023.02.07
major update
版本 2.2 2023.01.19
-- secret update :)
版本 2.1 2023.01.15
-- 修复了ALL函数中的一个错误

-- 在同步部分增加了一个选项,可以阻止相同货币的开放。

-- 增加了一个缩减管理选项。

-- 纠正和修改图表上的小错误、选项、视觉....。
版本 2.0 2022.11.29
-- 自动GMT
-- SYNCH模式,与SWING一起工作
-- 美国经纪人规则选项
-- TP的费用/佣金/交换的改变
-- 增加了支持阻力指标
-- 添加了背离指标
-- 增加了延迟订单选项(在资金账户和SYNCH模式下使用)
-- 增加了新的模式
版本 1.13 2022.02.25
- 添加可以读取没有后缀的对等体的模式,并在与后缀的对上打开(对于某些非常特定的经纪人)

- 在图表上添加一个按钮,以手动关闭位置。 (请求某些用户)

- 改变新闻管理(没有更多的阅读错误,新闻,所有EA EA的常见新闻文件)

- 在日志中更改记录录制。 (现在,EA将不再显示由新闻阻止的每个职位不断地,它会这样做一次。不要过载日志并变得更加容易可见)

- 其他矿工改进
版本 1.11 2022.02.02


版本 1.10 2022.01.31
- 修复了日志中的次要错误
- 修复了新闻播放未正确完成时出错
版本 1.9 2022.01.20



版本 1.8 2022.01.16

- 增加了 2 个策略
- 修改当前的两种策略
- 添加了 2 个指标来过滤条目并优化利润
- 通过新指标消除关闭(可以避免在某些情况下回撤)
- 同一货币对同时未平仓订单的限制
- 每个策略的风险变化
- 性能优化 -DD + 利润 + 未结订单


- 通过挑战 FTMO FUNDED ACCOUNT(和其他支持公司)的选项和机会


空缺职位增加 3 倍
利润增加 25%
版本 1.7 2022.01.16

- 添加了2个策略
- 修改两种当前策略
- 添加了2个指标,以过滤条目并优化利润
- 由于新的指标(可以避免某些情况下的缩减),避免关闭
- 同时对同一对的开放订单的限制
- 每个策略的风险变化
- 性能优化-DD + PROFITS +开放订单


- 挑战通过FTMO资助账户(以及其他支柱公司)的选项和机会


版本 1.5 2021.12.11
次要Drawin Evolution更新(遵循几个客户端的请求)

- 可以在订单中更改评论的可能性
- 现在,使用和加载的策略在图表上可见
- 每个EA操作现在在日志中可见。


版本 1.4 2021.10.19
- 优化战略(硬编码)
- SET文件的优化(2个新设置可用文件)

这种优化将是正在进行的大更新之前的最后一个。 (添加2个新指标,在EA评论中提供更多信息)
版本 1.3 2021.10.09
- 关于该战略的大更新
- 仅为夜间新闻添加新闻过滤器。
- 2个新系列可用

!!! 在核算中,考虑检查GMT的经纪人!!!

版本 1.1 2021.09.25
- 修改货币管理。
既然您有欧元的帐户,美元,JPY ....每个帐户都会使用相同的风险。

- 更好地表现货币强力指标。

- 已经解决了关于新闻的错误。

- 次要改进的基本代码的变更